AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-05-19soc/apollolake: Pass earliest timestamp to timestamp_initAlexandru Gagniuc
2016-05-19lib/bootblock: Provide mechanism to pass in an early timestampAlexandru Gagniuc
2016-05-19lib/timestamp: Do not initialize cache in timestamp_cache_get()Alexandru Gagniuc
2016-05-19arch/x86: Include timestamp.c in all stagesAlexandru Gagniuc
2016-05-19soc/intel/apollolake: clear up ACPI timer emulation magic constantAaron Durbin
2016-05-19soc/apollolake/lpc_lib: Make cros compile passZhao, Lijian
2016-05-19jenkins: Run the romcc test suiteJonathan Neuschäfer
2016-05-18rockchip: rk3399: enable sdhci clk for emmcShunqian Zheng
2016-05-18rockchip: rk3399: configure emmc clkLin Huang
2016-05-18ec/google/chromeec/acpi: Add MKBP supportGwendal Grignou
2016-05-18rk3399: set proper configuration of SDMMC interfaceVadim Bendebury
2016-05-18rk3399: add GPIO register definitions for SDMMC0Vadim Bendebury
2016-05-18gru: set correct gpio for SD card detectVadim Bendebury
2016-05-18Gru: support 4GB sdram on gruLin Huang
2016-05-18rockchip: rk3399: improve sdram driverLin Huang
2016-05-18rockchip: rk3399: add tsadc driverShunqian Zheng
2016-05-18rockchip: revert the common tsadc headerShunqian Zheng
2016-05-18rockchip: rk3399: add routines to set vop clocksShunqian Zheng
2016-05-18Documentation/Intel: Update the documentationLee Leahy
2016-05-18AGESA vendorcode: Build a common amdlibKyösti Mälkki
2016-05-18AGESA vendorcode: Move compiler class definitionKyösti Mälkki
2016-05-18soc/intel/apollolake: Enable ACPI PM1 timer emulationAndrey Petrov
2016-05-18soc/intel/apollolake: Remove hardcode for TCO watchdog timerAndrey Petrov
2016-05-18soc/intel/apollolake: Work around FSP-M CAR layoutAndrey Petrov
2016-05-18soc/intel/apollolake: Do not use StackBase FSP-M parameterAndrey Petrov
2016-05-18drivers/intel/fsp2_0: Add recipes for FSP blobs in CBFSAndrey Petrov
2016-05-18soc/intel/apollolake: Take advantage of common opregion codeAndrey Petrov
2016-05-18soc/intel/common: Add IGD OpRegion supportAndrey Petrov
2016-05-18soc/intel/common: Add utility to load VBT fileAndrey Petrov
2016-05-18util/cbfstool: allow option to honor FSP modules' linked addressAaron Durbin
2016-05-18mainboard/intel/galileo: Add I2C chip initializationLee Leahy
2016-05-18soc/intel/quark: Add I2C supportLee Leahy
2016-05-18board_status: Abort early if the coreboot image doesn't existJonathan Neuschäfer
2016-05-17soc/intel/quark: Fix spelling errorLee Leahy
2016-05-17soc/intel/quark: Perform GPIO initializationLee Leahy
2016-05-17mainboard/intel/galileo: Add GPIO initializationLee Leahy
2016-05-17acpigen: Fix ?: operator confusionJonathan Neuschäfer
2016-05-17libpayload: cbfs: Add cbfs_handle API for more fine-grained accessesJulius Werner
2016-05-17intel/sch: Merge northbridge and southbridge in src/socStefan Reinauer
2016-05-17soc/intel/quark: Add GPIO register accessLee Leahy
2016-05-17soc/intel/quark: Add LPC symbolsLee Leahy
2016-05-17soc/intel/quark: Reformat include/soc/pci_devs.hLee Leahy
2016-05-17drivers/intel/fsp1_1: Simplify union referencesLee Leahy
2016-05-17drivers/intel/fsp1_1: Replace for/break with returnsLee Leahy
2016-05-17soc/intel/quark: Add Ioh.h from EDK-IILee Leahy
2016-05-17drivers/intel/fsp2_0: Fix array indexing errorLee Leahy
2016-05-17mainboard/google/reef: add first pass of full pad configurationAaron Durbin
2016-05-16vboot: Call verification_should_run directly in the if statementPaul Kocialkowski
2016-05-16acpigen: Add functions to generate _STA() and _PRW()Duncan Laurie
2016-05-16acpigen: Add an abstracted integer output methodDuncan Laurie