# Our forums The coreboot community has various venues to help each other and discuss the direction of our project. ## Mailing list The first address for coreboot related discussion is our mailing list. You can subscribe on its [information page](https://mail.coreboot.org/postorius/lists/coreboot.coreboot.org/) and read its [archives](https://mail.coreboot.org/hyperkitty/list/coreboot@coreboot.org/). ## IRC We also have a [real time chat](https://webchat.freenode.net?channels=%23coreboot) on the Freenode IRC network's #coreboot channel. ## Fortnightly coreboot leadership meeting There's a leadership meeting held every 14 days (currently every other Wednesday at 10am Pacific Time, usually 18:00 UTC with some deviation possible due to daylight saving time related shifts). The meeting is open to everyone and provides a forum to discuss general coreboot topics, including community and technical matters that benefit from an official decision. We tried a whole lot of different tools, but so far the meetings worked best with [Google Meet](https://meet.google.com/syn-toap-agu), using [Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NRXqXcLBp5pFkHiJbrLdv3Spqh1Hu086HYkKrgKjeDQ/edit) for the agenda and meeting minutes. Neither the video conference nor the document require a Google account to participate, although editing access to the document is limited to adding comments - any desired agenda item added that way will be approved in time before the meeting.