libgfxinit - Native Graphics Initialization

Introduction and Current State in coreboot

*libgfxinit* is a library of full-featured graphics initialization
(aka. modesetting) drivers. It's implemented in SPARK (a subset of
Ada with formal verification features). While not restricted to in
any way, it currently only supports Intel's integrated gfx control-
lers (GMA).

Currently, it supports the Intel Core i3/i5/i7 processor line and
will support HDMI and DP on the Atom successor Apollo Lake. At the
time of writing, Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge, and Haswell are veri-
fied to work within *coreboot*.

GMA: Framebuffer Configuration

*coreboot* supports two different framebuffer setups. The default
enables the legacy VGA plane in textmode. Due to legacy hardware
constraints, only the first found display is enabled in this mode.
(cf. `src/drivers/intel/gma/text_fb/gma.adb`).

The second option sets up a high-resolution framebuffer with the
native resolution of the display if only one is detected, or the
smallest of all resolutions (per dimension) if multiple displays
are detected. This option is selected by
(cf. `src/drivers/intel/gma/hires_fb/gma.adb`).

In any case, a smaller framebuffer is up-scaled to each display's
native resolution while keeping aspect ratio.

GMA: Hook-up in Chipset Initialization

Both configurations described above implement a procedure

    procedure gfxinit (lightup_ok : out int);

This procedure is exported as the C function `gma_gfxinit()` as

    void gma_gfxinit(int *lightup_ok);

* `lightup_ok`: returns whether the initialization succeeded `1` or
                failed `0`. Currently, only the case that no display
                could be found counts as failure. A failure at a la-
                ter stage (e.g. failure to train a DP) is not propa-

GMA: Per Board Configuration

There are a few Kconfig symbols to consider. To indicate that a
board can initialize graphics through *libgfxinit*:


Internal ports share some hardware blocks (e.g. backlight, panel
power sequencer). Therefore, each board has to select either eDP
or LVDS as the internal port, if any:

    select GFX_GMA_INTERNAL_IS_EDP	# the default, or

Boards with a DVI-I connector share the DDC (I2C) pins for both
analog and digital displays. In this case, *libgfxinit* needs to
know through which interface the EDID can be queried:

    select GFX_GMA_ANALOG_I2C_HDMI_B	# or
    select GFX_GMA_ANALOG_I2C_HDMI_C	# or

Beside Kconfig options, *libgfxinit* needs to know which ports are
implemented on a board and should be probed for displays. The mapping
between the physical ports and these entries depends on the hardware
implementation and can be recovered by testing or studying the output
of `intelvbttool` or `intel_vbt_decode`.
Each board has to implement the package `GMA.Mainboard` with a list:

    ports : HW.GFX.GMA.Display_Probing.Port_List;

or a function returning such a list:

    function ports return HW.GFX.GMA.Display_Probing.Port_List;

You can select from the following Ports:

    type Port_Type is
      (Disabled,	-- optionally terminates the list
       Internal,	-- either eDP or LVDS as selected in Kconfig
       HDMI1,		-- also DVI-D, or HDMI over DP++
       Analog);		-- legacy VGA port, or analog part of DVI-I

Each `DPx` and `HDMIx` pair share pins. If they are exposed as DP
ports, they are usually DP++ (aka. dual-mode DP) ports that can
also output HDMI signals through passive adapters. In this case,
both DPx and HDMIx should be listed.

A good example is the mainboard Kontron/KTQM77, it features two
DP++ ports (DP2/HDMI2, DP3/HDMI3), one DVI-I port (HDMI1/Analog),
eDP and LVDS. Due to the constraints mentioned above, only one of
eDP and LVDS can be enabled. It defines `ports` as follows:

    ports : constant Port_List :=
       others => Disabled);

The `GMA.gfxinit()` procedure probes for display EDIDs in the
given order until all available pipes are taken. That's 1 pipe
in VGA textmode, 2 pipes in high-resolution mode until Sandy
Bridge, 3 pipes from Ivy Bridge on.