## ## This file is part of the coreboot project. ## ## Copyright (C) 2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. ## Copyright (C) 2008 Uwe Hermann <uwe@hermann-uwe.de> ## Copyright (C) 2009-2010 coresystems GmbH ## Copyright (C) 2011 secunet Security Networks AG ## ## Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ## modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ## are met: ## 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ## notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ## 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ## notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ## documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ## 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ## derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ## ## THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ## ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE ## IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ## ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE ## FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ## DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS ## OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ## HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT ## LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY ## OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ## SUCH DAMAGE. ## export top := $(CURDIR) export src := src export srck := $(top)/util/kconfig obj ?= build override obj := $(subst $(top)/,,$(abspath $(obj))) export obj export objutil ?= $(obj)/util export objk := $(objutil)/kconfig absobj := $(abspath $(obj)) export KCONFIG_AUTOHEADER := $(obj)/config.h export KCONFIG_AUTOCONFIG := $(obj)/auto.conf export KCONFIG_DEPENDENCIES := $(obj)/auto.conf.cmd export KCONFIG_SPLITCONFIG := $(obj)/config export KCONFIG_TRISTATE := $(obj)/tristate.conf export KCONFIG_NEGATIVES := 1 export KCONFIG_STRICT := 1 # directory containing the toplevel Makefile.inc TOPLEVEL := . CONFIG_SHELL := sh KBUILD_DEFCONFIG := configs/defconfig UNAME_RELEASE := $(shell uname -r) DOTCONFIG ?= $(top)/.config KCONFIG_CONFIG = $(DOTCONFIG) export KCONFIG_CONFIG HAVE_DOTCONFIG := $(wildcard $(DOTCONFIG)) MAKEFLAGS += -rR --no-print-directory # Make is silent per default, but 'make V=1' will show all compiler calls. Q:=@ ifneq ($(V),1) ifneq ($(Q),) .SILENT: endif endif # Disable implicit/built-in rules to make Makefile errors fail fast. .SUFFIXES: HOSTCC := $(if $(shell type gcc 2>/dev/null),gcc,cc) HOSTCXX = g++ HOSTCFLAGS := -g HOSTCXXFLAGS := -g PREPROCESS_ONLY := -E -P -x assembler-with-cpp -undef -I . DOXYGEN := doxygen DOXYGEN_OUTPUT_DIR := doxygen all: real-all help_coreboot help:: @echo '*** coreboot platform targets ***' @echo ' Use "make [target] V=1" for extra build debug information' @echo ' all - Build coreboot' @echo ' clean - Remove coreboot build artifacts' @echo ' distclean - Remove build artifacts and config files' @echo ' doxygen - Build doxygen documentation for coreboot' @echo ' doxyplatform - Build doxygen documentation for the current platform' @echo ' what-jenkins-does - Run platform build tests (Use CPUS=# for more cores)' @echo ' printall - print makefile info for debugging' @echo ' lint / lint-stable - run coreboot lint tools (all / minimal)' @echo ' gitconfig - set up git to submit patches to coreboot' @echo ' ctags / ctags-project - make ctags file for all of coreboot or current board' @echo ' cscope / cscope-project - make cscope.out file for coreboot or current board' @echo # This include must come _before_ the pattern rules below! # Order _does_ matter for pattern rules. include $(srck)/Makefile # Three cases where we don't need fully populated $(obj) lists: # 1. when no .config exists # 2. when make config (in any flavour) is run # 3. when make distclean is run # Don't waste time on reading all Makefile.incs in these cases ifeq ($(strip $(HAVE_DOTCONFIG)),) NOCOMPILE:=1 endif ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),) ifneq ($(filter %config %clean cross% clang iasl gnumake lint% help% what-jenkins-does,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) NOCOMPILE:=1 endif ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS), %clean) NOMKDIR:=1 endif endif ifeq ($(NOCOMPILE),1) include $(TOPLEVEL)/Makefile.inc include $(TOPLEVEL)/payloads/Makefile.inc real-all: @echo "Error: Expected config file ($(DOTCONFIG)) not present." >&2 @echo "Please specify a config file or run 'make menuconfig' to" >&2 @echo "generate a new config file." >&2 @exit 1 else include $(DOTCONFIG) # in addition to the dependency below, create the file if it doesn't exist # to silence stupid warnings about a file that would be generated anyway. $(if $(wildcard .xcompile)$(NOCOMPILE),,$(eval $(shell util/xcompile/xcompile $(XGCCPATH) > .xcompile || rm -f .xcompile))) .xcompile: util/xcompile/xcompile rm -f $@ $< $(XGCCPATH) > $@.tmp \mv -f $@.tmp $@ 2> /dev/null rm -f $@.tmp -include .xcompile ifneq ($(XCOMPILE_COMPLETE),1) $(shell rm -f .xcompile) $(error .xcompile deleted because it's invalid. \ Restarting the build should fix that, or explain the problem) endif ifneq ($(CONFIG_MMX),y) CFLAGS_x86_32 += -mno-mmx endif include toolchain.inc strip_quotes = $(strip $(subst ",,$(subst \",,$(1)))) # fix makefile syntax highlighting after strip macro \" ")) # The primary target needs to be here before we include the # other files real-all: real-target # must come rather early .SECONDEXPANSION: $(KCONFIG_AUTOHEADER): $(KCONFIG_CONFIG) +$(MAKE) oldconfig # Add a new class of source/object files to the build system add-class= \ $(eval $(1)-srcs:=) \ $(eval $(1)-objs:=) \ $(eval classes+=$(1)) # Special classes are managed types with special behaviour # On parse time, for each entry in variable $(1)-y # a handler $(1)-handler is executed with the arguments: # * $(1): directory the parser is in # * $(2): current entry add-special-class= \ $(eval $(1):=) \ $(eval special-classes+=$(1)) # Converts one or more source file paths to their corresponding build/ paths. # Only .ads, adb, .c and .S get converted to .o, other files (like .ld) keep # their name. # $1 stage name # $2 file path (list) src-to-obj=\ $(patsubst $(obj)/%,$(obj)/$(1)/%,\ $(patsubst $(obj)/$(1)/%,$(obj)/%,\ $(patsubst 3rdparty/%,$(obj)/%,\ $(patsubst src/%,$(obj)/%,\ $(patsubst %.ads,%.o,\ $(patsubst %.adb,%.o,\ $(patsubst %.c,%.o,\ $(patsubst %.S,%.o,\ $(subst .$(1),,$(2)))))))))) # Converts one or more source file paths to the corresponding build/ paths # of their Ada library information (.ali) files. # $1 stage name # $2 file path (list) src-to-ali=\ $(patsubst $(obj)/%,$(obj)/$(1)/%,\ $(patsubst $(obj)/$(1)/%,$(obj)/%,\ $(patsubst 3rdparty/%,$(obj)/%,\ $(patsubst src/%,$(obj)/%,\ $(patsubst %.ads,%.ali,\ $(patsubst %.adb,%.ali,\ $(subst .$(1),,\ $(filter %.ads %.adb,$(2))))))))) # Clean -y variables, include Makefile.inc # Add paths to files in X-y to X-srcs # Add subdirs-y to subdirs includemakefiles= \ $(foreach class,classes subdirs $(classes) $(special-classes), $(eval $(class)-y:=)) \ $(eval -include $(1)) \ $(foreach class,$(classes-y), $(call add-class,$(class))) \ $(foreach class,$(classes), \ $(eval $(class)-srcs+= \ $$(subst $(absobj)/,$(obj)/, \ $$(subst $(top)/,, \ $$(abspath $$(subst $(dir $(1))/,/,$$(addprefix $(dir $(1)),$$($(class)-y)))))))) \ $(foreach special,$(special-classes), \ $(foreach item,$($(special)-y), $(call $(special)-handler,$(dir $(1)),$(item)))) \ $(eval subdirs+=$$(subst $(CURDIR)/,,$$(abspath $$(addprefix $(dir $(1)),$$(subdirs-y))))) # For each path in $(subdirs) call includemakefiles # Repeat until subdirs is empty evaluate_subdirs= \ $(eval cursubdirs:=$(subdirs)) \ $(eval subdirs:=) \ $(foreach dir,$(cursubdirs), \ $(eval $(call includemakefiles,$(dir)/Makefile.inc))) \ $(if $(subdirs),$(eval $(call evaluate_subdirs))) # collect all object files eligible for building subdirs:=$(TOPLEVEL) postinclude-hooks := $(eval $(call evaluate_subdirs)) ifeq ($(FAILBUILD),1) $(error cannot continue build) endif # Run hooks registered by subdirectories that need to be evaluated after all files have been parsed $(eval $(postinclude-hooks)) # Eliminate duplicate mentions of source files in a class $(foreach class,$(classes),$(eval $(class)-srcs:=$(sort $($(class)-srcs)))) # To track dependencies, we need all Ada specification (.ads) files in # *-srcs. Extract / filter all specification files that have a matching # body (.adb) file here (specifications without a body are valid sources # in Ada). $(foreach class,$(classes),$(eval $(class)-extra-specs := \ $(filter \ $(addprefix %/,$(patsubst %.adb,%.ads,$(notdir $(filter %.adb,$($(class)-srcs))))), \ $(filter %.ads,$($(class)-srcs))))) $(foreach class,$(classes),$(eval $(class)-srcs := \ $(filter-out $($(class)-extra-specs),$($(class)-srcs)))) $(foreach class,$(classes),$(eval $(class)-objs:=$(call src-to-obj,$(class),$($(class)-srcs)))) $(foreach class,$(classes),$(eval $(class)-alis:=$(call src-to-ali,$(class),$($(class)-srcs)))) # For Ada includes $(foreach class,$(classes),$(eval $(class)-ada-dirs:=$(sort $(dir $(filter %.ads %.adb,$($(class)-srcs)) $($(class)-extra-specs))))) # Save all objs before processing them (for dependency inclusion) originalobjs:=$(foreach var, $(addsuffix -objs,$(classes)), $($(var))) # Call post-processors if they're defined $(foreach class,$(classes),\ $(if $(value $(class)-postprocess),$(eval $(call $(class)-postprocess,$($(class)-objs))))) allsrcs:=$(foreach var, $(addsuffix -srcs,$(classes)), $($(var))) allobjs:=$(foreach var, $(addsuffix -objs,$(classes)), $($(var))) alldirs:=$(sort $(abspath $(dir $(allobjs)))) # Reads dependencies from an Ada library information (.ali) file # Only basenames (with suffix) are preserved so we have to look the # paths up in $($(stage)-srcs). # $1 stage name # $2 ali file create_ada_deps=$$(if $(2),\ gnat.adc \ $$(filter \ $$(addprefix %/,$$(shell sed -ne's/^D \([^\t]\+\).*$$$$/\1/p' $(2) 2>/dev/null)), \ $$($(1)-srcs) $$($(1)-extra-specs))) # macro to define template macros that are used by use_template macro define create_cc_template # $1 obj class # $2 source suffix (c, S, ld, ...) # $3 additional compiler flags # $4 additional dependencies ifn$(EMPTY)def $(1)-objs_$(2)_template de$(EMPTY)fine $(1)-objs_$(2)_template $$(call src-to-obj,$1,$$(1).$2): $$(1).$2 $$(call create_ada_deps,$1,$$(call src-to-ali,$1,$$(1).$2)) $(KCONFIG_AUTOHEADER) $(4) @printf " CC $$$$(subst $$$$(obj)/,,$$$$(@))\n" $(CC_$(1)) \ $$(if $$(filter-out ads adb,$(2)), \ -MMD $$$$(CPPFLAGS_$(1)) $$$$(CFLAGS_$(1)) -MT $$$$(@), \ $$$$(ADAFLAGS_$(1)) $$$$(addprefix -I,$$$$($(1)-ada-dirs))) \ $(3) -c -o $$$$@ $$$$< en$(EMPTY)def end$(EMPTY)if endef filetypes-of-class=$(subst .,,$(sort $(suffix $($(1)-srcs)))) $(foreach class,$(classes), \ $(foreach type,$(call filetypes-of-class,$(class)), \ $(eval $(class)-$(type)-ccopts += $(generic-$(type)-ccopts) $($(class)-generic-ccopts)) \ $(if $(generic-objs_$(type)_template_gen),$(eval $(call generic-objs_$(type)_template_gen,$(class))),\ $(eval $(call create_cc_template,$(class),$(type),$($(class)-$(type)-ccopts),$($(class)-$(type)-deps)))))) foreach-src=$(foreach file,$($(1)-srcs),$(eval $(call $(1)-objs_$(subst .,,$(suffix $(file)))_template,$(basename $(file))))) $(eval $(foreach class,$(classes),$(call foreach-src,$(class)))) # To supported complex package initializations, we need to call the # emitted code explicitly. gnatbind gathers all the calls for us # and exports them as a procedure $(stage)_adainit(). Every stage that # uses Ada code has to call it! define gnatbind_template # $1 class $$(obj)/$(1)/b__$(1).adb: $$$$(filter-out $$(obj)/$(1)/b__$(1).ali,$$$$($(1)-alis)) @printf " BIND $$(subst $$(obj)/,,$$@)\n" # We have to give gnatbind a simple filename (without leading # path components) so just cd there. cd $$(dir $$@) && \ $$(GNATBIND_$(1)) -a -n \ --RTS=$$(absobj)/libgnat-$$(ARCH-$(1)-y)/ \ -L$(1)_ada -o $$(notdir $$@) \ $$(subst $$(dir $$@),,$$^) $$(obj)/$(1)/b__$(1).o: $$(obj)/$(1)/b__$(1).adb @printf " CC $$(subst $$(obj)/,,$$@)\n" $(CC_$(1)) $$(ADAFLAGS_$(1)) -c -o $$@ $$< $(1)-objs += $$(obj)/$(1)/b__$(1).o $($(1)-alis): %.ali: %.o ; endef $(eval $(foreach class,$(filter-out libgnat-%,$(classes)), \ $(if $($(class)-alis),$(call gnatbind_template,$(class))))) DEPENDENCIES += $(addsuffix .d,$(basename $(allobjs))) -include $(DEPENDENCIES) printall: @$(foreach class,$(classes), echo $(class)-objs: $($(class)-objs) | tr ' ' '\n'; echo; ) @echo alldirs: $(alldirs) | tr ' ' '\n'; echo @echo allsrcs: $(allsrcs) | tr ' ' '\n'; echo @echo DEPENDENCIES: $(DEPENDENCIES) | tr ' ' '\n'; echo @$(foreach class,$(special-classes),echo $(class):'$($(class))' | tr ' ' '\n'; echo; ) endif ifndef NOMKDIR $(shell mkdir -p $(KCONFIG_SPLITCONFIG) $(objk)/lxdialog $(additional-dirs) $(alldirs)) endif $(obj)/project_filelist.txt: all find $(obj) -name "*.d" -exec cat {} \; | \ sed 's/[:\\]/ /g' | sed 's/ /\n/g' | sort | uniq | \ grep -v '\.o$$' > $(obj)/project_filelist.txt filelist: clean $(MAKE) $(obj)/project_filelist.txt printf "\nFiles used in build:\n" cat $(obj)/project_filelist.txt #works with either exuberant ctags or ctags.emacs ctags-project: clean-ctags $(obj)/project_filelist.txt cat $(obj)/project_filelist.txt | \ xargs ctags -o tags cscope-project: clean-cscope $(obj)/project_filelist.txt cat $(obj)/project_filelist.txt | xargs cscope -b cscope: cscope -bR doxy: doxygen doxygen: $(DOXYGEN) Documentation/Doxyfile.coreboot doxygen_simple: $(DOXYGEN) Documentation/Doxyfile.coreboot_simple doxyplatform doxygen_platform: $(obj)/project_filelist.txt echo echo "Building doxygen documentation for $(CONFIG_MAINBOARD_PART_NUMBER)" export DOXYGEN_OUTPUT_DIR="$(DOXYGEN_OUTPUT_DIR)/$(CONFIG_MAINBOARD_VENDOR)/$(CONFIG_MAINBOARD_PART_NUMBER)"; \ mkdir -p "$$DOXYGEN_OUTPUT_DIR"; \ export DOXYFILES="$$(cat $(obj)/project_filelist.txt | grep -v '\.ld$$' | sed 's/\.aml/\.dsl/' | tr '\n' ' ')"; \ export DOXYGEN_PLATFORM="$(CONFIG_MAINBOARD_DIR) ($(CONFIG_MAINBOARD_PART_NUMBER)) version $(KERNELVERSION)"; \ $(DOXYGEN) Documentation/doxygen/Doxyfile.coreboot_platform doxyclean: doxygen-clean doxygen-clean: rm -rf $(DOXYGEN_OUTPUT_DIR) clean-for-update: doxygen-clean clean-for-update-target rm -rf $(obj) .xcompile clean: clean-for-update clean-target rm -f .ccwrap clean-cscope: rm -f cscope.out clean-ctags: rm -f tags distclean: clean clean-ctags clean-cscope distclean-payloads rm -f .config .config.old ..config.tmp* .kconfig.d .tmpconfig* .ccwrap .xcompile .PHONY: $(PHONY) clean clean-for-update clean-cscope cscope distclean doxygen doxy doxygen_simple .PHONY: ctags-project cscope-project clean-ctags