#!/bin/sh SCRIPT="$0" SCRIPT_DIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")" OUTPUT="build/coreboot.rom" TMP_DIFF="$SCRIPT_DIR/.image-diff.bin" FLASHROM="/usr/local/sbin/flashrom" BL1_NAME="E5250.nbl1.bin" BL1_PATH="3rdparty/cpu/samsung/exynos5250/" BL1_URL="http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromeos-localmirror/distfiles/exynos-pre-boot-0.0.2-r8.tbz2" die() { echo "$*" >&2 exit 1 } create_diff_128k() { local image_file="$1" local diff_file="$2" cp -f "$image_file" "$diff_file" dd if=/dev/zero of=$diff_file bs=1 count=$((128*1024)) conv=notrunc } fast_flash_image() { local image_file="$1" local diff_file="$2" dut-control spi2_buf_en:on spi2_buf_on_flex_en:on spi2_vref:pp1800 sudo ${FLASHROM} -p ft2232_spi:type=servo-v2,port=a -w "$image_file" -V \ --noverify --ignore-fmap --diff "$diff_file" dut-control spi2_buf_en:off spi2_buf_on_flex_en:off spi2_vref:off } get_bl1() { wget "${BL1_URL}" -O /tmp/bl1.tbz2 tar jxvf /tmp/bl1.tbz2 mkdir -p "${BL1_PATH}" mv "exynos-pre-boot/firmware/${BL1_NAME}" "${BL1_PATH}" rm -rf exynos-pre-boot if [ ! -e "${BL1_PATH}/${BL1_NAME}" ]; then echo "Error getting BL1" exit 1 fi } merge_bl1() { local outfile="$1" local bl1="${BL1_PATH}/${BL1_NAME}" if [ ! -e "$bl1" ]; then get_bl1 fi # use the new BL1 which supports 30KB BL2/SPL/Coreboot local size="$(stat -c "%s" "$outfile")" local bl1_size="$(stat -c "%s" "$bl1")" [ "$bl1_size" = "$((0x2000))" ] || die "Incorrect BL1 input file." dd if="$bl1" of=${outfile} conv=notrunc } is_servod_ready() { ps -C servod >/dev/null 2>&1 } main() { make merge_bl1 "$OUTPUT" create_diff_128k "$OUTPUT" "$TMP_DIFF" echo "OK: Generated image (with BL1) in $OUTPUT" if is_servod_ready; then echo "servod detected - flashing into device." fast_flash_image "$OUTPUT" "$TMP_DIFF" echo "OK: Generated and flashed 128k of image into device via servo." else echo "(servod is not running, flashing into device is skipped)" fi } set -e main "$@"