/* * Copyright (C) 2003 by SONE Takeshi <ts1@tsn.or.jp> and others. * This program is licensed under the terms of GNU General Public License. * * Modified for LinuxBIOS by Greg Watson <gwatson@lanl.gov> */ #include <console/console.h> #include <delay.h> #include <string.h> #include <boot/tables.h> #include <boot/elf.h> #define ENTER '\r' #define ESCAPE '\x1b' #ifndef AUTOBOOT_CMDLINE #define autoboot(mem) #endif #ifndef AUTOBOOT_DELAY #define autoboot_delay() 0 /* success */ #endif #define havechar() console_tst_byte() #define putchar(c) console_tx_byte(c) #define getchar(c) console_rx_byte(c) extern char *boot_file; int getline(char *buf, int max) { int cur, ch, nonspace_seen; cur = 0; while (buf[cur]) { putchar(buf[cur]); cur++; } for (;;) { ch = getchar(); switch (ch) { /* end of line */ case '\r': case '\n': putchar('\n'); goto out; /* backspace */ case '\b': case '\x7f': if (cur > 0) { cur--; putchar('\b'); putchar(' '); putchar('\b'); } break; /* word erase */ case 'W' & 0x1f: /* ^W */ nonspace_seen = 0; while (cur) { if (buf[cur-1] != ' ') nonspace_seen = 1; putchar('\b'); putchar(' '); putchar('\b'); cur--; if (nonspace_seen && cur < max-1 && cur > 0 && buf[cur-1]==' ') break; } break; /* line erase */ case 'U' & 0x1f: /* ^U */ while (cur) { putchar('\b'); putchar(' '); putchar('\b'); cur--; } cur = 0; break; default: if (ch < 0x20) break; /* ignore control char */ if (ch >= 0x7f) break; if (cur + 1 < max) { putchar(ch); /* echo back */ buf[cur] = ch; cur++; } } } out: if (cur >= max) cur = max - 1; buf[cur] = '\0'; return cur; } static void boot(struct lb_memory *mem, const char *line) { char *param; /* Split filename and parameter */ boot_file = strdup(line); param = strchr(boot_file, ' '); if (param) { *param = '\0'; param++; } if (!elfboot(mem)) printk_info("Unsupported image format\n"); free(boot_file); } #ifdef AUTOBOOT_CMDLINE #if AUTOBOOT_DELAY static inline int autoboot_delay(void) { unsigned int timeout; int sec, tmp; char key; key = 0; printk_info("Press <Enter> for default boot, or <Esc> for boot prompt... "); for (sec = AUTOBOOT_DELAY; sec>0 && key==0; sec--) { printk_info("%d", sec); timeout = 10; while (timeout-- > 0) { if (havechar()) { key = getchar(); if (key==ENTER || key==ESCAPE) break; } mdelay(100); } for (tmp = sec; tmp; tmp /= 10) printk_info("\b \b"); } if (key == 0) { printk_info("timed out\n"); return 0; /* success */ } else { putchar('\n'); if (key == ESCAPE) return -1; /* canceled */ else return 0; /* default accepted */ } } #endif /* AUTOBOOT_DELAY */ static void autoboot(struct lb_memory *mem) { /* If Escape key is pressed already, skip autoboot */ if (havechar() && getchar()==ESCAPE) return; if (autoboot_delay()==0) { printk_info("boot: %s\n", AUTOBOOT_CMDLINE); boot(mem, AUTOBOOT_CMDLINE); } } #endif /* AUTOBOOT_CMDLINE */ /* The main routine */ int filo(struct lb_memory *mem) { char line[256]; printk_info("FILO version 0.4.1\n"); /* Try default image */ autoboot(mem); /* The above didn't work, ask user */ while (havechar()) getchar(); #ifdef AUTOBOOT_CMDLINE strncpy(line, AUTOBOOT_CMDLINE, sizeof(line)-1); line[sizeof(line)-1] = '\0'; #else line[0] = '\0'; #endif for (;;) { printk_info("boot: "); getline(line, sizeof line); if (line[0]) boot(mem, line); } }