## ## CPU initialization ## uses CONFIG_RAMBASE uses CONFIG_USE_DCACHE_RAM uses CONFIG_DCACHE_RAM_BASE uses CONFIG_DCACHE_RAM_SIZE ## ## PPC7XX always uses cache ram for initial setup ## default CONFIG_USE_DCACHE_RAM=1 ## Set dcache ram above coreboot image default CONFIG_DCACHE_RAM_BASE=CONFIG_RAMBASE+0x100000 ## Dcache size is 16Kb default CONFIG_DCACHE_RAM_SIZE=16384 initinclude "FAMILY_INIT" cpu/ppc/ppc7xx/ppc7xx.inc # Only TotalImpact Briq uses the ppc7xx and it brings its own clock.o # so we comment this out for now: # object clock.o object cache.S #initobject clock.o initobject cache.S dir /cpu/simple_init