 * (C) Copyright 2001
 * Gerald Van Baren, Custom IDEAS, vanbaren@cideas.com.
 * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
 * project.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
 * MA 02111-1307 USA

#ifndef _SPI_GENERIC_H_
#define _SPI_GENERIC_H_

#include <stdint.h>

/* Controller-specific definitions: */

/* SPI opcodes */
#define SPI_OPCODE_WREN 0x06

#define SPI_READ_FLAG	0x01
#define SPI_WRITE_FLAG	0x02

 * Representation of a SPI slave, i.e. what we're communicating with.
 * Drivers are expected to extend this with controller-specific data.
 *   bus:	ID of the bus that the slave is attached to.
 *   cs:	ID of the chip select connected to the slave.
 *   rw: 	Read or Write flag
 *   max_transfer_size: maximum amount of bytes which can be sent in a single
 *              read or write transaction, usually this is a controller
 *              property, kept in the slave structure for convenience. Zero in
 *              this field means 'unlimited'.
struct spi_slave {
	unsigned int	bus;
	unsigned int	cs;
	unsigned int	rw;
	unsigned int	max_transfer_size;
	int force_programmer_specific;
	struct spi_flash * (*programmer_specific_probe) (struct spi_slave *spi);

 * Initialization, must be called once on start up.
void spi_init(void);

 * Set up communications parameters for a SPI slave.
 * This must be called once for each slave. Note that this function
 * usually doesn't touch any actual hardware, it only initializes the
 * contents of spi_slave so that the hardware can be easily
 * initialized later.
 *   bus:     Bus ID of the slave chip.
 *   cs:      Chip select ID of the slave chip on the specified bus.
 * Returns: A spi_slave reference that can be used in subsequent SPI
 * calls, or NULL if one or more of the parameters are not supported.
struct spi_slave *spi_setup_slave(unsigned int bus, unsigned int cs);

 * Claim the bus and prepare it for communication with a given slave.
 * This must be called before doing any transfers with a SPI slave. It
 * will enable and initialize any SPI hardware as necessary, and make
 * sure that the SCK line is in the correct idle state. It is not
 * allowed to claim the same bus for several slaves without releasing
 * the bus in between.
 *   slave:	The SPI slave
 * Returns: 0 if the bus was claimed successfully, or a negative value
 * if it wasn't.
int spi_claim_bus(struct spi_slave *slave);

 * Release the SPI bus
 * This must be called once for every call to spi_claim_bus() after
 * all transfers have finished. It may disable any SPI hardware as
 * appropriate.
 *   slave:	The SPI slave
void spi_release_bus(struct spi_slave *slave);

 * SPI transfer
 * spi_xfer() interface:
 *   slave:	The SPI slave which will be sending/receiving the data.
 *   dout:	Pointer to a string of bytes to send out.
 *   bytesout:	How many bytes to write.
 *   din:	Pointer to a string of bytes that will be filled in.
 *   bytesin:	How many bytes to read.
 *   Returns: 0 on success, not 0 on failure
int  spi_xfer(struct spi_slave *slave, const void *dout, unsigned int bytesout,
		void *din, unsigned int bytesin);

unsigned int spi_crop_chunk(unsigned int cmd_len, unsigned int buf_len);

 * Write 8 bits, then read 8 bits.
 *   slave:	The SPI slave we're communicating with
 *   byte:	Byte to be written
 * Returns: The value that was read, or a negative value on error.
 * TODO: This function probably shouldn't be inlined.
static inline int spi_w8r8(struct spi_slave *slave, unsigned char byte)
	unsigned char dout[2];
	unsigned char din[2];
	int ret;

	dout[0] = byte;
	dout[1] = 0;

	ret = spi_xfer(slave, dout, 2, din, 2);
	return ret < 0 ? ret : din[1];

#endif	/* _SPI_GENERIC_H_ */