;/** ; * @file ; * ; * Agesa library 64bit ; * ; * Contains AMD AGESA Library ; * ; * @xrefitem bom "File Content Label" "Release Content" ; * @e project: AGESA ; * @e sub-project: Lib ; * @e \$Revision: 17071 $ @e \$Date: 2009-07-30 10:13:11 -0700 (Thu, 30 Jul 2009) $ ; */ ;***************************************************************************** ; ; Copyright 2008 - 2012 ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES, INC. All Rights Reserved. ; ; AMD is granting you permission to use this software (the Materials) ; pursuant to the terms and conditions of your Software License Agreement ; with AMD. This header does *NOT* give you permission to use the Materials ; or any rights under AMD's intellectual property. Your use of any portion ; of these Materials shall constitute your acceptance of those terms and ; conditions. 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BECAUSE SOME JURISDICTIONS PROHIBIT THE ; EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, ; THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. ; ; AMD does not assume any responsibility for any errors which may appear in ; the Materials or any other related information provided to you by AMD, or ; result from use of the Materials or any related information. ; ; You agree that you will not reverse engineer or decompile the Materials. ; ; NO SUPPORT OBLIGATION: AMD is not obligated to furnish, support, or make any ; further information, software, technical information, know-how, or show-how ; available to you. Additionally, AMD retains the right to modify the ; Materials at any time, without notice, and is not obligated to provide such ; modified Materials to you. ; ; U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS: The Materials are provided with ; "RESTRICTED RIGHTS." Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is ; subject to the restrictions as set forth in FAR 52.227-14 and ; DFAR252.227-7013, et seq., or its successor. Use of the Materials by the ; Government constitutes acknowledgement of AMD's proprietary rights in them. ; ; EXPORT ASSURANCE: You agree and certify that neither the Materials, nor any ; direct product thereof will be exported directly or indirectly, into any ; country prohibited by the United States Export Administration Act and the ; regulations thereunder, without the required authorization from the U.S. ; government nor will be used for any purpose prohibited by the same. ;***************************************************************************** .code ;/*++ ;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/** ; * Write IO byte ; * ; * @param[in] CX IO port address ; * @param[in] DL IO port Value ; */ PUBLIC WriteIo8 WriteIo8 PROC mov al, dl mov dx, cx out dx, al ret WriteIo8 ENDP ;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/** ; * Write IO word ; * ; * @param[in] CX IO port address ; * @param[in] DX IO port Value ; */ PUBLIC WriteIo16 WriteIo16 PROC mov ax, dx mov dx, cx out dx, ax ret WriteIo16 ENDP ;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/** ; * Write IO dword ; * ; * @param[in] CX IO port address ; * @param[in] EDX IO port Value ; */ PUBLIC WriteIo32 WriteIo32 PROC mov eax, edx mov dx, cx out dx, eax ret WriteIo32 ENDP ;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/** ; * Read IO byte ; * ; * @param[in] CX IO port address ; * @retval AL IO port Value ; */ PUBLIC ReadIo8 ReadIo8 PROC mov dx, cx in al, dx ret ReadIo8 ENDP ;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/** ; * Read IO word ; * ; * @param[in] CX IO port address ; * @retval AX IO port Value ; */ PUBLIC ReadIo16 ReadIo16 PROC mov dx, cx in ax, dx ret ReadIo16 ENDP ;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/** ; * Read IO dword ; * ; * @param[in] CX IO port address ; * @retval EAX IO port Value ; */ PUBLIC ReadIo32 ReadIo32 PROC mov dx, cx in eax, dx ret ReadIo32 ENDP ;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/** ; * Read MSR ; * ; * @param[in] RCX MSR Address ; * @param[in] RDX Pointer to data ; * @param[in] R8D ConfigPtr (Optional) ; */ PUBLIC LibAmdMsrRead LibAmdMsrRead PROC push rsi mov rsi, rdx rdmsr mov [rsi], eax mov [rsi+4], edx pop rsi ret LibAmdMsrRead ENDP ;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/** ; * Write MSR ; * ; * @param[in] RCX MSR Address ; * @param[in] RDX Pointer to data ; * @param[in] R8D ConfigPtr (Optional) ; */ PUBLIC LibAmdMsrWrite LibAmdMsrWrite PROC push rsi mov rsi, rdx mov eax, [rsi] and rax, 0ffffffffh mov edx, [rsi+4] and rdx, 0ffffffffh wrmsr pop rsi ret LibAmdMsrWrite ENDP ;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/** ; * Read CPUID ; * ; * @param[in] RCX CPUID function ; * @param[in] RDX Pointer to CPUID_DATA to save cpuid data ; * @param[in] R8D ConfigPtr (Optional) ; */ PUBLIC LibAmdCpuidRead LibAmdCpuidRead PROC push rbx push rsi mov rsi, rdx mov rax, rcx cpuid mov [rsi], eax mov [rsi+4], ebx mov [rsi+8], ecx mov [rsi+12],edx pop rsi pop rbx ret LibAmdCpuidRead ENDP ;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/** ; * Read TSC ; * ; * ; * @retval RAX Time stamp counter value ; */ PUBLIC ReadTSC ReadTSC PROC rdtsc and rax, 0ffffffffh shl rdx, 32 or rax, rdx ret ReadTSC ENDP ;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/** ; * Read memory/MMIO byte ; * ; * @param[in] RCX - Memory Address ; * @retval Memory byte at given address ; */ PUBLIC Read64Mem8 Read64Mem8 PROC xor rax, rax mov al, [rcx] ret Read64Mem8 ENDP ;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/** ; * Read memory/MMIO word ; * ; * @param[in] RCX - Memory Address ; * @retval Memory word at given address ; */ PUBLIC Read64Mem16 Read64Mem16 PROC xor rax, rax mov ax, [rcx] ret Read64Mem16 ENDP ;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/** ; * Read memory/MMIO dword ; * ; * @param[in] RCX - Memory Address ; * @retval Memory dword at given address ; */ PUBLIC Read64Mem32 Read64Mem32 PROC xor rax, rax mov eax, [rcx] ret Read64Mem32 ENDP ;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/** ; * Write memory/MMIO byte ; * ; * @param[in] RCX Memory Address ; * @param[in] DL Value to write ; */ PUBLIC Write64Mem8 Write64Mem8 PROC xor rax, rax mov rax, rdx mov [rcx], al ret Write64Mem8 ENDP ;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/** ; * Write memory/MMIO word ; * ; * @param[in] RCX Memory Address ; * @param[in] DX Value to write ; */ PUBLIC Write64Mem16 Write64Mem16 PROC xor rax, rax mov rax, rdx mov [rcx], ax ret Write64Mem16 ENDP ;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/** ; * Write memory/MMIO dword ; * ; * @param[in] RCX Memory Address ; * @param[in] EDX Value to write ; */ PUBLIC Write64Mem32 Write64Mem32 PROC xor rax, rax mov rax, rdx mov [rcx], eax ret Write64Mem32 ENDP ;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/** ; * Read various CPU registers ; * ; * @param[in] CL Register ID (0/4 - CR0/CR4, 10h/11h/12h/13h/17h - DR0/DR1/DR2/DR3/DR7) ; * @param[in] RDX Pointer to value ; */ PUBLIC LibAmdReadCpuReg LibAmdReadCpuReg PROC push rax xor rax, rax Reg00h: cmp cl, 00h jne Reg04h mov rax, cr0 jmp RegRead Reg04h: cmp cl, 04h jne Reg10h mov rax, cr4 jmp RegRead Reg10h: cmp cl, 10h jne Reg11h mov rax, dr0 jmp RegRead Reg11h: cmp cl, 11h jne Reg12h mov rax, dr1 jmp RegRead Reg12h: cmp cl, 12h jne Reg13h mov rax, dr2 jmp RegRead Reg13h: cmp cl, 13h jne Reg17h mov rax, dr3 jmp RegRead Reg17h: cmp cl, 17h jne RegRead mov rax, dr7 RegRead: mov [rdx], eax pop rax ret LibAmdReadCpuReg ENDP ;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/** ; * Write various CPU registers ; * ; * @param[in] CL Register ID (0/4 - CR0/CR4, 10h/11h/12h/13h/17h - DR0/DR1/DR2/DR3/DR7) ; * @param[in] RDX Value to write ; */ PUBLIC LibAmdWriteCpuReg LibAmdWriteCpuReg PROC push rax Reg00h: cmp cl, 00h jne Reg04h mov rax, cr0 mov eax, edx mov cr0, rax jmp Done Reg04h: cmp cl, 04h jne Reg10h mov rax, cr4 mov eax, edx mov cr4, rax jmp Done Reg10h: cmp cl, 10h jne Reg11h mov rax, dr0 mov eax, edx mov dr0, rax jmp Done Reg11h: cmp cl, 11h jne Reg12h mov rax, dr1 mov eax, edx mov dr1, rax jmp Done Reg12h: cmp cl, 12h jne Reg13h mov rax, dr2 mov eax, edx mov dr2, rax jmp Done Reg13h: cmp cl, 13h jne Reg17h mov rax, dr3 mov eax, edx mov dr3, rax jmp Done Reg17h: cmp cl, 17h jne Done mov rax, dr7 mov eax, edx mov dr7, rax Done: pop rax ret LibAmdWriteCpuReg ENDP ;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/** ; * Write back invalidate caches using wbinvd. ; * ; * ; * ; */ PUBLIC LibAmdWriteBackInvalidateCache LibAmdWriteBackInvalidateCache PROC wbinvd ret LibAmdWriteBackInvalidateCache ENDP ;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/** ; * Stop CPU ; * ; * ; * ; */ PUBLIC StopHere StopHere PROC @@: jmp short @b StopHere ENDP ;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/** ; * Enter debugger on SimNow ; * ; * ; * ; */ PUBLIC LibAmdSimNowEnterDebugger LibAmdSimNowEnterDebugger PROC pushfq mov rax, 0BACCD00Bh ; Backdoor in SimNow mov rbx, 2 ; Select breakpoint feature cpuid @@: jmp short @b popfq ret LibAmdSimNowEnterDebugger ENDP ;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/** ; * IDS IO port write ; * ; * @param[in] ECX IO Port Address ; * @param[in] EDX Value to write ; * @param[in] R8D IDS flags ; * ; */ PUBLIC IdsOutPort IdsOutPort PROC push rbx push rax mov ebx, r8d mov eax, edx mov edx, ecx out dx, eax pop rax pop rbx ret IdsOutPort ENDP ;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/** ; * Force breakpoint on HDT ; * ; * ; */ PUBLIC LibAmdHDTBreakPoint LibAmdHDTBreakPoint PROC push rbx mov rcx, 0C001100Ah ;bit 0 = HDT redirect mov rdi, 09C5A203Ah ;Password rdmsr and rax, 0ffffffffh or rax, 1 wrmsr mov rax, 0B2h ;Marker = B2 db 0F1h ;ICEBP pop rbx ret LibAmdHDTBreakPoint ENDP ;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/** ; * Find the most right hand side non-zero bit with ; * ; * @param[in] ECX Value ; */ PUBLIC LibAmdBitScanForward LibAmdBitScanForward PROC bsf eax, ecx jnz nonZeroSource mov al,32 nonZeroSource: ret LibAmdBitScanForward ENDP ;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/** ; * Find the most left hand side non-zero bit. ; * ; * @param[in] ECX Value ; */ PUBLIC LibAmdBitScanReverse LibAmdBitScanReverse PROC bsr eax, ecx jnz nonZeroSource mov al,0FFh nonZeroSource: ret LibAmdBitScanReverse ENDP ;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/** ; * Flush specified number of cache line ; * ; * @param[in] RCX Physical address to be flushed ; * @param[in] DL number of cachelines to be flushed ; */ PUBLIC LibAmdCLFlush LibAmdCLFlush PROC push rax mov rax, rcx movzx rcx, dl @@: mfence clflush [rax] mfence add rax,64 loop @B pop rax ret LibAmdCLFlush ENDP ;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/** ; * FPU init ; * ; * ; */ PUBLIC LibAmdFinit LibAmdFinit PROC finit ret LibAmdFinit ENDP END