/* $NoKeywords:$ */ /** * @file * * AMD CPU Register Table Related Functions * * Set registers according to a set of register tables * * @xrefitem bom "File Content Label" "Release Content" * @e project: AGESA * @e sub-project: CPU * @e \$Revision: 63425 $ @e \$Date: 2011-12-22 11:24:10 -0600 (Thu, 22 Dec 2011) $ * */ /* ****************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2008 - 2012 ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES, INC. All Rights Reserved. * * AMD is granting you permission to use this software (the Materials) * pursuant to the terms and conditions of your Software License Agreement * with AMD. This header does *NOT* give you permission to use the Materials * or any rights under AMD's intellectual property. Your use of any portion * of these Materials shall constitute your acceptance of those terms and * conditions. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of the Software * License Agreement, please do not use any portion of these Materials. * * CONFIDENTIALITY: The Materials and all other information, identified as * confidential and provided to you by AMD shall be kept confidential in * accordance with the terms and conditions of the Software License Agreement. * * LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: THE MATERIALS AND ANY OTHER RELATED INFORMATION * PROVIDED TO YOU BY AMD ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, TITLE, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, * OR WARRANTIES ARISING FROM CONDUCT, COURSE OF DEALING, OR USAGE OF TRADE. * IN NO EVENT SHALL AMD OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER * (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF AMD'S NEGLIGENCE, * GROSS NEGLIGENCE, THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE MATERIALS OR ANY OTHER * RELATED INFORMATION PROVIDED TO YOU BY AMD, EVEN IF AMD HAS BEEN ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. BECAUSE SOME JURISDICTIONS PROHIBIT THE * EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, * THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. * * AMD does not assume any responsibility for any errors which may appear in * the Materials or any other related information provided to you by AMD, or * result from use of the Materials or any related information. * * You agree that you will not reverse engineer or decompile the Materials. * * NO SUPPORT OBLIGATION: AMD is not obligated to furnish, support, or make any * further information, software, technical information, know-how, or show-how * available to you. Additionally, AMD retains the right to modify the * Materials at any time, without notice, and is not obligated to provide such * modified Materials to you. * * U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS: The Materials are provided with * "RESTRICTED RIGHTS." Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is * subject to the restrictions as set forth in FAR 52.227-14 and * DFAR252.227-7013, et seq., or its successor. Use of the Materials by the * Government constitutes acknowledgement of AMD's proprietary rights in them. * * EXPORT ASSURANCE: You agree and certify that neither the Materials, nor any * direct product thereof will be exported directly or indirectly, into any * country prohibited by the United States Export Administration Act and the * regulations thereunder, without the required authorization from the U.S. * government nor will be used for any purpose prohibited by the same. ****************************************************************************** */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * M O D U L E S U S E D *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "AGESA.h" #include "amdlib.h" #include "Ids.h" #include "Topology.h" #include "OptionMultiSocket.h" #include "cpuRegisters.h" #include "cpuFamilyTranslation.h" #include "Table.h" #include "GeneralServices.h" #include "cpuServices.h" #include "cpuFeatures.h" #include "CommonReturns.h" #include "cpuL3Features.h" #include "Filecode.h" CODE_GROUP (G1_PEICC) RDATA_GROUP (G1_PEICC) #define FILECODE PROC_CPU_TABLE_FILECODE /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * D E F I N I T I O N S A N D M A C R O S *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * T Y P E D E F S A N D S T R U C T U R E S *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * P R O T O T Y P E S O F L O C A L F U N C T I O N S *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ VOID SetRegistersFromTablesAtEarly ( IN CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES *FamilyServices, IN AMD_CPU_EARLY_PARAMS *EarlyParams, IN AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader ); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * E X P O R T E D F U N C T I O N S *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ extern BUILD_OPT_CFG UserOptions; extern CPU_FAMILY_SUPPORT_TABLE L3FeatureFamilyServiceTable; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * An iterator for all the Family and Model Register Tables. * * RegisterTableHandle should be set to NULL to begin iteration, the first time the method is * invoked. Register tables can be processed, until this method returns NULL. RegisterTableHandle * should simply be passed back to the method without modification or use by the caller. * The table selector allows the relevant tables for different cores to be iterated, if the family separates * tables. For example, MSRs can be in a table processed by all cores and PCI registers in a table processed by * primary cores. * * @param[in] FamilySpecificServices The current Family Specific Services. * @param[in] Selector Select whether to iterate over tables for either all cores, primary cores, bsp, .... * @param[in,out] RegisterTableHandle IN: The handle of the current register table, or NULL if Begin. * OUT: The handle of the next register table, if not End. * @param[out] NumberOfEntries The number of entries in the table returned, if not End. * @param[in] StdHeader Handle of Header for calling lib functions and services. * * @return The pointer to the next Register Table, or NULL if End. */ TABLE_ENTRY_FIELDS STATIC *GetNextRegisterTable ( IN CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES *FamilySpecificServices, IN TABLE_CORE_SELECTOR Selector, IN OUT REGISTER_TABLE ***RegisterTableHandle, OUT UINTN *NumberOfEntries, IN AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader ) { REGISTER_TABLE **NextTable; TABLE_ENTRY_FIELDS *Entries; ASSERT ((FamilySpecificServices != NULL) && (StdHeader != NULL)); ASSERT (Selector < TableCoreSelectorMax); NextTable = *RegisterTableHandle; if (NextTable == NULL) { // Begin NextTable = FamilySpecificServices->RegisterTableList; IDS_OPTION_HOOK (IDS_TRAP_TABLE, &NextTable, StdHeader); } else { NextTable++; } // skip if not selected while ((*NextTable != NULL) && (*NextTable)->Selector != Selector) { NextTable++; } if (*NextTable == NULL) { // End *RegisterTableHandle = NULL; Entries = NULL; } else { // Iterate next table *RegisterTableHandle = NextTable; *NumberOfEntries = (*NextTable)->NumberOfEntries; Entries = (TABLE_ENTRY_FIELDS *) (*NextTable)->Table; } return Entries; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Compare counts to a pair of ranges. * * @param[in] FirstCount The actual count to be compared to the first range. * @param[in] SecondCount The actual count to be compared to the second range. * @param[in] Ranges The ranges which the counts are compared to. * * @retval TRUE Either one, or both, of the counts is in the range given. * @retval FALSE Neither count is in the range given. */ BOOLEAN IsEitherCountInRange ( IN UINTN FirstCount, IN UINTN SecondCount, IN COUNT_RANGE_FEATURE Ranges ) { // Errors: Entire Range value is zero, Min and Max reversed or not <=, ranges overlap (OK if first range is all), // the real counts are too big. ASSERT ((Ranges.Range0Min <= Ranges.Range0Max) && (Ranges.Range1Min <= Ranges.Range1Max) && (Ranges.Range0Max != 0) && (Ranges.Range1Max != 0) && ((Ranges.Range0Max == COUNT_RANGE_HIGH) || (Ranges.Range0Max < Ranges.Range1Min)) && ((FirstCount < COUNT_RANGE_HIGH) && (SecondCount < COUNT_RANGE_HIGH))); return (BOOLEAN) (((FirstCount <= Ranges.Range0Max) && (FirstCount >= Ranges.Range0Min)) || ((SecondCount <= Ranges.Range1Max) && (SecondCount >= Ranges.Range1Min))); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Returns the performance profile features list of the currently running processor core. * * @param[out] Features The performance profile features supported by this platform * @param[in] PlatformConfig Config handle for platform specific information * @param[in] StdHeader Header for library and services * */ VOID GetPerformanceFeatures ( OUT PERFORMANCE_PROFILE_FEATS *Features, IN PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION *PlatformConfig, IN AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader ) { CPUID_DATA CpuidDataStruct; CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES *FamilySpecificServices; L3_FEATURE_FAMILY_SERVICES *FeatureFamilyServices; Features->PerformanceProfileValue = 0; // Reflect Probe Filter Configuration. Features->PerformanceProfileFeatures.ProbeFilter = 0; if (IsFeatureEnabled (L3Features, PlatformConfig, StdHeader)) { GetFeatureServicesOfCurrentCore (&L3FeatureFamilyServiceTable, (CONST VOID **)&FeatureFamilyServices, StdHeader); if ((FeatureFamilyServices != NULL) && (FeatureFamilyServices->IsHtAssistSupported (FeatureFamilyServices, PlatformConfig, StdHeader))) { Features->PerformanceProfileFeatures.ProbeFilter = 1; } } // Reflect Display Refresh Requests use 32 bytes Configuration. Features->PerformanceProfileFeatures.RefreshRequest32Byte = 0; if (PlatformConfig->PlatformProfile.Use32ByteRefresh) { Features->PerformanceProfileFeatures.RefreshRequest32Byte = 1; } // Reflect Mct Isoc Read Priority set to variable Configuration. Features->PerformanceProfileFeatures.MctIsocVariable = 0; if (PlatformConfig->PlatformProfile.UseVariableMctIsocPriority) { Features->PerformanceProfileFeatures.MctIsocVariable = 1; } // Indicate if this boot is a warm reset. Features->PerformanceProfileFeatures.IsWarmReset = 0; if (IsWarmReset (StdHeader)) { Features->PerformanceProfileFeatures.IsWarmReset = 1; } // Get L3 Cache present as indicated by CPUID Features->PerformanceProfileFeatures.L3Cache = 0; Features->PerformanceProfileFeatures.NoL3Cache = 1; LibAmdCpuidRead (AMD_CPUID_L2L3Cache_L2TLB, &CpuidDataStruct, StdHeader); if (((CpuidDataStruct.EDX_Reg & 0xFFFC0000) >> 18) != 0) { Features->PerformanceProfileFeatures.L3Cache = 1; Features->PerformanceProfileFeatures.NoL3Cache = 0; } // Get VRM select high speed from build option. Features->PerformanceProfileFeatures.VrmHighSpeed = 0; if (PlatformConfig->VrmProperties[CoreVrm].HiSpeedEnable) { Features->PerformanceProfileFeatures.VrmHighSpeed = 1; } // Get some family, model specific performance type info. GetCpuServicesOfCurrentCore ((CONST CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES **)&FamilySpecificServices, StdHeader); ASSERT (FamilySpecificServices != NULL); // Is the Northbridge P-State feature enabled Features->PerformanceProfileFeatures.NbPstates = 0; if (FamilySpecificServices->IsNbPstateEnabled (FamilySpecificServices, PlatformConfig, StdHeader)) { Features->PerformanceProfileFeatures.NbPstates = 1; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Perform the MSR Register Entry. * * @TableEntryTypeMethod{::MsrRegister}. * * Read - Modify - Write the MSR, clearing masked bits, and setting the data bits. * * @param[in] Entry The MSR register entry to perform * @param[in] PlatformConfig Config handle for platform specific information * @param[in] StdHeader Config handle for library and services. * */ VOID SetRegisterForMsrEntry ( IN TABLE_ENTRY_DATA *Entry, IN PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION *PlatformConfig, IN AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader ) { UINT64 MsrData; // Even for only single bit fields, use those in the mask. "Mask nothing" is a bug, even if just by policy. ASSERT (Entry->MsrEntry.Mask != 0); LibAmdMsrRead (Entry->MsrEntry.Address, &MsrData, StdHeader); MsrData = MsrData & (~(Entry->MsrEntry.Mask)); MsrData = MsrData | Entry->MsrEntry.Data; LibAmdMsrWrite (Entry->MsrEntry.Address, &MsrData, StdHeader); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Perform the PCI Register Entry. * * @TableEntryTypeMethod{::PciRegister}. * * Make the current core's PCI address with the function and register for the entry. * Read - Modify - Write the PCI register, clearing masked bits, and setting the data bits. * * @param[in] Entry The PCI register entry to perform * @param[in] PlatformConfig Config handle for platform specific information * @param[in] StdHeader Config handle for library and services. * */ VOID SetRegisterForPciEntry ( IN TABLE_ENTRY_DATA *Entry, IN PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION *PlatformConfig, IN AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader ) { UINT32 TempVar32_a; UINT32 MySocket; UINT32 MyModule; UINT32 Ignored; PCI_ADDR MyPciAddress; AGESA_STATUS IgnoredSts; TABLE_ENTRY_DATA PciEntry; // Errors: Possible values in unused entry space, extra type features, value range checks. // Check that the entry type is correct and the actual supplied entry data is appropriate for that entry. // Even for only single bit fields, use those in the mask. "Mask nothing" is a bug, even if just by policy. ASSERT ((Entry->InitialValues[4] == 0) && (Entry->InitialValues[3] == 0) && (Entry->PciEntry.Mask != 0)); LibAmdMemFill (&PciEntry, 0, sizeof (TABLE_ENTRY_DATA), StdHeader); PciEntry.PciEntry = Entry->PciEntry; IDS_OPTION_HOOK (IDS_SET_PCI_REGISTER_ENTRY, &PciEntry, StdHeader); IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &MySocket, &MyModule, &Ignored, &IgnoredSts); GetPciAddress (StdHeader, MySocket, MyModule, &MyPciAddress, &IgnoredSts); MyPciAddress.Address.Function = PciEntry.PciEntry.Address.Address.Function; MyPciAddress.Address.Register = PciEntry.PciEntry.Address.Address.Register; LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, MyPciAddress, &TempVar32_a, StdHeader); TempVar32_a = TempVar32_a & (~(PciEntry.PciEntry.Mask)); TempVar32_a = TempVar32_a | PciEntry.PciEntry.Data; LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, MyPciAddress, &TempVar32_a, StdHeader); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Perform the Family Specific Workaround Register Entry. * * @TableEntryTypeMethod{::FamSpecificWorkaround}. * * Call the function, passing the data. * * See if you can use the other entries or make an entry that covers the fix. * After all, the purpose of having a table entry is to @b NOT have code which * isn't generic feature code, but is family/model code specific to one case. * * @param[in] Entry The Family Specific Workaround register entry to perform * @param[in] PlatformConfig Config handle for platform specific information * @param[in] StdHeader Config handle for library and services. * */ VOID SetRegisterForFamSpecificWorkaroundEntry ( IN TABLE_ENTRY_DATA *Entry, IN PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION *PlatformConfig, IN AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader ) { ASSERT (Entry->FamSpecificEntry.DoAction != NULL); Entry->FamSpecificEntry.DoAction (Entry->FamSpecificEntry.Data, StdHeader); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Perform the Performance Profile PCI Register Entry. * * @TableEntryTypeMethod{::ProfileFixup}. * * Check the entry's performance profile features to the platform's and do the * PCI register entry if they match. * * @param[in] Entry The Performance Profile register entry to perform * @param[in] PlatformConfig Config handle for platform specific information * @param[in] StdHeader Config handle for library and services. * */ VOID SetRegisterForPerformanceProfileEntry ( IN TABLE_ENTRY_DATA *Entry, IN PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION *PlatformConfig, IN AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader ) { PERFORMANCE_PROFILE_FEATS PlatformProfile; TABLE_ENTRY_DATA PciEntry; // Errors: Possible values in unused entry space, extra type features, value range checks. // Check that the entry type is correct and the actual supplied entry data is appropriate for that entry. ASSERT (((Entry->TokenPciEntry.TypeFeats.PerformanceProfileValue & ~((PERFORMANCE_PROFILE_ALL) | (PERFORMANCE_AND))) == 0) && (Entry->InitialValues[4] == 0)); GetPerformanceFeatures (&PlatformProfile, PlatformConfig, StdHeader); if (DoesEntryTypeSpecificInfoMatch (PlatformProfile.PerformanceProfileValue, Entry->FixupEntry.TypeFeats.PerformanceProfileValue)) { LibAmdMemFill (&PciEntry, 0, sizeof (TABLE_ENTRY_DATA), StdHeader); PciEntry.PciEntry = Entry->FixupEntry.PciEntry; SetRegisterForPciEntry (&PciEntry, PlatformConfig, StdHeader); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Perform the Core Counts Performance PCI Register Entry. * * @TableEntryTypeMethod{::CoreCountsPciRegister}. * * Check the performance profile. * Check the actual core count to the range pair given, and apply if matched. * * @param[in] Entry The PCI register entry to perform * @param[in] PlatformConfig Config handle for platform specific information * @param[in] StdHeader Config handle for library and services. * */ VOID SetRegisterForCoreCountsPerformanceEntry ( IN TABLE_ENTRY_DATA *Entry, IN PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION *PlatformConfig, IN AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader ) { PERFORMANCE_PROFILE_FEATS PlatformProfile; UINTN ActualCoreCount; TABLE_ENTRY_DATA PciEntry; // Errors: Possible values in unused entry space, extra type features, value range checks. // Check that the entry type is correct and the actual supplied entry data is appropriate for that entry. ASSERT (((Entry->CoreCountEntry.TypeFeats.PerformanceProfileValue & ~((PERFORMANCE_PROFILE_ALL) | (PERFORMANCE_AND))) == 0)); GetPerformanceFeatures (&PlatformProfile, PlatformConfig, StdHeader); if (DoesEntryTypeSpecificInfoMatch (PlatformProfile.PerformanceProfileValue, Entry->CoreCountEntry.TypeFeats.PerformanceProfileValue)) { ActualCoreCount = GetActiveCoresInCurrentModule (StdHeader); // Check if the actual core count is in either range. if (IsEitherCountInRange (ActualCoreCount, ActualCoreCount, Entry->CoreCountEntry.CoreCounts.CoreRanges)) { LibAmdMemFill (&PciEntry, 0, sizeof (TABLE_ENTRY_DATA), StdHeader); PciEntry.PciEntry = Entry->CoreCountEntry.PciEntry; SetRegisterForPciEntry (&PciEntry, PlatformConfig, StdHeader); } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Perform the Processor Counts PCI Register Entry. * * @TableEntryTypeMethod{::ProcCountsPciRegister}. * * Check the performance profile. * Check the actual processor count (not node count!) to the range pair given, and apply if matched. * * @param[in] Entry The PCI register entry to perform * @param[in] PlatformConfig Config handle for platform specific information * @param[in] StdHeader Config handle for library and services. * */ VOID SetRegisterForProcessorCountsEntry ( IN TABLE_ENTRY_DATA *Entry, IN PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION *PlatformConfig, IN AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader ) { PERFORMANCE_PROFILE_FEATS PlatformProfile; UINTN ProcessorCount; TABLE_ENTRY_DATA PciEntry; // Errors: Possible values in unused entry space, extra type features, value range checks. // Check that the entry type is correct and the actual supplied entry data is appropriate for that entry. ASSERT (((Entry->ProcCountEntry.TypeFeats.PerformanceProfileValue & ~((PERFORMANCE_PROFILE_ALL) | (PERFORMANCE_AND))) == 0)); GetPerformanceFeatures (&PlatformProfile, PlatformConfig, StdHeader); if (DoesEntryTypeSpecificInfoMatch (PlatformProfile.PerformanceProfileValue, Entry->ProcCountEntry.TypeFeats.PerformanceProfileValue)) { ProcessorCount = GetNumberOfProcessors (StdHeader); // Check if the actual processor count is in either range. if (IsEitherCountInRange (ProcessorCount, ProcessorCount, Entry->ProcCountEntry.ProcessorCounts.ProcessorCountRanges)) { LibAmdMemFill (&PciEntry, 0, sizeof (TABLE_ENTRY_DATA), StdHeader); PciEntry.PciEntry = Entry->ProcCountEntry.PciEntry; SetRegisterForPciEntry (&PciEntry, PlatformConfig, StdHeader); } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Perform the Compute Unit Counts PCI Register Entry. * * @TableEntryTypeMethod{::CompUnitCountsPciRegister}. * * Check the entry's performance profile features and the compute unit count * to the platform's and do the PCI register entry if they match. * * @param[in] Entry The PCI register entry to perform * @param[in] PlatformConfig Config handle for platform specific information * @param[in] StdHeader Config handle for library and services. * */ VOID SetRegisterForComputeUnitCountsEntry ( IN TABLE_ENTRY_DATA *Entry, IN PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION *PlatformConfig, IN AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader ) { PERFORMANCE_PROFILE_FEATS PlatformProfile; UINTN ComputeUnitCount; TABLE_ENTRY_DATA PciEntry; // Errors: Possible values in unused entry space, extra type features, value range checks. // Check that the entry type is correct and the actual supplied entry data is appropriate for that entry. ASSERT (((Entry->CompUnitCountEntry.TypeFeats.PerformanceProfileValue & ~((PERFORMANCE_PROFILE_ALL) | (PERFORMANCE_AND))) == 0)); GetPerformanceFeatures (&PlatformProfile, PlatformConfig, StdHeader); if (DoesEntryTypeSpecificInfoMatch (PlatformProfile.PerformanceProfileValue, Entry->CompUnitCountEntry.TypeFeats.PerformanceProfileValue)) { ComputeUnitCount = GetNumberOfCompUnitsInCurrentModule (StdHeader); // Check if the actual compute unit count is in either range. if (IsEitherCountInRange (ComputeUnitCount, ComputeUnitCount, Entry->CompUnitCountEntry.ComputeUnitCounts.ComputeUnitRanges)) { LibAmdMemFill (&PciEntry, 0, sizeof (TABLE_ENTRY_DATA), StdHeader); PciEntry.PciEntry = Entry->CompUnitCountEntry.PciEntry; SetRegisterForPciEntry (&PciEntry, PlatformConfig, StdHeader); } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Perform the Compute Unit Counts MSR Register Entry. * * @TableEntryTypeMethod{::CompUnitCountsMsr}. * * Check the entry's compute unit count to the platform's and do the * MSR entry if they match. * * @param[in] Entry The PCI register entry to perform * @param[in] PlatformConfig Config handle for platform specific information * @param[in] StdHeader Config handle for library and services. * */ VOID SetMsrForComputeUnitCountsEntry ( IN TABLE_ENTRY_DATA *Entry, IN PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION *PlatformConfig, IN AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader ) { UINTN ComputeUnitCount; TABLE_ENTRY_DATA MsrEntry; ComputeUnitCount = GetNumberOfCompUnitsInCurrentModule (StdHeader); // Check if the actual compute unit count is in either range. if (IsEitherCountInRange (ComputeUnitCount, ComputeUnitCount, Entry->CompUnitCountMsrEntry.ComputeUnitCounts.ComputeUnitRanges)) { LibAmdMemFill (&MsrEntry, 0, sizeof (TABLE_ENTRY_DATA), StdHeader); MsrEntry.MsrEntry = Entry->CompUnitCountMsrEntry.MsrEntry; SetRegisterForMsrEntry (&MsrEntry, PlatformConfig, StdHeader); } } /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Returns the platform features list of the currently running processor core. * * @param[out] Features The Features supported by this platform * @param[in] PlatformConfig Config handle for platform specific information * @param[in] StdHeader Header for library and services * */ VOID GetPlatformFeatures ( OUT PLATFORM_FEATS *Features, IN PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION *PlatformConfig, IN AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader ) { PCI_ADDR PciAddress; UINT32 CapabilityReg; UINT32 Link; CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES *FamilySpecificServices; UINT32 CoreCount; // Start with none. Features->PlatformValue = 0; switch (PlatformConfig->PlatformProfile.PlatformControlFlowMode) { case Nfcm: Features->PlatformFeatures.PlatformNfcm = 1; break; case UmaDr: Features->PlatformFeatures.PlatformUma = 1; break; case UmaIfcm: Features->PlatformFeatures.PlatformUmaIfcm = 1; break; case Ifcm: Features->PlatformFeatures.PlatformIfcm = 1; break; case Iommu: Features->PlatformFeatures.PlatformIommu = 1; break; default: ASSERT (FALSE); } // Check - Single Link? // This is based on the implemented links on the package regardless of their // connection status. All processors must match the BSP, so we only check it and // not the current node. We don't care exactly how many links there are, as soon // as we find more than one we are done. Link = 0; PciAddress.AddressValue = MAKE_SBDFO (0, 0, PCI_DEV_BASE, FUNC_0, 0); // Until either all capabilities are done or until the desired link is found, // keep looking for HT Host Capabilities. while (Link < 2) { LibAmdPciFindNextCap (&PciAddress, StdHeader); if (PciAddress.AddressValue != ILLEGAL_SBDFO) { LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &CapabilityReg, StdHeader); if ((CapabilityReg & 0xE00000FF) == 0x20000008) { Link++; } // A capability other than an HT capability, keep looking. } else { // end of capabilities break; } } if (Link < 2) { Features->PlatformFeatures.PlatformSingleLink = 1; } else { Features->PlatformFeatures.PlatformMultiLink = 1; } // Set the legacy core count bits. GetActiveCoresInCurrentSocket (&CoreCount, StdHeader); switch (CoreCount) { case 1: Features->PlatformFeatures.PlatformSingleCore = 1; break; case 2: Features->PlatformFeatures.PlatformDualCore = 1; break; default: Features->PlatformFeatures.PlatformMultiCore = 1; } // // Get some specific platform type info, VC...etc. // GetCpuServicesOfCurrentCore ((CONST CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES **)&FamilySpecificServices, StdHeader); ASSERT (FamilySpecificServices != NULL); FamilySpecificServices->GetPlatformTypeSpecificInfo (FamilySpecificServices, Features, StdHeader); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Checks if a register table entry applies to the executing core. * * This function uses a combination of logical ID and platform features to * determine whether or not a register table entry applies to the executing core. * * @param[in] CoreCpuRevision The current core's logical ID * @param[in] EntryCpuRevision The entry's desired logical IDs * @param[in] PlatformFeatures The platform features * @param[in] EntryFeatures The entry's desired platform features * * @retval TRUE This entry should be applied * @retval FALSE This entry does not apply * */ BOOLEAN STATIC DoesEntryMatchPlatform ( IN CPU_LOGICAL_ID CoreCpuRevision, IN CPU_LOGICAL_ID EntryCpuRevision, IN PLATFORM_FEATS PlatformFeatures, IN PLATFORM_FEATS EntryFeatures ) { BOOLEAN Result; Result = FALSE; if (((CoreCpuRevision.Family & EntryCpuRevision.Family) != 0) && ((CoreCpuRevision.Revision & EntryCpuRevision.Revision) != 0)) { if (EntryFeatures.PlatformFeatures.AndPlatformFeats == 0) { // Match if ANY entry feats match a platform feat (an OR test) if ((EntryFeatures.PlatformValue & PlatformFeatures.PlatformValue) != 0) { Result = TRUE; } } else { // Match if ALL entry feats match a platform feat (an AND test) if ((EntryFeatures.PlatformValue & ~(AMD_PF_AND)) == (EntryFeatures.PlatformValue & PlatformFeatures.PlatformValue)) { Result = TRUE; } } } return Result; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Checks register table entry type specific criteria to the platform. * * Entry Data Type implementer methods can use this generically to check their own * specific criteria. The method collects the actual platform characteristics and * provides them along with the table entry's criteria to this service. * * There are a couple considerations for any implementer method using this service. * The criteria value has to be representable as a UINT32. The MSB, Bit 31, has to * be used as a AND test request if set in the entry. (The platform value should never * have that bit set.) * * @param[in] PlatformTypeSpecificFeatures The platform features * @param[in] EntryTypeFeatures The entry's desired platform features * * @retval TRUE This entry should be applied * @retval FALSE This entry does not apply * */ BOOLEAN DoesEntryTypeSpecificInfoMatch ( IN UINT32 PlatformTypeSpecificFeatures, IN UINT32 EntryTypeFeatures ) { BOOLEAN Result; Result = FALSE; if ((EntryTypeFeatures & BIT31) == 0) { // Match if ANY entry feats match a platform feat (an OR test) if ((EntryTypeFeatures & PlatformTypeSpecificFeatures) != 0) { Result = TRUE; } } else { // Match if ALL entry feats match a platform feat (an AND test) if ((EntryTypeFeatures & ~(BIT31)) == (EntryTypeFeatures & PlatformTypeSpecificFeatures)) { Result = TRUE; } } return Result; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Determine this core's Selector matches. * * @param[in] Selector Is the current core this selector type? * @param[in] StdHeader Config handle for library and services. * * @retval TRUE Yes, it is. * @retval FALSE No, it is not. */ BOOLEAN STATIC IsCoreSelector ( IN TABLE_CORE_SELECTOR Selector, IN AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader ) { BOOLEAN Result; AGESA_STATUS CalledStatus; Result = TRUE; ASSERT (Selector < TableCoreSelectorMax); if ((Selector == PrimaryCores) && !IsCurrentCorePrimary (StdHeader)) { Result = FALSE; } if ((Selector == CorePairPrimary) && !IsCorePairPrimary (FirstCoreIsComputeUnitPrimary, StdHeader)) { Result = FALSE; } if ((Selector == BscCore) && (!IsBsp (StdHeader, &CalledStatus))) { Result = FALSE; } return Result; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Set the registers for this core based on entries in a list of Register Tables. * * Determine the platform features and this core's logical id. Get the specific table * entry type implementations for the logical model, which may be either generic (the ones * in this file) or specific. * * Scan the tables starting the with ones for all cores and progressively narrowing the selection * based on this core's role (ex. primary core). For a selected table, check for each entry * matching the current core and platform, and call the implementer method to perform the * register set operation if it matches. * * @param[in] PlatformConfig Config handle for platform specific information * @param[in] StdHeader Config handle for library and services. * */ VOID SetRegistersFromTables ( IN PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION *PlatformConfig, IN AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader ) { CPU_LOGICAL_ID CpuLogicalId; PLATFORM_FEATS PlatformFeatures; CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES *FamilySpecificServices; TABLE_ENTRY_FIELDS *Entries; TABLE_CORE_SELECTOR Selector; TABLE_ENTRY_TYPE EntryType; REGISTER_TABLE **TableHandle; UINTN NumberOfEntries; UINTN CurrentEntryCount; TABLE_ENTRY_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR *TypeImplementer; PF_DO_TABLE_ENTRY DoTableEntry[TableEntryTypeMax]; // Did you really mean to increase the size of ALL table entries??!! // While it is not necessarily a bug to increase the size of table entries: // - Is this warning a surprise? Please fix it. // - If expected, is this really a feature which is worth the increase? Then let other entries also use the space. ASSERT (sizeof (TABLE_ENTRY_DATA) == (MAX_ENTRY_TYPE_ITEMS32 * sizeof (UINT32))); PlatformFeatures.PlatformValue = 0; GetLogicalIdOfCurrentCore (&CpuLogicalId, StdHeader); GetPlatformFeatures (&PlatformFeatures, PlatformConfig, StdHeader); GetCpuServicesFromLogicalId (&CpuLogicalId, (CONST CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES **)&FamilySpecificServices, StdHeader); // Build a non-sparse table of implementer methods, so we don't have to keep searching. // It is a bug to not include a descriptor for a type that is in the table (but the // descriptor can point to a non-assert stub). // Also, it is not a bug to have no register table implementations, but it is a bug to have none and call this routine. for (EntryType = MsrRegister; EntryType < TableEntryTypeMax; EntryType++) { DoTableEntry[EntryType] = (PF_DO_TABLE_ENTRY)CommonAssert; } TypeImplementer = FamilySpecificServices->TableEntryTypeDescriptors; ASSERT (TypeImplementer != NULL); while (TypeImplementer->EntryType < TableEntryTypeMax) { DoTableEntry[TypeImplementer->EntryType] = TypeImplementer->DoTableEntry; TypeImplementer++; } for (Selector = AllCores; Selector < TableCoreSelectorMax; Selector++) { if (IsCoreSelector (Selector, StdHeader)) { // If the current core is the selected type of core, work the table list for tables for that type of core. TableHandle = NULL; Entries = GetNextRegisterTable (FamilySpecificServices, Selector, &TableHandle, &NumberOfEntries, StdHeader); while (Entries != NULL) { for (CurrentEntryCount = 0; CurrentEntryCount < NumberOfEntries; CurrentEntryCount++, Entries++) { if (DoesEntryMatchPlatform (CpuLogicalId, Entries->CpuRevision, PlatformFeatures, Entries->Features)) { // The entry matches this config, Do It! // Find the implementer for this entry type and pass the entry data to it. ASSERT (Entries->EntryType < TableEntryTypeMax); DoTableEntry[Entries->EntryType] (&Entries->Entry, PlatformConfig, StdHeader); } } Entries = GetNextRegisterTable (FamilySpecificServices, Selector, &TableHandle, &NumberOfEntries, StdHeader); } } else { // Once a selector does not match the current core, quit looking. break; } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Set the registers for this core based on entries in a list of Register Tables. * * This function acts as a wrapper for calling the SetRegistersFromTables * routine at AmdInitEarly. * * @param[in] FamilyServices The current Family Specific Services. * @param[in] EarlyParams Service parameters. * @param[in] StdHeader Config handle for library and services. * */ VOID SetRegistersFromTablesAtEarly ( IN CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES *FamilyServices, IN AMD_CPU_EARLY_PARAMS *EarlyParams, IN AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader ) { AGESA_TESTPOINT (TpProcCpuProcessRegisterTables, StdHeader); SetRegistersFromTables (&EarlyParams->PlatformConfig, StdHeader); }