/* $NoKeywords:$ */ /** * @file * * FCH registers definition * * * * @xrefitem bom "File Content Label" "Release Content" * @e project: AGESA * @e sub-project: FCH * @e \$Revision: 64988 $ @e \$Date: 2012-02-06 03:07:17 -0600 (Mon, 06 Feb 2012) $ * */ /* ***************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2008 - 2012 ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES, INC. All Rights Reserved. * * AMD is granting you permission to use this software (the Materials) * pursuant to the terms and conditions of your Software License Agreement * with AMD. This header does *NOT* give you permission to use the Materials * or any rights under AMD's intellectual property. Your use of any portion * of these Materials shall constitute your acceptance of those terms and * conditions. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of the Software * License Agreement, please do not use any portion of these Materials. * * CONFIDENTIALITY: The Materials and all other information, identified as * confidential and provided to you by AMD shall be kept confidential in * accordance with the terms and conditions of the Software License Agreement. * * LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: THE MATERIALS AND ANY OTHER RELATED INFORMATION * PROVIDED TO YOU BY AMD ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, TITLE, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, * OR WARRANTIES ARISING FROM CONDUCT, COURSE OF DEALING, OR USAGE OF TRADE. * IN NO EVENT SHALL AMD OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER * (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF AMD'S NEGLIGENCE, * GROSS NEGLIGENCE, THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE MATERIALS OR ANY OTHER * RELATED INFORMATION PROVIDED TO YOU BY AMD, EVEN IF AMD HAS BEEN ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. BECAUSE SOME JURISDICTIONS PROHIBIT THE * EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, * THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. * * AMD does not assume any responsibility for any errors which may appear in * the Materials or any other related information provided to you by AMD, or * result from use of the Materials or any related information. * * You agree that you will not reverse engineer or decompile the Materials. * * NO SUPPORT OBLIGATION: AMD is not obligated to furnish, support, or make any * further information, software, technical information, know-how, or show-how * available to you. Additionally, AMD retains the right to modify the * Materials at any time, without notice, and is not obligated to provide such * modified Materials to you. * * U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS: The Materials are provided with * "RESTRICTED RIGHTS." Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is * subject to the restrictions as set forth in FAR 52.227-14 and * DFAR252.227-7013, et seq., or its successor. Use of the Materials by the * Government constitutes acknowledgement of AMD's proprietary rights in them. * * EXPORT ASSURANCE: You agree and certify that neither the Materials, nor any * direct product thereof will be exported directly or indirectly, into any * country prohibited by the United States Export Administration Act and the * regulations thereunder, without the required authorization from the U.S. * government nor will be used for any purpose prohibited by the same. **************************************************************************** */ #define FCH_REVISION "" #define FCH_ID "FCH_A05" #define FCH_VERSION 0x0000 /** * @page fchinitguide FCH implement phase in AGESA * * FCH provides below access to supported FCH service functions * and data. * - @subpage fchreset "FCH_INIT_RESET" * - @subpage fchenv "FCH_INIT_ENV" * - @subpage fchmid "FCH_INIT_MID" * - @subpage fchlate "FCH_INIT_LATE" * - @subpage fchs3early "FCH_INIT_S3_EARLY_RESTORE" * - @subpage fchs3late "FCH_INIT_S3_LATE_RESTORE" * - @subpage fchsmm "FCH_SMM_SERVICE" * - @subpage fchsmmacpion "FCH_SMM_ACPION" */ /*--------------------------- Documentation Pages ---------------------------*/ /** * @page fchreset FCH_INIT_RESET * @section FCH_INIT_RESET Interface Call * @par * Initialize structure referenced by FCH_RESET_DATA_BLOCK to default recommended value. * @subsection FCH_INIT_RESET_CallIn Call Prototype * @par * AGESA_STATUS FchInitReset (IN AMD_RESET_PARAMS *ResetParams); * @subsection FCH_INIT_RESET_CallOut Prepare for Callout * @par * Not Applicable (Not necessary for the current implementation) * @subsection FCH_INIT_RESET_Config Prepare for Configuration Data. * @par * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
BUILD_OPT_CFG::CfgSmbus0BaseAddress Required
BUILD_OPT_CFG::CfgSmbus1BaseAddress Required
BUILD_OPT_CFG::CfgSioPmeBaseAddress Required
BUILD_OPT_CFG::CfgWatchDogTimerBase Required
BUILD_OPT_CFG::CfgGecShadowRomBase Required
BUILD_OPT_CFG::CfgSpiRomBaseAddress Required
BUILD_OPT_CFG::CfgAcpiPm1EvtBlkAddr Required
BUILD_OPT_CFG::CfgAcpiPm1CntBlkAddr Required
BUILD_OPT_CFG::CfgAcpiPmTmrBlkAddr Required
BUILD_OPT_CFG::CfgCpuControlBlkAddr Required
BUILD_OPT_CFG::CfgAcpiGpe0BlkAddr Required
BUILD_OPT_CFG::CfgSmiCmdPortAddr Required
BUILD_OPT_CFG::CfgAcpiPmaCntBlkAddr Required
FCH_RESET_INTERFACE::SataEnable Optional
* */ /*--------------------------- Documentation Pages ---------------------------*/ /** * @page fchenv FCH_INIT_ENV * @section FCH_INIT_ENV Interface Call * @par * Initialize structure referenced by FCH_DATA_BLOCK to default recommended value. * @subsection FCH_INIT_ENV_CallIn Call Prototype * @par * AGESA_STATUS FchInitEnv (IN AMD_ENV_PARAMS *EnvParams); * @subsection FCH_INIT_ENV_CallOut Prepare for Callout * @par * Not Applicable (Not necessary for the current implementation) * @subsection FCH_INIT_ENV_Config Prepare for Configuration Data. * @par * * * * * * * * * * * *
FCH_INTERFACE::SdConfig Optional
FCH_INTERFACE::IrConfig Optional
FCH_INTERFACE::SataClass Optional
FCH_INTERFACE::SataEnable Optional
FCH_INTERFACE::SataIdeMode Optional
FCH_INTERFACE::Ohci1Enable Optional
FCH_INTERFACE::Ohci2Enable Optional
FCH_INTERFACE::Ohci3Enable Optional
FCH_INTERFACE::Ohci4Enable Optional
FCH_INTERFACE::XhciSwitch Optional
* */ /*--------------------------- Documentation Pages ---------------------------*/ /** * @page fchmid FCH_INIT_MID * @section FCH_INIT_MID Interface Call * @par * Initialize structure referenced by FCH_DATA_BLOCK to default recommended value. * @subsection FCH_INIT_MID_CallIn Call Prototype * @par * AGESA_STATUS FchInitMid (IN AMD_MID_PARAMS *MidParams); * @subsection FCH_INIT_MID_CallOut Prepare for Callout * @par * Not Applicable (Not necessary for the current implementation) * @subsection FCH_INIT_MID_Config Prepare for Configuration Data. * @par * * * * * */ /*--------------------------- Documentation Pages ---------------------------*/ /** * @section FCH_INIT_LATE Interface Call * @par * Initialize structure referenced by FCH_DATA_BLOCK to default recommended value. * @subsection FCH_INIT_LATE_CallIn Call Prototype * @par * AGESA_STATUS FchInitLate (IN AMD_S3SAVE_PARAMS *LateParams); * @subsection FCH_INIT_LATE_CallOut Prepare for Callout * @par * Not Applicable (Not necessary for the current implementation) * @subsection FCH_INIT_LATE_Config Prepare for Configuration Data. * @par *
FCH_INTERFACE::SataEnable Optional
FCH_INTERFACE::IdeEnable Optional
FCH_INTERFACE::XhciSwitch Optional
* * * * *
FCH_INTERFACE::SataClass Optional
FCH_INTERFACE::SataEnable Optional
FCH_INTERFACE::XhciSwitch Optional
BUILD_OPT_CFG::CfgSpiRomBaseAddress Required
* */ /*--------------------------- Documentation Pages ---------------------------*/ /** * @page fchs3early FCH_INIT_S3_EARLY_RESTORE * @section FCH_INIT_S3_EARLY_RESTORE Interface Call * @par * Initialize structure referenced by FCH_DATA_BLOCK to default recommended value. * @subsection FCH_INIT_S3_EARLY_RESTORE_CallIn Call Prototype * @par * VOID FchInitS3EarlyRestore (IN FCH_DATA_BLOCK *FchDataPtr); * @subsection FCH_INIT_S3_EARLY_RESTORE_CallOut Prepare for Callout * @par * Not Applicable (Not necessary for the current implementation) * @subsection FCH_INIT_S3_EARLY_RESTORE_Config Prepare for Configuration Data. * @par * * * * * * * * * * * *
FCH_INTERFACE::SdConfig Optional
FCH_INTERFACE::IrConfig Optional
FCH_INTERFACE::SataClass Optional
FCH_INTERFACE::SataEnable Optional
FCH_INTERFACE::SataIdeMode Optional
FCH_INTERFACE::Ohci1Enable Optional
FCH_INTERFACE::Ohci2Enable Optional
FCH_INTERFACE::Ohci3Enable Optional
FCH_INTERFACE::Ohci4Enable Optional
FCH_INTERFACE::XhciSwitch Optional
* */ /*--------------------------- Documentation Pages ---------------------------*/ /** * @page fchs3late FCH_INIT_S3_LATE_RESTORE * @section FCH_INIT_S3_LATE_RESTORE Interface Call * @par * Initialize structure referenced by FCH_DATA_BLOCK to default recommended value. * @subsection FCH_INIT_S3_LATE_RESTORE_CallIn Call Prototype * @par * VOID FchInitS3LateRestore (IN FCH_DATA_BLOCK *FchDataPtr); * @subsection FCH_INIT_S3_LATE_RESTORE_CallOut Prepare for Callout * @par * Not Applicable (Not necessary for the current implementation) * @subsection FCH_INIT_S3_LATE_RESTORE_Config Prepare for Configuration Data. * @par * * * * * * *
FCH_INTERFACE::SataClass Optional
FCH_INTERFACE::SataEnable Optional
FCH_INTERFACE::IdeEnable Optional
FCH_INTERFACE::XhciSwitch Optional
BUILD_OPT_CFG::CfgSpiRomBaseAddress Required
* */ /*--------------------------- Documentation Pages ---------------------------*/ /** * @page fchsmm FCH_SMM_SERVICE * @section FCH_SMM_SERVICE Interface Call * Initialize structure referenced by FCHCFG to default recommended value. * @subsection FCH_SMM_SERVICE_CallIn Call Prototype * @par * FchSmmService ((FCHCFG*)pConfig) (Followed PH Interface) * @subsection FCH_SMM_SERVICE_CallID Service ID * @par * * *
FCH_SMM_SERVICE --> 0x00010060
* @subsection FCH_SMM_SERVICE_CallOut Prepare for Callout * @par * Not Applicable (Not necessary for the current implementation) * @subsection FCH_SMM_SERVICE_Config Prepare for Configuration Data. * @par * Not necessary on current implementation * */ #define FCH_SMM_SERVICE 0x00010060ul /*--------------------------- Documentation Pages ---------------------------*/ /** * @page fchsmmacpion FCH_SMM_ACPION * @section FCH_SMM_ACPION Interface Call * Initialize structure referenced by FCHCFG to default recommended value. * @subsection FCH_SMM_ACPION_CallIn Call Prototype * @par * FchSmmAcpiOn ((FCHCFG*)pConfig) (Followed PH Interface) * @subsection FCH_SMM_ACPION_CallID Service ID * @par * * *
FCH_SMM_ACPION --> 0x00010061
* @subsection FCH_SMM_ACPION_CallOut Prepare for Callout * @par * Not Applicable (Not necessary for the current implementation) * @subsection FCH_SMM_ACPION_Config Prepare for Configuration Data. * @par * Not necessary on current implementation * */ #define FCH_SMM_ACPION 0x00010061ul #ifndef OEM_CALLBACK_BASE #define OEM_CALLBACK_BASE 0x00010100ul #endif //0x00 - 0x0F callback functions are reserved for bootblock #define SATA_PHY_PROGRAMMING OEM_CALLBACK_BASE + 0x10 #define PULL_UP_PULL_DOWN_SETTINGS OEM_CALLBACK_BASE + 0x20 /*--------------------------- Documentation Pages ---------------------------*/ /** * @page CB_SBGPP_RESET_ASSERT_Page CB_SBGPP_RESET_ASSERT * @section CB_SBGPP_RESET_ASSERT Interface Call * Initialize structure referenced by FCHCFG to default recommended value. * @subsection CB_SBGPP_RESET_ASSERT_CallID Service ID * @par * * *
CB_SBGPP_RESET_ASSERT --> 0x00010130
* @subsection CB_SBGPP_RESET_ASSERT_Config Prepare for Configuration Data. * @par * Not necessary on current implementation * */ #define CB_SBGPP_RESET_ASSERT OEM_CALLBACK_BASE + 0x30 /*--------------------------- Documentation Pages ---------------------------*/ /** * @page CB_SBGPP_RESET_DEASSERT_Page CB_SBGPP_RESET_DEASSERT * @section CB_SBGPP_RESET_DEASSERT Interface Call * Initialize structure referenced by FCHCFG to default recommended value. * @subsection CB_SBGPP_RESET_DEASSERT _CallID Service ID * @par * * *
* @subsection CB_SBGPP_RESET_DEASSERT _Config Prepare for Configuration Data. * @par * Not necessary on current implementation * */ #define CB_SBGPP_RESET_DEASSERT OEM_CALLBACK_BASE + 0x31 #define CFG_ADDR_PORT 0xCF8 #define CFG_DATA_PORT 0xCFC #define ALINK_ACCESS_INDEX 0x0CD8 #define ALINK_ACCESS_DATA ALINK_ACCESS_INDEX + 4 /*------------------------------------------------------------------ ; I/O Base Address - Should be set by host BIOS ;------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #define DELAY_PORT 0x0E0 #define FCH_8259_CONTROL_REG_MASTER 0x20 #define FCH_8259_MASK_REG_MASTER 0x21 /*------------------------------------------------------------------ ; DEBUG_PORT = 8-bit I/O Port Address for POST Code Display ;------------------------------------------------------------------ */ // ASIC VendorID and DeviceIDs #define ATI_VID 0x1002 #define AMD_FCH_VID 0x1022 #define FCH_DEVICE_ID 0x780B #define FCH_SATA_VID AMD_FCH_VID // Dev 17 Func 0 #define FCH_SATA_DID 0x7800 #define FCH_SATA_AHCI_DID 0x7801 #define FCH_SATA_RAID_DID 0x7802 #define FCH_SATA_RAID5_DID 0x7803 #define FCH_SATA_AMDAHCI_DID 0x7804 #define FCH_USB_OHCI_VID AMD_FCH_VID // Dev 18 Func 0, Dev 19 Func 0 #define FCH_USB_OHCI_DID 0x7807 #define FCH_USB_EHCI_VID AMD_FCH_VID // Dev 18 Func 2, Dev 19 Func 2 #define FCH_USB_EHCI_DID 0x7808 #define FCH_USB_XHCI_VID AMD_FCH_VID // Dev 10 Func 0, Dev 10 Func 1 #define FCH_USB_XHCI_DID 0x7812 #define FCH_SMBUS_VID AMD_FCH_VID // Dev 20 Func 0 #define FCH_SMBUS_DID 0x780B #define FCH_IDE_VID AMD_FCH_VID // Dev 20 Func 1 #define FCH_IDE_DID 0x780C #define FCH_LPC_VID AMD_FCH_VID // Dev 20 Func 3 #define FCH_LPC_DID 0x780E #define FCH_PCIB_VID AMD_FCH_VID // Dev 20 Func 4 #define FCH_PCIB_DID 0x780F #define FCH_USB_OHCIF_VID AMD_FCH_VID // dev 20 Func 5 #define FCH_USB_OHCIF_DID 0x7809 #define FCH_NIC_VID 0x14E4 // Dev 20 Func 6 #define FCH_NIC_DID 0x1699 #define FCH_SD_VID AMD_FCH_VID // Dev 20 Func 7 #define FCH_SD_DID 0x7806 //FCH Variant #define FCH_Variant_EFUSE_LOCATION 0x1E // EFUSE bit 240-247 #define FCH_M2 0x01 #define FCH_M3 0x03 #define FCH_M3T 0x07 #define FCH_D2 0x0F #define FCH_D3 0x1F #define FCH_D4 0x3F //Misc #define R_FCH_ACPI_PM1_STATUS 0x00 #define R_FCH_ACPI_PM1_ENABLE 0x02 #define R_FCH_ACPI_PM_CONTROL 0x04 #define R_FCH_ACPI_EVENT_STATUS 0x20 #define R_FCH_ACPI_EVENT_ENABLE 0x24 #define R_FCH_PM_ACPI_PMA_CNT_BLK_LO 0x2C // ACPI Sleep Type #define ACPI_SLPTYP_S0 0 #define ACPI_SLPTYP_S1 1 #define ACPI_SLPTYP_S3 3 #define ACPI_SLPTYP_S4 4 #define ACPI_SLPTYP_S5 5 //#define SATA_BUS_DEV_FUN_FPGA 0x228 #define SATA_BUS_DEV_FUN ((0x11 << 3) + 0) #define FCH_SATA1_BUS 0 #define FCH_SATA1_DEV 17 #define FCH_SATA1_FUNC 0 #define FC_BUS_DEV_FUN ((0x11 << 3) + 1) #define FCH_XHCI_BUS 0 #define FCH_XHCI_DEV 16 #define FCH_XHCI_FUNC 0 #define USB_XHCI_BUS_DEV_FUN ((FCH_XHCI_DEV << 3) + FCH_XHCI_FUNC) #define FCH_XHCI1_BUS 0 #define FCH_XHCI1_DEV 16 #define FCH_XHCI1_FUNC 1 #define USB_XHCI1_BUS_DEV_FUN ((FCH_XHCI1_DEV << 3) + FCH_XHCI1_FUNC) #define USB1_OHCI_BUS_DEV_FUN ((0x12 << 3) + 0) // PORT 0-4 #define FCH_OHCI1_BUS 0 #define FCH_OHCI1_DEV 18 #define FCH_OHCI1_FUNC 0 #define USB2_OHCI_BUS_DEV_FUN ((0x13 << 3) + 0) // PORT 5-9 #define FCH_OHCI2_BUS 0 #define FCH_OHCI2_DEV 19 #define FCH_OHCI2_FUNC 0 #define USB3_OHCI_BUS_DEV_FUN ((0x16 << 3) + 0) // PORT 10-13 #define FCH_OHCI3_BUS 0 #define FCH_OHCI3_DEV 22 #define FCH_OHCI3_FUNC 0 #define USB1_EHCI_BUS_DEV_FUN ((0x12 << 3) + 2) // PORT 0-4 #define FCH_EHCI1_BUS 0 #define FCH_EHCI1_DEV 18 #define FCH_EHCI1_FUNC 2 #define USB2_EHCI_BUS_DEV_FUN ((0x13 << 3) + 2) // PORT 5-9 #define FCH_EHCI2_BUS 0 #define FCH_EHCI2_DEV 19 #define FCH_EHCI2_FUNC 2 #define USB3_EHCI_BUS_DEV_FUN ((0x16 << 3) + 2) // PORT 10-13 #define FCH_EHCI3_BUS 0 #define FCH_EHCI3_DEV 22 #define FCH_EHCI3_FUNC 2 #define SMBUS_BUS_DEV_FUN ((0x14 << 3) + 0) #define FCH_ISA_BUS 0 #define FCH_ISA_DEV 20 #define FCH_ISA_FUNC 0 #define IDE_BUS_DEV_FUN ((0x14 << 3) + 1) #define FCH_IDE_BUS 0 #define FCH_IDE_DEV 20 #define FCH_IDE_FUNC 1 #define LPC_BUS_DEV_FUN ((0x14 << 3) + 3) #define FCH_LPC_BUS 0 #define FCH_LPC_DEV 20 #define FCH_LPC_FUNC 3 #define PCIB_BUS_DEV_FUN ((0x14 << 3) + 4) // P2P in SB700 #define FCH_PCI_BUS 0 #define FCH_PCI_DEV 20 #define FCH_PCI_FUNC 4 #define USB4_OHCI_BUS_DEV_FUN ((0x14 << 3) + 5) // PORT FL0 - FL1 #define FCH_OHCI4_BUS 0 #define FCH_OHCI4_DEV 20 #define FCH_OHCI4_FUNC 5 //Gigabyte Ethernet Controller #define GEC_BUS_DEV_FUN ((0x14 << 3) + 6) #define FCH_GBEC_BUS 0 #define FCH_GBEC_DEV 20 #define FCH_GBEC_FUNC 6 #define SD_BUS_DEV_FUN ((0x14 << 3) + 7) // SD Controller #define SD_PCI_BUS 0 #define SD_PCI_DEV 20 #define SD_PCI_FUNC 7 #define SD_PCI_REG10 0x10 #define SD_PCI_REG2C 0x2C #define SD_PCI_REGA4 0xA4 #define SD_PCI_REGA8 0xA8 #define SD_PCI_REGAC 0xAC #define SD_PCI_REGB0 0xB0 #define FCH_GPP_BUS 0 #define FCH_GPP_DEV 21 #define FCH_GPP_FUNC 0 #define GPP0_BUS_DEV_FUN ((0x15 << 3) + 0) // GPP P2P bridge PORT0 #define GPP1_BUS_DEV_FUN ((0x15 << 3) + 1) // GPP P2P bridge PORT1 #define GPP2_BUS_DEV_FUN ((0x15 << 3) + 2) // GPP P2P bridge PORT2 #define GPP3_BUS_DEV_FUN ((0x15 << 3) + 3) // GPP P2P bridge PORT3 #define ACPI_MMIO_BASE 0xFED80000ul #define FCH_CFG_BASE 0x000 // DWORD #define GPIO_BASE 0x100 // BYTE #define SMI_BASE 0x200 // DWORD #define PMIO_BASE 0x300 // DWORD #define PMIO2_BASE 0x400 // BYTE #define BIOS_RAM_BASE 0x500 // BYTE #define CMOS_RAM_BASE 0x600 // BYTE #define CMOS_BASE 0x700 // BYTE #define ASF_BASE 0x900 // DWORD #define SMBUS_BASE 0xA00 // DWORD #define WATCHDOG_BASE 0xB00 // #define HPET_BASE 0xC00 // DWORD #define IOMUX_BASE 0xD00 // BYTE #define MISC_BASE 0xE00 #define SERIAL_DEBUG_BASE 0x1000 #define GFX_DAC_BASE 0x1400 #define CEC_BASE 0x1800 #define XHCI_BASE 0x1C00 // RegSpace field (AB_INDEX[31:29] #define AXINDC 0 // AXINDC #define AXINDP 2 // AXINDP #define ABCFG 6 // ABCFG #define AXCFG 4 // AXCFG #define RCINDXC 1 // PCIEIND #define RCINDXP 3 // PCIEIND_P #define GPP_DEV_NUM 21 // #define MAX_GPP_PORTS 4 #define PCIE_FORCE_GEN1_EFUSE_LOCATION 0x14 // EFUSE bit 160 // // ABCFG Registers // #define FCH_ABCFG_REG00 0x00 // VENDOR ID #define FCH_ABCFG_REG08 0x08 // REVISION ID #define FCH_ABCFG_REG40 0x40 // BL_EVENTCNT0LO #define FCH_ABCFG_REG44 0x44 // BL_EVENTCNT1LO #define FCH_ABCFG_REG48 0x48 // BL_EVENTCNTSEL #define FCH_ABCFG_REG4A 0x4A // BL_EVENTCNT0HI #define FCH_ABCFG_REG4B 0x4B // BL_EVENTCNT1HI #define FCH_ABCFG_REG4C 0x4C // BL_EVENTCNTCTL #define FCH_ABCFG_REG50 0x50 // MISCCTL_50 #define FCH_ABCFG_REG54 0x54 // MISCCTL_54 #define FCH_ABCFG_REG58 0x58 // BL RAB CONTROL #define FCH_ABCFG_REG60 0x60 // LINKWIDTH_CTL #define FCH_ABCFG_REG64 0x64 // LINKWIDTH_UP_INTERVAL #define FCH_ABCFG_REG68 0x68 // LINKWIDTH_DN_INVERVAL #define FCH_ABCFG_REG6C 0x6C // LINKWIDTH_UPSTREAM_DWORDS #define FCH_ABCFG_REG70 0x70 // LINKWIDTH_DOWNSTREAM_DWORDS #define FCH_ABCFG_REG74 0x74 // LINKWIDTH_THRESHOLD_INCREASE #define FCH_ABCFG_REG78 0x78 // LINKWIDTH_THRESHOLD_DECREASE #define FCH_ABCFG_REG80 0x80 // BL DMA PREFETCH CONTROL #define FCH_ABCFG_REG88 0x88 // #define FCH_ABCFG_REG90 0x90 // BIF CONTROL 0 #define FCH_ABCFG_REG94 0x94 // MSI CONTROL #define FCH_ABCFG_REG98 0x98 // BIF CONTROL 1 #define FCH_ABCFG_REG9C 0x9C // MISCCTL_9C #define FCH_ABCFG_REGA0 0xA0 // BIF PHY CONTROL ENABLE #define FCH_ABCFG_REGA4 0xA4 // BIF PHY CONTROL A4 #define FCH_ABCFG_REGA8 0xA8 // BIF PHY CONTROL A8 #define FCH_ABCFG_REGB4 0xB4 // #define FCH_ABCFG_REGC0 0xC0 // PCIE_GPP_ENABLE #define FCH_ABCFG_REGF0 0xF0 // GPP_UPSTREAM_CONTROL #define FCH_ABCFG_REGF4 0xF4 // GPP_SYSTEM_ERROR_CONTROL #define FCH_ABCFG_REG208 0x208 // KR New #define FCH_ABCFG_REG300 0x300 // MCTP_VDM_RX_SMI_CONTROL #define FCH_ABCFG_REG31C 0x31C // BIF_GPP_STRAP_LINK_CONTROL_0 #define FCH_ABCFG_REG330 0x330 // BIF_GPP_STRAP_BIF_0 #define FCH_ABCFG_REG340 0x340 // BIF_GPP_STRAP_BIF_LANE_A #define FCH_ABCFG_REG344 0x344 // BIF_GPP_STRAP_BIF_LANE_B #define FCH_ABCFG_REG348 0x348 // BIF_GPP_STRAP_BIF_LANE_C #define FCH_ABCFG_REG34C 0x34C // BIF_GPP_STRAP_BIF_LANE_D #define FCH_ABCFG_REG404 0x404 // GPP0_SHADOW_COMMAND #define FCH_ABCFG_REG418 0x418 // GPP0_SHADOW_BUS_NUMBER #define FCH_ABCFG_REG41C 0x41C // GPP0_SHADOW_IO_LIMIT_BASE #define FCH_ABCFG_REG420 0x420 // GPP0_SHADOW_MEM_LIMIT_BASE #define FCH_ABCFG_REG424 0x424 // GPP0_SHADOW_PREF_MEM_LIMIT_BASE #define FCH_ABCFG_REG428 0x428 // GPP0_SHADOW_PREF_MEM_BASE_UPPER #define FCH_ABCFG_REG42C 0x42C // GPP0_SHADOW_PREF_MEM_LIMIT_UPPER #define FCH_ABCFG_REG430 0x430 // GPP0_SHADOW_IO_LIMIT_BASE_UPPER #define FCH_ABCFG_REG43C 0x43C // GPP0_SHADOW_BRIDGE_CONTROL #define FCH_ABCFG_REG444 0x444 // GPP1_SHADOW_COMMAND #define FCH_ABCFG_REG458 0x458 // GPP1_SHADOW_BUS_NUMBER #define FCH_ABCFG_REG45C 0x45C // GPP1_SHADOW_IO_LIMIT_BASE #define FCH_ABCFG_REG460 0x460 // GPP1_SHADOW_MEM_LIMIT_BASE #define FCH_ABCFG_REG464 0x464 // GPP1_SHADOW_PREF_MEM_LIMIT_BASE #define FCH_ABCFG_REG468 0x468 // GPP1_SHADOW_PREF_MEM_BASE_UPPER #define FCH_ABCFG_REG46C 0x46C // GPP1_SHADOW_PREF_MEM_LIMIT_UPPER #define FCH_ABCFG_REG470 0x470 // GPP1_SHADOW_IO_LIMIT_BASE_UPPER #define FCH_ABCFG_REG47C 0x47C // GPP1_SHADOW_BRIDGE_CONTROL #define FCH_ABCFG_REG484 0x484 // GPP2_SHADOW_COMMAND #define FCH_ABCFG_REG498 0x498 // GPP2_SHADOW_BUS_NUMBER #define FCH_ABCFG_REG49C 0x49C // GPP2_SHADOW_IO_LIMIT_BASE #define FCH_ABCFG_REG4A0 0x4A0 // GPP2_SHADOW_MEM_LIMIT_BASE #define FCH_ABCFG_REG4A4 0x4A4 // GPP2_SHADOW_PREF_MEM_LIMIT_BASE #define FCH_ABCFG_REG4A8 0x4A8 // GPP2_SHADOW_PREF_MEM_BASE_UPPER #define FCH_ABCFG_REG4AC 0x4AC // GPP2_SHADOW_PREF_MEM_LIMIT_UPPER #define FCH_ABCFG_REG4B0 0x4B0 // GPP2_SHADOW_IO_LIMIT_BASE_UPPER #define FCH_ABCFG_REG4BC 0x4BC // GPP2_SHADOW_BRIDGE_CONTROL #define FCH_ABCFG_REG4C4 0x4C4 // GPP3_SHADOW_COMMAND #define FCH_ABCFG_REG4D8 0x4D8 // GPP3_SHADOW_BUS_NUMBER #define FCH_ABCFG_REG4DC 0x4DC // GPP3_SHADOW_IO_LIMIT_BASE #define FCH_ABCFG_REG4E0 0x4E0 // GPP3_SHADOW_MEM_LIMIT_BASE #define FCH_ABCFG_REG4E4 0x4E4 // GPP3_SHADOW_PREF_MEM_LIMIT_BASE #define FCH_ABCFG_REG4E8 0x4E8 // GPP3_SHADOW_PREF_MEM_BASE_UPPER #define FCH_ABCFG_REG4EC 0x4EC // GPP3_SHADOW_PREF_MEM_LIMIT_UPPER #define FCH_ABCFG_REG4F0 0x4F0 // GPP3_SHADOW_IO_LIMIT_BASE_UPPER #define FCH_ABCFG_REG4FC 0x4FC // GPP3_SHADOW_BRIDGE_CONTROL #define FCH_ABCFG_REG10040 0x10040ul // AL_EVENTCNT0LO #define FCH_ABCFG_REG10044 0x10044ul // AL_EVENTCNT1LO #define FCH_ABCFG_REG1004A 0x1004Aul // AL_EVENTCNT0HI #define FCH_ABCFG_REG1004B 0x1004Bul // AL_EVENTCNT1HI #define FCH_ABCFG_REG10050 0x10050ul // MISCCTL_10050 #define FCH_ABCFG_REG10054 0x10054ul // AL_ARB_CTL #define FCH_ABCFG_REG10056 0x10056ul // AL_CLK_CTL #define FCH_ABCFG_REG10058 0x10058ul // AL RAB CONTROL #define FCH_ABCFG_REG1005C 0x1005Cul // AL MLT CONTROL #define FCH_ABCFG_REG10060 0x10060ul // AL DMA PREFETCH ENABLE #define FCH_ABCFG_REG10064 0x10064ul // AL DMA PREFETCH FLUSH CONTROL #define FCH_ABCFG_REG10068 0x10068ul // AL PREFETCH LIMIT #define FCH_ABCFG_REG1006C 0x1006Cul // AL DMA PREFETCH CONTROL #define FCH_ABCFG_REG10070 0x10070ul // MISCCTL_10070 #define FCH_ABCFG_REG10080 0x10080ul // CLKMUXSTATUS #define FCH_ABCFG_REG10090 0x10090ul // BIF CONTROL 0 #define FCH_ABCFG_REG1009C 0x1009Cul // MISCCTL_1009C // // RCINDX_P Registers // #define FCH_RCINDXP_REG01 0x01 | RCINDXP << 29 // PCIEP_SCRATCH #define FCH_RCINDXP_REG02 0x02 | RCINDXP << 29 // #define FCH_RCINDXP_REG10 0x10 | RCINDXP << 29 // #define FCH_RCINDXP_REG20 0x20 | RCINDXP << 29 // PCIE_TX_CNTL #define FCH_RCINDXP_REG21 0x21 | RCINDXP << 29 // PCIE_TX_REQUESTER_ID #define FCH_RCINDXP_REG50 0x50 | RCINDXP << 29 // PCIE_P_PORT_LANE_STATUS #define FCH_RCINDXP_REG6A 0x6A | RCINDXP << 29 // #define FCH_RCINDXP_REG70 0x70 | RCINDXP << 29 // PCIE_RX_CNTL #define FCH_RCINDXP_REGA0 0xA0 | RCINDXP << 29 // PCIE_LC_CNTL #define FCH_RCINDXP_REGA1 0xA1 | RCINDXP << 29 // PCIE_LC_TRAINING_CNTL #define FCH_RCINDXP_REGA2 0xA2 | RCINDXP << 29 // #define FCH_RCINDXP_REGA4 0xA4 | RCINDXP << 29 // #define FCH_RCINDXP_REGA5 0xA5 | RCINDXP << 29 // PCIE_LC_STATE0 #define FCH_RCINDXP_REGC0 0xC0 | RCINDXP << 29 // // // RCINDX_C Registers // #define FCH_RCINDXC_REG02 0x02 | RCINDXC << 29 // PCIE_HW_DEBUG #define FCH_RCINDXC_REG10 0x10 | RCINDXC << 29 // PCIE_CNTL #define FCH_RCINDXC_REG40 0x40 | RCINDXC << 29 // PCIE_P_CNTL #define FCH_RCINDXC_REG65 0x65 | RCINDXC << 29 // PCIE_P_PAD_FORCE_DIS #define FCH_RCINDXC_REGC0 0xC0 | RCINDXC << 29 // PCIE_STRAP_MISC #define FCH_RCINDXC_REGC1 0xC1 | RCINDXC << 29 // PCIE_STRAP_MISC2 // // AXINDC Registers // #define FCH_AX_INDXC_REG02 0x02 // PCIEP_HW_DEBUG #define FCH_AX_INDXC_REG10 0x10 #define FCH_AX_INDXC_REG30 0x30 #define FCH_AX_DATAC_REG34 0x34 #define FCH_AX_INDXP_REG38 0x38 #define FCH_AX_DATAP_REG3C 0x3C #define FCH_AX_INDXC_REG40 0x40 | AXINDC << 29 #define FCH_AX_INDXC_REGA4 0xA4 | AXINDC << 29 #define FCH_AX_INDXP_REG02 0x02 | AXINDP << 29 #define FCH_AX_INDXP_REGA0 0xA0 | AXINDP << 29 #define FCH_AX_INDXP_REGA4 0xA4 | AXINDP << 29 #define FCH_AX_INDXP_REGB1 0xB1 | AXINDP << 29 #define FCH_AX_CFG_REG68 0x68 | AXCFG << 29 #define FCH_AX_CFG_REG88 0x88 | AXCFG << 29 #define FCH_AB_REG04 0x04 #define FCH_AB_REG40 0x40 //Sata Port Configuration #define SIX_PORTS 0 #define FOUR_PORTS 1 #define SATA_EFUSE_LOCATION 0x10 // EFUSE bit 133 #define SATA_FIS_BASE_EFUSE_LOC 0x15 // EFUSE bit 169 #define SATA_EFUSE_BIT 0x20 // #define FCH_SATA_BAR5_REG100 0x0100 // Serial ATA SControl - RW - 32 bits - [Offset: 100h (channel 1) / 180 #define FCH_SATA_BAR5_REG104 0x0104 // Serial ATA Sstatus - RW - 32 bits - [Offset: 104h (channel 1) / 184h (cannel #define FCH_SATA_BAR5_REG108 0x0108 // Serial ATA Serror - RW - 32 bits - [Offset: 108h (channel 1) / 188h (cannel #define FCH_SATA_BAR5_REG10C 0x010C // Serial ATA Sdevice - RW - 32 bits - [Offset: 10Ch (channel 1) / 18Ch (cannel #define FCH_SATA_BAR5_REG120 0x0120 // #define FCH_SATA_BAR5_REG128 0x0128 // Port Serial ATA Status #define FCH_SATA_BAR5_REG12C 0x012C // Port Serial ATA Control #define FCH_SATA_BAR5_REG130 0x0130 #define FCH_SATA_BAR5_REG1B0 0x01B0 #define FCH_SATA_BAR5_REG230 0x0230 #define FCH_SATA_BAR5_REG2B0 0x02B0 #define FCH_SATA_BAR5_REG330 0x0330 #define FCH_SATA_BAR5_REG3B0 0x03B0 // USB ports #define NUM_USB1_PORTS 5 #define NUM_USB2_PORTS 5 #define NUM_USB3_PORTS 4 #define NUM_USB4_PORTS 2 #define NUM_XHC0_PORTS 2 #define NUM_XHC1_PORTS 2 // Chip type definition #define CHIPTYPE_HUDSON2 (1 << 0) #define CHIPTYPE_YUBA (1 << 1) // // USB XHCI Device 0x7812 // Device 16 (0x10) Func 0/1 // #define XHCI_EFUSE_LOCATION 0x18 // EFUSE bit 192, 193 #define FCH_XHCI_REG48 0x48 // Port Force Reset - RW (800) #define FCH_XHCI_REG4C 0x4C // MSI - RW (800) // // USB OHCI Device 0x7807 // Device 18 (0x11)/Device 19 (0x12)/Device 22 (0x16) Func 0 // Device 20 (0x14) Func 5 (FL) 0x7809 // #define FCH_OHCI_REG00 0x00 // Device/Vendor ID - R (0x43971002ul) #define FCH_OHCI_REG04 0x04 // Command - RW #define FCH_OHCI_REG06 0x06 // Status - R #define FCH_OHCI_REG08 0x08 // Revision ID/Class Code - R #define FCH_OHCI_REG0C 0x0C // Miscellaneous - RW #define FCH_OHCI_REG10 0x10 // Bar_OCI - RW #define FCH_OHCI_REG2C 0x2C // Subsystem Vendor ID/ Subsystem ID - RW #define FCH_OHCI_REG34 0x34 // Capability Pointer - R #define FCH_OHCI_REG3C 0x3C // Interrupt Line - RW #define FCH_OHCI_REG3D 0x3D // Interrupt Line - RW #define FCH_OHCI_REG40 0x40 // Config Timers - RW #define FCH_OHCI_REG42 0x42 // Port Disable Control - RW (800) #define FCH_OHCI_REG46 0x46 // USB PHY Battery Charger - RW (800) #define FCH_OHCI_REG48 0x48 // Port Force Reset - RW (800) #define FCH_OHCI_REG4C 0x4C // MSI - RW (800) #define FCH_OHCI_REG51 0x51 #define FCH_OHCI_REG58 0x58 // Over Current Control - RW #define FCH_OHCI_REG5C 0x5C // Over Current Control - RW #define FCH_OHCI_REG60 0x60 // Serial Bus Release Number - RW #define FCH_OHCI_REG74 0x74 // Target Timeout Control - RW #define FCH_OHCI_REG80 0x80 // #define FCH_OHCI_REGD0 0x0D0 // MSI Control - RW #define FCH_OHCI_REGD4 0x0D4 // MSI Address - RW #define FCH_OHCI_REGD8 0x0D8 // MSI Data - RW #define FCH_OHCI_BAR_REG00 0x00 // cRevision - R #define FCH_OHCI_BAR_REG04 0x04 // cControl #define FCH_OHCI_BAR_REG08 0x08 // cCommandStatus #define FCH_OHCI_BAR_REG0C 0x0C // cInterruptStatus RW #define FCH_OHCI_BAR_REG10 0x10 // cInterruptEnable #define FCH_OHCI_BAR_REG14 0x14 // cInterruptDisable #define FCH_OHCI_BAR_REG18 0x18 // HcCCA #define FCH_OHCI_BAR_REG1C 0x1C // cPeriodCurrentED #define FCH_OHCI_BAR_REG20 0x20 // HcControleadED #define FCH_OHCI_BAR_REG24 0x24 // cControlCurrentED RW #define FCH_OHCI_BAR_REG28 0x28 // HcBulkeadED #define FCH_OHCI_BAR_REG2C 0x2C // cBulkCurrentED- RW #define FCH_OHCI_BAR_REG30 0x30 // HcDoneead #define FCH_OHCI_BAR_REG34 0x34 // cFmInterval #define FCH_OHCI_BAR_REG38 0x38 // cFmRemaining #define FCH_OHCI_BAR_REG3C 0x3C // cFmNumber #define FCH_OHCI_BAR_REG40 0x40 // cPeriodicStart #define FCH_OHCI_BAR_REG44 0x44 // HcLSThresold #define FCH_OHCI_BAR_REG48 0x48 // HcRDescriptorA #define FCH_OHCI_BAR_REG4C 0x4C // HcRDescriptorB #define FCH_OHCI_BAR_REG50 0x50 // HcRStatus #define FCH_OHCI_BAR_REG54 0x54 // HcRhPortStatus (800) #define FCH_OHCI_BAR_REG58 0x58 // HcRhPortStatus NPD (800) // // USB EHCI Device 0x7808 // Device 18 (0x11)/Device 19 (0x12)/Device 22 (0x16) Func 2 // #define FCH_EHCI_REG00 0x00 // DEVICE/VENDOR ID - R #define FCH_EHCI_REG04 0x04 // Command - RW #define FCH_EHCI_REG06 0x06 // Status - R #define FCH_EHCI_REG08 0x08 // Revision ID/Class Code - R #define FCH_EHCI_REG0C 0x0C // Miscellaneous - RW #define FCH_EHCI_REG10 0x10 // BAR - RW #define FCH_EHCI_REG2C 0x2C // Subsystem ID/Subsystem Vendor ID - RW #define FCH_EHCI_REG34 0x34 // Capability Pointer - R #define FCH_EHCI_REG3C 0x3C // Interrupt Line - RW #define FCH_EHCI_REG3D 0x3D // Interrupt Line - RW #define FCH_EHCI_REG40 0x40 // Config Timers - RW #define FCH_EHCI_REG4C 0x4C // MSI - RW #define FCH_EHCI_REG60 0x60 // SBRN - R #define FCH_EHCI_REG61 0x61 // FLADJ - RW #define FCH_EHCI_REGC0 0x0C0 // PME control - RW (800) #define FCH_EHCI_REGC4 0x0C4 // PME Data /Status - RW (800) #define FCH_EHCI_REGD0 0x0D0 // MSI Control - RW #define FCH_EHCI_REGD4 0x0D4 // MSI Address - RW #define FCH_EHCI_REGD8 0x0D8 // MSI Data - RW #define FCH_EHCI_REGF0 0x0F0 // Function Level Reset Capability - R (800) #define FCH_EHCI_REGF4 0x0F4 // Function Level Reset Capability - R (800) #define FCH_EHCI_BAR_REG00 0x00 // CAPLENGT - R #define FCH_EHCI_BAR_REG02 0x002 // CIVERSION- R #define FCH_EHCI_BAR_REG04 0x004 // CSPARAMS - R #define FCH_EHCI_BAR_REG08 0x008 // CCPARAMS - R #define FCH_EHCI_BAR_REG0C 0x00C // CSP-PORTROUTE - R #define FCH_EHCI_BAR_REG20 0x020 // USBCMD - RW - 32 bits #define FCH_EHCI_BAR_REG24 0x024 // USBSTS - RW - 32 bits #define FCH_EHCI_BAR_REG28 0x028 // USBINTR -RW - 32 bits #define FCH_EHCI_BAR_REG2C 0x02C // FRINDEX -RW - 32 bits #define FCH_EHCI_BAR_REG30 0x030 // CTRLDSSEGMENT -RW - 32 bits #define FCH_EHCI_BAR_REG34 0x034 // PERIODICLISTBASE -RW - 32 bits #define FCH_EHCI_BAR_REG38 0x038 // ASYNCLISTADDR -RW - 32 bits #define FCH_EHCI_BAR_REG60 0x060 // CONFIGFLAG -RW - 32 bits #define FCH_EHCI_BAR_REG64 0x064 // PORTSC (1-N_PORTS) -RW - 32 bits #define FCH_EHCI_BAR_REGA4 0x0A4 // Packet Buffer Threshold Values - RW - 32 bits #define FCH_EHCI_BAR_REGA8 0x0A8 // USB PHY Status 0 - R #define FCH_EHCI_BAR_REGAC 0x0AC // USB PHY Status 1 - R #define FCH_EHCI_BAR_REGB4 0x0B4 // UTMI Control - RW (800) #define FCH_EHCI_BAR_REGB8 0x0B8 // Loopback Test #define FCH_EHCI_BAR_REGBC 0x0BC // EHCI MISC Control #define FCH_EHCI_BAR_REGC4 0x0C4 // USB Common PHY Control #define FCH_EHCI_BAR_REGC8 0x0C8 // EHCI Debug Purpose #define FCH_EHCI_BAR_REGCC 0x0CC // Ehci Spare 1 (800) ** #define FCH_EHCI_BAR_REG100 0x100 // USB debug port // // USB EHCI Device 0x7812 // Device 16 (0x10) Func 0/1 // #define FCH_XHCI_REG00 0x00 // DEVICE/VENDOR ID - R #define FCH_XHCI_REG04 0x04 // Command - RW #define FCH_XHCI_REG10 0x10 // Bar0 #define FCH_XHCI_REG2C 0x2C // Sub System ID #define FCH_XHCI_REG40 0x40 // Index0 #define FCH_XHCI_REG44 0x44 // Data0 #define FCH_XHCI_REG48 0x48 // Index1 #define FCH_XHCI_REG4C 0x4C // Data0 #define FCH_XHCI_REG54 0x54 // PME Control/Status // // FCH CFG device 0x780B // Device 20 (0x14) Func 0 // #define FCH_CFG_REG00 0x000 // VendorID - R #define FCH_CFG_REG02 0x002 // DeviceID - R #define FCH_CFG_REG04 0x004 // Command- RW #define FCH_CFG_REG05 0x005 // Command- RW #define FCH_CFG_REG06 0x006 // STATUS- RW #define FCH_CFG_REG08 0x008 // Revision ID/Class Code- R #define FCH_CFG_REG0A 0x00A // #define FCH_CFG_REG0B 0x00B // #define FCH_CFG_REG0C 0x00C // Cache Line Size- R #define FCH_CFG_REG0D 0x00D // Latency Timer- R #define FCH_CFG_REG0E 0x00E // Header Type- R #define FCH_CFG_REG0F 0x00F // BIST- R #define FCH_CFG_REG10 0x010 // Base Address 0- R #define FCH_CFG_REG11 0x011 //; #define FCH_CFG_REG12 0x012 //; #define FCH_CFG_REG13 0x013 //; #define FCH_CFG_REG14 0x014 // Base Address 1- R #define FCH_CFG_REG18 0x018 // Base Address 2- R #define FCH_CFG_REG1C 0x01C // Base Address 3- R #define FCH_CFG_REG20 0x020 // Base Address 4- R #define FCH_CFG_REG24 0x024 // Base Address 5- R #define FCH_CFG_REG28 0x028 // Cardbus CIS Pointer- R #define FCH_CFG_REG2C 0x02C // Subsystem Vendor ID- W #define FCH_CFG_REG2E 0x02E // Subsystem ID- W #define FCH_CFG_REG30 0x030 // Expansion ROM Base Address - R #define FCH_CFG_REG34 0x034 // Capability Pointer - R (800) default changed as 0x00 #define FCH_CFG_REG3C 0x03C // Interrupt Line - R #define FCH_CFG_REG3D 0x03D // Interrupt Pin - R #define FCH_CFG_REG3E 0x03E // Min_Gnt - R #define FCH_CFG_REG3F 0x03F // Max_Lat - R #define FCH_CFG_REG90 0x090 // Smbus Base Address - R #define FCH_CFG_REG9C 0x09C // SBResourceMMIO_BASE // // FCH SATA IDE device // Device 20 (0x14) Func 1 // #define FCH_IDE_REG00 0x00 // Vendor ID #define FCH_IDE_REG02 0x02 // Device ID #define FCH_IDE_REG04 0x04 // Command #define FCH_IDE_REG06 0x06 // Status #define FCH_IDE_REG08 0x08 // Revision ID/Class Code #define FCH_IDE_REG09 0x09 // Class Code #define FCH_IDE_REG2C 0x2C // Subsystem ID and Subsystem Vendor ID #define FCH_IDE_REG40 0x40 // Configuration - RW - 32 bits #define FCH_IDE_REG34 0x34 // // Device 20 (0x14) Func 2 // #define FCH_AZ_REG00 0x00 // Vendor ID - R #define FCH_AZ_REG02 0x02 // Device ID - R/W #define FCH_AZ_REG04 0x04 // PCI Command #define FCH_AZ_REG06 0x06 // PCI Status - R/W #define FCH_AZ_REG08 0x08 // Revision ID #define FCH_AZ_REG09 0x09 // Programming Interface #define FCH_AZ_REG0A 0x0A // Sub Class Code #define FCH_AZ_REG0B 0x0B // Base Class Code #define FCH_AZ_REG0C 0x0C // Cache Line Size - R/W #define FCH_AZ_REG0D 0x0D // Latency Timer #define FCH_AZ_REG0E 0x0E // Header Type #define FCH_AZ_REG0F 0x0F // BIST #define FCH_AZ_REG10 0x10 // Lower Base Address Register #define FCH_AZ_REG14 0x14 // Upper Base Address Register #define FCH_AZ_REG2C 0x2C // Subsystem Vendor ID #define FCH_AZ_REG2D 0x2D // Subsystem ID #define FCH_AZ_REG34 0x34 // Capabilities Pointer #define FCH_AZ_REG3C 0x3C // Interrupt Line #define FCH_AZ_REG3D 0x3D // Interrupt Pin #define FCH_AZ_REG3E 0x3E // Minimum Grant #define FCH_AZ_REG3F 0x3F // Maximum Latency #define FCH_AZ_REG40 0x40 // Misc Control 1 #define FCH_AZ_REG42 0x42 // Misc Control 2 Register #define FCH_AZ_REG43 0x43 // Misc Control 3 Register #define FCH_AZ_REG44 0x44 // Interrupt Pin Control Register #define FCH_AZ_REG46 0x46 // Debug Control Register #define FCH_AZ_REG4C 0x4C #define FCH_AZ_REG50 0x50 // Power Management Capability ID #define FCH_AZ_REG52 0x52 // Power Management Capabilities #define FCH_AZ_REG54 0x54 // Power Management Control/Status #define FCH_AZ_REG60 0x60 // MSI Capability ID #define FCH_AZ_REG62 0x62 // MSI Message Control #define FCH_AZ_REG64 0x64 // MSI Message Lower Address #define FCH_AZ_REG68 0x68 // MSI Message Upper Address #define FCH_AZ_REG6C 0x6C // MSI Message Data #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG00 0x00 // Global Capabilities - R #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG02 0x02 // Minor Version - R #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG03 0x03 // Major Version - R #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG04 0x04 // Output Payload Capability - R #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG06 0x06 // Input Payload Capability - R #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG08 0x08 // Global Control - R/W #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG0C 0x0C // Wake Enable - R/W #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG0E 0x0E // State Change Status - R/W #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG10 0x10 // Global Status - R/W #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG18 0x18 // Output Stream Payload Capability - R #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG1A 0x1A // Input Stream Payload Capability - R #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG20 0x20 // Interrupt Control - R/W #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG24 0x24 // Interrupt Status - R/W #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG30 0x30 // Wall Clock Counter - R #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG38 0x38 // Stream Synchronization - R/W #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG40 0x40 // CORB Lower Base Address - R/W #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG44 0x44 // CORB Upper Base Address - RW #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG48 0x48 // CORB Write Pointer - R/W #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG4A 0x4A // CORB Read Pointer - R/W #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG4C 0x4C // CORB Control - R/W #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG4D 0x4D // CORB Status - R/W #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG4E 0x4E // CORB Size - R/W #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG50 0x50 // RIRB Lower Base Address - RW #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG54 0x54 // RIRB Upper Address - RW #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG58 0x58 // RIRB Write Pointer - RW #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG5A 0x5A // RIRB Response Interrupt Count - R/W #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG5C 0x5C // RIRB Control - R/W #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG5D 0x5D // RIRB Status - R/W #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG5E 0x5E // RIRB Size - R/W #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG60 0x60 // Immediate Command Output Interface - R/W #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG64 0x64 // Immediate Command Input Interface - R/W #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG68 0x68 // Immediate Command Input Interface - R/W #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG70 0x70 // DMA Position Lower Base Address - R/W #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG74 0x74 // DMA Position Upper Base Address - R/W #define FCH_AZ_BAR_REG2030 0x2030 // Wall Clock Counter Alias - R // // FCH LPC Device 0x780E // Device 20 (0x14) Func 3 // #define FCH_LPC_REG00 0x00 // VID- R #define FCH_LPC_REG02 0x02 // DID- R #define FCH_LPC_REG04 0x04 // CMD- RW #define FCH_LPC_REG06 0x06 // STATUS- RW #define FCH_LPC_REG08 0x08 // Revision ID/Class Code - R #define FCH_LPC_REG0C 0x0C // Cache Line Size - R #define FCH_LPC_REG0D 0x0D // Latency Timer - R #define FCH_LPC_REG0E 0x0E // Header Type - R #define FCH_LPC_REG0F 0x0F // BIST- R #define FCH_LPC_REG10 0x10 // Base Address Reg 0- RW* #define FCH_LPC_REG2C 0x2C // Subsystem ID & Subsystem Vendor ID - Wo/Ro #define FCH_LPC_REG34 0x34 // Capabilities Pointer - Ro #define FCH_LPC_REG40 0x40 // PCI Control - RW #define FCH_LPC_REG44 0x44 // IO Port Decode Enable Register 1- RW #define FCH_LPC_REG45 0x45 // IO Port Decode Enable Register 2- RW #define FCH_LPC_REG46 0x46 // IO Port Decode Enable Register 3- RW #define FCH_LPC_REG47 0x47 // IO Port Decode Enable Register 4- RW #define FCH_LPC_REG48 0x48 // IO/Mem Port Decode Enable Register 5- RW #define FCH_LPC_REG49 0x49 // LPC Sync Timeout Count - RW #define FCH_LPC_REG4A 0x4A // IO/Mem Port Decode Enable Register 6- RW #define FCH_LPC_REG4C 0x4C // Memory Range Register - RW #define FCH_LPC_REG50 0x50 // Rom Protect 0 - RW #define FCH_LPC_REG54 0x54 // Rom Protect 1 - RW #define FCH_LPC_REG58 0x58 // Rom Protect 2 - RW #define FCH_LPC_REG5C 0x5C // Rom Protect 3 - RW #define FCH_LPC_REG60 0x60 // PCI Memory Start Address of LPC Target Cycles - #define FCH_LPC_REG62 0x62 // PCI Memory End Address of LPC Target Cycles - #define FCH_LPC_REG64 0x64 // PCI IO base Address of Wide Generic Port - RW #define FCH_LPC_REG65 0x65 #define FCH_LPC_REG66 0x66 #define FCH_LPC_REG67 0x67 #define FCH_LPC_REG68 0x68 // LPC ROM Address Range 1 (Start Address) - RW #define FCH_LPC_REG69 0x69 #define FCH_LPC_REG6A 0x6A // LPC ROM Address Range 1 (End Address) - RW #define FCH_LPC_REG6B 0x6B #define FCH_LPC_REG6C 0x6C // LPC ROM Address Range 2 (Start Address)- RW #define FCH_LPC_REG6D 0x6D #define FCH_LPC_REG6E 0x6E // LPC ROM Address Range 2 (End Address) - RW #define FCH_LPC_REG6F 0x6F #define FCH_LPC_REG71 0x71 #define FCH_LPC_REG72 0x72 #define FCH_LPC_REG73 0x73 #define FCH_LPC_REG74 0x74 // Alternative Wide IO Range Enable- W/R #define FCH_LPC_REG7C 0x7C // TPM (trusted plant form module) reg- W/R #define FCH_LPC_REG9C 0x9C #define FCH_LPC_REG80 0x80 // MSI Capability Register- R #define FCH_LPC_REGA0 0x0A0 // SPI base address #define FCH_LPC_REGA1 0x0A1 // SPI base address #define FCH_LPC_REGA2 0x0A2 // SPI base address #define FCH_LPC_REGA3 0x0A3 // SPI base address #define FCH_LPC_REGA4 0x0A4 #define FCH_LPC_REGBA 0x0BA // EcControl #define FCH_LPC_REGBB 0x0BB // HostControl #define FCH_LPC_REGCC 0x0CC // AutoRomCfg #define FCH_LPC_REGD0 0x0D0 // // FCH PCIB 0x780F // Device 20 (0x14) Func 4 // #define FCH_PCIB_REG04 0x04 // Command #define FCH_PCIB_REG0D 0x0D // Primary Master Latency Timer #define FCH_PCIB_REG1B 0x1B // Secondary Latency Timer #define FCH_PCIB_REG1C 0x1C // IO Base #define FCH_PCIB_REG1D 0x1D // IO Limit #define FCH_PCIB_REG40 0x40 // CPCTRL #define FCH_PCIB_REG42 0x42 // CLKCTRL #define FCH_PCIB_REG48 0x48 // #define FCH_PCIB_REG4A 0x4A // PCICLK Enable Bits #define FCH_PCIB_REG4B 0x4B // Misc Control #define FCH_PCIB_REG4C 0x4C // AutoClockRun Control #define FCH_PCIB_REG50 0x50 // Dual Address Cycle Enable and PCIB_CLK_Stop Override #define FCH_PCIB_REG65 0x65 // Misc Control #define FCH_PCIB_REG66 0x66 // Misc Control // // FCH GEC 0x14E4 0x1699 // Device 20 (0x14) Func 6 // #define FCH_GEC_REG10 0x10 // GEC BAR // // FCH MMIO Base (SMI) // offset : 0x200 // #define FCH_SMI_REG00 0x00 // EventStatus #define FCH_SMI_REG04 0x04 // EventEnable #define FCH_SMI_REG08 0x08 // SciTrig #define FCH_SMI_REG0C 0x0C // SciLevl #define FCH_SMI_REG10 0x10 // SmiSciStatus #define FCH_SMI_REG14 0x14 // SmiSciEn #define FCH_SMI_REG18 0x18 // ForceSciEn #define FCH_SMI_REG1C 0x1C // SciRwData #define FCH_SMI_REG3C 0x3C // DataErrorStatus #define FCH_SMI_REG20 0x20 // SciS0En // Empty from 0x72-0x7F //#Define FCH_SMI_REG7C 0x7F // SciMap63 *** #define FCH_SMI_REG80 0x80 // SmiStatus0 #define FCH_SMI_REG84 0x84 // SmiStatus1 #define FCH_SMI_REG88 0x88 // SmiStatus2 #define FCH_SMI_REG8C 0x8C // SmiStatus3 #define FCH_SMI_REG90 0x90 // SmiStatus4 #define FCH_SMI_REG94 0x94 // SmiPointer #define FCH_SMI_REG96 0x96 // SmiTimer #define FCH_SMI_REG98 0x98 // SmiTrig #define FCH_SMI_REG9C 0x9C // SmiTrig #define FCH_SMI_REGA0 0xA0 #define FCH_SMI_REGA1 0xA1 #define FCH_SMI_REGA2 0xA2 #define FCH_SMI_REGA3 0xA3 #define FCH_SMI_REGA4 0xA4 #define FCH_SMI_REGA5 0xA5 #define FCH_SMI_REGA6 0xA6 #define FCH_SMI_REGA7 0xA7 #define FCH_SMI_REGA8 0xA8 #define FCH_SMI_REGA9 0xA9 #define FCH_SMI_REGAA 0xAA #define FCH_SMI_REGAB 0xAB #define FCH_SMI_REGAC 0xAC #define FCH_SMI_REGAD 0xAD #define FCH_SMI_REGAE 0xAE #define FCH_SMI_REGAF 0xAF #define FCH_SMI_REGB0 0xB0 #define FCH_SMI_REGB1 0xB1 #define FCH_SMI_REGB2 0xB2 #define FCH_SMI_REGB3 0xB3 #define FCH_SMI_REGB4 0xB4 #define FCH_SMI_REGB5 0xB5 #define FCH_SMI_REGB6 0xB6 #define FCH_SMI_REGB7 0xB7 #define FCH_SMI_REGB8 0xB8 #define FCH_SMI_REGB9 0xB9 #define FCH_SMI_REGBA 0xBA #define FCH_SMI_REGBB 0xBB #define FCH_SMI_REGBC 0xBC #define FCH_SMI_REGBD 0xBD #define FCH_SMI_REGBE 0xBE #define FCH_SMI_REGBF 0xBF #define FCH_SMI_REGC0 0xC0 #define FCH_SMI_REGC1 0xC1 #define FCH_SMI_REGC2 0xC2 #define FCH_SMI_REGC3 0xC3 #define FCH_SMI_REGC4 0xC4 #define FCH_SMI_REGC5 0xC5 #define FCH_SMI_REGC6 0xC6 #define FCH_SMI_REGC7 0xC7 #define FCH_SMI_REGC8 0xC8 #define FCH_SMI_REGCA 0xCA // IoTrapping1 #define FCH_SMI_REGCC 0xCC // IoTrapping2 #define FCH_SMI_REGCE 0xCE // IoTrapping3 #define FCH_SMI_REGD0 0xD0 // MemTrapping0 #define FCH_SMI_REGD4 0xD4 // MemRdOvrData0 #define FCH_SMI_REGD8 0xD8 // MemTrapping1 #define FCH_SMI_REGDC 0xDC // MemRdOvrData1 #define FCH_SMI_REGE0 0xE0 // MemTrapping2 #define FCH_SMI_REGE4 0xE4 // MemRdOvrData2 #define FCH_SMI_REGE8 0xE8 // MemTrapping3 #define FCH_SMI_REGEC 0xEC // MemRdOvrData3 #define FCH_SMI_REGF0 0xF0 // CfgTrapping0 #define FCH_SMI_REGF4 0xF4 // CfgTrapping1 #define FCH_SMI_REGF8 0xF8 // CfgTrapping2 #define FCH_SMI_REGFC 0xFC // CfgTrapping3 // // FCH MMIO Base (PMIO) // offset : 0x300 // #define FCH_PMIOA_REG00 0x00 // ISA Decode #define FCH_PMIOA_REG04 0x04 // ISA Control #define FCH_PMIOA_REG08 0x08 // PCI Control #define FCH_PMIOA_REG0C 0x0C // StpClkSmaf #define FCH_PMIOA_REG10 0x10 // RetryDetect #define FCH_PMIOA_REG14 0x14 // StuckDetect #define FCH_PMIOA_REG20 0x20 // BiosRamEn #define FCH_PMIOA_REG24 0x24 // AcpiMmioEn #define FCH_PMIOA_REG2C 0x2C // Smbus0En #define FCH_PMIOA_REG2E 0x2E // Smbus0Sel #define FCH_PMIOA_REG34 0x34 // IoApicEn #define FCH_PMIOA_REG3C 0x3C // SmartVoltEn #define FCH_PMIOA_REG40 0x40 // SmartVolt2En #define FCH_PMIOA_REG44 0x44 // BootTimerEn #define FCH_PMIOA_REG48 0x48 // WatchDogTimerEn #define FCH_PMIOA_REG4C 0x4C // WatchDogTimerConfig #define FCH_PMIOA_REG50 0x50 // HPETEn #define FCH_PMIOA_REG54 0x54 // SerialIrqConfig #define FCH_PMIOA_REG56 0x56 // RtcControl #define FCH_PMIOA_REG58 0x58 // VRT_T1 #define FCH_PMIOA_REG59 0x59 // VRT_T2 #define FCH_PMIOA_REG5A 0x5A // IntruderControl #define FCH_PMIOA_REG5B 0x5B // RtcShadow #define FCH_PMIOA_REG5C 0x5C #define FCH_PMIOA_REG5E 0x5E // RtcExtIndex #define FCH_PMIOA_REG5F 0x5F // RtcExtData #define FCH_PMIOA_REG60 0x60 // AcpiPm1EvtBlk #define FCH_PMIOA_REG62 0x62 // AcpiPm1CntBlk #define FCH_PMIOA_REG64 0x64 // AcpiPmTmrBlk #define FCH_PMIOA_REG66 0x66 // P_CNTBlk #define FCH_PMIOA_REG68 0x68 // AcpiGpe0Blk #define FCH_PMIOA_REG6A 0x6A // AcpiSmiCmd #define FCH_PMIOA_REG6C 0x6C // AcpiPm2CntBlk #define FCH_PMIOA_REG6E 0x6E // AcpiPmaCntBlk #define FCH_PMIOA_REG74 0x74 // AcpiConfig #define FCH_PMIOA_REG78 0x78 // WakeIoAddr #define FCH_PMIOA_REG7A 0x7A // HaltCountEn #define FCH_PMIOA_REG7C 0x7C // C1eWrPortAdr #define FCH_PMIOA_REG7E 0x7E // CStateEn #define FCH_PMIOA_REG7F 0x7F // CStateEn #define FCH_PMIOA_REG80 0x80 // BreakEvent #define FCH_PMIOA_REG88 0x88 // CStateControl #define FCH_PMIOA_REG89 0x89 // #define FCH_PMIOA_REG8C 0x8C // StpClkHoldTime #define FCH_PMIOA_REG8E 0x8E // PopUpEndTime #define FCH_PMIOA_REG90 0x90 // C4Control #define FCH_PMIOA_REG94 0x94 // CStateTiming0 #define FCH_PMIOA_REG96 0x96 // #define FCH_PMIOA_REG97 0x97 // #define FCH_PMIOA_REG98 0x98 // CStateTiming1 #define FCH_PMIOA_REG99 0x99 // #define FCH_PMIOA_REG9B 0x9B // #define FCH_PMIOA_REG9C 0x9C // C2Count #define FCH_PMIOA_REG9D 0x9D // C3Count #define FCH_PMIOA_REGA0 0xA0 // MessageCState #define FCH_PMIOA_REGA4 0xA4 // #define FCH_PMIOA_REGA8 0xA8 // TrafficMonitorIdleTime #define FCH_PMIOA_REGAA 0xAA // TrafficMonitorIntTime #define FCH_PMIOA_REGAC 0xAC // TrafficMonitorTrafficCount #define FCH_PMIOA_REGAE 0xAE // TrafficMonitorIntrCount #define FCH_PMIOA_REGB0 0xB0 // TrafficMonitorTimeTick #define FCH_PMIOA_REGB4 0xB4 // FidVidControl #define FCH_PMIOA_REGB7 0xB7 // Tpreset1b #define FCH_PMIOA_REGB8 0xB8 // TPRESET2 #define FCH_PMIOA_REGBA 0xBA // S_StateControl #define FCH_PMIOA_REGBB 0xBB // #define FCH_PMIOA_REGBC 0xBC // ThrottlingControl #define FCH_PMIOA_REGBE 0xBE // ResetControl #define FCH_PMIOA_REGBF 0xBF // ResetControl #define FCH_PMIOA_REGC0 0xC0 // S5Status #define FCH_PMIOA_REGC2 0xC2 // ResetStatus #define FCH_PMIOA_REGC4 0xC4 // ResetCommand #define FCH_PMIOA_REGC5 0xC5 // CF9Shadow #define FCH_PMIOA_REGC6 0xC6 // HTControl #define FCH_PMIOA_REGC8 0xC8 // Misc #define FCH_PMIOA_REGCC 0xCC // IoDrvSth #define FCH_PMIOA_REGD0 0xD0 // CLKRunEn #define FCH_PMIOA_REGD2 0xD2 // PmioDebug #define FCH_PMIOA_REGD6 0xD6 // IMCGating #define FCH_PMIOA_REGE0 0xE0 // ABRegBar #define FCH_PMIOA_REGE7 0xE7 #define FCH_PMIOA_REGEA 0xEA // PcibConfig #define FCH_PMIOA_REGEC 0xEC // LpcGating #define FCH_PMIOA_REGED 0xED // UsbGating #define FCH_PMIOA_REGEE 0xEE // UsbCntrl #define FCH_PMIOA_REGEF 0xEF // UsbEnable #define FCH_PMIOA_REGF0 0xF0 // UsbControl #define FCH_PMIOA_REGF3 0xF3 // UsbDebug #define FCH_PMIOA_REGF6 0xF6 // GecEn #define FCH_PMIOA_REGF8 0xF8 // GecConfig #define FCH_PMIOA_REGFC 0xFC // TraceMemoryEn // // FCH MMIO Base (PMIO2) // offset : 0x400 // #define FCH_PMIO2_REG63 0x63 // SampleFreqDiv #define FCH_PMIO2_REG69 0x69 // Fan0 Speed #define FCH_PMIO2_REG95 0x95 // Temperature #define FCH_PMIO2_REGB8 0xB8 // Voltage #define FCH_PMIO2_REGEA 0xEA // Hwm_Calibration #define FCH_PMIO2_REG92 0x92 // #define FCH_PMIO2_REG 0xFC // TraceMemoryEn // // FCH MMIO Base (GPIO/IoMux) // offset : 0x100/0xD00 // /* GPIO from 0 ~ 67, (GEVENT 0-23) 128 ~ 150, 160 ~ 226. */ #define FCH_GPIO_REG60 0x3C #define FCH_GPIO_REG61 0x3D #define FCH_GPIO_REG62 0x3E #define FCH_GPIO_REG63 0x3F #define FCH_GPIO_REG64 0x40 #define FCH_GPIO_REG65 0x41 #define FCH_GPIO_REG66 0x42 #define FCH_GPIO_REG67 0x43 #define FCH_GPIO_REG68 0x44 #define FCH_GPIO_REG69 0x45 #define FCH_GPIO_REG70 0x46 #define FCH_GPIO_REG71 0x47 #define FCH_GPIO_REG72 0x48 #define FCH_GPIO_REG73 0x49 #define FCH_GPIO_REG74 0x4A #define FCH_GPIO_REG75 0x4B #define FCH_GPIO_REG76 0x4C #define FCH_GPIO_REG77 0x4D #define FCH_GPIO_REG78 0x4E #define FCH_GPIO_REG79 0x4F #define FCH_GPIO_REG80 0x50 #define FCH_GEVENT_REG00 0x60 #define FCH_GEVENT_REG01 0x61 #define FCH_GEVENT_REG02 0x62 #define FCH_GEVENT_REG03 0x63 #define FCH_GEVENT_REG04 0x64 #define FCH_GEVENT_REG05 0x65 #define FCH_GEVENT_REG06 0x66 #define FCH_GEVENT_REG07 0x67 #define FCH_GEVENT_REG08 0x68 #define FCH_GEVENT_REG09 0x69 #define FCH_GEVENT_REG10 0x6A #define FCH_GEVENT_REG11 0x6B #define FCH_GEVENT_REG12 0x6C #define FCH_GEVENT_REG13 0x6D #define FCH_GEVENT_REG14 0x6E #define FCH_GEVENT_REG15 0x6F #define FCH_GEVENT_REG16 0x70 #define FCH_GEVENT_REG17 0x71 #define FCH_GEVENT_REG18 0x72 #define FCH_GEVENT_REG19 0x73 #define FCH_GEVENT_REG20 0x74 #define FCH_GEVENT_REG21 0x75 #define FCH_GEVENT_REG22 0x76 #define FCH_GEVENT_REG23 0x77 // S5-DOMAIN GPIO #define FCH_GPIO_REG166 0xA6 #define FCH_GPIO_REG167 0xA7 #define FCH_GPIO_REG168 0xA8 #define FCH_GPIO_REG169 0xA9 #define FCH_GPIO_REG170 0xAA // // FCH MMIO Base (SMBUS) // offset : 0xA00 // #define FCH_SMBUS_REG12 0x12 // I2CbusConfig // // FCH MMIO Base (MISC) // offset : 0xE00 // #define FCH_MISC_REG00 0x00 // ClkCntrl0 /* FCH_MISC_REG00 EQU 000h ClkCntrl0 EQU 0FFFFFFFFh */ #define FCH_MISC_REG04 0x04 // ClkCntrl1 /* FCH_MISC_REG04 EQU 004h ClkCntrl1 EQU 0FFFFFFFFh */ #define FCH_MISC_REG08 0x08 // ClkCntrl2 /* FCH_MISC_REG08 EQU 008h ClkCntrl2 EQU 0FFFFFFFFh */ #define FCH_MISC_REG0C 0x0C // ClkCntrl3 /* FCH_MISC_REG0C EQU 00Ch ClkCntrl3 EQU 0FFFFFFFFh */ #define FCH_MISC_REG10 0x10 // ClkCntrl4 /* FCH_MISC_REG10 EQU 010h ClkCntrl4 EQU 0FFFFFFFFh */ #define FCH_MISC_REG14 0x14 // ClkCntrl5 /* FCH_MISC_REG14 EQU 014h ClkCntrl5 EQU 0FFFFFFFFh */ #define FCH_MISC_REG18 0x18 // ClkCntrl6 /* FCH_MISC_REG18 EQU 018h ClkCntrl6 EQU 0FFFFFFFFh */ #define FCH_MISC_REG1C 0x1C #define FCH_MISC_REG30 0x30 // OscFreqCounter /* FCH_MISC_REG30 EQU 030h OscCounter EQU 0FFFFFFFFh ; The 32bit register shows the number of OSC clock per second. */ #define FCH_MISC_REG34 0x34 // HpetClkPeriod /* FCH_MISC_REG34 EQU 034h HpetClkPeriod EQU 0FFFFFFFFh ; default - 0x429B17Eh (14.31818M). */ #define FCH_MISC_REG28 0x28 // ClkDrvSth2 #define FCH_MISC_REG40 0x40 // MiscCntrl for clock only #define FCH_MISC_REG41 0x41 // MiscCntr2 #define FCH_MISC_REG42 0x42 // MiscCntr3 #define FCH_MISC_REG44 0x44 // ValueOnPort80 #define FCH_MISC_REG50 0x50 // /* FCH_MISC_REG40 EQU 040h */ #define FCH_MISC_REG80 0x80 /**< FCH_MISC_REG80 * @par * StrapStatus [15.0] - FCH chip Strap Status * @li 0001 - Not USED FWH * @li 0002 - Not USED LPC ROM * @li 0004 - EC enabled * @li 0008 - Reserved * @li 0010 - Internal Clock mode */ #define FCH_MISC_REGB6 0xB6 // #define ChipSysNotUseFWHRom 0x0001 // EcPwm3 pad #define ChipSysNotUseLpcRom 0x0002 // Inverted version from EcPwm2 pad (default - 1) // Note: Both EcPwm3 and EcPwm2 straps pins are used to select boot ROM type. #define ChipSysEcEnable 0x0004 // Enable Embedded Controller (EC) #define ChipSysBootFailTmrEn 0x0008 // Enable Watchdog function #define ChipSysIntClkGen 0x0010 // Select 25Mhz crystal clock or 100Mhz PCI-E clock ** #define FCH_MISC_REG84 0x84 // StrapOverride /* FCH_MISC_REG84 EQU 084h Override FWHDisableStrap EQU BIT0 ; Override FWHDiableStrap value from external pin. Override UseLpcRomStrap EQU BIT1 ; Override UseLpcRomStrap value from external pin. Override EcEnableStrap EQU BIT2 ; Override EcEnableStrap value from external pin. Override BootFailTmrEnStrap EQU BIT3 ; Override BootFailTmrEnStrap value from external pin. Override DefaultModeStrap EQU BIT5 ; Override DefaultModeStrap value from external pin. Override I2CRomStrap EQU BIT7 ; Override I2CRomStrap value from external pin. Override ILAAutorunEnBStrap EQU BIT8 ; Override ILAAutorunEnBStrap value from external pin. Override FcPllBypStrap EQU BIT9 ; Override FcPllBypStrap value from external pin. Override PciPllBypStrap EQU BIT10 ; Override PciPllBypStrap value from external pin. Override ShortResetStrap EQU BIT11 ; Override ShortResetStrap value from external pin. Override FastBif2ClkStrap EQU BIT13 ; Override FastBif2ClkStrap value from external pin PciRomBootStrap EQU BIT15 ; Override PCI Rom Boot Strap value from external pin BlinkSlowModestrap EQU BIT16 ; Override Blink Slow mode (100Mhz) from external pin ClkGenStrap EQU BIT17 ; Override CLKGEN from external pin. BIF_GEN2_COMPL_Strap EQU BIT18 ; Override BIF_ GEN2_COMPLIANCE strap from external pin. StrapOverrideEn EQU BIT31 ; Enable override strapping feature. */ #define FCH_MISC_REGC0 0xC0 // CPU_Pstate0 /* FCH_MISC_REGC0 EQU 0C0h Core0_PState EQU BIT0+BIT1+BIT2 ; 000: P0 001: P1 010: P2 011: P3 100: P4 101: P5 110: P6 111: P7 Core1_PState EQU BIT4+BIT5+BIT6 Core2_PState EQU BIT8+BIT9+BIT10 Core3_PState EQU BIT12+BIT13+BIT14 Core4_PState EQU BIT16++BIT17+BIT18 Core5_PState EQU BIT20+BIT21+BIT22 Core6_PState EQU BIT24+BIT25+BIT26 Core7_PState EQU BIT28+BIT29+BIT30 */ #define FCH_MISC_REGC4 0xC4 // CPU_Pstate1 /* FCH_MISC_REGC4 EQU 0C4h Core8_PState EQU BIT0+BIT1+BIT2 ; 000: P0 001: P1 010: P2 011: P3 100: P4 101: P5 110: P6 111: P7 Core9_PState EQU BIT4+BIT5+BIT6 Core10_PState EQU BIT8+BIT9+BIT10 Core11_PState EQU BIT12+BIT13+BIT14 Core12_PState EQU BIT16++BIT17+BIT18 Core13_PState EQU BIT20+BIT21+BIT22 Core14_PState EQU BIT24+BIT25+BIT26 Core15_PState EQU BIT28+BIT29+BIT30 */ #define FCH_MISC_REGD0 0xD0 // CPU_Cstate0 /* FCH_MISC_REGD0 EQU 0D0h Core0_CState EQU BIT0+BIT1+BIT2 ; 000: C0 001: C1 010: C2 011: C3 100: C4 101: C5 110: C6 111: C7 Core1_CState EQU BIT4+BIT5+BIT6 Core2_CState EQU BIT8+BIT9+BIT10 Core3_CState EQU BIT12+BIT13+BIT14 Core4_CState EQU BIT16++BIT17+BIT18 Core5_CState EQU BIT20+BIT21+BIT22 Core6_CState EQU BIT24+BIT25+BIT26 Core7_CState EQU BIT28+BIT29+BIT30 */ #define FCH_MISC_REGD4 0xD4 // CPU_Cstate1 /* FCH_MISC_REGD4 EQU 0D4h Core8_CState EQU BIT0+BIT1+BIT2 ; 000: C0 001: C1 010: C2 011: C3 100: C4 101: C5 110: C6 111: C7 Core9_CState EQU BIT4+BIT5+BIT6 Core10_CState EQU BIT8+BIT9+BIT10 Core11_CState EQU BIT12+BIT13+BIT14 Core12_CState EQU BIT16++BIT17+BIT18 Core13_CState EQU BIT20+BIT21+BIT22 Core14_CState EQU BIT24+BIT25+BIT26 Core15_CState EQU BIT28+BIT29+BIT30 */ #define FCH_MISC_REGF0 0xF0 // SataPortSts /* FCH_MISC_REGF0 EQU 0F0h Port0Sts EQU BIT0 ; The selected status of Port 0. Port1Sts EQU BIT1 ; The selected status of Port 1 Port2Sts EQU BIT2 ; The selected status of Port 2. Port3Sts EQU BIT3 ; The selected status of Port 3 Port4Sts EQU BIT4 ; The selected status of Port 4. Port5Sts EQU BIT5 ; The selected status of Port 5 SataPortSel EQU BIT24+BIT25 ; 00 - Select "led" for Port 0 to 5 ; 01 - Select "delete" for Port 0 to 5 ; 10 - Select "err" for Port 0 to 5 ; 11 - Select "led" for Port 0 to 5 */ // // FCH MMIO Base (SERIAL_DEBUG_BASE) // offset : 0x1000 // #define FCH_SDB_REG00 0x00 // #define FCH_SDB_REG74 0x74 #define FCH_IOMAP_REG70 0x070 // Nmi_Enable #define FCH_IOMAP_REG71 0x071 // RtcDataPort #define FCH_IOMAP_REG72 0x072 // AlternatRtcAddrPort #define FCH_IOMAP_REG73 0x073 // AlternatRtcDataPort #define FCH_IOMAP_REGC0 0x0C0 // Dma2_C4Addr #define FCH_IOMAP_REGC2 0x0C2 // Dma2_C4Cnt #define FCH_IOMAP_REGC4 0x0C4 // Dma2_C5Addr #define FCH_IOMAP_REGC6 0x0C6 // Dma2_C5Cnt #define FCH_IOMAP_REGC8 0x0C8 // Dma2_C6Addr #define FCH_IOMAP_REGCA 0x0CA // Dma2_C6Cnt #define FCH_IOMAP_REGCC 0x0CC // Dma2_C7Addr #define FCH_IOMAP_REGCE 0x0CE // Dma2_C7Cnt #define FCH_IOMAP_REGD0 0x0D0 // Dma_Status #define FCH_IOMAP_REGD2 0x0D2 // Dma_WriteRest #define FCH_IOMAP_REGD4 0x0D4 // Dma_WriteMask #define FCH_IOMAP_REGD6 0x0D6 // Dma_WriteMode #define FCH_IOMAP_REGD8 0x0D8 // Dma_Clear #define FCH_IOMAP_REGDA 0x0DA // Dma_Clear #define FCH_IOMAP_REGDC 0x0DC // Dma_ClrMask #define FCH_IOMAP_REGDE 0x0DE // Dma_ClrMask #define FCH_IOMAP_REGF0 0x0F0 // NCP_Error #define FCH_IOMAP_REG40B 0x040B // DMA1_Extend #define FCH_IOMAP_REG4D0 0x04D0 // IntrEdgeControl #define FCH_IOMAP_REG4D6 0x04D6 // DMA2_Extend #define FCH_IOMAP_REGC00 0x0C00 // Pci_Intr_Index #define FCH_IOMAP_REGC01 0x0C01 // Pci_Intr_Data #define FCH_IOMAP_REGC14 0x0C14 // Pci_Error #define FCH_IOMAP_REGC50 0x0C50 // CMIndex #define FCH_IOMAP_REGC51 0x0C51 // CMData #define FCH_IOMAP_REGC52 0x0C52 // GpmPort #define FCH_IOMAP_REGC6F 0x0C6F // Isa_Misc #define FCH_IOMAP_REGCD0 0x0CD0 // PMio2_Index #define FCH_IOMAP_REGCD1 0x0CD1 // PMio2_Data #define FCH_IOMAP_REGCD4 0x0CD4 // BIOSRAM_Index #define FCH_IOMAP_REGCD5 0x0CD5 // BIOSRAM_Data #define FCH_IOMAP_REGCD6 0x0CD6 // PM_Index #define FCH_IOMAP_REGCD7 0x0CD7 // PM_Data #define FCH_IOMAP_REGCF9 0x0CF9 // CF9Rst reg #define FCH_IRQ_INTA 0x00 // INTA# #define FCH_IRQ_INTB 0x01 // INTB# #define FCH_IRQ_INTC 0x02 // INTC# #define FCH_IRQ_INTD 0x03 // INTD# #define FCH_IRQ_INTE 0x04 // INTE# #define FCH_IRQ_INTF 0x05 // INTF# #define FCH_IRQ_INTG 0x06 // INTG# #define FCH_IRQ_INTH 0x07 // INTH# #define FCH_IRQ_SCI 0x10 // SCI #define FCH_IRQ_SMBUS0 0x11 // SMBUS0 #define FCH_IRQ_ASF 0x12 // ASF #define FCH_IRQ_HDAUDIO 0x13 // HD Audio #define FCH_IRQ_FC 0x14 // FC #define FCH_IRQ_GEC 0x15 // GEC #define FCH_IRQ_SD 0x17 // SD #define FCH_IRQ_IMCINT0 0x20 // IMC INT0 #define FCH_IRQ_IMCINT1 0x21 // IMC INT1 #define FCH_IRQ_IMCINT2 0x22 // IMC INT2 #define FCH_IRQ_IMCINT3 0x23 // IMC INT3 #define FCH_IRQ_IMCINT4 0x24 // IMC INT4 #define FCH_IRQ_IMCINT5 0x25 // IMC INT5 #define FCH_IRQ_USB18INTA 0x30 // Dev 18 (USB) INTA# #define FCH_IRQ_USB18INTB 0x31 // Dev 18 (USB) INTB# #define FCH_IRQ_USB19INTA 0x32 // Dev 19 (USB) INTA# #define FCH_IRQ_USB19INTB 0x33 // Dev 19 (USB) INTB# #define FCH_IRQ_USB22INTA 0x34 // Dev 22 (USB) INTA# #define FCH_IRQ_USB22INTB 0x35 // Dev 22 (USB) INTB# #define FCH_IRQ_USB20INTC 0x36 // Dev 20 (USB) INTC# #define FCH_IRQ_IDE 0x40 // IDE pci interrupt #define FCH_IRQ_SATA 0x41 // SATA pci interrupt #define FCH_IRQ_GPPINT0 0x50 // Gpp Int0 #define FCH_IRQ_GPPINT1 0x51 // Gpp Int1 #define FCH_IRQ_GPPINT2 0x52 // Gpp Int2 #define FCH_IRQ_GPPINT3 0x53 // Gpp Int3 #define FCH_IRQ_IOAPIC 0x80 // Select IRQ routing to IoApic mode #define FCH_IRQ_PIC 0x00 // Select IRQ routing to PIC mode #define FCH_SPI_MMIO_REG00 0x00 //SPI_ #define FCH_SPI_MMIO_REG0C 0x0C //SPI_Cntrl1 Register #define FCH_SPI_MMIO_REG1C 0x1C // #define FCH_SPI_MODE_FAST 0x7 // #define FCH_SPI_MODE_NORMAL 0x6 // #define FCH_SPI_MODE_QUAL_144 0x5 // #define FCH_SPI_MODE_QUAL_122 0x4 // #define FCH_SPI_MODE_QUAL_114 0x3 // #define FCH_SPI_MODE_QUAL_112 0x2 // #define AMD_NB_REG78 0x78 #define AMD_NB_SCRATCH AMD_NB_REG78 #define MailBoxPort 0x3E #define MAX_LT_POLLINGS 0x4000 #define SMI_TIMER_ENABLE BIT15 #define ACPIMMIO32(x) (*(volatile UINT32*)(UINTN)(x)) #define ACPIMMIO16(x) (*(volatile UINT16*)(UINTN)(x)) #define ACPIMMIO8(x) (*(volatile UINT8*)(UINTN)(x)) #define XHCI_ACPI_MMIO_AMD_REG00 0x00 #define U3PLL_LOCK BIT7 #define U3PLL_RESET BIT8 #define U3PHY_RESET BIT9 #define U3CORE_RESET BIT10 #define XHC0_FUNC_RESET BIT11 #define XHC1_FUNC_RESET BIT12 #define XHCI_ACPI_MMIO_AMD_REG04 0x04 #define XHCI_ACPI_MMIO_AMD_REG08 0x08 #define XHCI_ACPI_MMIO_AMD_REG20 0x20 #define XHCI_ACPI_MMIO_AMD_REG90 0x90 // adaptation timer settings #define XHCI_ACPI_MMIO_AMD_REG98 0x98 #define XHCI_ACPI_MMIO_AMD_REGA0 0xA0 // BAR 0 #define XHCI_ACPI_MMIO_AMD_REGA4 0xA4 // BAR 1 #define XHCI_ACPI_MMIO_AMD_REGA8 0xA8 // BAR 2 #define XHCI_ACPI_MMIO_AMD_REGB0 0xB0 // SPI_Valid_Base. #define XHCI_ACPI_MMIO_AMD_REGC0 0xC0 // Firmware starting offset for coping #define XHCI_ACPI_MMIO_AMD_REGB4 0xB4 #define XHCI_ACPI_MMIO_AMD_REGD0 0xD0 #define FCH_XHCI_REG48 0x48 // XHCI IND_REG Index registers #define FCH_XHCI_REG4C 0x4C // XHCI IND_REG Data registers #define FCH_XHCI_IND60_BASE 0x40000000ul // #define FCH_XHCI_IND60_REG00 FCH_XHCI_IND60_BASE + 0x00 // #define FCH_XHCI_IND60_REG04 FCH_XHCI_IND60_BASE + 0x04 // #define FCH_XHCI_IND60_REG08 FCH_XHCI_IND60_BASE + 0x08 // #define FCH_XHCI_IND60_REG0C FCH_XHCI_IND60_BASE + 0x0C // #define FCH_XHCI_IND60_REG18 FCH_XHCI_IND60_BASE + 0x18 // #define FCH_XHCI_IND_REG00 0x00 // #define FCH_XHCI_IND_REG04 0x04 // #define FCH_XHCI_IND_REG88 0x88 // #define FCH_XHCI_IND_REG94 0x94 // adaptation mode settings #define FCH_XHCI_IND_REG98 0x98 // CR phase and frequency filter settings #define FCH_XHCI_IND_REGC8 0xC8 // #define FCH_XHCI_IND_REGD4 0xD4 // adaptation mode settings #define FCH_XHCI_IND_REGD8 0xD8 // CR phase and frequency filter settings #define SPI_HEAD_LENGTH 0x0E #define SPI_BAR0_VLD 0x01 #define SPI_BASE0 (0x00 << 7) #define SPI_BAR1_VLD (0x01 << 8) #define SPI_BASE1 (SPI_HEAD_LENGTH << 10) #define SPI_BAR2_VLD (0x01 << 16) #define SPI_BASE2(x) ((SPI_HEAD_LENGTH + ACPIMMIO16(x)) << 18) #define FW_TO_SIGADDR_OFFSET 0x0C #define BCD_ADDR_OFFSET 0x02 #define BCD_SIZE_OFFSET 0x04 #define FW_ADDR_OFFSET 0x06 #define FW_SIZE_OFFSET 0x08 #define ACD_ADDR_OFFSET 0x0A #define ACD_SIZE_OFFSET 0x0C #define PKT_DATA_REG ACPI_MMIO_BASE + GFX_DAC_BASE + 0x00 #define PKT_LEN_REG ACPI_MMIO_BASE + GFX_DAC_BASE + 0x14 #define PKT_CTRL_REG ACPI_MMIO_BASE + GFX_DAC_BASE + 0x15 #define EFUS_DAC_ADJUSTMENT_CONTROL 0x850A8ul #define BGADJ 0x1F #define DACADJ 0x1B #define EFUS_DAC_ADJUSTMENT_CONTROL_DATA (BGADJ + (DACADJ << 8) + BIT16 ) #ifndef FCH_DEADLOOP #define FCH_DEADLOOP() { volatile UINTN __i; __i = 1; while (__i); } #endif