/* $NoKeywords:$ */ /** * @file * * mfidendimm.c * * Translate physical system address to dimm identification. * * @xrefitem bom "File Content Label" "Release Content" * @e project: AGESA * @e sub-project: (Mem/Feat) * @e \$Revision: 63425 $ @e \$Date: 2011-12-22 11:24:10 -0600 (Thu, 22 Dec 2011) $ * **/ /***************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2008 - 2012 ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES, INC. All Rights Reserved. * * AMD is granting you permission to use this software (the Materials) * pursuant to the terms and conditions of your Software License Agreement * with AMD. This header does *NOT* give you permission to use the Materials * or any rights under AMD's intellectual property. Your use of any portion * of these Materials shall constitute your acceptance of those terms and * conditions. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of the Software * License Agreement, please do not use any portion of these Materials. * * CONFIDENTIALITY: The Materials and all other information, identified as * confidential and provided to you by AMD shall be kept confidential in * accordance with the terms and conditions of the Software License Agreement. * * LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: THE MATERIALS AND ANY OTHER RELATED INFORMATION * PROVIDED TO YOU BY AMD ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, TITLE, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, * OR WARRANTIES ARISING FROM CONDUCT, COURSE OF DEALING, OR USAGE OF TRADE. * IN NO EVENT SHALL AMD OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER * (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF AMD'S NEGLIGENCE, * GROSS NEGLIGENCE, THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE MATERIALS OR ANY OTHER * RELATED INFORMATION PROVIDED TO YOU BY AMD, EVEN IF AMD HAS BEEN ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. BECAUSE SOME JURISDICTIONS PROHIBIT THE * EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, * THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. * * AMD does not assume any responsibility for any errors which may appear in * the Materials or any other related information provided to you by AMD, or * result from use of the Materials or any related information. * * You agree that you will not reverse engineer or decompile the Materials. * * NO SUPPORT OBLIGATION: AMD is not obligated to furnish, support, or make any * further information, software, technical information, know-how, or show-how * available to you. Additionally, AMD retains the right to modify the * Materials at any time, without notice, and is not obligated to provide such * modified Materials to you. * * U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS: The Materials are provided with * "RESTRICTED RIGHTS." Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is * subject to the restrictions as set forth in FAR 52.227-14 and * DFAR252.227-7013, et seq., or its successor. Use of the Materials by the * Government constitutes acknowledgement of AMD's proprietary rights in them. * * EXPORT ASSURANCE: You agree and certify that neither the Materials, nor any * direct product thereof will be exported directly or indirectly, into any * country prohibited by the United States Export Administration Act and the * regulations thereunder, without the required authorization from the U.S. * government nor will be used for any purpose prohibited by the same. * *************************************************************************** * */ /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * MODULES USED * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "AGESA.h" #include "amdlib.h" #include "mm.h" #include "mn.h" #include "Ids.h" #include "OptionMemory.h" #include "heapManager.h" #include "mfidendimm.h" #include "GeneralServices.h" #include "Filecode.h" CODE_GROUP (G2_PEI) RDATA_GROUP (G2_PEI) #define FILECODE PROC_MEM_FEAT_IDENDIMM_MFIDENDIMM_FILECODE extern MEM_NB_SUPPORT memNBInstalled[]; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * DEFINITIONS AND MACROS * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define MAX_DCTS_PER_DIE 2 ///< Max DCTs per die #define MAX_CHLS_PER_DCT 1 ///< Max Channels per DCT /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * TYPEDEFS AND STRUCTURES * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * PROTOTYPES OF LOCAL FUNCTIONS * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ AGESA_STATUS STATIC MemFTransSysAddrToCS ( IN OUT AMD_IDENTIFY_DIMM *AmdDimmIdentify, IN MEM_MAIN_DATA_BLOCK *mmPtr ); UINT32 STATIC MemFGetPCI ( IN MEM_NB_BLOCK *NBPtr, IN UINT8 NodeID, IN UINT8 DctNum, IN BIT_FIELD_NAME BitFieldName ); UINT8 STATIC MemFUnaryXOR ( IN UINT32 address ); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * EXPORTED FUNCTIONS * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * * This function identifies the dimm on which the given memory address locates. * * @param[in, out] *AmdDimmIdentify - Pointer to the parameter structure AMD_IDENTIFY_DIMM * * @retval AGESA_SUCCESS - Successfully translate physical system address * to dimm identification. * AGESA_BOUNDS_CHK - Targeted address is out of bound. * */ AGESA_STATUS AmdIdentifyDimm ( IN OUT AMD_IDENTIFY_DIMM *AmdDimmIdentify ) { UINT8 i; AGESA_STATUS RetVal; MEM_MAIN_DATA_BLOCK mmData; // Main Data block MEM_NB_BLOCK *NBPtr; MEM_DATA_STRUCT MemData; LOCATE_HEAP_PTR LocHeap; ALLOCATE_HEAP_PARAMS AllocHeapParams; UINT8 Node; UINT8 Dct; UINT8 Die; UINT8 DieCount; LibAmdMemCopy (&(MemData.StdHeader), &(AmdDimmIdentify->StdHeader), sizeof (AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS), &(AmdDimmIdentify->StdHeader)); mmData.MemPtr = &MemData; RetVal = MemSocketScan (&mmData); if (RetVal == AGESA_FATAL) { return RetVal; } DieCount = mmData.DieCount; // Search for AMD_MEM_AUTO_HANDLE on the heap first. // Only apply for space on the heap if cannot find AMD_MEM_AUTO_HANDLE on the heap. LocHeap.BufferHandle = AMD_MEM_AUTO_HANDLE; if (HeapLocateBuffer (&LocHeap, &AmdDimmIdentify->StdHeader) == AGESA_SUCCESS) { // NB block has already been constructed by main block. // No need to construct it here. NBPtr = (MEM_NB_BLOCK *)LocHeap.BufferPtr; mmData.NBPtr = NBPtr; } else { AllocHeapParams.RequestedBufferSize = (DieCount * (sizeof (MEM_NB_BLOCK))); AllocHeapParams.BufferHandle = AMD_MEM_AUTO_HANDLE; AllocHeapParams.Persist = HEAP_SYSTEM_MEM; if (HeapAllocateBuffer (&AllocHeapParams, &AmdDimmIdentify->StdHeader) != AGESA_SUCCESS) { PutEventLog (AGESA_FATAL, MEM_ERROR_HEAP_ALLOCATE_FOR_IDENTIFY_DIMM_MEM_NB_BLOCK, 0, 0, 0, 0, &AmdDimmIdentify->StdHeader); ASSERT(FALSE); // Could not allocate heap space for NB block for Identify DIMM return AGESA_FATAL; } NBPtr = (MEM_NB_BLOCK *)AllocHeapParams.BufferPtr; mmData.NBPtr = NBPtr; // Construct each die. for (Die = 0; Die < DieCount; Die ++) { i = 0; while (memNBInstalled[i].MemIdentifyDimmConstruct != 0) { if (memNBInstalled[i].MemIdentifyDimmConstruct (&NBPtr[Die], &MemData, Die)) { break; } i++; }; if (memNBInstalled[i].MemIdentifyDimmConstruct == 0) { PutEventLog (AGESA_FATAL, MEM_ERROR_NO_CONSTRUCTOR_FOR_IDENTIFY_DIMM, Die, 0, 0, 0, &AmdDimmIdentify->StdHeader); ASSERT(FALSE); // No Identify DIMM constructor found return AGESA_FATAL; } } } if ((RetVal = MemFTransSysAddrToCS (AmdDimmIdentify, &mmData)) == AGESA_SUCCESS) { // Translate Node, DCT and Chip select number to Socket, Channel and Dimm number. Node = AmdDimmIdentify->SocketId; Dct = AmdDimmIdentify->MemChannelId; AmdDimmIdentify->SocketId = MemData.DiesPerSystem[Node].SocketId; AmdDimmIdentify->MemChannelId = NBPtr[Node].GetSocketRelativeChannel (&NBPtr[Node], Dct, 0); AmdDimmIdentify->DimmId /= 2; } return RetVal; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * LOCAL FUNCTIONS * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * * This function translates the given physical system address to * a node, channel select, chip select, bank, row, and column address. * * @param[in, out] *AmdDimmIdentify - Pointer to the parameter structure AMD_IDENTIFY_DIMM * @param[in, out] *mmPtr - Pointer to the MEM_MAIN_DATA_BLOCK * * @retval AGESA_SUCCESS - The chip select address is found * @retval AGESA_BOUNDS_CHK - Targeted address is out of bound. * */ AGESA_STATUS STATIC MemFTransSysAddrToCS ( IN OUT AMD_IDENTIFY_DIMM *AmdDimmIdentify, IN MEM_MAIN_DATA_BLOCK *mmPtr ) { BOOLEAN CSFound; BOOLEAN DctSelHiRngEn; BOOLEAN DctSelIntLvEn; BOOLEAN DctGangEn; BOOLEAN HiRangeSelected; BOOLEAN DramHoleValid; BOOLEAN CSEn; BOOLEAN SwapDone; BOOLEAN IntLvRgnSwapEn; UINT8 DctSelHi; UINT8 DramEn; UINT8 range; UINT8 IntlvEn; UINT8 IntlvSel; UINT8 ILog; UINT8 DctSelIntLvAddr; UINT8 DctNum; UINT8 cs; UINT8 BadDramCs; UINT8 spare; UINT8 IntLvRgnBaseAddr; UINT8 IntLvRgnLmtAddr; UINT8 IntLvRgnSize; UINT32 temp; UINT32 DramHoleOffset; UINT32 DramHoleBase; UINT64 DramBase; UINT64 DramLimit; UINT64 DramLimitSysAddr; UINT64 DctSelBaseAddr; UINT64 DctSelBaseOffset; UINT64 ChannelAddr; UINT64 CSBase; UINT64 CSMask; UINT64 InputAddr; UINT64 ChannelOffset; MEM_NB_BLOCK *NBPtr; UINT8 Die; UINT64 SysAddr; UINT8 *NodeID; UINT8 *ChannelSelect; UINT8 *ChipSelect; SysAddr = AmdDimmIdentify->MemoryAddress; NodeID = &(AmdDimmIdentify->SocketId); ChannelSelect = &(AmdDimmIdentify->MemChannelId); ChipSelect = &(AmdDimmIdentify->DimmId); CSFound = FALSE; ILog = 0; NBPtr = mmPtr->NBPtr; NBPtr->FamilySpecificHook[FixupSysAddr] (NBPtr, &SysAddr); // Loop to determine the dram range for (Die = 0; Die < mmPtr->DieCount; Die ++) { range = NBPtr[Die].Node; // DRAM Base temp = MemFGetPCI (NBPtr, 0, 0, BFDramBaseReg0 + range); DramEn = (UINT8) (temp & 0x3); IntlvEn = (UINT8) ((temp >> 8) & 0x7); DramBase = ((UINT64) (MemFGetPCI (NBPtr, 0, 0, BFDramBaseHiReg0 + range) & 0xFF) << 40) | (((UINT64) temp & 0xFFFF0000) << 8); // DRAM Limit temp = MemFGetPCI (NBPtr, 0, 0, BFDramLimitReg0 + range); *NodeID = (UINT8) (temp & 0x7); IntlvSel = (UINT8) ((temp >> 8) & 0x7); DramLimit = ((UINT64) (MemFGetPCI (NBPtr, 0, 0, BFDramLimitHiReg0 + range) & 0xFF) << 40) | (((UINT64) temp << 8) | 0xFFFFFF); DramLimitSysAddr = (((UINT64) MemFGetPCI (NBPtr, *NodeID, 0, BFDramLimitAddr)) << 27) | 0x7FFFFFF; ASSERT (DramLimit <= DramLimitSysAddr); if ((DramEn != 0) && (DramBase <= SysAddr) && (SysAddr <= DramLimitSysAddr) && ((IntlvEn == 0) || (IntlvSel == ((SysAddr >> 12) & IntlvEn)))) { // Determine the number of bit positions consumed by Node Interleaving switch (IntlvEn) { case 0x0: ILog = 0; break; case 0x1: ILog = 1; break; case 0x3: ILog = 2; break; case 0x7: ILog = 3; break; default: IDS_ERROR_TRAP; } DramHoleOffset = MemFGetPCI (NBPtr, *NodeID, 0, BFDramHoleOffset) << 23; DramHoleValid = (BOOLEAN) MemFGetPCI (NBPtr, *NodeID, 0, BFDramHoleValid); DramHoleBase = MemFGetPCI (NBPtr, *NodeID, 0, BFDramHoleBase) << 24; // Address belongs to this node based on DramBase/Limit, // but is in the memory hole so it doesn't map to DRAM if (DramHoleValid && (DramHoleBase <= SysAddr) && (SysAddr < 0x100000000)) { return AGESA_BOUNDS_CHK; } // F2x10C Swapped Interleaved Region IntLvRgnSwapEn = (BOOLEAN) MemFGetPCI (NBPtr, *NodeID, 0, BFIntLvRgnSwapEn); if (IntLvRgnSwapEn) { IntLvRgnBaseAddr = (UINT8) MemFGetPCI (NBPtr, *NodeID, 0, BFIntLvRgnBaseAddr); IntLvRgnLmtAddr = (UINT8) MemFGetPCI (NBPtr, *NodeID, 0, BFIntLvRgnLmtAddr); IntLvRgnSize = (UINT8) MemFGetPCI (NBPtr, *NodeID, 0, BFIntLvRgnSize); ASSERT (IntLvRgnSize == (IntLvRgnLmtAddr - IntLvRgnBaseAddr + 1)); if (((SysAddr >> 34) == 0) && ((((SysAddr >> 27) >= IntLvRgnBaseAddr) && ((SysAddr >> 27) <= IntLvRgnLmtAddr)) || ((SysAddr >> 27) < IntLvRgnSize))) { SysAddr ^= (UINT64) IntLvRgnBaseAddr << 27; } } // Extract variables from F2x110 DRAM Controller Select Low Register DctSelHiRngEn = (BOOLEAN) MemFGetPCI (NBPtr, *NodeID, 0, BFDctSelHiRngEn); DctSelHi = (UINT8) MemFGetPCI (NBPtr, *NodeID, 0, BFDctSelHi); DctSelIntLvEn = (BOOLEAN) MemFGetPCI (NBPtr, *NodeID, 0, BFDctSelIntLvEn); DctGangEn = (BOOLEAN) MemFGetPCI (NBPtr, *NodeID, 0, BFDctGangEn); DctSelIntLvAddr = (UINT8) MemFGetPCI (NBPtr, *NodeID, 0, BFDctSelIntLvAddr); DctSelBaseAddr = (UINT64) MemFGetPCI (NBPtr, *NodeID, 0, BFDctSelBaseAddr) << 27; DctSelBaseOffset = (UINT64) MemFGetPCI (NBPtr, *NodeID, 0, BFDctSelBaseOffset) << 26; // Determine if high DCT address range is being selected if (DctSelHiRngEn && !DctGangEn && (SysAddr >= DctSelBaseAddr)) { HiRangeSelected = TRUE; } else { HiRangeSelected = FALSE; } // Determine Channel if (DctGangEn) { *ChannelSelect = (UINT8) ((SysAddr >> 3) & 0x1); } else if (HiRangeSelected) { *ChannelSelect = DctSelHi; } else if (DctSelIntLvEn && (DctSelIntLvAddr == 0)) { *ChannelSelect = (UINT8) ((SysAddr >> 6) & 0x1); } else if (DctSelIntLvEn && (((DctSelIntLvAddr >> 1) & 0x1) != 0)) { temp = MemFUnaryXOR ((UINT32) ((SysAddr >> 16) & 0x1F)); if ((DctSelIntLvAddr & 0x1) != 0) { *ChannelSelect = (UINT8) (((SysAddr >> 9) & 0x1) ^ temp); } else { *ChannelSelect = (UINT8) (((SysAddr >> 6) & 0x1) ^ temp); } } else if (DctSelIntLvEn) { *ChannelSelect = (UINT8) ((SysAddr >> (12 + ILog)) & 0x1); } else if (DctSelHiRngEn) { *ChannelSelect = ~DctSelHi & 0x1; } else { *ChannelSelect = 0; } ASSERT (*ChannelSelect < NBPtr[*NodeID].DctCount); // Determine base address offset if (HiRangeSelected) { if ((DctSelBaseAddr < DramHoleBase) && DramHoleValid && (SysAddr >= (UINT64) 0x100000000)) { ChannelOffset = (UINT64) DramHoleOffset; } else { ChannelOffset = DctSelBaseOffset; } } else { if (DramHoleValid && (SysAddr >= (UINT64) 0x100000000)) { ChannelOffset = (UINT64) DramHoleOffset; } else { ChannelOffset = DramBase; } } // Remove hoisting offset and normalize to DRAM bus addresses ChannelAddr = SysAddr - ChannelOffset; // Remove node interleaving if (IntlvEn != 0) { ChannelAddr = ((ChannelAddr >> (12 + ILog)) << 12) | (ChannelAddr & 0xFFF); } // Remove channel interleave if (DctSelIntLvEn && !HiRangeSelected && !DctGangEn) { if ((DctSelIntLvAddr & 1) != 1) { // A[6] Select or Hash 6 ChannelAddr = ((ChannelAddr >> 7) << 6) | (ChannelAddr & 0x3F); } else if (DctSelIntLvAddr == 1) { // A[12] ChannelAddr = ((ChannelAddr >> 13) << 12) | (ChannelAddr & 0xFFF); } else { // Hash 9 ChannelAddr = ((ChannelAddr >> 10) << 9) | (ChannelAddr & 0x1FF); } } // Determine the Chip Select for (cs = 0; cs < MAX_CS_PER_CHANNEL; ++ cs) { DctNum = DctGangEn ? 0 : *ChannelSelect; // Obtain the CS Base temp = MemFGetPCI (NBPtr, *NodeID, DctNum, BFCSBaseAddr0Reg + cs); CSEn = (BOOLEAN) (temp & 0x1); CSBase = ((UINT64) temp & NBPtr->CsRegMsk) << 8; // Obtain the CS Mask CSMask = ((UINT64) MemFGetPCI (NBPtr, *NodeID, DctNum, BFCSMask0Reg + (cs >> 1)) & NBPtr->CsRegMsk) << 8; // Adjust the Channel Addr for easy comparison InputAddr = ((ChannelAddr >> 8) & NBPtr->CsRegMsk) << 8; if (CSEn && ((InputAddr & ~CSMask) == (CSBase & ~CSMask))) { CSFound = TRUE; *ChipSelect = cs; temp = MemFGetPCI (NBPtr, *NodeID, 0, BFOnLineSpareControl); SwapDone = (BOOLEAN) ((temp >> (1 + 2 * (*ChannelSelect))) & 0x1); BadDramCs = (UINT8) ((temp >> (4 + 4 * (*ChannelSelect))) & 0x7); if (SwapDone && (cs == BadDramCs)) { // Find the spare rank for the channel for (spare = 0; spare < MAX_CS_PER_CHANNEL; ++spare) { if ((MemFGetPCI (NBPtr, *NodeID, DctNum, BFCSBaseAddr0Reg + spare) & 0x2) != 0) { *ChipSelect = spare; break; } } } ASSERT (*ChipSelect < MAX_CS_PER_CHANNEL); break; } } } if (CSFound) { break; } } // last ditch sanity check ASSERT (!CSFound || ((*NodeID < mmPtr->DieCount) && (*ChannelSelect < NBPtr[*NodeID].DctCount) && (*ChipSelect < MAX_CS_PER_CHANNEL))); if (CSFound) { return AGESA_SUCCESS; } else { return AGESA_BOUNDS_CHK; } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * * This function is the interface to call the PCI register access function * defined in NB block. * * @param[in] *NBPtr - Pointer to the parameter structure MEM_NB_BLOCK * @param[in] NodeID - Node ID number of the target Northbridge * @param[in] DctNum - DCT number if applicable, otherwise, put 0 * @param[in] BitFieldName - targeted bitfield * * @retval UINT32 - 32 bits PCI register value * */ UINT32 STATIC MemFGetPCI ( IN MEM_NB_BLOCK *NBPtr, IN UINT8 NodeID, IN UINT8 DctNum, IN BIT_FIELD_NAME BitFieldName ) { MEM_NB_BLOCK *LocalNBPtr; UINT8 Die; // Find NBBlock that associates with node NodeID for (Die = 0; (Die < MAX_NODES_SUPPORTED) && (NBPtr[Die].Node != NodeID); Die ++); ASSERT (Die < MAX_NODES_SUPPORTED); // Get the northbridge pointer for the targeted node. LocalNBPtr = &NBPtr[Die]; LocalNBPtr->FamilySpecificHook[DCTSelectSwitch] (LocalNBPtr, &DctNum); LocalNBPtr->Dct = DctNum; // The caller of this function will take care of the ganged/unganged situation. // So Ganged is set to be false here, and do PCI read on the DCT specified by DctNum. return LocalNBPtr->GetBitField (LocalNBPtr, BitFieldName); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * * This function returns an even parity bit (making the total # of 1's even) * {0, 1} = number of set bits in argument is {even, odd}. * * @param[in] address - the address on which the parity bit will be calculated * * @retval UINT8 - parity bit * */ UINT8 STATIC MemFUnaryXOR ( IN UINT32 address ) { UINT8 parity; UINT8 index; parity = 0; for (index = 0; index < 32; ++ index) { parity = (UINT8) (parity ^ (address & 0x1)); address = address >> 1; } return parity; }