/* Copyright Statement: * * This software/firmware and related documentation ("MediaTek Software") are * protected under relevant copyright laws. The information contained herein * is confidential and proprietary to MediaTek Inc. and/or its licensors. * Without the prior written permission of MediaTek inc. and/or its licensors, * any reproduction, modification, use or disclosure of MediaTek Software, * and information contained herein, in whole or in part, shall be strictly prohibited. */ /* MediaTek Inc. (C) 2011. All rights reserved. * * BY OPENING THIS FILE, RECEIVER HEREBY UNEQUIVOCALLY ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES * THAT THE SOFTWARE/FIRMWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATIONS ("MEDIATEK SOFTWARE") * RECEIVED FROM MEDIATEK AND/OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES ARE PROVIDED TO RECEIVER ON * AN "AS-IS" BASIS ONLY. MEDIATEK EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NONINFRINGEMENT. * NEITHER DOES MEDIATEK PROVIDE ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER WITH RESPECT TO THE * SOFTWARE OF ANY THIRD PARTY WHICH MAY BE USED BY, INCORPORATED IN, OR * SUPPLIED WITH THE MEDIATEK SOFTWARE, AND RECEIVER AGREES TO LOOK ONLY TO SUCH * THIRD PARTY FOR ANY WARRANTY CLAIM RELATING THERETO. RECEIVER EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGES * THAT IT IS RECEIVER'S SOLE RESPONSIBILITY TO OBTAIN FROM ANY THIRD PARTY ALL PROPER LICENSES * CONTAINED IN MEDIATEK SOFTWARE. MEDIATEK SHALL ALSO NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY MEDIATEK * SOFTWARE RELEASES MADE TO RECEIVER'S SPECIFICATION OR TO CONFORM TO A PARTICULAR * STANDARD OR OPEN FORUM. RECEIVER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AND MEDIATEK'S ENTIRE AND * CUMULATIVE LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE MEDIATEK SOFTWARE RELEASED HEREUNDER WILL BE, * AT MEDIATEK'S OPTION, TO REVISE OR REPLACE THE MEDIATEK SOFTWARE AT ISSUE, * OR REFUND ANY SOFTWARE LICENSE FEES OR SERVICE CHARGE PAID BY RECEIVER TO * MEDIATEK FOR SUCH MEDIATEK SOFTWARE AT ISSUE. * fix* The following software/firmware and/or related documentation ("MediaTek Software") * have been modified by MediaTek Inc. All revisions are subject to any receiver's * applicable license agreements with MediaTek Inc. */ #ifndef MT8195_H #define MT8195_H /*=======================================================================*/ /* Constant Definitions */ /*=======================================================================*/ #define IO_PHYS (0x10000000) #define IO_SIZE (0x02000000) #define VER_BASE (0x08000000) /*=======================================================================*/ /* Register Bases */ /*=======================================================================*/ #define MCUCFG_BASE (0x0C530000) #define TOPCKGEN_BASE (IO_PHYS) #define INFRACFG_AO_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x00001000) #define APMIXED_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x0000C000) #define INFRA_AO_BCRM_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x00022000) #define AUDIO_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x00890000) #define AUDIO_SRC_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x008a0000) #define CAMSYS_YUVB_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x060af000) #define CAMSYS_MAIN_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x06000000) #define CAMSYS_MRAW_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x06140000) #define CAMSYS_RAWA_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x0604f000) #define CAMSYS_RAWB_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x0608f000) #define CAMSYS_YUVA_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x0606f000) #define CCU_MAIN_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x07200000) #define IMGSYS1_DIP_NR_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x05130000) #define IMGSYS1_DIP_TOP_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x05110000) #define IMGSYS1_WPE_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x05220000) #define IMGSYS_MAIN_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x05000000) #define IPESYS_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x05330000) #define MFGCFG_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x03fbf000) #define PERICFG_AO_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x01003000) #define SCP_PAR_TOP_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x00720000) #define IPNNA_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x00211000) #define VDEC_CORE1_GCON_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x0803f000) #define VDEC_GCON_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x0802f000) #define VDEC_SOC_GCON_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x0800f000) #define VDOSYS0_CONFIG_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x0c01a000) #define VDOSYS1_CONFIG_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x0c100000) #define VENC_CORE1_GCON_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x0b000000) #define VENC_GCON_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x0a000000) #define VPP0_REG_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x04000000) #define VPPSYS1_CONFIG_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x04f00000) #define WPESYS_TOP_REG_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x04e00000) #define WPE_VPP0_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x04e02000) #define WPE_VPP1_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x04e03000) #define IOCFG_BM_BASE (0x11D10000) #define IOCFG_BL_BASE (0x11D30000) #define IOCFG_BR_BASE (0x11D40000) #define IOCFG_LM_BASE (0x11E20000) #define IOCFG_RB_BASE (0x11EB0000) #define IOCFG_TL_BASE (0x11F40000) /*should be removed*/ #define PERICFG_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x00003000) //#define PERI_CON_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x00003000) #define GPIO_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x00005000) #define SPM_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x00006000) #define RGU_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x00007000) #define GPT_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x00008000) #define SYSTIMER_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x00017000) #define TIA_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x0001C000) #define PMIF_SPI_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x00024000) #define PMICSPI_MST_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x00025000) #define PMIF_SPMI_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x00027000) #define SPMI_MST_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x00029000) #define DDRPHY_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x00330000) #define KPD_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x00010000) #define DEM_BASE (0x0D0A0000) #define MCUSYS_CFGREG_BASE (0x0C530000) //#define CA7MCUCFG_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x00200100) //#define CA15L_CONFIG_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x00200200) #define SRAMROM_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x00214000) #define GICD_BASE (0x0c000000) #define GICR_BASE (0x0c040000) #define AUXADC_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0X01002000) #define DEVINFO_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x01C10000) #define UART0_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x01001100) #define UART1_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x01001200) #define UART2_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x01001300) #define UART3_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x01001400) #define SPI_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x010F0000) #define NFI_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x0100D000) /* FIXME: not list in memory map */ #define NFIECC_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x0100E000) /* FIXME: not list in memory map */ #define MSDC0_TOP_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x01F50000) #define MSDC1_TOP_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x01E10000) #define MSDC0_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x01230000) #define MSDC1_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x01240000) #define MSDC2_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x01250000) #define MSDC3_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x01260000) /* Reserved in Sylvia */ #define U3D_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x01200000) /* MAC: 0x1120_0000 */ #define USB_SIF_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x01E40000) /* PHY: 0x11E4_0000 */ #define USB1P_SIF_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x01C40000) #define PCIE_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x093F0000) #define PCIE_PHY_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x01E20000) #define CPUXGPT_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x00200000) #define SUB_INFRACFG_AO_BASE (IO_PHYS + 0x0030E000) /*=======================================================================*/ /* AP HW code offset */ /*=======================================================================*/ #define APHW_CODE (VER_BASE) #define APHW_SUBCODE (VER_BASE + 0x04) #define APHW_VER (VER_BASE + 0x08) #define APSW_VER (VER_BASE + 0x0C) // #define AMCONFG_BASE (0xFFFFFFFF) /*=======================================================================*/ /* USB register offset */ /*=======================================================================*/ #define SSUSB_DEV_BASE (U3D_BASE + 0x1000) /* FIXME: not list in memory map */ #define SSUSB_EPCTL_CSR_BASE (U3D_BASE + 0x1800) /* FIXME: not list in memory map */ #define SSUSB_USB3_MAC_CSR_BASE (U3D_BASE + 0x2400) /* FIXME: not list in memory map */ #define SSUSB_USB3_SYS_CSR_BASE (U3D_BASE + 0x2400) /* FIXME: not list in memory map */ #define SSUSB_USB2_CSR_BASE (U3D_BASE + 0x3400) /* FIXME: not list in memory map */ #define SSUSB_SIFSLV_IPPC_BASE (U3D_BASE + 0x3E00) /* FIXME: not list in memory map */ #define SSUSB_SIFSLV_SPLLC_BASE (USB_SIF_BASE + 0x700) /* FIXME: not list in memory map */ #define SSUSB_SIFSLV_U2PHY_COM_BASE (USB_SIF_BASE + 0x300) /* FIXME: not list in memory map */ #define SSUSB_SIFSLV_U3PHYD_BASE (USB_SIF_BASE + 0x900) /* FIXME: not list in memory map */ #define SSUSB_SIFSLV_U2PHY_COM_SIV_B_BASE (USB_SIF_BASE + 0x300) /* FIXME: not list in memory map */ #define SSUSB_USB30_PHYA_SIV_B2_BASE (USB_SIF_BASE + 0xA00) /* FIXME: not list in memory map */ #define SSUSB_USB30_PHYA_SIV_B_BASE (USB_SIF_BASE + 0xB00) /* FIXME: not list in memory map */ #define SSUSB_SIFSLV_U3PHYA_DA_BASE (USB_SIF_BASE + 0xC00) /* FIXME: not list in memory map */ /*=======================================================================*/ /* USB download control */ /*=======================================================================*/ #define SECURITY_AO (0x1001A000) #define BOOT_MISC0 (SECURITY_AO + 0x0080) #define MISC_LOCK_KEY (SECURITY_AO + 0x0100) #define RST_CON (SECURITY_AO + 0x0108) #define MISC_LOCK_KEY_MAGIC 0xAD98 #define USBDL_FLAG BOOT_MISC0 #define USBDL_BIT_EN (0x00000001) /* 1: download bit enabled */ #define USBDL_BROM (0x00000002) /* 0: usbdl by brom; 1: usbdl by bootloader */ #define USBDL_TIMEOUT_MASK (0x0000FFFC) /* 14-bit timeout: 0x0000~0x3FFE: second; 0x3FFFF: no timeout */ #define USBDL_TIMEOUT_MAX (USBDL_TIMEOUT_MASK >> 2) /* maximum timeout indicates no timeout */ #define USBDL_MAGIC (0x444C0000) /* Brom will check this magic number */ #define SRAMROM_USBDL_TO_DIS (SRAMROM_BASE + 0x0054) #define USBDL_TO_DIS (0x00000001) /*=======================================================================*/ /* NAND Control */ /*=======================================================================*/ #define NAND_PAGE_SIZE (2048) // (Bytes) #define NAND_BLOCK_BLKS (64) // 64 nand pages = 128KB #define NAND_PAGE_SHIFT (9) #define NAND_LARGE_PAGE (11) // large page #define NAND_SMALL_PAGE (9) // small page #define NAND_BUS_WIDTH_8 (8) #define NAND_BUS_WIDTH_16 (16) #define NAND_FDM_SIZE (8) #define NAND_ECC_SW (0) #define NAND_ECC_HW (1) #define NFI_MAX_FDM_SIZE (8) #define NFI_MAX_FDM_SEC_NUM (8) #define NFI_MAX_LOCK_CHANNEL (16) #define ECC_MAX_CORRECTABLE_BITS (12) #define ECC_MAX_PARITY_SIZE (20) /* in bytes */ #define ECC_ERR_LOCATION_MASK (0x1FFF) #define ECC_ERR_LOCATION_SHIFT (16) #define NAND_FFBUF_SIZE (2048 + 64) /*=======================================================================*/ /* SW Reset Vector */ /*=======================================================================*/ /* setup the reset vector base address after warm reset to Aarch64 */ #define RVBADDRESS_CPU0 (MCUSYS_CFGREG_BASE + 0xC900) /* IRQ */ #define SYS_TIMER_IRQ (233 + 32) #define GZ_SW_IRQ (513 + 32) #endif