#!/usr/bin/python # # cbmem.py - Linux space CBMEM contents parser # # Copyright (C) 2011 The ChromiumOS Authors. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # ''' Parse and display CBMEM contents. This module is meant to run on systems with coreboot based firmware. When started, it determines the amount of DRAM installed on the system, and then scans the top area of DRAM (right above the available memory size) looking for the CBMEM base signature at locations aligned at 0x20000 boundaries. Once it finds the CBMEM signature, the utility parses the contents, reporting the section IDs/sizes and also reporting the contents of the tiemstamp and console sections. ''' import mmap import struct import sys def get_phys_mem(addr, size): '''Read size bytes from address addr by mmaping /dev/mem''' mf = open("/dev/mem") delta = addr % 4096 mm = mmap.mmap(mf.fileno(), size + delta, mmap.MAP_PRIVATE, offset=(addr - delta)) buf = mm.read(size + delta) mf.close() return buf[delta:] # This class and metaclass make it easier to define and access structures # which live in physical memory. To use them, inherit from CStruct and define # a class member called struct_members which is a tuple of pairs. The first # item in the pair is the type format specifier that should be used with # struct.unpack to read that member from memory. The second item is the name # that member should have in the resulting object. class MetaCStruct(type): def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct): struct_members = dct["struct_members"] cls.struct_fmt = "<" for char, name in struct_members: cls.struct_fmt += char cls.struct_len = struct.calcsize(cls.struct_fmt) super(MetaCStruct, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct) class CStruct(object): __metaclass__ = MetaCStruct struct_members = () def __init__(self, addr): self.raw_memory = get_phys_mem(addr, self.struct_len) values = struct.unpack(self.struct_fmt, self.raw_memory) names = (name for char, name in self.struct_members) for name, value in zip(names, values): setattr(self, name, value) def normalize_timer(value, freq): '''Convert timer reading into microseconds. Get the free running clock counter value, divide it by the clock frequency and multiply by 1 million to get reading in microseconds. Then convert the value into an ASCII string with groups of three digits separated by commas. Inputs: value: int, the clock reading freq: float, the clock frequency Returns: A string presenting 'value' in microseconds. ''' result = [] value = int(value * 1000000.0 / freq) svalue = '%d' % value vlength = len(svalue) remainder = vlength % 3 if remainder: result.append(svalue[0:remainder]) while remainder < vlength: result.append(svalue[remainder:remainder+3]) remainder = remainder + 3 return ','.join(result) def get_cpu_freq(): '''Retrieve CPU frequency from sysfs. Use /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq as the source. ''' freq_str = open('/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq' ).read() # Convert reading into Hertz return float(freq_str) * 1000.0 def process_timers(base): '''Scan the array of timestamps found in CBMEM at address base. For each timestamp print the timer ID and the value in microseconds. ''' class TimestampHeader(CStruct): struct_members = ( ("Q", "base_time"), ("L", "max_entr"), ("L", "entr") ) class TimestampEntry(CStruct): struct_members = ( ("L", "timer_id"), ("Q", "timer_value") ) header = TimestampHeader(base) print('\ntime base %d, total entries %d' % (header.base_time, header.entr)) clock_freq = get_cpu_freq() base = base + header.struct_len for i in range(header.entr): timestamp = TimestampEntry(base) print '%d:%s ' % (timestamp.timer_id, normalize_timer(timestamp.timer_value, clock_freq)), base = base + timestamp.struct_len print def process_console(base): '''Dump the console log buffer contents found at address base.''' class ConsoleHeader(CStruct): struct_members = ( ("L", "size"), ("L", "cursor") ) header = ConsoleHeader(base) print 'cursor at %d\n' % header.cursor cons_addr = base + header.struct_len cons_length = min(header.cursor, header.size) cons_text = get_phys_mem(cons_addr, cons_length) print cons_text print '\n' def ipchksum(buf): '''Checksumming function used on the coreboot tables. The buffer being checksummed is summed up as if it was an array of 16 bit unsigned integers. If there are an odd number of bytes, the last element is zero extended.''' size = len(buf) odd = size % 2 fmt = "<%dH" % ((size - odd) / 2) if odd: fmt += "B" shorts = struct.unpack(fmt, buf) checksum = sum(shorts) checksum = (checksum >> 16) + (checksum & 0xffff) checksum += (checksum >> 16) checksum = ~checksum & 0xffff return checksum def parse_tables(base, length): '''Find the coreboot tables in memory and process whatever we can.''' class CBTableHeader(CStruct): struct_members = ( ("4s", "signature"), ("I", "header_bytes"), ("I", "header_checksum"), ("I", "table_bytes"), ("I", "table_checksum"), ("I", "table_entries") ) class CBTableEntry(CStruct): struct_members = ( ("I", "tag"), ("I", "size") ) class CBTableForward(CBTableEntry): struct_members = CBTableEntry.struct_members + ( ("Q", "forward"), ) class CBMemTab(CBTableEntry): struct_members = CBTableEntry.struct_members + ( ("L", "cbmem_tab"), ) for addr in range(base, base + length, 16): header = CBTableHeader(addr) if header.signature == "LBIO": break else: return -1 if header.header_bytes == 0: return -1 if ipchksum(header.raw_memory) != 0: print "Bad header checksum" return -1 addr += header.header_bytes table = get_phys_mem(addr, header.table_bytes) if ipchksum(table) != header.table_checksum: print "Bad table checksum" return -1 for i in range(header.table_entries): entry = CBTableEntry(addr) if entry.tag == 0x11: # Forwarding entry return parse_tables(CBTableForward(addr).forward, length) elif entry.tag == 0x16: # Timestamps process_timers(CBMemTab(addr).cbmem_tab) elif entry.tag == 0x17: # CBMEM console process_console(CBMemTab(addr).cbmem_tab) addr += entry.size return 0 def main(): for base, length in (0x00000000, 0x1000), (0x000f0000, 0x1000): if parse_tables(base, length): break else: print "Didn't find the coreboot tables" return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())