#!/usr/bin/env sh
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only

# DESCR: Check for superfluous whitespace in the tree

LC_ALL=C export LC_ALL
INCLUDELIST="src util payloads Makefile* toolchain.inc tests"

# shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2046
if uname | grep -qi "linux"; then
	grep -n -H "[[:space:]][[:space:]]*$" \
		$(git ls-files $INCLUDELIST | \
			grep -Ev "($EXCLUDELIST)" ) | \
		sed -e "s,^.*$,File & has lines ending with whitespace.,"
	# The above form is much (100x) faster, but doesn't work
	# on all systems. A for loop also works but takes 30% longer
	git ls-files $INCLUDELIST | \
		grep -Ev "($EXCLUDELIST)" | \
		xargs -I % \
			grep -l "[[:space:]][[:space:]]*$" % | \
			sed -e "s,^.*$,File & has lines ending with whitespace.,"