/* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/int10/helper_exec.c,v 1.16 2001/04/30 14:34:57 tsi Exp $ */
 *                   XFree86 int10 module
 *   execute BIOS int 10h calls in x86 real mode environment
 *                 Copyright 1999 Egbert Eich
 *   Part of this is based on code taken from DOSEMU
 *   (C) Copyright 1992, ..., 1999 the "DOSEMU-Development-Team"

 * To debug port accesses define PRINT_PORT.
 * Note! You also have to comment out ioperm()
 * in xf86EnableIO(). Otherwise we won't trap
 * on PIO.
#include <x86emu.h>
#include "test.h"
#include <asm/io.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

int port_rep_inb(u16 port, u32 base, int d_f, u32 count);
u8 x_inb(u16 port);
u16 x_inw(u16 port);
void x_outb(u16 port, u8 val);
void x_outw(u16 port, u16 val);
u32 x_inl(u16 port);
void x_outl(u16 port, u32 val);

/* general software interrupt handler */
u32 getIntVect(int num)
	return MEM_RW(num << 2) + (MEM_RW((num << 2) + 2) << 4);

void pushw(u16 val)
	X86_ESP -= 2;
	MEM_WW(((u32) X86_SS << 4) + X86_SP, val);

int run_bios_int(int num)
	u32 eflags;

	eflags = X86_EFLAGS;
	X86_CS = MEM_RW((num << 2) + 2);
	X86_IP = MEM_RW(num << 2);

	//printf("%s: INT %x CS:IP = %x:%x\n", __FUNCTION__,
	//       num, MEM_RW((num << 2) + 2), MEM_RW(num << 2));

	return 1;

int port_rep_inb(u16 port, u32 base, int d_f, u32 count)
	register int inc = d_f ? -1 : 1;
	u32 dst = base;
	while (count--) {
		MEM_WB(dst, x_inb(port));
		dst += inc;
	return dst - base;

int port_rep_inw(u16 port, u32 base, int d_f, u32 count)
	register int inc = d_f ? -2 : 2;
	u32 dst = base;
	while (count--) {
		MEM_WW(dst, x_inw(port));
		dst += inc;
	return dst - base;

int port_rep_inl(u16 port, u32 base, int d_f, u32 count)
	register int inc = d_f ? -4 : 4;
	u32 dst = base;
	while (count--) {
		MEM_WL(dst, x_inl(port));
		dst += inc;
	return dst - base;

int port_rep_outb(u16 port, u32 base, int d_f, u32 count)
	register int inc = d_f ? -1 : 1;
	u32 dst = base;
	while (count--) {
		x_outb(port, MEM_RB(dst));
		dst += inc;
	return dst - base;

int port_rep_outw(u16 port, u32 base, int d_f, u32 count)
	register int inc = d_f ? -2 : 2;
	u32 dst = base;
	while (count--) {
		x_outw(port, MEM_RW(dst));
		dst += inc;
	return dst - base;

int port_rep_outl(u16 port, u32 base, int d_f, u32 count)
	register int inc = d_f ? -4 : 4;
	u32 dst = base;
	while (count--) {
		x_outl(port, MEM_RL(dst));
		dst += inc;
	return dst - base;

u8 x_inb(u16 port)
	u8 val;

	val = inb(port);

	//printf("inb(0x%04x) = 0x%02x\n", port, val);

	return val;

u16 x_inw(u16 port)
	u16 val;

	val = inw(port);

	//printf("inw(0x%04x) = 0x%04x\n", port, val);
	return val;

u32 x_inl(u16 port)
	u32 val;

	val = inl(port);

	//printf("inl(0x%04x) = 0x%08x\n", port, val);
	return val;

void x_outb(u16 port, u8 val)
	//printf("outb(0x%02x, 0x%04x)\n", val, port);
	outb(val, port);

void x_outw(u16 port, u16 val)
	//printf("outw(0x%04x, 0x%04x)\n", val, port);
	outw(val, port);

void x_outl(u16 port, u32 val)
	//printf("outl(0x%08x, 0x%04x)\n", val, port);
	outl(val, port);

u8 Mem_rb(int addr)
	return (*current->mem->rb) (current, addr);

u16 Mem_rw(int addr)
	return (*current->mem->rw) (current, addr);

u32 Mem_rl(int addr)
	return (*current->mem->rl) (current, addr);

void Mem_wb(int addr, u8 val)
	(*current->mem->wb) (current, addr, val);

void Mem_ww(int addr, u16 val)
	(*current->mem->ww) (current, addr, val);

void Mem_wl(int addr, u32 val)
	(*current->mem->wl) (current, addr, val);

void getsecs(unsigned long *sec, unsigned long *usec)
	struct timeval tv;
	gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
	*sec = tv.tv_sec;
	*usec = tv.tv_usec;

#define TAG(Cfg1Addr) (Cfg1Addr & 0xffff00)
#define OFFSET(Cfg1Addr) (Cfg1Addr & 0xff)

u8 bios_checksum(u8 * start, int size)
	u8 sum = 0;

	while (size-- > 0)
		sum += *start++;
	return sum;

 * Lock/Unlock legacy VGA. Some Bioses try to be very clever and make
 * an attempt to detect a legacy ISA card. If they find one they might
 * act very strange: for example they might configure the card as a
 * monochrome card. This might cause some drivers to choke.
 * To avoid this we attempt legacy VGA by writing to all know VGA
 * disable registers before we call the BIOS initialization and
 * restore the original values afterwards. In beween we hold our
 * breath. To get to a (possibly exising) ISA card need to disable
 * our current PCI card.
 * This is just for booting: we just want to catch pure
 * legacy vga therefore we don't worry about mmio etc.
 * This stuff should really go into vgaHW.c. However then
 * the driver would have to load the vga-module prior to
 * doing int10.
LockLegacyVGA(int screenIndex,legacyVGAPtr vga)
    xf86SetCurrentAccess(FALSE, xf86Screens[screenIndex]);
    vga->save_msr = inb(0x3CC);
    vga->save_vse = inb(0x3C3);
    vga->save_46e8 = inb(0x46e8);
    vga->save_pos102 = inb(0x102);
    outb(0x3C2, ~(u8)0x03 & vga->save_msr);
    outb(0x3C3, ~(u8)0x01 & vga->save_vse);
    outb(0x46e8, ~(u8)0x08 & vga->save_46e8);
    outb(0x102, ~(u8)0x01 & vga->save_pos102);
    xf86SetCurrentAccess(TRUE, xf86Screens[screenIndex]);

UnlockLegacyVGA(int screenIndex, legacyVGAPtr vga)
    xf86SetCurrentAccess(FALSE, xf86Screens[screenIndex]);
    outb(0x102, vga->save_pos102);
    outb(0x46e8, vga->save_46e8);
    outb(0x3C3, vga->save_vse);
    outb(0x3C2, vga->save_msr);
    xf86SetCurrentAccess(TRUE, xf86Screens[screenIndex]);