path: root/UefiCpuPkg/CpuMpPei/X64/MpFuncs.asm
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authorJeff Fan <>2015-08-06 06:57:47 +0000
committervanjeff <vanjeff@Edk2>2015-08-06 06:57:47 +0000
commitea0f431cec51247658901a4f65ae76d6bbdd96e9 (patch)
tree176db392bafca088b2389d79f2883aa08de8be8a /UefiCpuPkg/CpuMpPei/X64/MpFuncs.asm
parent3fd56a2672ede208e44d5bc495339bfb9ba6cd5d (diff)
UefiCpuPkg/CpuMpPei: Update files format to DOS
Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Jeff Fan <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
Diffstat (limited to 'UefiCpuPkg/CpuMpPei/X64/MpFuncs.asm')
1 files changed, 334 insertions, 334 deletions
diff --git a/UefiCpuPkg/CpuMpPei/X64/MpFuncs.asm b/UefiCpuPkg/CpuMpPei/X64/MpFuncs.asm
index 18c8b72a34..fad5e8d443 100644
--- a/UefiCpuPkg/CpuMpPei/X64/MpFuncs.asm
+++ b/UefiCpuPkg/CpuMpPei/X64/MpFuncs.asm
@@ -1,334 +1,334 @@
-;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;
-; Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-; This program and the accompanying materials
-; are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-; which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-; Module Name:
-; MpFuncs32.asm
-; Abstract:
-; This is the assembly code for MP support
-extern InitializeFloatingPointUnits:PROC
-;RendezvousFunnelProc procedure follows. All APs execute their procedure. This
-;procedure serializes all the AP processors through an Init sequence. It must be
-;noted that APs arrive here very real mode, no stack.
-RendezvousFunnelProc PROC PUBLIC
-; At this point CS = 0x(vv00) and ip= 0x0.
-; Save BIST information to ebp firstly
- db 66h, 08bh, 0e8h ; mov ebp, eax ; save BIST information
- db 8ch,0c8h ; mov ax,cs
- db 8eh,0d8h ; mov ds,ax
- db 8eh,0c0h ; mov es,ax
- db 8eh,0d0h ; mov ss,ax
- db 33h,0c0h ; xor ax,ax
- db 8eh,0e0h ; mov fs,ax
- db 8eh,0e8h ; mov gs,ax
- db 0BEh ; opcode of mov si, mem16
- dw BufferStartLocation ; mov si, BufferStartLocation
- db 66h, 8Bh, 1Ch ; mov ebx,dword ptr [si]
- db 0BFh ; opcode of mov di, mem16
- dw PmodeOffsetLocation ; mov di, PmodeOffsetLocation
- db 66h, 8Bh, 05h ; mov eax,dword ptr [di]
- db 8Bh, 0F8h ; mov di, ax
- db 83h, 0EFh,06h ; sub di, 06h
- db 66h, 03h, 0C3h ; add eax, ebx
- db 66h, 89h, 05h ; mov dword ptr [di],eax
- db 0BFh ; opcode of mov di, mem16
- dw LmodeOffsetLocation ; mov di, LmodeOffsetLocation
- db 66h, 8Bh, 05h ; mov eax,dword ptr [di]
- db 8Bh, 0F8h ; mov di, ax
- db 83h, 0EFh,06h ; sub di, 06h
- db 66h, 03h, 0C3h ; add eax, ebx
- db 66h, 89h, 05h ; mov dword ptr [di],eax
- db 0BEh
- dw Cr3Location ; mov si, Cr3Location
- db 66h, 8Bh, 0Ch ; mov ecx,dword ptr [si] ; ECX is keeping the value of CR3
- db 0BEh ; opcode of mov si, mem16
- dw GdtrLocation ; mov si, GdtrLocation
- db 66h ; db 66h
- db 2Eh, 0Fh, 01h, 14h ; lgdt fword ptr cs:[si]
- db 0BEh
- dw IdtrLocation ; mov si, IdtrLocation
- db 66h ; db 66h
- db 2Eh,0Fh, 01h, 1Ch ; lidt fword ptr cs:[si]
- db 33h, 0C0h ; xor ax, ax
- db 8Eh, 0D8h ; mov ds, ax
- db 0Fh, 20h, 0C0h ; mov eax, cr0 ;Get control register 0
- db 66h, 83h, 0C8h, 03h ; or eax, 000000003h ;Set PE bit (bit #0) & MP
- db 0Fh, 22h, 0C0h ; mov cr0, eax
- db 66h, 67h, 0EAh ; far jump
- dd 0h ; 32-bit offset
- dw PROTECT_MODE_CS ; 16-bit selector
-Flat32Start:: ; protected mode entry point
- mov ds, ax
- mov es, ax
- mov fs, ax
- mov gs, ax
- mov ss, ax
- db 0Fh, 20h, 0E0h ; mov eax, cr4
- db 0Fh, 0BAh, 0E8h, 05h ; bts eax, 5
- db 0Fh, 22h, 0E0h ; mov cr4, eax
- db 0Fh, 22h, 0D9h ; mov cr3, ecx
- db 0B9h
- dd 0C0000080h ; mov ecx, 0c0000080h ; EFER MSR number.
- db 0Fh, 32h ; rdmsr ; Read EFER.
- db 0Fh, 0BAh, 0E8h, 08h ; bts eax, 8 ; Set LME=1.
- db 0Fh, 30h ; wrmsr ; Write EFER.
- db 0Fh, 20h, 0C0h ; mov eax, cr0 ; Read CR0.
- db 0Fh, 0BAh, 0E8h, 1Fh ; bts eax, 31 ; Set PG=1.
- db 0Fh, 22h, 0C0h ; mov cr0, eax ; Write CR0.
- db 67h, 0EAh ; far jump
- dd 0h ; 32-bit offset
- dw LONG_MODE_CS ; 16-bit selector
- mov ax, LONG_MODE_DS
- mov ds, ax
- mov es, ax
- mov ss, ax
- mov esi, ebx
- mov edi, esi
- add edi, LockLocation
- mov rax, NotVacantFlag
- xchg qword ptr [edi], rax
- cmp rax, NotVacantFlag
- jz TestLock
- mov edi, esi
- add edi, NumApsExecutingLoction
- inc dword ptr [edi]
- mov ebx, dword ptr [edi]
- mov edi, esi
- add edi, StackSizeLocation
- mov rax, qword ptr [edi]
- mov edi, esi
- add edi, StackStartAddressLocation
- add rax, qword ptr [edi]
- mov rsp, rax
- mov qword ptr [edi], rax
- mov rax, VacantFlag
- mov edi, esi
- add edi, LockLocation
- xchg qword ptr [edi], rax
- push rbp ; push BIST data
- xor rbp, rbp ; clear ebp for call stack trace
- push rbp
- mov rbp, rsp
- mov rax, InitializeFloatingPointUnits
- sub rsp, 20h
- call rax ; Call assembly function to initialize FPU per UEFI spec
- add rsp, 20h
- mov edx, ebx ; edx is NumApsExecuting
- mov ecx, esi
- add ecx, LockLocation ; rcx is address of exchange info data buffer
- mov edi, esi
- add edi, ApProcedureLocation
- mov rax, qword ptr [edi]
- sub rsp, 20h
- call rax ; invoke C function
- add rsp, 20h
- jmp $
-RendezvousFunnelProc ENDP
-AsmCliHltLoop PROC
- cli
- hlt
- jmp $-2
-AsmCliHltLoop ENDP
-; AsmGetAddressMap (&AddressMap);
-AsmGetAddressMap PROC
- mov rax, offset RendezvousFunnelProcStart
- mov qword ptr [rcx], rax
- mov qword ptr [rcx + 8h], Flat32Start - RendezvousFunnelProcStart
- mov qword ptr [rcx + 10h], LongModeStart - RendezvousFunnelProcStart
- mov qword ptr [rcx + 18h], RendezvousFunnelProcEnd - RendezvousFunnelProcStart
- ret
-AsmGetAddressMap ENDP
-;AsmExchangeRole procedure follows. This procedure executed by current BSP, that is
-;about to become an AP. It switches it'stack with the current AP.
-;AsmExchangeRole (IN CPU_EXCHANGE_INFO *MyInfo, IN CPU_EXCHANGE_INFO *OthersInfo);
-AsmExchangeRole PROC
- ; DO NOT call other functions in this function, since 2 CPU may use 1 stack
- ; at the same time. If 1 CPU try to call a function, stack will be corrupted.
- push rax
- push rbx
- push rcx
- push rdx
- push rsi
- push rdi
- push rbp
- push r8
- push r9
- push r10
- push r11
- push r12
- push r13
- push r14
- push r15
- mov rax, cr0
- push rax
- mov rax, cr4
- push rax
- ; rsi contains MyInfo pointer
- mov rsi, rcx
- ; rdi contains OthersInfo pointer
- mov rdi, rdx
- ;Store EFLAGS, GDTR and IDTR regiter to stack
- pushfq
- sgdt fword ptr [rsi + 16]
- sidt fword ptr [rsi + 26]
- ; Store the its StackPointer
- mov qword ptr [rsi + 8], rsp
- ; update its switch state to STORED
- mov byte ptr [rsi], CPU_SWITCH_STATE_STORED
- ; wait until the other CPU finish storing its state
- cmp byte ptr [rdi], CPU_SWITCH_STATE_STORED
- jz OtherStored
- pause
- jmp WaitForOtherStored
- ; Since another CPU already stored its state, load them
- ; load GDTR value
- lgdt fword ptr [rdi + 16]
- ; load IDTR value
- lidt fword ptr [rdi + 26]
- ; load its future StackPointer
- mov rsp, qword ptr [rdi + 8]
- ; update the other CPU's switch state to LOADED
- mov byte ptr [rdi], CPU_SWITCH_STATE_LOADED
- ; wait until the other CPU finish loading new state,
- ; otherwise the data in stack may corrupt
- cmp byte ptr [rsi], CPU_SWITCH_STATE_LOADED
- jz OtherLoaded
- pause
- jmp WaitForOtherLoaded
- ; since the other CPU already get the data it want, leave this procedure
- popfq
- pop rax
- mov cr4, rax
- pop rax
- mov cr0, rax
- pop r15
- pop r14
- pop r13
- pop r12
- pop r11
- pop r10
- pop r9
- pop r8
- pop rbp
- pop rdi
- pop rsi
- pop rdx
- pop rcx
- pop rbx
- pop rax
- ret
-AsmExchangeRole ENDP
-AsmInitializeGdt PROC
- push rbp
- mov rbp, rsp
- lgdt fword PTR [rcx] ; update the GDTR
- sub rsp, 0x10
- lea rax, SetCodeSelectorFarJump
- mov [rsp], rax
- mov rdx, LONG_MODE_CS
- mov [rsp + 4], dx ; get new CS
- jmp fword ptr [rsp]
- add rsp, 0x10
- mov rax, LONG_MODE_DS ; get new DS
- mov ds, ax
- mov es, ax
- mov fs, ax
- mov gs, ax
- mov ss, ax
- pop rbp
- ret
-AsmInitializeGdt ENDP
+;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;
+; Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+; This program and the accompanying materials
+; are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
+; which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
+; Module Name:
+; MpFuncs32.asm
+; Abstract:
+; This is the assembly code for MP support
+extern InitializeFloatingPointUnits:PROC
+;RendezvousFunnelProc procedure follows. All APs execute their procedure. This
+;procedure serializes all the AP processors through an Init sequence. It must be
+;noted that APs arrive here very real mode, no stack.
+RendezvousFunnelProc PROC PUBLIC
+; At this point CS = 0x(vv00) and ip= 0x0.
+; Save BIST information to ebp firstly
+ db 66h, 08bh, 0e8h ; mov ebp, eax ; save BIST information
+ db 8ch,0c8h ; mov ax,cs
+ db 8eh,0d8h ; mov ds,ax
+ db 8eh,0c0h ; mov es,ax
+ db 8eh,0d0h ; mov ss,ax
+ db 33h,0c0h ; xor ax,ax
+ db 8eh,0e0h ; mov fs,ax
+ db 8eh,0e8h ; mov gs,ax
+ db 0BEh ; opcode of mov si, mem16
+ dw BufferStartLocation ; mov si, BufferStartLocation
+ db 66h, 8Bh, 1Ch ; mov ebx,dword ptr [si]
+ db 0BFh ; opcode of mov di, mem16
+ dw PmodeOffsetLocation ; mov di, PmodeOffsetLocation
+ db 66h, 8Bh, 05h ; mov eax,dword ptr [di]
+ db 8Bh, 0F8h ; mov di, ax
+ db 83h, 0EFh,06h ; sub di, 06h
+ db 66h, 03h, 0C3h ; add eax, ebx
+ db 66h, 89h, 05h ; mov dword ptr [di],eax
+ db 0BFh ; opcode of mov di, mem16
+ dw LmodeOffsetLocation ; mov di, LmodeOffsetLocation
+ db 66h, 8Bh, 05h ; mov eax,dword ptr [di]
+ db 8Bh, 0F8h ; mov di, ax
+ db 83h, 0EFh,06h ; sub di, 06h
+ db 66h, 03h, 0C3h ; add eax, ebx
+ db 66h, 89h, 05h ; mov dword ptr [di],eax
+ db 0BEh
+ dw Cr3Location ; mov si, Cr3Location
+ db 66h, 8Bh, 0Ch ; mov ecx,dword ptr [si] ; ECX is keeping the value of CR3
+ db 0BEh ; opcode of mov si, mem16
+ dw GdtrLocation ; mov si, GdtrLocation
+ db 66h ; db 66h
+ db 2Eh, 0Fh, 01h, 14h ; lgdt fword ptr cs:[si]
+ db 0BEh
+ dw IdtrLocation ; mov si, IdtrLocation
+ db 66h ; db 66h
+ db 2Eh,0Fh, 01h, 1Ch ; lidt fword ptr cs:[si]
+ db 33h, 0C0h ; xor ax, ax
+ db 8Eh, 0D8h ; mov ds, ax
+ db 0Fh, 20h, 0C0h ; mov eax, cr0 ;Get control register 0
+ db 66h, 83h, 0C8h, 03h ; or eax, 000000003h ;Set PE bit (bit #0) & MP
+ db 0Fh, 22h, 0C0h ; mov cr0, eax
+ db 66h, 67h, 0EAh ; far jump
+ dd 0h ; 32-bit offset
+ dw PROTECT_MODE_CS ; 16-bit selector
+Flat32Start:: ; protected mode entry point
+ mov ds, ax
+ mov es, ax
+ mov fs, ax
+ mov gs, ax
+ mov ss, ax
+ db 0Fh, 20h, 0E0h ; mov eax, cr4
+ db 0Fh, 0BAh, 0E8h, 05h ; bts eax, 5
+ db 0Fh, 22h, 0E0h ; mov cr4, eax
+ db 0Fh, 22h, 0D9h ; mov cr3, ecx
+ db 0B9h
+ dd 0C0000080h ; mov ecx, 0c0000080h ; EFER MSR number.
+ db 0Fh, 32h ; rdmsr ; Read EFER.
+ db 0Fh, 0BAh, 0E8h, 08h ; bts eax, 8 ; Set LME=1.
+ db 0Fh, 30h ; wrmsr ; Write EFER.
+ db 0Fh, 20h, 0C0h ; mov eax, cr0 ; Read CR0.
+ db 0Fh, 0BAh, 0E8h, 1Fh ; bts eax, 31 ; Set PG=1.
+ db 0Fh, 22h, 0C0h ; mov cr0, eax ; Write CR0.
+ db 67h, 0EAh ; far jump
+ dd 0h ; 32-bit offset
+ dw LONG_MODE_CS ; 16-bit selector
+ mov ax, LONG_MODE_DS
+ mov ds, ax
+ mov es, ax
+ mov ss, ax
+ mov esi, ebx
+ mov edi, esi
+ add edi, LockLocation
+ mov rax, NotVacantFlag
+ xchg qword ptr [edi], rax
+ cmp rax, NotVacantFlag
+ jz TestLock
+ mov edi, esi
+ add edi, NumApsExecutingLoction
+ inc dword ptr [edi]
+ mov ebx, dword ptr [edi]
+ mov edi, esi
+ add edi, StackSizeLocation
+ mov rax, qword ptr [edi]
+ mov edi, esi
+ add edi, StackStartAddressLocation
+ add rax, qword ptr [edi]
+ mov rsp, rax
+ mov qword ptr [edi], rax
+ mov rax, VacantFlag
+ mov edi, esi
+ add edi, LockLocation
+ xchg qword ptr [edi], rax
+ push rbp ; push BIST data
+ xor rbp, rbp ; clear ebp for call stack trace
+ push rbp
+ mov rbp, rsp
+ mov rax, InitializeFloatingPointUnits
+ sub rsp, 20h
+ call rax ; Call assembly function to initialize FPU per UEFI spec
+ add rsp, 20h
+ mov edx, ebx ; edx is NumApsExecuting
+ mov ecx, esi
+ add ecx, LockLocation ; rcx is address of exchange info data buffer
+ mov edi, esi
+ add edi, ApProcedureLocation
+ mov rax, qword ptr [edi]
+ sub rsp, 20h
+ call rax ; invoke C function
+ add rsp, 20h
+ jmp $
+RendezvousFunnelProc ENDP
+AsmCliHltLoop PROC
+ cli
+ hlt
+ jmp $-2
+AsmCliHltLoop ENDP
+; AsmGetAddressMap (&AddressMap);
+AsmGetAddressMap PROC
+ mov rax, offset RendezvousFunnelProcStart
+ mov qword ptr [rcx], rax
+ mov qword ptr [rcx + 8h], Flat32Start - RendezvousFunnelProcStart
+ mov qword ptr [rcx + 10h], LongModeStart - RendezvousFunnelProcStart
+ mov qword ptr [rcx + 18h], RendezvousFunnelProcEnd - RendezvousFunnelProcStart
+ ret
+AsmGetAddressMap ENDP
+;AsmExchangeRole procedure follows. This procedure executed by current BSP, that is
+;about to become an AP. It switches it'stack with the current AP.
+;AsmExchangeRole (IN CPU_EXCHANGE_INFO *MyInfo, IN CPU_EXCHANGE_INFO *OthersInfo);
+AsmExchangeRole PROC
+ ; DO NOT call other functions in this function, since 2 CPU may use 1 stack
+ ; at the same time. If 1 CPU try to call a function, stack will be corrupted.
+ push rax
+ push rbx
+ push rcx
+ push rdx
+ push rsi
+ push rdi
+ push rbp
+ push r8
+ push r9
+ push r10
+ push r11
+ push r12
+ push r13
+ push r14
+ push r15
+ mov rax, cr0
+ push rax
+ mov rax, cr4
+ push rax
+ ; rsi contains MyInfo pointer
+ mov rsi, rcx
+ ; rdi contains OthersInfo pointer
+ mov rdi, rdx
+ ;Store EFLAGS, GDTR and IDTR regiter to stack
+ pushfq
+ sgdt fword ptr [rsi + 16]
+ sidt fword ptr [rsi + 26]
+ ; Store the its StackPointer
+ mov qword ptr [rsi + 8], rsp
+ ; update its switch state to STORED
+ mov byte ptr [rsi], CPU_SWITCH_STATE_STORED
+ ; wait until the other CPU finish storing its state
+ cmp byte ptr [rdi], CPU_SWITCH_STATE_STORED
+ jz OtherStored
+ pause
+ jmp WaitForOtherStored
+ ; Since another CPU already stored its state, load them
+ ; load GDTR value
+ lgdt fword ptr [rdi + 16]
+ ; load IDTR value
+ lidt fword ptr [rdi + 26]
+ ; load its future StackPointer
+ mov rsp, qword ptr [rdi + 8]
+ ; update the other CPU's switch state to LOADED
+ mov byte ptr [rdi], CPU_SWITCH_STATE_LOADED
+ ; wait until the other CPU finish loading new state,
+ ; otherwise the data in stack may corrupt
+ cmp byte ptr [rsi], CPU_SWITCH_STATE_LOADED
+ jz OtherLoaded
+ pause
+ jmp WaitForOtherLoaded
+ ; since the other CPU already get the data it want, leave this procedure
+ popfq
+ pop rax
+ mov cr4, rax
+ pop rax
+ mov cr0, rax
+ pop r15
+ pop r14
+ pop r13
+ pop r12
+ pop r11
+ pop r10
+ pop r9
+ pop r8
+ pop rbp
+ pop rdi
+ pop rsi
+ pop rdx
+ pop rcx
+ pop rbx
+ pop rax
+ ret
+AsmExchangeRole ENDP
+AsmInitializeGdt PROC
+ push rbp
+ mov rbp, rsp
+ lgdt fword PTR [rcx] ; update the GDTR
+ sub rsp, 0x10
+ lea rax, SetCodeSelectorFarJump
+ mov [rsp], rax
+ mov rdx, LONG_MODE_CS
+ mov [rsp + 4], dx ; get new CS
+ jmp fword ptr [rsp]
+ add rsp, 0x10
+ mov rax, LONG_MODE_DS ; get new DS
+ mov ds, ax
+ mov es, ax
+ mov fs, ax
+ mov gs, ax
+ mov ss, ax
+ pop rbp
+ ret
+AsmInitializeGdt ENDP