path: root/BaseTools/Conf/build_rule.template
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'BaseTools/Conf/build_rule.template')
1 files changed, 165 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/BaseTools/Conf/build_rule.template b/BaseTools/Conf/build_rule.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3fede25e64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BaseTools/Conf/build_rule.template
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# file extention : file type
+FileTypeMapping = {
+ ".c" : "C-Code",
+ ".C" : "C-Code",
+ ".cpp" : "C-Code",
+ ".Cpp" : "C-Code",
+ ".CPP" : "C-Code",
+ ".h" : "C-Header",
+ ".H" : "C-Header",
+ ".asm" : "Masm-Code",
+ ".Asm" : "Masm-Code",
+ ".ASM" : "Masm-Code",
+ ".s" : "Iasm-Code", # IPF assembly code
+ ".S" : "Gasm-Code", # GNU assembly code
+ ".uni" : "Unicode-Text",
+ ".Uni" : "Unicode-Text",
+ ".UNI" : "Unicode-Text",
+ ".vfr" : "Visual-Form-Representation",
+ ".Vfr" : "Visual-Form-Representation",
+ ".VFR" : "Visual-Form-Representation",
+ ".dxs" : "Dependency-Expression",
+ ".Dxs" : "Dependency-Expression",
+ ".DXS" : "Dependency-Expression",
+ ".fv" : "FirmwareVolume",
+ ".Fv" : "FirmwareVolume",
+ ".FV" : "FirmwareVolume",
+ ".efi" : "Efi-Image",
+ ".Efi" : "Efi-Image",
+ ".EFI" : "Efi-Image",
+ ".SEC" : "Firmware-File-System",
+ ".PEI" : "Firmware-File-System",
+ ".DXE" : "Firmware-File-System",
+ ".APP" : "Firmware-File-System",
+ ".FYI" : "Firmware-File-System",
+ ".FFS" : "Firmware-File-System",
+ ".bmp" : "Bmp-Image",
+ ".i" : "Preprocessed-Code",
+ ".asl" : "Acpi-Source-Language",
+ ".Asl" : "Acpi-Source-Language",
+ ".ASL" : "Acpi-Source-Language",
+ ".obj" : "Object",
+ ".o" : "Object",
+ ".lib" : "Static-Library",
+ ".a" : "Static-Library",
+ ".dll" : "Dynamic-Library",
+ ".so" : "Dynamic-Library",
+DefaultToolCode = ["CC", "ASM", "SLINK", "DLINK", "PCH", "PP", "ASL", "VFRC", "AUTOGEN"]
+ToolCodeMapping = {
+ "C-Code" : "CC",
+ "C-Header" : "PCH",
+ "Masm-Code" : "ASM",
+ "Iasm-Code" : "ASM", # IPF assembly code
+ "Gasm-Code" : "ASM", # GNU assembly code
+ "Unicode-Text" : "AUTOGEN",
+ "Visual-Form-Representation" : "VFRC",
+ "Preprocessed-Code" : "CC",
+ "Acpi-Source-Language" : "ASL",
+ "Object" : "SLINK",
+ "Static-Library" : "DLINK",
+ "Dependency-Expression" : "PP",
+ToolChainFamilyMapping = {
+ "C-Code" : ["MSFT", "INTEL", "GCC"],
+ "C-Header" : ["MSFT", "INTEL", "GCC"],
+ "Masm-Code" : ["MSFT", "INTEL"],
+ "Iasm-Code" : ["MSFT", "INTEL"], # IPF assembly code
+ "Gasm-Code" : ["GCC"], # GNU assembly code
+ "Unicode-Text" : ["MSFT", "INTEL", "GCC"],
+ "Visual-Form-Representation" : ["MSFT", "INTEL", "GCC"],
+ "Dependency-Expression" : ["MSFT", "INTEL", "GCC"],
+ "FirmwareVolume" : ["MSFT", "INTEL", "GCC"],
+ "Efi-Image" : ["MSFT", "INTEL", "GCC"],
+ "Firmware-File-System" : ["MSFT", "INTEL", "GCC"],
+ "Bmp-Image" : ["MSFT", "INTEL", "GCC"],
+ "Preprocessed-Code" : ["MSFT", "INTEL"],
+ "Acpi-Source-Language" : ["MSFT", "INTEL"],
+## Build rules for makefile
+# Placeholders for string substitution
+# ${fdir} File relative directory within a module
+# ${fname} File full name without path
+# ${fbase} File name without extension and path
+# ${fext} File extension
+# ${dep} Dependency file
+# ${sep} Directory separator
+Makefile = {
+"nmake" : {
+"C-Code" : '''\
+${BEGIN}$(OUTPUT_DIR)${sep}${fdir}${sep}${fbase}.obj : $(WORKSPACE_DIR)${sep}${dep}
+${END} "$(CC)" $(CC_FLAGS) $(INC) /Fo$@ $(MODULE_DIR)${sep}${fdir}${sep}${fname}
+"AutoGen-Code" : '''\
+${BEGIN}$(OUTPUT_DIR)${sep}${fbase}.obj : $(WORKSPACE_DIR)${sep}${dep}
+${END} "$(CC)" $(CC_FLAGS) $(INC) /Fo$@ $(DEBUG_DIR)${sep}${fname}
+"Masm-Code" : '''\
+${BEGIN}$(OUTPUT_DIR)${sep}${fdir}${sep}${fbase}.obj : $(WORKSPACE_DIR)${sep}${dep}
+${END} "$(PP)" $(PP_FLAGS) $(INC) $(MODULE_DIR)${sep}${fdir}${sep}${fname} > $(@D)${sep}${fbase}.i
+ Trim -CONVERT $(@D)${sep}${fbase}.i
+ "$(ASM)" $(ASM_FLAGS) /Fo$@ $(@D)${sep}${fbase}.iii
+"Iasm-Code" : '''\
+${BEGIN}$(OUTPUT_DIR)${sep}${fdir}${sep}${fbase}.obj : $(WORKSPACE_DIR)${sep}${dep}
+${END} "$(APP)" $(APP_FLAGS) $(INC) $< $(PP_OUTPUT)$(@D)${sep}${fbase}.i
+ "$(ASM)" $(ASM_FLAGS) $(ASM_OUTPUT)$@ $(@D)${sep}${fbase}.i
+"Visual-Form-Representation" :
+'$(OUTPUT_DIR)\\%(fdir)s\\%(fbase)s.obj : $(MODULE_DIR)\\%(fdir)s\\%(fname)s $(DEP_FILES)\n'\
+ '\t"$(PP)" $(PP_FLAGS) $(INC) $< $(PP_OUTPUT)$(@D)\\%(fbase)s.i\n'\
+ '\t"$(VFRC)" $(VFRC_FLAGS) $(INC) $(VFRC_OUTPUT)$(DEBUG_DIR)\\%(fdir)s\\%(fbase)s.c $(@D)\\%(fbase)s.i\n'\
+ '\t"$(CC)" $(CC_FLAGS) $(INC) $(CC_OUTPUT)$@ $(DEBUG_DIR)\\%(fdir)s\\%(fbase)s.c\n',
+"gmake" : {
+"C-Code" :
+'''$(OUTPUT_DIR)/%(fdir)s/%(fbase)s.obj : $(MODULE_DIR)/%(fdir)s/%(fname)s $(DEP_FILES)
+\t"$(CC)" $(CC_FLAGS) $(INC) $(CC_OUTPUT)$@ $<''',
+"Masm-Code" :
+'''$(OUTPUT_DIR)/%(fdir)s/%(fbase)s.obj : $(MODULE_DIR)/%(fdir)s/%(fname)s $(DEP_FILES)
+\t"$(PP)" $(PP_FLAGS) $(INC) $? $(PP_OUTPUT)$(@D)/%(fbase)s.i
+\tTrim -CONVERT $(@D)/%(fbase)s.i
+\t"$(ASM)" $(ASM_FLAGS) $(ASM_OUTPUT)$@ $(@D)/%(fbase)s.iii''',
+"Gasm-Code" :
+'''$(OUTPUT_DIR)/%(fdir)s/%(fbase)s.obj : $(MODULE_DIR)/%(fdir)s/%(fname)s $(DEP_FILES)
+\t"$(ASM)" $(ASM_FLAGS) $(INC) $(ASM_OUTPUT)$@ $<''',
+"Iasm-Code" :
+'''$(OUTPUT_DIR)/%(fdir)s/%(fbase)s.obj : $(MODULE_DIR)/%(fdir)s/%(fname)s $(DEP_FILES)
+\t"$(APP)" $(APP_FLAGS) $(INC) $< $(PP_OUTPUT)$(@D)/%(fbase)s.i
+\t"$(ASM)" $(ASM_FLAGS) $(ASM_OUTPUT)$@ $(@D)/%(fbase)s.i''',
+"Visual-Form-Representation" :
+'''$(OUTPUT_DIR)/%(fdir)s/%(fbase)s.obj : $(MODULE_DIR)/%(fdir)s/%(fname)s $(DEP_FILES)
+\t"$(PP)" $(PP_FLAGS) $(INC) $< $(PP_OUTPUT)$(@D)/%(fbase)s.i
+\t"$(VFRC)" $(VFRC_FLAGS) $(INC) $(VFRC_OUTPUT)$(DEBUG_DIR)/%(fdir)s/%(fbase)s.c $(@D)/%(fbase)s.i
+\t"$(CC)" $(CC_FLAGS) $(INC) $(CC_OUTPUT)$@ $(DEBUG_DIR)/%(fdir)s/%(fbase)s.c''',
+# This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed into another
+# script.
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ for ext in FileTypeMapping:
+ print ext,":",FileTypeMapping[ext]
+ for type in Makefile["nmake"]:
+ print "[",type,"]\n",Makefile["nmake"][type]
+ print
+ for type in Makefile["gmake"]:
+ print "[",type,"]\n",Makefile["gmake"][type]
+ print