path: root/BaseTools/Source/Python/Common/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'BaseTools/Source/Python/Common/')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/BaseTools/Source/Python/Common/ b/BaseTools/Source/Python/Common/
index cba88b64f2..7fb41a2359 100644
--- a/BaseTools/Source/Python/Common/
+++ b/BaseTools/Source/Python/Common/
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class DecObject(object):
# @var KeyList: To store value for KeyList, a list for all Keys used in Dec
class Dec(DecObject):
- def __init__(self, Filename = None, IsToPackage = False, WorkspaceDir = None, AllGuidVersionDict = None, SupArchList = DataType.ARCH_LIST):
+ def __init__(self, Filename=None, IsToPackage=False, WorkspaceDir=None, AllGuidVersionDict=None, SupArchList=DataType.ARCH_LIST):
self.Identification = IdentificationClass()
self.Package = PackageClass()
self.UserExtensions = ''
@@ -92,23 +92,23 @@ class Dec(DecObject):
# Upper all KEYs to ignore case sensitive when parsing
self.KeyList = map(lambda c: c.upper(), self.KeyList)
# Init RecordSet
- self.RecordSet = {}
+ self.RecordSet = {}
for Key in self.KeyList:
self.RecordSet[Section[Key]] = []
# Init Comment
self.SectionHeaderCommentDict = {}
# Load Dec file if filename is not None
if Filename != None:
# Transfer to Package Object if IsToPackage is True
if IsToPackage:
## Load Dec file
# Load the file if it exists
@@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ class Dec(DecObject):
self.Identification.FullPath = Filename
(self.Identification.RelaPath, self.Identification.FileName) = os.path.split(Filename)
if self.Identification.FullPath.find(self.WorkspaceDir) > -1:
- self.Identification.PackagePath = os.path.dirname(self.Identification.FullPath[len(self.WorkspaceDir) + 1:])
+ self.Identification.PackagePath = os.path.dirname(self.Identification.FullPath[len(self.WorkspaceDir) + 1:])
# Init common datas
IfDefList, SectionItemList, CurrentSection, ArchList, ThirdList, IncludeFiles = \
[], [], TAB_UNKNOWN, [], [], []
LineNo = 0
# Parse file content
IsFindBlockComment = False
ReservedLine = ''
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ class Dec(DecObject):
LineNo = LineNo + 1
# Remove comment block
if Line.find(TAB_COMMENT_EDK_START) > -1:
- ReservedLine = GetSplitValueList(Line, TAB_COMMENT_EDK_START, 1)[0]
+ ReservedLine = GetSplitList(Line, TAB_COMMENT_EDK_START, 1)[0]
if ReservedLine.strip().startswith(TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT):
Comment = Comment + Line.strip() + '\n'
ReservedLine = ''
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ class Dec(DecObject):
if Line.find(TAB_COMMENT_EDK_END) > -1:
Comment = Comment + Line[:Line.find(TAB_COMMENT_EDK_END) + len(TAB_COMMENT_EDK_END)] + '\n'
- Line = ReservedLine + GetSplitValueList(Line, TAB_COMMENT_EDK_END, 1)[1]
+ Line = ReservedLine + GetSplitList(Line, TAB_COMMENT_EDK_END, 1)[1]
ReservedLine = ''
IsFindBlockComment = False
if IsFindBlockComment:
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ class Dec(DecObject):
Line = CleanString(Line)
if Line == '':
## Find a new section tab
# First insert previous section items
# And then parse the content of the new section
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ class Dec(DecObject):
SectionItemList = []
ArchList = []
ThirdList = []
CurrentSection = ''
LineList = GetSplitValueList(Line[len(TAB_SECTION_START):len(Line) - len(TAB_SECTION_END)], TAB_COMMA_SPLIT)
for Item in LineList:
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ class Dec(DecObject):
CurrentSection = ItemList[0]
if CurrentSection != ItemList[0]:
- EdkLogger.error("Parser", PARSER_ERROR, "Different section names '%s' and '%s' are found in one section definition, this is not allowed." % (CurrentSection, ItemList[0]), File=Filename, Line=LineNo, RaiseError = EdkLogger.IsRaiseError)
+ EdkLogger.error("Parser", PARSER_ERROR, "Different section names '%s' and '%s' are found in one section definition, this is not allowed." % (CurrentSection, ItemList[0]), File=Filename, Line=LineNo, RaiseError=EdkLogger.IsRaiseError)
if CurrentSection.upper() not in self.KeyList:
RaiseParserError(Line, CurrentSection, Filename, '', LineNo)
@@ -191,28 +191,28 @@ class Dec(DecObject):
RaiseParserError(Line, CurrentSection, Filename, '', LineNo)
if ItemList[1] != '' and ItemList[1].upper() not in ARCH_LIST_FULL:
- EdkLogger.error("Parser", PARSER_ERROR, "Invalid Arch definition '%s' found" % ItemList[1], File=Filename, Line=LineNo, RaiseError = EdkLogger.IsRaiseError)
+ EdkLogger.error("Parser", PARSER_ERROR, "Invalid Arch definition '%s' found" % ItemList[1], File=Filename, Line=LineNo, RaiseError=EdkLogger.IsRaiseError)
if Comment:
if Comment.endswith('\n'):
Comment = Comment[:len(Comment) - len('\n')]
self.SectionHeaderCommentDict[Section[CurrentSection.upper()]] = Comment
Comment = ''
# Not in any defined section
if CurrentSection == TAB_UNKNOWN:
ErrorMsg = "%s is not in any defined section" % Line
- EdkLogger.error("Parser", PARSER_ERROR, ErrorMsg, File=Filename, Line=LineNo, RaiseError = EdkLogger.IsRaiseError)
+ EdkLogger.error("Parser", PARSER_ERROR, ErrorMsg, File=Filename, Line=LineNo, RaiseError=EdkLogger.IsRaiseError)
# Add a section item
SectionItemList.append([Line, LineNo, Comment])
Comment = ''
# End of parse
#End of For
# Insert items data of last section
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ class Dec(DecObject):
SectionHeaderCommentDict = {}
if Package == None:
return Dec
PackageHeader = Package.PackageHeader
TmpList = []
if PackageHeader.Name:
@@ -243,30 +243,30 @@ class Dec(DecObject):
if Package.UserExtensions != None:
for Item in Package.UserExtensions.Defines:
- DecList['Defines'] =TmpList
+ DecList['Defines'] = TmpList
if PackageHeader.Description != '':
SectionHeaderCommentDict['Defines'] = PackageHeader.Description
for Item in Package.Includes:
Key = 'Includes.' + Item.SupArchList
Value = Item.FilePath
GenMetaDatSectionItem(Key, Value, DecList)
for Item in Package.GuidDeclarations:
Key = 'Guids.' + Item.SupArchList
Value = Item.CName + '=' + Item.Guid
GenMetaDatSectionItem(Key, Value, DecList)
for Item in Package.ProtocolDeclarations:
Key = 'Protocols.' + Item.SupArchList
Value = Item.CName + '=' + Item.Guid
GenMetaDatSectionItem(Key, Value, DecList)
for Item in Package.PpiDeclarations:
Key = 'Ppis.' + Item.SupArchList
Value = Item.CName + '=' + Item.Guid
GenMetaDatSectionItem(Key, Value, DecList)
for Item in Package.LibraryClassDeclarations:
Key = 'LibraryClasses.' + Item.SupArchList
Value = Item.LibraryClass + '|' + Item.RecommendedInstance
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ class Dec(DecObject):
Dec = Dec + ' ' + Value + '\n'
Dec = Dec + '\n'
return Dec
## Transfer to Package Object
@@ -307,10 +307,10 @@ class Dec(DecObject):
def DecToPackage(self):
# Init global information for the file
ContainerFile = self.Identification.FullPath
# Generate Package Header
# Generate Includes
# Only for Edk
@@ -323,16 +323,16 @@ class Dec(DecObject):
# Generate Ppis
self.GenGuidProtocolPpis(DataType.TAB_PPIS, ContainerFile)
# Generate LibraryClasses
# Generate Pcds
# Init MiscFiles
## GenMiscFiles
def GenMiscFiles(self, ContainerFile):
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ class Dec(DecObject):
File.Filename = Item
self.Package.MiscFiles = MiscFiles
## Get Package Header
# Gen Package Header of Dec as <Key> = <Value>
@@ -375,23 +375,23 @@ class Dec(DecObject):
PackageHeader.DecSpecification = Value
PackageHeader.FileName = self.Identification.FileName
PackageHeader.FullPath = self.Identification.FullPath
PackageHeader.RelaPath = self.Identification.RelaPath
PackageHeader.PackagePath = self.Identification.PackagePath
PackageHeader.ModulePath = self.Identification.ModulePath
PackageHeader.CombinePath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(PackageHeader.PackagePath, PackageHeader.ModulePath, PackageHeader.FileName))
if MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER in self.SectionHeaderCommentDict:
PackageHeader.Description = self.SectionHeaderCommentDict[MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER]
self.Package.PackageHeader = PackageHeader
UE = UserExtensionsClass()
UE.Defines = OtherDefines
self.Package.UserExtensions = UE
## GenIncludes
# Gen Includes of Dec
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ class Dec(DecObject):
Includes = {}
# Get all Includes
RecordSet = self.RecordSet[MODEL_EFI_INCLUDE]
# Go through each arch
for Record in RecordSet:
Arch = Record[1]
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ class Dec(DecObject):
Include.FilePath = NormPath(Key)
Include.SupArchList = Arch
## GenPpis
# Gen Ppis of Dec
@@ -425,12 +425,12 @@ class Dec(DecObject):
Lists = {}
# Get all Items
RecordSet = self.RecordSet[Section[Type.upper()]]
# Go through each arch
for Record in RecordSet:
Arch = Record[1]
(Name, Value) = GetGuidsProtocolsPpisOfDec(Record[0], Type, ContainerFile, Record[2])
ListMember = None
if Type == TAB_GUIDS:
ListMember = self.Package.GuidDeclarations
@@ -438,13 +438,13 @@ class Dec(DecObject):
ListMember = self.Package.ProtocolDeclarations
elif Type == TAB_PPIS:
ListMember = self.Package.PpiDeclarations
ListClass = GuidProtocolPpiCommonClass()
ListClass.CName = Name
ListClass.Guid = Value
ListClass.SupArchList = Arch
## GenLibraryClasses
# Gen LibraryClasses of Dec
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ class Dec(DecObject):
LibraryClasses = {}
# Get all Guids
RecordSet = self.RecordSet[MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS]
# Go through each arch
for Record in RecordSet:
Arch = Record[1]
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ class Dec(DecObject):
LibraryClass.RecommendedInstance = NormPath(List[1])
LibraryClass.SupArchList = Arch
def AddPcd(self, CName, Token, TokenSpaceGuidCName, DatumType, DefaultValue, ItemType, Arch):
Pcd = CommonClass.PcdClass()
Pcd.CName = CName
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ class Dec(DecObject):
Pcd.ItemType = ItemType
Pcd.SupArchList = Arch
## GenPcds
# Gen Pcds of Dec
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ class Dec(DecObject):
RecordSet3 = self.RecordSet[MODEL_PCD_FEATURE_FLAG]
RecordSet4 = self.RecordSet[MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX]
RecordSet5 = self.RecordSet[MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC]
# Go through each pcd
for Record in RecordSet1:
Arch = Record[1]
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ class Dec(DecObject):
Arch = Record[1]
(TokenGuidCName, TokenName, DefaultValue, DatumType, Token, ItemType) = GetPcdOfDec(Record[0], TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC, ContainerFile, Record[2])
self.AddPcd(TokenName, Token, TokenGuidCName, DatumType, DefaultValue, ItemType, Arch)
## Show detailed information of Package
# Print all members and their values of Package class
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ class Dec(DecObject):
print 'PackagePath =', M.PackageHeader.PackagePath
print 'ModulePath =', M.PackageHeader.ModulePath
print 'CombinePath =', M.PackageHeader.CombinePath
print 'BaseName =', M.PackageHeader.Name
print 'Guid =', M.PackageHeader.Guid
print 'Version =', M.PackageHeader.Version
@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ class Dec(DecObject):
if __name__ == '__main__':
W = os.getenv('WORKSPACE')
F = os.path.join(W, 'MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec')