path: root/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Core
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Diffstat (limited to 'BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Core')
5 files changed, 1657 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Core/ b/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac656bb02a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Core/
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+## @file
+# This file is for installed package information database operations
+# Copyright (c) 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available
+# under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this
+# distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
+# Import Modules
+from os import getenv
+from os import environ
+from os.path import dirname
+import Logger.Log as Logger
+from Logger import StringTable as ST
+from Library.Parsing import GetWorkspacePackage
+from Library.Parsing import GetWorkspaceModule
+from PomAdapter.InfPomAlignment import InfPomAlignment
+from Logger.ToolError import FatalError
+from Logger.ToolError import EDK1_INF_ERROR
+from Logger.ToolError import UNKNOWN_ERROR
+## IpiDb
+# This class represents the installed package information database
+# Add/Remove/Get installed distribution package information here.
+# @param object: Inherited from object class
+class DependencyRules(object):
+ def __init__(self, Datab):
+ self.IpiDb = Datab
+ self.WsPkgList = GetWorkspacePackage()
+ self.WsModuleList = GetWorkspaceModule()
+ ## Check whether a module exists in current workspace.
+ #
+ # @param Guid: Guid of a module
+ # @param Version: Version of a module
+ #
+ def CheckModuleExists(self, Guid, Version, ReturnCode=DEPEX_CHECK_SUCCESS):
+ if ReturnCode:
+ pass
+ ModuleList = self.IpiDb.GetModInPackage(Guid, Version)
+ ModuleList.extend(self.IpiDb.GetStandaloneModule(Guid, Version))
+ if len(ModuleList) > 0:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ ## Check whether a module depex satisfied by current workspace or dist.
+ #
+ # @param ModuleObj: A module object
+ # @param DpObj: A depex object
+ #
+ def CheckModuleDepexSatisfied(self, ModuleObj, DpObj=None, \
+ if ReturnCode:
+ pass
+ Result = True
+ Dep = None
+ if ModuleObj.GetPackageDependencyList():
+ Dep = ModuleObj.GetPackageDependencyList()[0]
+ for Dep in ModuleObj.GetPackageDependencyList():
+ #
+ # first check whether the dependency satisfied by current workspace
+ #
+ Exist = self.CheckPackageExists(Dep.GetGuid(), Dep.GetVersion())
+ #
+ # check whether satisfied by current distribution
+ #
+ if not Exist:
+ if DpObj == None:
+ Result = False
+ break
+ for GuidVerPair in DpObj.PackageSurfaceArea.keys():
+ if Dep.GetGuid() == GuidVerPair[0]:
+ if Dep.GetVersion() == None or \
+ len(Dep.GetVersion()) == 0:
+ Result = True
+ break
+ if Dep.GetVersion() == GuidVerPair[1]:
+ Result = True
+ break
+ else:
+ Result = False
+ break
+ if not Result:
+ Logger.Error("CheckModuleDepex", UNKNOWN_ERROR, \
+ ST.ERR_DEPENDENCY_NOT_MATCH % (ModuleObj.GetName(), \
+ Dep.GetPackageFilePath(), \
+ Dep.GetGuid(), \
+ Dep.GetVersion()))
+ return Result
+ ## Check whether a package exists in current workspace.
+ #
+ # @param Guid: Guid of a package
+ # @param Version: Version of a package
+ #
+ def CheckPackageExists(self, Guid, Version):
+ for (PkgName, PkgGuid, PkgVer, PkgPath) in self.WsPkgList:
+ if PkgName or PkgPath:
+ pass
+ if (PkgGuid == Guid):
+ #
+ # if version is not empty and not equal, then not match
+ #
+ if Version and (PkgVer != Version):
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ ## Check whether a package depex satisfied by current workspace.
+ #
+ # @param PkgObj: A package object
+ # @param DpObj: A package depex object
+ #
+ def CheckPackageDepexSatisfied(self, PkgObj, DpObj=None, \
+ ModuleDict = PkgObj.GetModuleDict()
+ for ModKey in ModuleDict.keys():
+ ModObj = ModuleDict[ModKey]
+ if self.CheckModuleDepexSatisfied(ModObj, DpObj, ReturnCode):
+ continue
+ else:
+ return False
+ return True
+ ## Check whether a DP exists in current workspace.
+ #
+ # @param Guid: Guid of a module
+ # @param Version: Version of a module
+ #
+ def CheckDpExists(self, Guid, Version, ReturnCode=DEPEX_CHECK_SUCCESS):
+ if ReturnCode:
+ pass
+ Logger.Verbose(ST.MSG_CHECK_DP_START)
+ DpList = self.IpiDb.GetDp(Guid, Version)
+ if len(DpList) > 0:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ Logger.Verbose(ST.MSG_CHECK_DP_FINISH)
+ ## Check whether a DP depex satisfied by current workspace.
+ #
+ # @param DpObj: Depex object
+ # @param ReturnCode: ReturnCode
+ #
+ def CheckDpDepexSatisfied(self, DpObj, ReturnCode=DEPEX_CHECK_SUCCESS):
+ for PkgKey in DpObj.PackageSurfaceArea.keys():
+ PkgObj = DpObj.PackageSurfaceArea[PkgKey]
+ if self.CheckPackageDepexSatisfied(PkgObj, DpObj, ReturnCode):
+ continue
+ else:
+ return False
+ for ModKey in DpObj.ModuleSurfaceArea.keys():
+ ModObj = DpObj.ModuleSurfaceArea[ModKey]
+ if self.CheckModuleDepexSatisfied(ModObj, DpObj, ReturnCode):
+ continue
+ else:
+ return False
+ return True
+ ## Check whether a DP depex satisfied by current workspace. Return False
+ # if Can not remove (there is dependency), True else
+ #
+ # @param DpGuid: File's guid
+ # @param DpVersion: File's version
+ # @param ReturnCode: ReturnCode
+ #
+ def CheckDpDepexForRemove(self, DpGuid, DpVersion, \
+ if ReturnCode:
+ pass
+ Removable = True
+ DependModuleList = []
+ WsModuleList = self.WsModuleList
+ #
+ # remove modules that included in current DP
+ # List of item (FilePath)
+ DpModuleList = self.IpiDb.GetDpModuleList(DpGuid, DpVersion)
+ for Module in DpModuleList:
+ if Module in WsModuleList:
+ WsModuleList.remove(Module)
+ else:
+ Logger.Warn("UPT\n",
+ #
+ # get packages in current Dp and find the install path
+ # List of item (PkgGuid, PkgVersion, InstallPath)
+ DpPackageList = self.IpiDb.GetPackageListFromDp(DpGuid, DpVersion)
+ DpPackagePathList = []
+ WorkSP = environ["WORKSPACE"]
+ for (PkgName, PkgGuid, PkgVersion, DecFile) in self.WsPkgList:
+ if PkgName:
+ pass
+ DecPath = dirname(DecFile)
+ if DecPath.find(WorkSP) > -1:
+ InstallPath = DecPath[DecPath.find(WorkSP) + len(WorkSP) + 1:]
+ DecFileRelaPath = \
+ DecFile[DecFile.find(WorkSP) + len(WorkSP) + 1:]
+ else:
+ InstallPath = DecPath
+ DecFileRelaPath = DecFile
+ if (PkgGuid, PkgVersion, InstallPath) in DpPackageList:
+ DpPackagePathList.append(DecFileRelaPath)
+ DpPackageList.remove((PkgGuid, PkgVersion, InstallPath))
+ #
+ # the left items in DpPackageList are the packages that installed but not found anymore
+ #
+ for (PkgGuid, PkgVersion, InstallPath) in DpPackageList:
+ Logger.Warn("UPT",
+ ST.WARN_INSTALLED_PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND%(PkgGuid, PkgVersion, InstallPath))
+ #
+ # check modules to see if has dependency on package of current DP
+ #
+ for Module in WsModuleList:
+ if (CheckModuleDependFromInf(Module, DpPackagePathList)):
+ Removable = False
+ DependModuleList.append(Module)
+ return (Removable, DependModuleList)
+## check whether module depends on packages in DpPackagePathList, return True
+# if found, False else
+# @param Path: a module path
+# @param DpPackagePathList: a list of Package Paths
+def CheckModuleDependFromInf(Path, DpPackagePathList):
+ #
+ # use InfParser to parse inf, then get the information for now,
+ # later on, may consider only parse to get the package dependency info
+ # (Need to take care how to deal wit Macros)
+ #
+ WorkSP = getenv('WORKSPACE')
+ try:
+ PomAli = InfPomAlignment(Path, WorkSP, Skip=True)
+ for Item in PomAli.GetPackageDependencyList():
+ if Item.GetPackageFilePath() in DpPackagePathList:
+ Logger.Info(ST.MSG_MODULE_DEPEND_ON % (Path, Item.GetPackageFilePath()))
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ except FatalError, ErrCode:
+ if ErrCode.message == EDK1_INF_ERROR:
+ Logger.Warn("UPT",
+ return False
+ else:
+ return False
diff --git a/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Core/ b/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0387237951
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Core/
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+## @file
+# This file is used to define a class object to describe a distribution package
+# Copyright (c) 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available
+# under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this
+# distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
+# Import Modules
+import os.path
+from Library.Misc import Sdict
+from Library.Misc import GetNonMetaDataFiles
+from PomAdapter.InfPomAlignment import InfPomAlignment
+from PomAdapter.DecPomAlignment import DecPomAlignment
+import Logger.Log as Logger
+from Logger import StringTable as ST
+from Logger.ToolError import OPTION_VALUE_INVALID
+from Logger.ToolError import FatalError
+from Logger.ToolError import EDK1_INF_ERROR
+from Object.POM.CommonObject import IdentificationObject
+from Object.POM.CommonObject import CommonHeaderObject
+from Object.POM.CommonObject import MiscFileObject
+## DistributionPackageHeaderClass
+# @param IdentificationObject: Identification Object
+# @param CommonHeaderObject: Common Header Object
+class DistributionPackageHeaderObject(IdentificationObject, \
+ CommonHeaderObject):
+ def __init__(self):
+ IdentificationObject.__init__(self)
+ CommonHeaderObject.__init__(self)
+ self.ReadOnly = ''
+ self.RePackage = ''
+ self.Vendor = ''
+ self.Date = ''
+ self.Signature = 'Md5Sum'
+ self.XmlSpecification = ''
+ def GetReadOnly(self):
+ return self.ReadOnly
+ def SetReadOnly(self, ReadOnly):
+ self.ReadOnly = ReadOnly
+ def GetRePackage(self):
+ return self.RePackage
+ def SetRePackage(self, RePackage):
+ self.RePackage = RePackage
+ def GetVendor(self):
+ return self.Vendor
+ def SetDate(self, Date):
+ self.Date = Date
+ def GetDate(self):
+ return self.Date
+ def SetSignature(self, Signature):
+ self.Signature = Signature
+ def GetSignature(self):
+ return self.Signature
+ def SetXmlSpecification(self, XmlSpecification):
+ self.XmlSpecification = XmlSpecification
+ def GetXmlSpecification(self):
+ return self.XmlSpecification
+## DistributionPackageClass
+# @param object: DistributionPackageClass
+class DistributionPackageClass(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.Header = DistributionPackageHeaderObject()
+ #
+ # {(Guid, Version, Path) : PackageObj}
+ #
+ self.PackageSurfaceArea = Sdict()
+ #
+ # {(Guid, Version, Path) : ModuleObj}
+ #
+ self.ModuleSurfaceArea = Sdict()
+ self.Tools = MiscFileObject()
+ self.MiscellaneousFiles = MiscFileObject()
+ self.UserExtensions = []
+ self.FileList = []
+ ## Get all included packages and modules for a distribution package
+ #
+ # @param WorkspaceDir: WorkspaceDir
+ # @param PackageList: A list of all packages
+ # @param ModuleList: A list of all modules
+ #
+ def GetDistributionPackage(self, WorkspaceDir, PackageList, ModuleList):
+ #
+ # Get Packages
+ #
+ if PackageList:
+ for PackageFile in PackageList:
+ PackageFileFullPath = \
+ os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WorkspaceDir, PackageFile))
+ DecObj = DecPomAlignment(PackageFileFullPath, WorkspaceDir, CheckMulDec = True)
+ PackageObj = DecObj
+ #
+ # Parser inf file one bye one
+ #
+ ModuleInfFileList = PackageObj.GetModuleFileList()
+ for File in ModuleInfFileList:
+ WsRelPath = os.path.join(PackageObj.GetPackagePath(), File)
+ WsRelPath = os.path.normpath(WsRelPath)
+ if ModuleList and WsRelPath in ModuleList:
+ Logger.Error("UPT",
+ (WsRelPath, PackageFile))
+ Filename = os.path.normpath\
+ (os.path.join(PackageObj.GetRelaPath(), File))
+ os.path.splitext(Filename)
+ #
+ # Call INF parser to generate Inf Object.
+ # Actually, this call is not directly call, but wrapped by
+ # Inf class in InfPomAlignment.
+ #
+ try:
+ ModuleObj = InfPomAlignment(Filename, WorkspaceDir, \
+ PackageObj.GetPackagePath())
+ #
+ # Add module to package
+ #
+ ModuleDict = PackageObj.GetModuleDict()
+ ModuleDict[(ModuleObj.GetGuid(), \
+ ModuleObj.GetVersion(), \
+ ModuleObj.GetCombinePath())] = ModuleObj
+ PackageObj.SetModuleDict(ModuleDict)
+ except FatalError, ErrCode:
+ if ErrCode.message == EDK1_INF_ERROR:
+ Logger.Warn("UPT",
+ else:
+ raise
+ self.PackageSurfaceArea\
+ [(PackageObj.GetGuid(), PackageObj.GetVersion(), \
+ PackageObj.GetCombinePath())] = PackageObj
+ #
+ # Get Modules
+ #
+ if ModuleList:
+ for ModuleFile in ModuleList:
+ ModuleFileFullPath = \
+ os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WorkspaceDir, ModuleFile))
+ try:
+ ModuleObj = InfPomAlignment(ModuleFileFullPath,
+ WorkspaceDir)
+ self.ModuleSurfaceArea[(ModuleObj.GetGuid(), \
+ ModuleObj.GetVersion(), \
+ ModuleObj.GetCombinePath())] = \
+ ModuleObj
+ except FatalError, ErrCode:
+ if ErrCode.message == EDK1_INF_ERROR:
+ Logger.Error("UPT",
+ ST.WRN_EDK1_INF_FOUND%ModuleFileFullPath,
+ else:
+ raise
+ ## Get all files included for a distribution package, except tool/misc of
+ # distribution level
+ #
+ # @retval DistFileList A list of filepath for NonMetaDataFile, relative to workspace
+ # @retval MetaDataFileList A list of filepath for MetaDataFile, relative to workspace
+ #
+ def GetDistributionFileList(self):
+ MetaDataFileList = []
+ for Guid, Version, Path in self.PackageSurfaceArea:
+ Package = self.PackageSurfaceArea[Guid, Version, Path]
+ PackagePath = Package.GetPackagePath()
+ FullPath = Package.GetFullPath()
+ MetaDataFileList.append(Path)
+ IncludePathList = Package.GetIncludePathList()
+ for IncludePath in IncludePathList:
+ SearchPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(FullPath), IncludePath))
+ AddPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(PackagePath, IncludePath))
+ self.FileList += GetNonMetaDataFiles(SearchPath, ['CVS', '.svn'], False, AddPath)
+ Module = None
+ ModuleDict = Package.GetModuleDict()
+ for Guid, Version, Path in ModuleDict:
+ Module = ModuleDict[Guid, Version, Path]
+ ModulePath = Module.GetModulePath()
+ FullPath = Module.GetFullPath()
+ PkgRelPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(PackagePath, ModulePath))
+ MetaDataFileList.append(Path)
+ self.FileList += GetNonMetaDataFiles(os.path.dirname(FullPath), ['CVS', '.svn'], False, PkgRelPath)
+ for Guid, Version, Path in self.ModuleSurfaceArea:
+ Module = self.ModuleSurfaceArea[Guid, Version, Path]
+ ModulePath = Module.GetModulePath()
+ FullPath = Module.GetFullPath()
+ MetaDataFileList.append(Path)
+ self.FileList += GetNonMetaDataFiles(os.path.dirname(FullPath), ['CVS', '.svn'], False, ModulePath)
+ return self.FileList, MetaDataFileList
diff --git a/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Core/ b/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38f872c2ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Core/
@@ -0,0 +1,867 @@
+## @file
+# This file is for installed package information database operations
+# Copyright (c) 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available
+# under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this
+# distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
+# Import Modules
+import sqlite3
+import os.path
+import time
+import Logger.Log as Logger
+from Logger import StringTable as ST
+from Logger.ToolError import UPT_ALREADY_RUNNING_ERROR
+## IpiDb
+# This class represents the installed package information database
+# Add/Remove/Get installed distribution package information here.
+# @param object: Inherited from object class
+# @param DbPath: A string for the path of the database
+class IpiDatabase(object):
+ def __init__(self, DbPath):
+ Dir = os.path.dirname(DbPath)
+ if not os.path.isdir(Dir):
+ os.mkdir(Dir)
+ self.Conn = sqlite3.connect(DbPath, isolation_level='DEFERRED')
+ self.Conn.execute("PRAGMA page_size=4096")
+ self.Conn.execute("PRAGMA synchronous=OFF")
+ self.Cur = self.Conn.cursor()
+ self.DpTable = 'DpInfo'
+ self.PkgTable = 'PkgInfo'
+ self.ModInPkgTable = 'ModInPkgInfo'
+ self.StandaloneModTable = 'StandaloneModInfo'
+ self.ModDepexTable = 'ModDepexInfo'
+ self.DpFileListTable = 'DpFileListInfo'
+ self.DummyTable = 'Dummy'
+ ## Initialize build database
+ #
+ #
+ def InitDatabase(self, SkipLock = False):
+ Logger.Verbose(ST.MSG_INIT_IPI_START)
+ if not SkipLock:
+ try:
+ #
+ # Create a dummy table, if already existed,
+ # then UPT is already running
+ #
+ SqlCommand = """
+ create table %s (
+ )""" % self.DummyTable
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ self.Conn.commit()
+ except sqlite3.OperationalError:
+ Logger.Error("UPT",
+ )
+ #
+ # Create new table
+ #
+ SqlCommand = """
+ create table IF NOT EXISTS %s (
+ InstallTime REAL NOT NULL,
+ NewPkgFileName TEXT NOT NULL,
+ PkgFileName TEXT NOT NULL,
+ RePackage TEXT NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (DpGuid, DpVersion)
+ )""" % self.DpTable
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ SqlCommand = """
+ create table IF NOT EXISTS %s (
+ DpGuid TEXT,
+ DpVersion TEXT,
+ Md5Sum TEXT,
+ PRIMARY KEY (FilePath)
+ )""" % self.DpFileListTable
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ SqlCommand = """
+ create table IF NOT EXISTS %s (
+ PackageGuid TEXT NOT NULL,
+ PackageVersion TEXT NOT NULL,
+ InstallTime REAL NOT NULL,
+ DpGuid TEXT,
+ DpVersion TEXT,
+ InstallPath TEXT NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (PackageGuid, PackageVersion, InstallPath)
+ )""" % self.PkgTable
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ SqlCommand = """
+ create table IF NOT EXISTS %s (
+ ModuleGuid TEXT NOT NULL,
+ ModuleVersion TEXT NOT NULL,
+ InstallTime REAL NOT NULL,
+ PackageGuid TEXT,
+ PackageVersion TEXT,
+ InstallPath TEXT NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (ModuleGuid, ModuleVersion, InstallPath)
+ )""" % self.ModInPkgTable
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ SqlCommand = """
+ create table IF NOT EXISTS %s (
+ ModuleGuid TEXT NOT NULL,
+ ModuleVersion TEXT NOT NULL,
+ InstallTime REAL NOT NULL,
+ DpGuid TEXT,
+ DpVersion TEXT,
+ InstallPath TEXT NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (ModuleGuid, ModuleVersion, InstallPath)
+ )""" % self.StandaloneModTable
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ SqlCommand = """
+ create table IF NOT EXISTS %s (
+ ModuleGuid TEXT NOT NULL,
+ ModuleVersion TEXT NOT NULL,
+ InstallPath TEXT NOT NULL,
+ DepexGuid TEXT,
+ DepexVersion TEXT
+ )""" % self.ModDepexTable
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ self.Conn.commit()
+ Logger.Verbose(ST.MSG_INIT_IPI_FINISH)
+ ## Add a distribution install information from DpObj
+ #
+ # @param DpObj:
+ # @param NewDpPkgFileName: New DpPkg File Name
+ # @param DpPkgFileName: DpPkg File Name
+ # @param RePackage: A RePackage
+ #
+ def AddDPObject(self, DpObj, NewDpPkgFileName, DpPkgFileName, RePackage):
+ for PkgKey in DpObj.PackageSurfaceArea.keys():
+ PkgGuid = PkgKey[0]
+ PkgVersion = PkgKey[1]
+ PkgInstallPath = PkgKey[2]
+ self._AddPackage(PkgGuid, PkgVersion, DpObj.Header.GetGuid(), \
+ DpObj.Header.GetVersion(), PkgInstallPath)
+ PkgObj = DpObj.PackageSurfaceArea[PkgKey]
+ for ModKey in PkgObj.GetModuleDict().keys():
+ ModGuid = ModKey[0]
+ ModVersion = ModKey[1]
+ ModInstallPath = ModKey[2]
+ ModInstallPath = \
+ os.path.normpath(os.path.join(PkgInstallPath, ModInstallPath))
+ self._AddModuleInPackage(ModGuid, ModVersion, PkgGuid, \
+ PkgVersion, ModInstallPath)
+ ModObj = PkgObj.GetModuleDict()[ModKey]
+ for Dep in ModObj.GetPackageDependencyList():
+ DepexGuid = Dep.GetGuid()
+ DepexVersion = Dep.GetVersion()
+ self._AddModuleDepex(ModGuid, ModVersion, ModInstallPath, \
+ DepexGuid, DepexVersion)
+ for (FilePath, Md5Sum) in PkgObj.FileList:
+ self._AddDpFilePathList(DpObj.Header.GetGuid(), \
+ DpObj.Header.GetVersion(), FilePath, \
+ Md5Sum)
+ for ModKey in DpObj.ModuleSurfaceArea.keys():
+ ModGuid = ModKey[0]
+ ModVersion = ModKey[1]
+ ModInstallPath = ModKey[2]
+ self._AddStandaloneModule(ModGuid, ModVersion, \
+ DpObj.Header.GetGuid(), \
+ DpObj.Header.GetVersion(), \
+ ModInstallPath)
+ ModObj = DpObj.ModuleSurfaceArea[ModKey]
+ for Dep in ModObj.GetPackageDependencyList():
+ DepexGuid = Dep.GetGuid()
+ DepexVersion = Dep.GetVersion()
+ self._AddModuleDepex(ModGuid, ModVersion, ModInstallPath, \
+ DepexGuid, DepexVersion)
+ for (Path, Md5Sum) in ModObj.FileList:
+ self._AddDpFilePathList(DpObj.Header.GetGuid(), \
+ DpObj.Header.GetVersion(), \
+ Path, Md5Sum)
+ #
+ # add tool/misc files
+ #
+ for (Path, Md5Sum) in DpObj.FileList:
+ self._AddDpFilePathList(DpObj.Header.GetGuid(), \
+ DpObj.Header.GetVersion(), Path, Md5Sum)
+ self._AddDp(DpObj.Header.GetGuid(), DpObj.Header.GetVersion(), \
+ NewDpPkgFileName, DpPkgFileName, RePackage)
+ self.Conn.commit()
+ ## Add a distribution install information
+ #
+ # @param Guid Guid of the distribution package
+ # @param Version Version of the distribution package
+ # @param NewDpFileName the saved filename of distribution package file
+ # @param DistributionFileName the filename of distribution package file
+ #
+ def _AddDp(self, Guid, Version, NewDpFileName, DistributionFileName, \
+ RePackage):
+ if Version == None or len(Version.strip()) == 0:
+ Version = 'N/A'
+ #
+ # Add newly installed DP information to DB.
+ #
+ if NewDpFileName == None or len(NewDpFileName.strip()) == 0:
+ PkgFileName = 'N/A'
+ else:
+ PkgFileName = NewDpFileName
+ CurrentTime = time.time()
+ SqlCommand = \
+ """insert into %s values('%s', '%s', %s, '%s', '%s', '%s')""" % \
+ (self.DpTable, Guid, Version, CurrentTime, PkgFileName, \
+ DistributionFileName, str(RePackage).upper())
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ ## Add a file list from DP
+ #
+ # @param DpGuid: A DpGuid
+ # @param DpVersion: A DpVersion
+ # @param Path: A Path
+ # @param Path: A Md5Sum
+ #
+ def _AddDpFilePathList(self, DpGuid, DpVersion, Path, Md5Sum):
+ SqlCommand = """insert into %s values('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')""" % \
+ (self.DpFileListTable, Path, DpGuid, DpVersion, Md5Sum)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ ## Add a package install information
+ #
+ # @param Guid: A package guid
+ # @param Version: A package version
+ # @param DpGuid: A DpGuid
+ # @param DpVersion: A DpVersion
+ # @param Path: A Path
+ #
+ def _AddPackage(self, Guid, Version, DpGuid=None, DpVersion=None, Path=''):
+ if Version == None or len(Version.strip()) == 0:
+ Version = 'N/A'
+ if DpGuid == None or len(DpGuid.strip()) == 0:
+ DpGuid = 'N/A'
+ if DpVersion == None or len(DpVersion.strip()) == 0:
+ DpVersion = 'N/A'
+ #
+ # Add newly installed package information to DB.
+ #
+ CurrentTime = time.time()
+ SqlCommand = \
+ """insert into %s values('%s', '%s', %s, '%s', '%s', '%s')""" % \
+ (self.PkgTable, Guid, Version, CurrentTime, DpGuid, DpVersion, Path)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ ## Add a module that from a package install information
+ #
+ # @param Guid: A package guid
+ # @param Version: A package version
+ # @param PkgGuid: A package guid
+ # @param PkgFileName: A package File Name
+ #
+ def _AddModuleInPackage(self, Guid, Version, PkgGuid=None, \
+ PkgVersion=None, Path=''):
+ if Version == None or len(Version.strip()) == 0:
+ Version = 'N/A'
+ if PkgGuid == None or len(PkgGuid.strip()) == 0:
+ PkgGuid = 'N/A'
+ if PkgVersion == None or len(PkgVersion.strip()) == 0:
+ PkgVersion = 'N/A'
+ #
+ # Add module from package information to DB.
+ #
+ CurrentTime = time.time()
+ SqlCommand = \
+ """insert into %s values('%s', '%s', %s, '%s', '%s', '%s')""" % \
+ (self.ModInPkgTable, Guid, Version, CurrentTime, PkgGuid, PkgVersion, \
+ Path)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ ## Add a module that is standalone install information
+ #
+ # @param Guid: a module Guid
+ # @param Version: a module Version
+ # @param DpGuid: a DpGuid
+ # @param DpVersion: a DpVersion
+ # @param Path: path
+ #
+ def _AddStandaloneModule(self, Guid, Version, DpGuid=None, \
+ DpVersion=None, Path=''):
+ if Version == None or len(Version.strip()) == 0:
+ Version = 'N/A'
+ if DpGuid == None or len(DpGuid.strip()) == 0:
+ DpGuid = 'N/A'
+ if DpVersion == None or len(DpVersion.strip()) == 0:
+ DpVersion = 'N/A'
+ #
+ # Add module standalone information to DB.
+ #
+ CurrentTime = time.time()
+ SqlCommand = \
+ """insert into %s values('%s', '%s', %s, '%s', '%s', '%s')""" % \
+ (self.StandaloneModTable, Guid, Version, CurrentTime, DpGuid, \
+ DpVersion, Path)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ ## Add a module depex
+ #
+ # @param Guid: a module Guid
+ # @param Version: a module Version
+ # @param DepexGuid: a module DepexGuid
+ # @param DepexVersion: a module DepexVersion
+ #
+ def _AddModuleDepex(self, Guid, Version, Path, DepexGuid=None, \
+ DepexVersion=None):
+ if DepexGuid == None or len(DepexGuid.strip()) == 0:
+ DepexGuid = 'N/A'
+ if DepexVersion == None or len(DepexVersion.strip()) == 0:
+ DepexVersion = 'N/A'
+ #
+ # Add module depex information to DB.
+ #
+ SqlCommand = """insert into %s values('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')"""\
+ % (self.ModDepexTable, Guid, Version, Path, DepexGuid, DepexVersion)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ ## Remove a distribution install information, if no version specified,
+ # remove all DPs with this Guid.
+ #
+ # @param DpGuid: guid of dpex
+ # @param DpVersion: version of dpex
+ #
+ def RemoveDpObj(self, DpGuid, DpVersion):
+ PkgList = self.GetPackageListFromDp(DpGuid, DpVersion)
+ #
+ # delete from ModDepex the standalone module's dependency
+ #
+ SqlCommand = \
+ """delete from ModDepexInfo where ModDepexInfo.ModuleGuid in
+ (select ModuleGuid from StandaloneModInfo as B where B.DpGuid = '%s'
+ and B.DpVersion = '%s')
+ and ModDepexInfo.ModuleVersion in
+ (select ModuleVersion from StandaloneModInfo as B
+ where B.DpGuid = '%s' and B.DpVersion = '%s')
+ and ModDepexInfo.InstallPath in
+ (select InstallPath from StandaloneModInfo as B
+ where B.DpGuid = '%s' and B.DpVersion = '%s') """ % \
+ (DpGuid, DpVersion, DpGuid, DpVersion, DpGuid, DpVersion)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ #
+ # delete from ModDepex the from pkg module's dependency
+ #
+ for Pkg in PkgList:
+ SqlCommand = \
+ """delete from ModDepexInfo where ModDepexInfo.ModuleGuid in
+ (select ModuleGuid from ModInPkgInfo
+ where ModInPkgInfo.PackageGuid ='%s' and
+ ModInPkgInfo.PackageVersion = '%s')
+ and ModDepexInfo.ModuleVersion in
+ (select ModuleVersion from ModInPkgInfo
+ where ModInPkgInfo.PackageGuid ='%s' and
+ ModInPkgInfo.PackageVersion = '%s')
+ and ModDepexInfo.InstallPath in
+ (select InstallPath from ModInPkgInfo where
+ ModInPkgInfo.PackageGuid ='%s'
+ and ModInPkgInfo.PackageVersion = '%s')""" \
+ % (Pkg[0], Pkg[1],Pkg[0], Pkg[1],Pkg[0], Pkg[1])
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ #
+ # delete the standalone module
+ #
+ SqlCommand = \
+ """delete from %s where DpGuid ='%s' and DpVersion = '%s'""" % \
+ (self.StandaloneModTable, DpGuid, DpVersion)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ #
+ # delete the from pkg module
+ #
+ for Pkg in PkgList:
+ SqlCommand = \
+ """delete from %s where %s.PackageGuid ='%s'
+ and %s.PackageVersion = '%s'""" % \
+ (self.ModInPkgTable, self.ModInPkgTable, Pkg[0], \
+ self.ModInPkgTable, Pkg[1])
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ #
+ # delete packages
+ #
+ SqlCommand = \
+ """delete from %s where DpGuid ='%s' and DpVersion = '%s'""" % \
+ (self.PkgTable, DpGuid, DpVersion)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ #
+ # delete file list from DP
+ #
+ SqlCommand = \
+ """delete from %s where DpGuid ='%s' and DpVersion = '%s'""" % \
+ (self.DpFileListTable, DpGuid, DpVersion)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ #
+ # delete DP
+ #
+ SqlCommand = \
+ """delete from %s where DpGuid ='%s' and DpVersion = '%s'""" % \
+ (self.DpTable, DpGuid, DpVersion)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ self.Conn.commit()
+ ## Get a list of distribution install information.
+ #
+ # @param Guid: distribution package guid
+ # @param Version: distribution package version
+ #
+ def GetDp(self, Guid, Version):
+ if Version == None or len(Version.strip()) == 0:
+ Version = 'N/A'
+ (DpGuid, DpVersion) = (Guid, Version)
+ SqlCommand = """select * from %s where DpGuid ='%s'""" % \
+ (self.DpTable, DpGuid)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ else:
+ (DpGuid, DpVersion) = (Guid, Version)
+ SqlCommand = \
+ """select * from %s where DpGuid ='%s' and DpVersion = '%s'""" % \
+ (self.DpTable, DpGuid, DpVersion)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ DpList = []
+ for DpInfo in self.Cur:
+ DpGuid = DpInfo[0]
+ DpVersion = DpInfo[1]
+ InstallTime = DpInfo[2]
+ PkgFileName = DpInfo[3]
+ DpList.append((DpGuid, DpVersion, InstallTime, PkgFileName))
+ return DpList
+ ## Get a list of distribution install dirs
+ #
+ # @param Guid: distribution package guid
+ # @param Version: distribution package version
+ #
+ def GetDpInstallDirList(self, Guid, Version):
+ SqlCommand = """select InstallPath from PkgInfo where DpGuid = '%s' and DpVersion = '%s'""" % (Guid, Version)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ DirList = []
+ for Result in self.Cur:
+ if Result[0] not in DirList:
+ DirList.append(Result[0])
+ SqlCommand = """select InstallPath from StandaloneModInfo where DpGuid = '%s' and DpVersion = '%s'""" % \
+ (Guid, Version)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ for Result in self.Cur:
+ if Result[0] not in DirList:
+ DirList.append(Result[0])
+ return DirList
+ ## Get a list of distribution install file path information.
+ #
+ # @param Guid: distribution package guid
+ # @param Version: distribution package version
+ #
+ def GetDpFileList(self, Guid, Version):
+ (DpGuid, DpVersion) = (Guid, Version)
+ SqlCommand = \
+ """select * from %s where DpGuid ='%s' and DpVersion = '%s'""" % \
+ (self.DpFileListTable, DpGuid, DpVersion)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ PathList = []
+ for Result in self.Cur:
+ Path = Result[0]
+ Md5Sum = Result[3]
+ PathList.append((Path, Md5Sum))
+ return PathList
+ ## Get files' repackage attribute if present that are installed into current workspace
+ #
+ # @retval FileDict: a Dict of file, key is file path, value is (DpGuid, DpVersion, NewDpFileName, RePackage)
+ #
+ def GetRePkgDict(self):
+ SqlCommand = """select * from %s """ % (self.DpTable)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ DpInfoList = []
+ for Result in self.Cur:
+ DpInfoList.append(Result)
+ FileDict = {}
+ for Result in DpInfoList:
+ DpGuid = Result[0]
+ DpVersion = Result[1]
+ NewDpFileName = Result[3]
+ RePackage = Result[5]
+ if RePackage == 'TRUE':
+ RePackage = True
+ else:
+ RePackage = False
+ for FileInfo in self.GetDpFileList(DpGuid, DpVersion):
+ PathInfo = FileInfo[0]
+ FileDict[PathInfo] = DpGuid, DpVersion, NewDpFileName, RePackage
+ return FileDict
+ ## Get (Guid, Version) from distribution file name information.
+ #
+ # @param DistributionFile: Distribution File
+ #
+ def GetDpByName(self, DistributionFile):
+ SqlCommand = """select * from %s where NewPkgFileName like '%s'""" % \
+ (self.DpTable, '%' + DistributionFile)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ for Result in self.Cur:
+ DpGuid = Result[0]
+ DpVersion = Result[1]
+ NewDpFileName = Result[3]
+ return (DpGuid, DpVersion, NewDpFileName)
+ else:
+ return (None, None, None)
+ ## Get a list of package information.
+ #
+ # @param Guid: package guid
+ # @param Version: package version
+ #
+ def GetPackage(self, Guid, Version, DpGuid='', DpVersion=''):
+ if DpVersion == '' or DpGuid == '':
+ (PackageGuid, PackageVersion) = (Guid, Version)
+ SqlCommand = """select * from %s where PackageGuid ='%s'
+ and PackageVersion = '%s'""" % (self.PkgTable, PackageGuid, \
+ PackageVersion)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ elif Version == None or len(Version.strip()) == 0:
+ SqlCommand = """select * from %s where PackageGuid ='%s'""" % \
+ (self.PkgTable, Guid)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ else:
+ (PackageGuid, PackageVersion) = (Guid, Version)
+ SqlCommand = """select * from %s where PackageGuid ='%s' and
+ PackageVersion = '%s'
+ and DpGuid = '%s' and DpVersion = '%s'""" % \
+ (self.PkgTable, PackageGuid, PackageVersion, \
+ DpGuid, DpVersion)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ PkgList = []
+ for PkgInfo in self.Cur:
+ PkgGuid = PkgInfo[0]
+ PkgVersion = PkgInfo[1]
+ InstallTime = PkgInfo[2]
+ InstallPath = PkgInfo[5]
+ PkgList.append((PkgGuid, PkgVersion, InstallTime, DpGuid, \
+ DpVersion, InstallPath))
+ return PkgList
+ ## Get a list of module in package information.
+ #
+ # @param Guid: A module guid
+ # @param Version: A module version
+ #
+ def GetModInPackage(self, Guid, Version, PkgGuid='', PkgVersion=''):
+ if PkgVersion == '' or PkgGuid == '':
+ (ModuleGuid, ModuleVersion) = (Guid, Version)
+ SqlCommand = """select * from %s where ModuleGuid ='%s' and
+ ModuleVersion = '%s'""" % (self.ModInPkgTable, ModuleGuid, \
+ ModuleVersion)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ else:
+ (ModuleGuid, ModuleVersion) = (Guid, Version)
+ SqlCommand = """select * from %s where ModuleGuid ='%s' and
+ ModuleVersion = '%s' and PackageGuid ='%s'
+ and PackageVersion = '%s'
+ """ % (self.ModInPkgTable, ModuleGuid, \
+ ModuleVersion, PkgGuid, PkgVersion)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ ModList = []
+ for ModInfo in self.Cur:
+ ModGuid = ModInfo[0]
+ ModVersion = ModInfo[1]
+ InstallTime = ModInfo[2]
+ InstallPath = ModInfo[5]
+ ModList.append((ModGuid, ModVersion, InstallTime, PkgGuid, \
+ PkgVersion, InstallPath))
+ return ModList
+ ## Get a list of module standalone.
+ #
+ # @param Guid: A module guid
+ # @param Version: A module version
+ #
+ def GetStandaloneModule(self, Guid, Version, DpGuid='', DpVersion=''):
+ if DpGuid == '':
+ (ModuleGuid, ModuleVersion) = (Guid, Version)
+ SqlCommand = """select * from %s where ModuleGuid ='%s' and
+ ModuleVersion = '%s'""" % (self.StandaloneModTable, ModuleGuid, \
+ ModuleVersion)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ else:
+ (ModuleGuid, ModuleVersion) = (Guid, Version)
+ SqlCommand = """select * from %s where ModuleGuid ='%s' and
+ ModuleVersion = '%s' and DpGuid ='%s' and DpVersion = '%s'
+ """ % (self.StandaloneModTable, ModuleGuid, \
+ ModuleVersion, DpGuid, DpVersion)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ ModList = []
+ for ModInfo in self.Cur:
+ ModGuid = ModInfo[0]
+ ModVersion = ModInfo[1]
+ InstallTime = ModInfo[2]
+ InstallPath = ModInfo[5]
+ ModList.append((ModGuid, ModVersion, InstallTime, DpGuid, \
+ DpVersion, InstallPath))
+ return ModList
+ ## Get a list of module information that comes from DP.
+ #
+ # @param DpGuid: A Distrabution Guid
+ # @param DpVersion: A Distrabution version
+ #
+ def GetSModInsPathListFromDp(self, DpGuid, DpVersion):
+ PathList = []
+ SqlCommand = """select InstallPath from %s where DpGuid ='%s'
+ and DpVersion = '%s'
+ """ % (self.StandaloneModTable, DpGuid, DpVersion)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ for Result in self.Cur:
+ InstallPath = Result[0]
+ PathList.append(InstallPath)
+ return PathList
+ ## Get a list of package information.
+ #
+ # @param DpGuid: A Distrabution Guid
+ # @param DpVersion: A Distrabution version
+ #
+ def GetPackageListFromDp(self, DpGuid, DpVersion):
+ SqlCommand = """select * from %s where DpGuid ='%s' and
+ DpVersion = '%s' """ % (self.PkgTable, DpGuid, DpVersion)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ PkgList = []
+ for PkgInfo in self.Cur:
+ PkgGuid = PkgInfo[0]
+ PkgVersion = PkgInfo[1]
+ InstallPath = PkgInfo[5]
+ PkgList.append((PkgGuid, PkgVersion, InstallPath))
+ return PkgList
+ ## Get a list of modules that depends on package information from a DP.
+ #
+ # @param DpGuid: A Distrabution Guid
+ # @param DpVersion: A Distrabution version
+ #
+ def GetDpDependentModuleList(self, DpGuid, DpVersion):
+ ModList = []
+ PkgList = self.GetPackageListFromDp(DpGuid, DpVersion)
+ if len(PkgList) > 0:
+ return ModList
+ for Pkg in PkgList:
+ #
+ # get all in-package modules that depends on current
+ # Pkg (Guid match, Version match or NA) but not belong to
+ # current Pkg
+ #
+ SqlCommand = """select t1.ModuleGuid, t1.ModuleVersion,
+ t1.InstallPath from %s as t1, %s as t2 where
+ t1.ModuleGuid = t2.ModuleGuid and
+ t1.ModuleVersion = t2.ModuleVersion and t2.DepexGuid ='%s'
+ and (t2.DepexVersion = '%s' or t2.DepexVersion = 'N/A') and
+ t1.PackageGuid != '%s' and t1.PackageVersion != '%s'
+ """ % (self.ModInPkgTable, \
+ self.ModDepexTable, Pkg[0], Pkg[1], Pkg[0], \
+ Pkg[1])
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ for ModInfo in self.Cur:
+ ModGuid = ModInfo[0]
+ ModVersion = ModInfo[1]
+ InstallPath = ModInfo[2]
+ ModList.append((ModGuid, ModVersion, InstallPath))
+ #
+ # get all modules from standalone modules that depends on current
+ #Pkg (Guid match, Version match or NA) but not in current dp
+ #
+ SqlCommand = \
+ """select t1.ModuleGuid, t1.ModuleVersion, t1.InstallPath
+ from %s as t1, %s as t2 where t1.ModuleGuid = t2.ModuleGuid and
+ t1.ModuleVersion = t2.ModuleVersion and t2.DepexGuid ='%s'
+ and (t2.DepexVersion = '%s' or t2.DepexVersion = 'N/A') and
+ t1.DpGuid != '%s' and t1.DpVersion != '%s'
+ """ % \
+ (self.StandaloneModTable, self.ModDepexTable, Pkg[0], \
+ Pkg[1], DpGuid, DpVersion)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ for ModInfo in self.Cur:
+ ModGuid = ModInfo[0]
+ ModVersion = ModInfo[1]
+ InstallPath = ModInfo[2]
+ ModList.append((ModGuid, ModVersion, InstallPath))
+ return ModList
+ ## Get Dp's list of modules.
+ #
+ # @param DpGuid: A Distrabution Guid
+ # @param DpVersion: A Distrabution version
+ #
+ def GetDpModuleList(self, DpGuid, DpVersion):
+ ModList = []
+ #
+ # get Dp module list from the DpFileList table
+ #
+ SqlCommand = """select FilePath
+ from %s
+ where DpGuid = '%s' and DpVersion = '%s' and
+ FilePath like '%%.inf'
+ """ % (self.DpFileListTable, DpGuid, DpVersion)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ for ModuleInfo in self.Cur:
+ FilePath = ModuleInfo[0]
+ ModList.append(FilePath)
+ return ModList
+ ## Get a module depex
+ #
+ # @param DpGuid: A module Guid
+ # @param DpVersion: A module version
+ # @param Path:
+ #
+ def GetModuleDepex(self, Guid, Version, Path):
+ #
+ # Get module depex information to DB.
+ #
+ SqlCommand = """select * from %s where ModuleGuid ='%s' and
+ ModuleVersion = '%s' and InstallPath ='%s'
+ """ % (self.ModDepexTable, Guid, Version, Path)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ self.Conn.commit()
+ DepexList = []
+ for DepInfo in self.Cur:
+ DepexGuid = DepInfo[3]
+ DepexVersion = DepInfo[4]
+ DepexList.append((DepexGuid, DepexVersion))
+ return DepexList
+ ## Close entire database
+ #
+ # Close the connection and cursor
+ #
+ def CloseDb(self):
+ #
+ # drop the dummy table
+ #
+ SqlCommand = """
+ drop table IF EXISTS %s
+ """ % self.DummyTable
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ self.Conn.commit()
+ self.Cur.close()
+ self.Conn.close()
+ ## Convert To Sql String
+ #
+ # 1. Replace "'" with "''" in each item of StringList
+ #
+ # @param StringList: A list for strings to be converted
+ #
+ def __ConvertToSqlString(self, StringList):
+ if self.DpTable:
+ pass
+ return map(lambda s: s.replace("'", "''") , StringList)
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Core/ b/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04c5d4e8d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Core/
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+## @file
+# PackageFile class represents the zip file of a distribution package.
+# Copyright (c) 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available
+# under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this
+# distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
+# Import Modules
+import os.path
+import zipfile
+import tempfile
+import platform
+from Logger.ToolError import FILE_OPEN_FAILURE
+from Logger.ToolError import FILE_CHECKSUM_FAILURE
+from Logger.ToolError import FILE_NOT_FOUND
+from Logger.ToolError import FILE_DECOMPRESS_FAILURE
+from Logger.ToolError import FILE_UNKNOWN_ERROR
+from Logger.ToolError import FILE_WRITE_FAILURE
+from Logger.ToolError import FILE_COMPRESS_FAILURE
+import Logger.Log as Logger
+from Logger import StringTable as ST
+from Library.Misc import CreateDirectory
+from Library.Misc import RemoveDirectory
+class PackageFile:
+ def __init__(self, FileName, Mode="r"):
+ self._FileName = FileName
+ if Mode not in ["r", "w", "a"]:
+ Mode = "r"
+ try:
+ self._ZipFile = zipfile.ZipFile(FileName, Mode, \
+ zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
+ self._Files = {}
+ for Filename in self._ZipFile.namelist():
+ self._Files[os.path.normpath(Filename)] = Filename
+ except BaseException, Xstr:
+ Logger.Error("PackagingTool", FILE_OPEN_FAILURE,
+ ExtraData="%s (%s)" % (FileName, str(Xstr)))
+ BadFile = self._ZipFile.testzip()
+ if BadFile != None:
+ Logger.Error("PackagingTool", FILE_CHECKSUM_FAILURE,
+ ExtraData="[%s] in %s" % (BadFile, FileName))
+ def GetZipFile(self):
+ return self._ZipFile
+ ## Get file name
+ #
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self._FileName
+ ## Extract the file
+ #
+ # @param To: the destination file
+ #
+ def Unpack(self, ToDest):
+ for FileN in self._ZipFile.namelist():
+ ToFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(ToDest, FileN))
+ Msg = "%s -> %s" % (FileN, ToFile)
+ Logger.Info(Msg)
+ self.Extract(FileN, ToFile)
+ ## Extract the file
+ #
+ # @param File: the extracted file
+ # @param ToFile: the destination file
+ #
+ def UnpackFile(self, File, ToFile):
+ File = File.replace('\\', '/')
+ if File in self._ZipFile.namelist():
+ Msg = "%s -> %s" % (File, ToFile)
+ Logger.Info(Msg)
+ self.Extract(File, ToFile)
+ return ToFile
+ return ''
+ ## Extract the file
+ #
+ # @param Which: the source path
+ # @param To: the destination path
+ #
+ def Extract(self, Which, ToDest):
+ Which = os.path.normpath(Which)
+ if Which not in self._Files:
+ Logger.Error("PackagingTool", FILE_NOT_FOUND,
+ ExtraData="[%s] in %s" % (Which, self._FileName))
+ try:
+ FileContent =[Which])
+ except BaseException, Xstr:
+ Logger.Error("PackagingTool", FILE_DECOMPRESS_FAILURE,
+ ExtraData="[%s] in %s (%s)" % (Which, \
+ self._FileName, \
+ str(Xstr)))
+ try:
+ CreateDirectory(os.path.dirname(ToDest))
+ if os.path.exists(ToDest) and not os.access(ToDest, os.W_OK):
+ Logger.Warn("PackagingTool", \
+ return
+ ToFile = open(ToDest, "wb")
+ except BaseException, Xstr:
+ Logger.Error("PackagingTool", FILE_OPEN_FAILURE,
+ ExtraData="%s (%s)" % (ToDest, str(Xstr)))
+ try:
+ ToFile.write(FileContent)
+ ToFile.close()
+ except BaseException, Xstr:
+ Logger.Error("PackagingTool", FILE_WRITE_FAILURE,
+ ExtraData="%s (%s)" % (ToDest, str(Xstr)))
+ ## Remove the file
+ #
+ # @param Files: the removed files
+ #
+ def Remove(self, Files):
+ TmpDir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), ".packaging")
+ if os.path.exists(TmpDir):
+ RemoveDirectory(TmpDir, True)
+ os.mkdir(TmpDir)
+ self.Unpack(TmpDir)
+ for SinF in Files:
+ SinF = os.path.normpath(SinF)
+ if SinF not in self._Files:
+ Logger.Error("PackagingTool", FILE_NOT_FOUND,
+ ExtraData="%s is not in %s!" % \
+ (SinF, self._FileName))
+ self._Files.pop(SinF)
+ self._ZipFile.close()
+ self._ZipFile = zipfile.ZipFile(self._FileName, "w", \
+ zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
+ Cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(TmpDir)
+ self.PackFiles(self._Files)
+ os.chdir(Cwd)
+ RemoveDirectory(TmpDir, True)
+ ## Pack the files under Top directory, the directory shown in the zipFile start from BaseDir,
+ # BaseDir should be the parent directory of the Top directory, for example,
+ # Pack(Workspace\Dir1, Workspace) will pack files under Dir1, and the path in the zipfile will
+ # start from Workspace
+ #
+ # @param Top: the top directory
+ # @param BaseDir: the base directory
+ #
+ def Pack(self, Top, BaseDir):
+ if not os.path.isdir(Top):
+ Logger.Error("PackagingTool", FILE_UNKNOWN_ERROR, \
+ "%s is not a directory!" %Top)
+ FilesToPack = []
+ Cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(BaseDir)
+ RelaDir = Top[Top.upper().find(BaseDir.upper()).\
+ join(len(BaseDir).join(1)):]
+ for Root, Dirs, Files in os.walk(RelaDir):
+ if 'CVS' in Dirs:
+ Dirs.remove('CVS')
+ if '.svn' in Dirs:
+ Dirs.remove('.svn')
+ for Dir in Dirs:
+ if Dir.startswith('.'):
+ Dirs.remove(Dir)
+ for File1 in Files:
+ if File1.startswith('.'):
+ continue
+ ExtName = os.path.splitext(File1)[1]
+ #
+ # skip '.dec', '.inf', '.dsc', '.fdf' files
+ #
+ if ExtName.lower() in ['.dec', '.inf', '.dsc', '.fdf']:
+ continue
+ FilesToPack.append(os.path.join(Root, File1))
+ self.PackFiles(FilesToPack)
+ os.chdir(Cwd)
+ ## Pack the file
+ #
+ # @param Files: the files to pack
+ #
+ def PackFiles(self, Files):
+ for File1 in Files:
+ self.PackFile(File1)
+ ## Pack the file
+ #
+ # @param File: the files to pack
+ # @param ArcName: the Arc Name
+ #
+ def PackFile(self, File, ArcName=None):
+ try:
+ #
+ # avoid packing same file multiple times
+ #
+ if platform.system() != 'Windows':
+ File = File.replace('\\', '/')
+ ZipedFilesNameList = self._ZipFile.namelist()
+ for ZipedFile in ZipedFilesNameList:
+ if File == os.path.normpath(ZipedFile):
+ return
+ Logger.Info("packing ..." + File)
+ self._ZipFile.write(File, ArcName)
+ except BaseException, Xstr:
+ Logger.Error("PackagingTool", FILE_COMPRESS_FAILURE,
+ ExtraData="%s (%s)" % (File, str(Xstr)))
+ ## Write data to the packed file
+ #
+ # @param Data: data to write
+ # @param ArcName: the Arc Name
+ #
+ def PackData(self, Data, ArcName):
+ try:
+ self._ZipFile.writestr(ArcName, Data)
+ except BaseException, Xstr:
+ Logger.Error("PackagingTool", FILE_COMPRESS_FAILURE,
+ ExtraData="%s (%s)" % (ArcName, str(Xstr)))
+ ## Close file
+ #
+ #
+ def Close(self):
+ self._ZipFile.close()
diff --git a/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Core/ b/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39c78e8ecf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Core/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+## @file
+# Python 'Library' package initialization file.
+# This file is required to make Python interpreter treat the directory
+# as containing package.
+# Copyright (c) 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available
+# under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this
+# distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
+Core init file
+''' \ No newline at end of file