path: root/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/X64/Thunk16.nasm
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Diffstat (limited to 'MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/X64/Thunk16.nasm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 325 deletions
diff --git a/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/X64/Thunk16.nasm b/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/X64/Thunk16.nasm
deleted file mode 100644
index cfa55d44cb..0000000000
--- a/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/X64/Thunk16.nasm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-#include "BaseLibInternals.h"
-; Copyright (c) 2006 - 2013, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-; This program and the accompanying materials
-; are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-; which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-; Module Name:
-; Thunk.asm
-; Abstract:
-; Real mode thunk
-global ASM_PFX(m16Size)
-global ASM_PFX(mThunk16Attr)
-global ASM_PFX(m16Gdt)
-global ASM_PFX(m16GdtrBase)
-global ASM_PFX(mTransition)
-global ASM_PFX(m16Start)
-struc IA32_REGS
- ._EDI: resd 1
- ._ESI: resd 1
- ._EBP: resd 1
- ._ESP: resd 1
- ._EBX: resd 1
- ._EDX: resd 1
- ._ECX: resd 1
- ._EAX: resd 1
- ._DS: resw 1
- ._ES: resw 1
- ._FS: resw 1
- ._GS: resw 1
- ._EFLAGS: resq 1
- ._EIP: resd 1
- ._CS: resw 1
- ._SS: resw 1
- .size:
-SECTION .data
-; These are global constant to convey information to C code.
-ASM_PFX(m16Size) DW ASM_PFX(InternalAsmThunk16) - ASM_PFX(m16Start)
-ASM_PFX(mThunk16Attr) DW _BackFromUserCode.ThunkAttrEnd - 4 - ASM_PFX(m16Start)
-ASM_PFX(m16Gdt) DW _NullSeg - ASM_PFX(m16Start)
-ASM_PFX(m16GdtrBase) DW _16GdtrBase - ASM_PFX(m16Start)
-ASM_PFX(mTransition) DW _EntryPoint - ASM_PFX(m16Start)
-SECTION .text
- dw 0
- dq 0
-; _BackFromUserCode() takes control in real mode after 'retf' has been executed
-; by user code. It will be shadowed to somewhere in memory below 1MB.
- ;
- ; The order of saved registers on the stack matches the order they appears
- ; in IA32_REGS structure. This facilitates wrapper function to extract them
- ; into that structure.
- ;
-BITS 16
- push ss
- push cs
- ;
- ; Note: We can't use o32 on the next instruction because of a bug
- ; in NASM 2.09.04 through 2.10rc1.
- ;
- call dword .Base ; push eip
- push dword 0 ; reserved high order 32 bits of EFlags
- pushfd
- cli ; disable interrupts
- push gs
- push fs
- push es
- push ds
- pushad
- mov edx, strict dword 0
- jz .1
- mov ax, 2401h
- int 15h
- cli ; disable interrupts
- jnc .2
- jz .2
- in al, 92h
- or al, 2
- out 92h, al ; deactivate A20M#
- xor eax, eax
- mov ax, ss
- lea ebp, [esp + IA32_REGS.size]
- mov [bp - IA32_REGS.size + IA32_REGS._ESP], ebp
- mov ebx, [bp - IA32_REGS.size + IA32_REGS._EIP]
- shl eax, 4 ; shl eax, 4
- add ebp, eax ; add ebp, eax
- mov eax, cs
- shl eax, 4
- lea eax, [eax + ebx + (.X64JmpEnd - .Base)]
- mov [cs:bx + (.X64JmpEnd - 6 - .Base)], eax
- mov eax, strict dword 0
- mov cr4, eax
-o32 lgdt [cs:bx + (SavedGdt - .Base)]
- mov ecx, 0c0000080h
- rdmsr
- or ah, 1
- wrmsr
- mov eax, strict dword 0
- mov cr0, eax
- jmp 0:strict dword 0
-BITS 64
- nop
- mov rsp, strict qword 0
- nop
- ret
- DD _ToUserCode - ASM_PFX(m16Start)
- DQ 0
- DW (1 << 10) - 1
- DD 0
-; _ToUserCode() takes control in real mode before passing control to user code.
-; It will be shadowed to somewhere in memory below 1MB.
-BITS 16
- mov ss, dx ; set new segment selectors
- mov ds, dx
- mov es, dx
- mov fs, dx
- mov gs, dx
- mov ecx, 0c0000080h
- mov cr0, eax ; real mode starts at next instruction
- rdmsr
- and ah, ~1
- wrmsr
- mov cr4, ebp
- mov ss, si ; set up 16-bit stack segment
- mov esp, ebx ; set up 16-bit stack pointer
- call dword .Base ; push eip
- pop ebp ; ebp <- address of .Base
- push word [dword esp + IA32_REGS.size + 2]
- lea ax, [bp + (.RealMode - .Base)]
- push ax
- retf ; execution begins at next instruction
-o32 lidt [cs:bp + (_16Idtr - .Base)]
- popad
- pop ds
- pop es
- pop fs
- pop gs
- popfd
- lea esp, [esp + 4] ; skip high order 32 bits of EFlags
-o32 retf ; transfer control to user code
-CODE16 equ _16Code - $
-DATA16 equ _16Data - $
-DATA32 equ _32Data - $
-_NullSeg DQ 0
- DW -1
- DW 0
- DB 0
- DB 9bh
- DB 8fh ; 16-bit segment, 4GB limit
- DB 0
- DW -1
- DW 0
- DB 0
- DB 93h
- DB 8fh ; 16-bit segment, 4GB limit
- DB 0
- DW -1
- DW 0
- DB 0
- DB 93h
- DB 0cfh ; 16-bit segment, 4GB limit
- DB 0
-GDT_SIZE equ $ - _NullSeg
-; InternalAsmThunk16 (
-; IN IA32_REGISTER_SET *RegisterSet,
-; IN OUT VOID *Transition
-; );
-global ASM_PFX(InternalAsmThunk16)
-BITS 64
- push rbp
- push rbx
- push rsi
- push rdi
- mov ebx, ds
- push rbx ; Save ds segment register on the stack
- mov ebx, es
- push rbx ; Save es segment register on the stack
- mov ebx, ss
- push rbx ; Save ss segment register on the stack
- push fs
- push gs
- mov rsi, rcx
- movzx r8d, word [rsi + IA32_REGS._SS]
- mov edi, [rsi + IA32_REGS._ESP]
- lea rdi, [edi - (IA32_REGS.size + 4)]
- imul eax, r8d, 16 ; eax <- r8d(stack segment) * 16
- mov ebx, edi ; ebx <- stack for 16-bit code
- push IA32_REGS.size / 4
- add edi, eax ; edi <- linear address of 16-bit stack
- pop rcx
- rep movsd ; copy RegSet
- lea ecx, [rdx + (_BackFromUserCode.SavedCr4End - ASM_PFX(m16Start))]
- mov eax, edx ; eax <- transition code address
- and edx, 0fh
- shl eax, 12 ; segment address in high order 16 bits
- lea ax, [rdx + (_BackFromUserCode - ASM_PFX(m16Start))] ; offset address
- stosd ; [edi] <- return address of user code
- sgdt [rsp + 60h] ; save GDT stack in argument space
- movzx r10, word [rsp + 60h] ; r10 <- GDT limit
- lea r11, [rcx + (ASM_PFX(InternalAsmThunk16) - _BackFromUserCode.SavedCr4End) + 0xf]
- and r11, ~0xf ; r11 <- 16-byte aligned shadowed GDT table in real mode buffer
- mov [rcx + (SavedGdt - _BackFromUserCode.SavedCr4End)], r10w ; save the limit of shadowed GDT table
- mov [rcx + (SavedGdt - _BackFromUserCode.SavedCr4End) + 2], r11 ; save the base address of shadowed GDT table
- mov rsi, [rsp + 62h] ; rsi <- the original GDT base address
- xchg rcx, r10 ; save rcx to r10 and initialize rcx to be the limit of GDT table
- inc rcx ; rcx <- the size of memory to copy
- xchg rdi, r11 ; save rdi to r11 and initialize rdi to the base address of shadowed GDT table
- rep movsb ; perform memory copy to shadow GDT table
- mov rcx, r10 ; restore the orignal rcx before memory copy
- mov rdi, r11 ; restore the original rdi before memory copy
- sidt [rsp + 50h] ; save IDT stack in argument space
- mov rax, cr0
- mov [rcx + (_BackFromUserCode.SavedCr0End - 4 - _BackFromUserCode.SavedCr4End)], eax
- and eax, 7ffffffeh ; clear PE, PG bits
- mov rbp, cr4
- mov [rcx - 4], ebp ; save CR4 in _BackFromUserCode.SavedCr4End - 4
- and ebp, ~30h ; clear PAE, PSE bits
- mov esi, r8d ; esi <- 16-bit stack segment
- push DATA32
- pop rdx ; rdx <- 32-bit data segment selector
- lgdt [rcx + (_16Gdtr - _BackFromUserCode.SavedCr4End)]
- mov ss, edx
- pushfq
- lea edx, [rdx + DATA16 - DATA32]
- lea r8, [REL .RetFromRealMode]
- push r8
- mov r8d, cs
- mov [rcx + (_BackFromUserCode.X64JmpEnd - 2 - _BackFromUserCode.SavedCr4End)], r8w
- mov [rcx + (_BackFromUserCode.SavedSpEnd - 8 - _BackFromUserCode.SavedCr4End)], rsp
- jmp dword far [rcx + (_EntryPoint - _BackFromUserCode.SavedCr4End)]
- popfq
- lgdt [rsp + 60h] ; restore protected mode GDTR
- lidt [rsp + 50h] ; restore protected mode IDTR
- lea eax, [rbp - IA32_REGS.size]
- pop gs
- pop fs
- pop rbx
- mov ss, ebx
- pop rbx
- mov es, ebx
- pop rbx
- mov ds, ebx
- pop rdi
- pop rsi
- pop rbx
- pop rbp
- ret