AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2007-06-28Add [depex] in inf file and dxs from file list in inf's [source] section.klu2
2007-06-28git-svn-id: 6f1...klu2
2007-06-28Change Peim postfix to Pei for WinNtAutoScanPeim driver.klu2
2007-06-28Change some file name for WinNtThunkPPIToProtocolPei driverklu2
2007-06-281. Add Protocol/StatusCode.h reference in FrameworkDxeCis.hvanjeff
2007-06-28Rename GuidedSectionExtraction.h to Crc32GuidedSectonExtraction.h to avoid na...qhuang8
2007-06-28Rename Peim to Peiklu2
2007-06-281. Move some header files from FrameworkBase.h to FrameworkDxe.h,FrameworkPei...vanjeff
2007-06-28Remove GuidCName: gEfiSectionExtractionProtocolGuidqhuang8
2007-06-27Fixed IPF and X64 like IA-32 for compiler intrinsicsAJFISH
2007-06-27Updated to support compiler intrinsics properly. I had to comment out some of...AJFISH
2007-06-27Updated headers to follow coding standardAJFISH
2007-06-27Updated bootscript to remove conflicts from R8.xAJFISH
2007-06-27Add EBC, FTW, Crc32SectionExtract, NullMemoryTest modules.qhuang8
2007-06-27Rename HiiLib to FrameworkHiiLibqhuang8
2007-06-27Add IntelFrameworkModulePkg to build its libraries and modules.qhuang8
2007-06-27Complete the library instances in IntelFrameworkModulePkgqhuang8
2007-06-27add EFI_EXP_BASE10_DATA definitionsvanjeff
2007-06-27Add missing PcdPciIncompatibleDeviceSupportMask.qhuang8
2007-06-27Add missing PcdPciIncompatibleDeviceSupportMaskqhuang8
2007-06-27Add AtapiPassThru & CapsuleRuntime module to MdeModulePkgqhuang8
2007-06-27Rename PCD section nameqhuang8
2007-06-27Use / in place of \ in pathklu2
2007-06-27Add Nt32Pkg into FrameworkDatabase.db file.klu2
2007-06-27Add FvbServicesRuntimeDxe into Nt32Pkgklu2
2007-06-27Add exit boot service event registry.yshang1
2007-06-27Add missing filesklu2
2007-06-27Convert msa to inf for UefiRuntimeLibklu2
2007-06-27Clean up Protocol definitions in MdePkg.decyshang1
2007-06-27add in Metronome.infqwang12
2007-06-27add RealTimeClockRuntimeDxeqwang12
2007-06-27Remove includes from INFqwang12
2007-06-27remove include from infqwang12
2007-06-27Added in ResetRuntimeDxeqwang12
2007-06-27Add in gEfiWinNtThunkProtocolGuidqwang12
2007-06-27Add in TimerDxeqwang12
2007-06-27Add extra inclusion: PciHostBridgeResourceAllocation protocol depends on PciR...qhuang8
2007-06-27Fixed the spaces issue.jwang36
2007-06-27Import UefiRuntimeLib in MdePkgyshang1
2007-06-27Import the UefiRuntimeLib in MdePkg.yshang1
2007-06-27Update IntelFrameworkPkgqwang12
2007-06-27Add WinNtSerialIoDxe driver into Nt32Pkgklu2
2007-06-27Add WinNtGop driver into Nt32Pkgklu2
2007-06-27add in MiscSubClassPlatformDxeqwang12
2007-06-27Add WinNtSimpleFileSystemDxe driver into Nt32Pkg.klu2
2007-06-27Add missing definition for Time service which defined in UEFI specification 7...klu2
2007-06-27Roll back revision 2222 to recover the wrong checking.vanjeff
2007-06-27Add WinNtConsole driver into Nt32Pkg.klu2
2007-06-27added PPI and Protocol definitions needed by porting modulesvanjeff
2007-06-27Move #include <IndustryStandard/Pal.h> into IPF specific statement.yshang1