AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2009-02-24Clean Nt32 FVB driver doesn't produce the undefined FVB extension protocol.lgao4
2009-02-24Don't produce FvbExtension Protocol.lgao4
2009-02-24Fix path separator to follow convention.qhuang8
2009-02-24Replace NvDataFvHob with NvDataFvGuidlgao4
2009-02-24Remove unused NvDataFvHoblgao4
2009-02-24Fix build break to remove over-include file.qhuang8
2009-02-24Fix build break: MdeModuleHii.h has been moved from MdeModulePkg/Include to M...qhuang8
2009-02-24Fix build break: MdeModuleHii.h has been moved to MdeModulePkg/Include/Guid d...qhuang8
2009-02-24Fix typo in last check in qhuang8
2009-02-23Add PcAtChipsetPkg.dsc.jljusten
2009-02-23Minor clean-up. Change PCI Device ID check from 7110 to 7000-7FFF.jljusten
2009-02-23Cleanup and remove DuetPkg references. Allow library to be used withjljusten
2009-02-23Update paths for items which moved from DuetPkg to PcAtChipsetPkg.jljusten
2009-02-23DuetSerialIoLib.inf => SerialIoLib.infjljusten
2009-02-23DuetPkg/Library/DuetSerialIoLib => PcAtChipsetPkg/Library/SerialIoLibjljusten
2009-02-23Create directory for PcAtChipsetPkg library code.jljusten
2009-02-23PcRtc: DuetPkg => PcAtChipsetPkgjljusten
2009-02-23KbcResetDxe: DuetPkg => PcAtChipsetPkgjljusten
2009-02-23IsaAcpiDxe: DuetPkg => PcAtChipsetPkgjljusten
2009-02-238254TimerDxe: DuetPkg => PcAtChipsetPkgjljusten
2009-02-23Creating a package for PC/AT chipset drivers and libraries.jljusten
2009-02-23Remove unneeded reference to DuetPkg.dec.jljusten
2009-02-23CpuIoDxe driver was moved to UefiCpuPkg.jljusten
2009-02-23Add UefiCpuPkg.dsc and UefiCpuPkg.dec for UefiCpuPkg.jljusten
2009-02-23Moving DuetPkg/CpuIoDxe to UefiCpuPkg. jljusten
2009-02-23Creating a new package for UEFI compatible CPU code.jljusten
2009-02-23Move MdeModuleHii.h into Include\Guid directorylgao4
2009-02-23Add the missing PI capsule architecture protocol.lgao4
2009-02-23Update SecMain code to remove unused logic.lgao4
2009-02-23Add conditional check before output status code.lgao4
2009-02-23Merge tristan's patch:klu2
2009-02-23Update the PCD comments for PcdFrameworkHiiCompatibilitySupport.qwang12
2009-02-23Update to fix several ECC warningqhuang8
2009-02-23Clean up to remove unreferenced data structureqhuang8
2009-02-23update PCD help textvanjeff
2009-02-231, Use #if defined() to judge the switching macro such as compiler macro. klu2
2009-02-231, Use #if defined() to judge the switching macro such as compiler macro. klu2
2009-02-23retire gEfiFirmwareVolumeDispatcherProtocolGuideric_tian
2009-02-23retire gEfiFirmwareVolumeDispatcherProtocolGuid as its original design is use...eric_tian
2009-02-23retire gEfiFirmwareVolumeDispatcherProtocolGuid as its original design is use...eric_tian
2009-02-23Fix the wrong fix in last check inqhuang8
2009-02-23Refine help text of PcdDisableDefaultKeyboardLayoutInUsbKbDriver.xli24
2009-02-23Update to pass buildqhuang8
2009-02-23Fix typo in data structureqhuang8
2009-02-23Fix typo in include file nameqhuang8
2009-02-23Fix typoqhuang8
2009-02-23Fix building issue for VS2003 and VS2005 tool chain. The "/GS-" is not recogn...klu2
2009-02-23Add print protocol GUID to EdkCompatibilityPkg.dec and add PrintThunk to EdkC...qhuang8
2009-02-23Add PrintThunk driver, it depends on PrintLib on top of MdePkg:qhuang8
2009-02-23Add Print.h, an EDKII public include file for thunk driverqhuang8