Age | Commit message (Expand) | Author |
2010-02-24 | 1. Correct File header to ## @file | lgao4 |
2010-02-05 | Fix two incorrect PCD token number in IntelFrameworkModulePkg | qhuang8 |
2009-12-29 | Move non-framework status code library instances to MdeModulePkg. | xli24 |
2009-12-25 | Remove status code modules' dependency on IntelFrameworkModulePkg. | xli24 |
2009-10-20 | 1. Impl PI 1.2 PCI part. Major changes include: | davidhuang |
2009-09-16 | add SR-IOV support in EDK II. | htao |
2009-08-07 | Correct the format of comments | lgao4 |
2009-07-29 | update MdePkg version to 1.01 | vanjeff |
2009-07-13 | Remove the following Protocols from the IntelFrameworkModulePkg because they ... | mdkinney |
2009-07-10 | Replace Fixed PCD with Feature PCD for useHalfHandshake to reduce code size. | gikidy |
2009-07-10 | Merge 3 PCDs for the ISA Bus Driver to a single PCD that is a bitmask of feat... | xli24 |
2009-07-09 | Retire Logo and Shell guid header file, which are replaced by gEfiIntelFramew... | lgao4 |
2009-07-08 | Add comments for the return value of GenericBdsLib functions. | lgao4 |
2009-07-08 | Enhanced module to handle half handshake flow control. | gikidy |
2009-07-07 | Retired PciIncompatibleDeviceSupportLib from IntelFrameworkModulePkg. | vanjeff |
2009-06-24 | Refine comments | klu2 |
2009-06-19 | Remove unused PCDs: PcdPciIsaEnable and PcdPciVgaEnable | klu2 |
2009-06-16 | Retire the duplicate StatusCode PCD: | lgao4 |
2009-06-15 | Retire VariablePei and PcatSingleSegmentPciCfgPei in IntelFrameworkModulePkg. | lgao4 |
2009-06-08 | Add comments for Include header files | lgao4 |
2009-06-05 | Move gEfiPciOptionRomTableGuid from IntelFrameworkModulePkg to the DuetPkg | mdkinney |
2009-06-05 | Retire PciHotplugDeviceGuid. | mdkinney |
2009-06-01 | 1) Move gEfiStatusCodeDataTypeDebugGuid from the IntelFrameworkPkg to the Int... | mdkinney |
2009-05-01 | Add LzmaCustomDecompressLib based on the LZMA SDK 4.65 which was | jljusten |
2009-04-27 | DEC file reviewed. | gikidy |
2009-03-10 | change the default value of PcdBootState into TRUE, therefore the first boot ... | eric_tian |
2009-03-04 | retire gEfiBootStateGuid and replace it with dynamic hii pcd. so the differen... | eric_tian |
2009-03-02 | remove Bmp.h and ShellFile.h From MdeModulePkg to IntelFrameworkPkg | qhuang8 |
2009-02-26 | 1, Retired PCD PcdSupportHardwareErrorRecord, because as UEFI specification s... | klu2 |
2009-02-26 | 1, Change name of PcdPlatformBootTimeoutDefault to PcdPlatformBootTimeout, no... | klu2 |
2009-02-26 | Move OEMBadging protocol from MdeModulePkg to IntelFrameworkModulePkg | klu2 |
2009-02-24 | Move library class GenericBdsLib and PlatformBdsLib to IntelFrameworkModulePkg | klu2 |
2009-02-24 | Move DiskInfo Protocol from MdeModulePkg to IntelFrameworkModule package. | lgao4 |
2007-12-05 | Update default value to adapt to most platform. | qhuang8 |
2007-12-05 | Update default value to adapt to most platform. | qhuang8 |
2007-08-30 | Update all INF, DEC and DSC file to confirm to newest INF spec 0.44, DEC spec... | qhuang8 |
2007-08-08 | Update CustomDecompress library to support algorithm guid and Update DxeIpl a... | lgao4 |
2007-07-25 | 1) Add PcatSingleSegmentPciCfg2Pei in MdeModulePkg. | yshang1 |
2007-07-23 | 1) Remove Protocol/AcpiS3Save.h from IntelFrameworkPkg, which should be defin... | yshang1 |
2007-07-20 | Cleanup the license header | klu2 |
2007-07-19 | Remove PciHotPlugInit protocol from IntelFrameworkModulePkg because it is def... | klu2 |
2007-07-19 | 1) Change the file name of StatusCode.h to DataHubStatusCodeRecord.h | klu2 |
2007-07-18 | Correct the name of library class | klu2 |
2007-07-06 | Add in Ps2keyboard.inf and Ps2Mouse.inf to IntelFrameworkModuelPkg | qwang12 |
2007-07-02 | Add DxeBootScriptLibNull in IntelFrameworkPkg. | yshang1 |
2007-06-29 | add in GraphicsLib | qwang12 |
2007-06-27 | Add missing PcdPciIncompatibleDeviceSupportMask. | qhuang8 |
2007-06-26 | 1. Create Intel Framework Module Package directory | qhuang8 |