Age | Commit message (Expand) | Author |
2007-07-17 | Add DxAdd Dxe as postfix for devicepath driver | klu2 |
2007-07-17 | Add DxAdd Dxe as postfix for Terminal driver | klu2 |
2007-07-17 | 1. Fixed tools_def.template to meet ICC build for IA32 | vanjeff |
2007-07-16 | Add Pei postfix to variable peim driver | klu2 |
2007-07-16 | Add Dxe as postfix to Scsi related driver. | klu2 |
2007-07-16 | remove duplicated modules | vanjeff |
2007-07-16 | Modules cleanup. | vanjeff |
2007-07-13 | Remove IPF EmuVariableIpf.inf | qwang12 |
2007-07-13 | Fix typo in PeCoffLoaderLib.inf. | yshang1 |
2007-07-12 | 1. Import UsbKbDxe and UsbMouseDxe into MdeModulePkg | vanjeff |
2007-07-12 | remove IPF reference from inf file | vanjeff |
2007-07-12 | fixed memcpy link issue. | vanjeff |
2007-07-11 | Build drivers for IPF, X64, IA32 arch | klu2 |
2007-07-11 | Fixing the IPF building issue for PeiCore | klu2 |
2007-07-11 | Update DSC file. | vanjeff |
2007-07-11 | Import Usb/UsbBusDxe and Usb/UsbMassStorageDxe into MdeModulePkg. | vanjeff |
2007-07-11 | Keep the module name consistency with directory name. | vanjeff |
2007-07-11 | Import EhciDxe and UhciDxe into MdeModulePkg. | vanjeff |
2007-07-10 | Removed CommonHeader.h from MdePkg & MdeModulePkg | AJFISH |
2007-07-10 | 1) Use Dynamic Pcd for hold the base address and length of Flash-related block. | klu2 |
2007-07-10 | Enable dynamic PCD for windowBusDriver | klu2 |
2007-07-10 | Add PcdLibNull library instance for Pcd Driver. | klu2 |
2007-07-10 | fixed token space issue | vanjeff |
2007-07-09 | Updated modules to not depend on the IntelFrameworkPkg. | AJFISH |
2007-07-09 | Remove invalid PeimEntryPointLib | qhuang8 |
2007-07-09 | remove the redudant gEfiPeiFvFileLoaderPpiGuid in Guid section. | qwang12 |
2007-07-09 | Fix wrong token space guid CName. | klu2 |
2007-07-09 | Remove genenaric platform token space guid | klu2 |
2007-07-09 | Use () but not {} in dsc file. | klu2 |
2007-07-06 | Use gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid instead of gEfiEdkModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid. | klu2 |
2007-07-06 | git-svn-id: 6f1... | qwang12 |
2007-07-06 | Add in gEfiExtendedSalVariableServicesProtocolGuid | qwang12 |
2007-07-06 | Add in EmuVariableRuntimeDxe | qwang12 |
2007-07-06 | Add MonAdd MonotonicCounter driver to platform build file | qhuang8 |
2007-07-06 | Add MonotonicCounter driver, which produces MonotonicCounter arch protocols | qhuang8 |
2007-07-06 | Use Hob to get the variable base address in NV storage, but this need to be c... | klu2 |
2007-07-06 | Fix the RuntimeDxe driver can not be dispatched correctly issue. | klu2 |
2007-07-06 | 1) PcdFlashNvStorageFtwWorkingSize, PcdFlashNvStorageFtwWorkingBase, PcdFlash... | klu2 |
2007-07-06 | Enabled PCD DXE/PEI module build. | jwang36 |
2007-07-06 | Changed gEfiEdkModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid to gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid | jwang36 |
2007-07-06 | 1) PcdDxeIplSupportCustomDecompress, PcdDxeIplSupportTianoDecompress, PcdDxeI... | klu2 |
2007-07-06 | Should use gEfiFirmwareFileSystem2Guid but not gEfiFirmwareFileSystemGuid in ... | klu2 |
2007-07-06 | Remove gEfiEndOfPeiSignalPpiGuid, it should be defined in MdePkg.dec | qhuang8 |
2007-07-05 | Fixed build issues by updating DSC file | AJFISH |
2007-07-05 | Fix the build issue for MdeModulePkg. | klu2 |
2007-07-05 | Porting WinNtFwhPei and WinNtFlashMapPei to produce FvHob. | klu2 |
2007-07-05 | Enable Nt32 platform boot to DXE phase. | klu2 |
2007-07-05 | Remove FontPack reference from GraphicsConsole | xgu3 |
2007-07-05 | Check in following modules, | xgu3 |
2007-07-04 | Include "Guid/FirmwareFileSystem.h " provided by IntelFrameworkPkg. | yshang1 |