path: root/MdePkg/Include/Protocol/AcpiSystemDescriptionTable.h
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-06-17MdePkg AcpiSdt: Update description of AcpiVersion and GetAcpiTable().Star Zeng
2010-07-20Remove spec compliance comment. It follows PI1.2B spec now.jyao1
2010-04-23Update the copyright notice formathhtian
2010-02-26According to the latest UEFI 2.3 errata B, the following changes are made:lgao4
2010-01-15Correct the conflict EFI_ACPI_GET_ACPI_TABLE to EFI_ACPI_GET_ACPI_TABLE2lgao4
2009-08-20Add Acpi System Description Table protocol from PI 1.2 specification.klu2