/** @file * * Copyright (c) 2011 - 2014, ARM Limited. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License * which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at * http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php * * THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. * **/ #include "BdsInternal.h" #include extern EFI_HANDLE mImageHandle; extern BDS_LOAD_OPTION_SUPPORT *BdsLoadOptionSupportList; EFI_STATUS SelectBootDevice ( OUT BDS_SUPPORTED_DEVICE** SupportedBootDevice ) { EFI_STATUS Status; LIST_ENTRY SupportedDeviceList; UINTN SupportedDeviceCount; LIST_ENTRY* Entry; UINTN SupportedDeviceSelected; UINTN Index; // // List the Boot Devices supported // // Start all the drivers first BdsConnectAllDrivers (); // List the supported devices Status = BootDeviceListSupportedInit (&SupportedDeviceList); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); SupportedDeviceCount = 0; for (Entry = GetFirstNode (&SupportedDeviceList); !IsNull (&SupportedDeviceList,Entry); Entry = GetNextNode (&SupportedDeviceList,Entry) ) { *SupportedBootDevice = SUPPORTED_BOOT_DEVICE_FROM_LINK(Entry); Print(L"[%d] %s\n",SupportedDeviceCount+1,(*SupportedBootDevice)->Description); DEBUG_CODE_BEGIN(); CHAR16* DevicePathTxt; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_TO_TEXT_PROTOCOL* DevicePathToTextProtocol; Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiDevicePathToTextProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **)&DevicePathToTextProtocol); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); DevicePathTxt = DevicePathToTextProtocol->ConvertDevicePathToText ((*SupportedBootDevice)->DevicePathProtocol,TRUE,TRUE); Print(L"\t- %s\n",DevicePathTxt); FreePool(DevicePathTxt); DEBUG_CODE_END(); SupportedDeviceCount++; } if (SupportedDeviceCount == 0) { Print(L"There is no supported device.\n"); Status = EFI_ABORTED; goto EXIT; } // // Select the Boot Device // SupportedDeviceSelected = 0; while (SupportedDeviceSelected == 0) { Print(L"Select the Boot Device: "); Status = GetHIInputInteger (&SupportedDeviceSelected); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = EFI_ABORTED; goto EXIT; } else if ((SupportedDeviceSelected == 0) || (SupportedDeviceSelected > SupportedDeviceCount)) { Print(L"Invalid input (max %d)\n",SupportedDeviceCount); SupportedDeviceSelected = 0; } } // // Get the Device Path for the selected boot device // Index = 1; for (Entry = GetFirstNode (&SupportedDeviceList); !IsNull (&SupportedDeviceList,Entry); Entry = GetNextNode (&SupportedDeviceList,Entry) ) { if (Index == SupportedDeviceSelected) { *SupportedBootDevice = SUPPORTED_BOOT_DEVICE_FROM_LINK(Entry); break; } Index++; } EXIT: BootDeviceListSupportedFree (&SupportedDeviceList, *SupportedBootDevice); return Status; } EFI_STATUS BootMenuAddBootOption ( IN LIST_ENTRY *BootOptionsList ) { EFI_STATUS Status; BDS_SUPPORTED_DEVICE* SupportedBootDevice; ARM_BDS_LOADER_ARGUMENTS* BootArguments; CHAR16 BootDescription[BOOT_DEVICE_DESCRIPTION_MAX]; CHAR8 AsciiCmdLine[BOOT_DEVICE_OPTION_MAX]; CHAR16 CmdLine[BOOT_DEVICE_OPTION_MAX]; UINT32 Attributes; ARM_BDS_LOADER_TYPE BootType; BDS_LOAD_OPTION_ENTRY *BdsLoadOptionEntry; EFI_DEVICE_PATH *DevicePath; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevicePathNodes; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *InitrdPathNodes; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *InitrdPath; UINTN CmdLineSize; BOOLEAN InitrdSupport; UINTN InitrdSize; UINT8* OptionalData; UINTN OptionalDataSize; BOOLEAN RequestBootType; Attributes = 0; SupportedBootDevice = NULL; // List the Boot Devices supported Status = SelectBootDevice (&SupportedBootDevice); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = EFI_ABORTED; goto EXIT; } // Create the specific device path node RequestBootType = TRUE; Status = SupportedBootDevice->Support->CreateDevicePathNode (L"EFI Application or the kernel", &DevicePathNodes, &RequestBootType); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = EFI_ABORTED; goto EXIT; } // Append the Device Path to the selected device path DevicePath = AppendDevicePath (SupportedBootDevice->DevicePathProtocol, (CONST EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *)DevicePathNodes); if (DevicePath == NULL) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto EXIT; } if (RequestBootType) { Status = BootDeviceGetType (DevicePath, &BootType, &Attributes); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = EFI_ABORTED; goto EXIT; } } else { BootType = BDS_LOADER_EFI_APPLICATION; } if ((BootType == BDS_LOADER_KERNEL_LINUX_ATAG) || (BootType == BDS_LOADER_KERNEL_LINUX_FDT)) { Print(L"Add an initrd: "); Status = GetHIInputBoolean (&InitrdSupport); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = EFI_ABORTED; goto EXIT; } if (InitrdSupport) { // Create the specific device path node Status = SupportedBootDevice->Support->CreateDevicePathNode (L"initrd", &InitrdPathNodes, NULL); if (EFI_ERROR(Status) && Status != EFI_NOT_FOUND) { // EFI_NOT_FOUND is returned on empty input string, but we can boot without an initrd Status = EFI_ABORTED; goto EXIT; } if (InitrdPathNodes != NULL) { // Append the Device Path to the selected device path InitrdPath = AppendDevicePath (SupportedBootDevice->DevicePathProtocol, (CONST EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *)InitrdPathNodes); if (InitrdPath == NULL) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto EXIT; } } else { InitrdPath = NULL; } } else { InitrdPath = NULL; } Print(L"Arguments to pass to the binary: "); Status = GetHIInputAscii (AsciiCmdLine, BOOT_DEVICE_OPTION_MAX); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = EFI_ABORTED; goto FREE_DEVICE_PATH; } CmdLineSize = AsciiStrSize (AsciiCmdLine); InitrdSize = GetDevicePathSize (InitrdPath); OptionalDataSize = sizeof(ARM_BDS_LOADER_ARGUMENTS) + CmdLineSize + InitrdSize; BootArguments = (ARM_BDS_LOADER_ARGUMENTS*)AllocatePool (OptionalDataSize); BootArguments->LinuxArguments.CmdLineSize = CmdLineSize; BootArguments->LinuxArguments.InitrdSize = InitrdSize; CopyMem ((VOID*)(&BootArguments->LinuxArguments + 1), CmdLine, CmdLineSize); CopyMem ((VOID*)((UINTN)(&BootArguments->LinuxArguments + 1) + CmdLineSize), InitrdPath, InitrdSize); OptionalData = (UINT8*)BootArguments; } else { Print (L"Arguments to pass to the EFI Application: "); Status = GetHIInputStr (CmdLine, BOOT_DEVICE_OPTION_MAX); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = EFI_ABORTED; goto EXIT; } OptionalData = (UINT8*)CmdLine; OptionalDataSize = StrSize (CmdLine); } Print(L"Description for this new Entry: "); Status = GetHIInputStr (BootDescription, BOOT_DEVICE_DESCRIPTION_MAX); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = EFI_ABORTED; goto FREE_DEVICE_PATH; } // Create new entry BdsLoadOptionEntry = (BDS_LOAD_OPTION_ENTRY*)AllocatePool (sizeof(BDS_LOAD_OPTION_ENTRY)); Status = BootOptionCreate (Attributes, BootDescription, DevicePath, BootType, OptionalData, OptionalDataSize, &BdsLoadOptionEntry->BdsLoadOption); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { InsertTailList (BootOptionsList, &BdsLoadOptionEntry->Link); } FREE_DEVICE_PATH: FreePool (DevicePath); EXIT: if (Status == EFI_ABORTED) { Print(L"\n"); } FreePool(SupportedBootDevice); return Status; } STATIC EFI_STATUS BootMenuSelectBootOption ( IN LIST_ENTRY* BootOptionsList, IN CONST CHAR16* InputStatement, OUT BDS_LOAD_OPTION_ENTRY** BdsLoadOptionEntry ) { EFI_STATUS Status; LIST_ENTRY* Entry; BDS_LOAD_OPTION* BdsLoadOption; UINTN BootOptionSelected; UINTN BootOptionCount; UINTN Index; BOOLEAN IsUnicode; // Display the list of supported boot devices BootOptionCount = 0; for (Entry = GetFirstNode (BootOptionsList); !IsNull (BootOptionsList,Entry); Entry = GetNextNode (BootOptionsList, Entry) ) { BdsLoadOption = LOAD_OPTION_FROM_LINK(Entry); Print (L"[%d] %s\n", (BootOptionCount + 1), BdsLoadOption->Description); DEBUG_CODE_BEGIN(); CHAR16* DevicePathTxt; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_TO_TEXT_PROTOCOL* DevicePathToTextProtocol; ARM_BDS_LOADER_TYPE LoaderType; ARM_BDS_LOADER_OPTIONAL_DATA* OptionalData; Status = gBS->LocateProtocol(&gEfiDevicePathToTextProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **)&DevicePathToTextProtocol); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); DevicePathTxt = DevicePathToTextProtocol->ConvertDevicePathToText(BdsLoadOption->FilePathList,TRUE,TRUE); Print(L"\t- %s\n",DevicePathTxt); OptionalData = BdsLoadOption->OptionalData; if (IS_ARM_BDS_BOOTENTRY (BdsLoadOption)) { LoaderType = (ARM_BDS_LOADER_TYPE)ReadUnaligned32 ((CONST UINT32*)&OptionalData->Header.LoaderType); if ((LoaderType == BDS_LOADER_KERNEL_LINUX_ATAG) || (LoaderType == BDS_LOADER_KERNEL_LINUX_FDT)) { Print (L"\t- Arguments: %a\n",&OptionalData->Arguments.LinuxArguments + 1); } } else if (OptionalData != NULL) { if (IsPrintableString (OptionalData, &IsUnicode)) { if (IsUnicode) { Print (L"\t- Arguments: %s\n", OptionalData); } else { AsciiPrint ("\t- Arguments: %a\n", OptionalData); } } } FreePool(DevicePathTxt); DEBUG_CODE_END(); BootOptionCount++; } // Check if a valid boot option(s) is found if (BootOptionCount == 0) { if (StrCmp (InputStatement, DELETE_BOOT_ENTRY) == 0) { Print (L"Nothing to remove!\n"); } else if (StrCmp (InputStatement, UPDATE_BOOT_ENTRY) == 0) { Print (L"Couldn't find valid boot entries\n"); } else{ Print (L"No supported Boot Entry.\n"); } return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } // Get the index of the boot device to delete BootOptionSelected = 0; while (BootOptionSelected == 0) { Print(InputStatement); Status = GetHIInputInteger (&BootOptionSelected); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { return Status; } else if ((BootOptionSelected == 0) || (BootOptionSelected > BootOptionCount)) { Print(L"Invalid input (max %d)\n",BootOptionCount); BootOptionSelected = 0; } } // Get the structure of the Boot device to delete Index = 1; for (Entry = GetFirstNode (BootOptionsList); !IsNull (BootOptionsList, Entry); Entry = GetNextNode (BootOptionsList,Entry) ) { if (Index == BootOptionSelected) { *BdsLoadOptionEntry = LOAD_OPTION_ENTRY_FROM_LINK(Entry); break; } Index++; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS BootMenuRemoveBootOption ( IN LIST_ENTRY *BootOptionsList ) { EFI_STATUS Status; BDS_LOAD_OPTION_ENTRY* BootOptionEntry; Status = BootMenuSelectBootOption (BootOptionsList, DELETE_BOOT_ENTRY, &BootOptionEntry); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { return Status; } // If the Boot Option was attached to a list remove it if (!IsListEmpty (&BootOptionEntry->Link)) { // Remove the entry from the list RemoveEntryList (&BootOptionEntry->Link); } // Delete the BDS Load option structures BootOptionDelete (BootOptionEntry->BdsLoadOption); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS BootMenuUpdateBootOption ( IN LIST_ENTRY *BootOptionsList ) { EFI_STATUS Status; BDS_LOAD_OPTION_ENTRY *BootOptionEntry; BDS_LOAD_OPTION *BootOption; BDS_LOAD_OPTION_SUPPORT* DeviceSupport; ARM_BDS_LOADER_ARGUMENTS* BootArguments; CHAR16 BootDescription[BOOT_DEVICE_DESCRIPTION_MAX]; CHAR8 CmdLine[BOOT_DEVICE_OPTION_MAX]; CHAR16 UnicodeCmdLine[BOOT_DEVICE_OPTION_MAX]; EFI_DEVICE_PATH *DevicePath; EFI_DEVICE_PATH *TempInitrdPath; ARM_BDS_LOADER_TYPE BootType; ARM_BDS_LOADER_OPTIONAL_DATA* LoaderOptionalData; ARM_BDS_LINUX_ARGUMENTS* LinuxArguments; EFI_DEVICE_PATH *InitrdPathNodes; EFI_DEVICE_PATH *InitrdPath; UINTN InitrdSize; UINTN CmdLineSize; BOOLEAN InitrdSupport; UINT8* OptionalData; UINTN OptionalDataSize; BOOLEAN RequestBootType; BOOLEAN IsPrintable; BOOLEAN IsUnicode; Status = BootMenuSelectBootOption (BootOptionsList, UPDATE_BOOT_ENTRY, &BootOptionEntry); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { return Status; } BootOption = BootOptionEntry->BdsLoadOption; // Get the device support for this Boot Option Status = BootDeviceGetDeviceSupport (BootOption->FilePathList, &DeviceSupport); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Print(L"Not possible to retrieve the supported device for the update\n"); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } RequestBootType = TRUE; Status = DeviceSupport->UpdateDevicePathNode (BootOption->FilePathList, L"EFI Application or the kernel", &DevicePath, &RequestBootType); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = EFI_ABORTED; goto EXIT; } if (RequestBootType) { Status = BootDeviceGetType (DevicePath, &BootType, &BootOption->Attributes); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = EFI_ABORTED; goto EXIT; } } LoaderOptionalData = BootOption->OptionalData; if (LoaderOptionalData != NULL) { BootType = (ARM_BDS_LOADER_TYPE)ReadUnaligned32 ((UINT32 *)(&LoaderOptionalData->Header.LoaderType)); } else { BootType = BDS_LOADER_EFI_APPLICATION; } if ((BootType == BDS_LOADER_KERNEL_LINUX_ATAG) || (BootType == BDS_LOADER_KERNEL_LINUX_FDT)) { LinuxArguments = &LoaderOptionalData->Arguments.LinuxArguments; CmdLineSize = ReadUnaligned16 ((CONST UINT16*)&LinuxArguments->CmdLineSize); InitrdSize = ReadUnaligned16 ((CONST UINT16*)&LinuxArguments->InitrdSize); if (InitrdSize > 0) { Print(L"Keep the initrd: "); } else { Print(L"Add an initrd: "); } Status = GetHIInputBoolean (&InitrdSupport); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = EFI_ABORTED; goto EXIT; } if (InitrdSupport) { if (InitrdSize > 0) { // Case we update the initrd device path Status = DeviceSupport->UpdateDevicePathNode ((EFI_DEVICE_PATH*)((UINTN)(LinuxArguments + 1) + CmdLineSize), L"initrd", &InitrdPath, NULL); if (EFI_ERROR(Status) && Status != EFI_NOT_FOUND) {// EFI_NOT_FOUND is returned on empty input string, but we can boot without an initrd Status = EFI_ABORTED; goto EXIT; } InitrdSize = GetDevicePathSize (InitrdPath); } else { // Case we create the initrd device path Status = DeviceSupport->CreateDevicePathNode (L"initrd", &InitrdPathNodes, NULL); if (EFI_ERROR(Status) && Status != EFI_NOT_FOUND) { // EFI_NOT_FOUND is returned on empty input string, but we can boot without an initrd Status = EFI_ABORTED; goto EXIT; } if (InitrdPathNodes != NULL) { // Duplicate Linux kernel Device Path TempInitrdPath = DuplicateDevicePath (BootOption->FilePathList); // Replace Linux kernel Node by EndNode SetDevicePathEndNode (GetLastDevicePathNode (TempInitrdPath)); // Append the Device Path to the selected device path InitrdPath = AppendDevicePath (TempInitrdPath, (CONST EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *)InitrdPathNodes); FreePool (TempInitrdPath); if (InitrdPath == NULL) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto EXIT; } InitrdSize = GetDevicePathSize (InitrdPath); } else { InitrdPath = NULL; } } } else { InitrdSize = 0; } Print(L"Arguments to pass to the binary: "); if (CmdLineSize > 0) { AsciiStrnCpy(CmdLine, (CONST CHAR8*)(LinuxArguments + 1), CmdLineSize); } else { CmdLine[0] = '\0'; } Status = EditHIInputAscii (CmdLine, BOOT_DEVICE_OPTION_MAX); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = EFI_ABORTED; goto FREE_DEVICE_PATH; } CmdLineSize = AsciiStrSize (CmdLine); OptionalDataSize = sizeof(ARM_BDS_LOADER_ARGUMENTS) + CmdLineSize + InitrdSize; BootArguments = (ARM_BDS_LOADER_ARGUMENTS*)AllocatePool (OptionalDataSize); BootArguments->LinuxArguments.CmdLineSize = CmdLineSize; BootArguments->LinuxArguments.InitrdSize = InitrdSize; CopyMem (&BootArguments->LinuxArguments + 1, CmdLine, CmdLineSize); CopyMem ((VOID*)((UINTN)(&BootArguments->LinuxArguments + 1) + CmdLineSize), InitrdPath, InitrdSize); OptionalData = (UINT8*)BootArguments; } else { Print (L"Arguments to pass to the EFI Application: "); if (BootOption->OptionalDataSize > 0) { IsPrintable = IsPrintableString (BootOption->OptionalData, &IsUnicode); if (IsPrintable) { if (IsUnicode) { StrnCpy (UnicodeCmdLine, BootOption->OptionalData, BootOption->OptionalDataSize / 2); } else { AsciiStrnCpy (CmdLine, BootOption->OptionalData, BootOption->OptionalDataSize); } } } else { UnicodeCmdLine[0] = L'\0'; IsPrintable = TRUE; IsUnicode = TRUE; } // We do not request arguments for OptionalData that cannot be printed if (IsPrintable) { if (IsUnicode) { Status = EditHIInputStr (UnicodeCmdLine, BOOT_DEVICE_OPTION_MAX); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = EFI_ABORTED; goto FREE_DEVICE_PATH; } OptionalData = (UINT8*)UnicodeCmdLine; OptionalDataSize = StrSize (UnicodeCmdLine); } else { Status = EditHIInputAscii (CmdLine, BOOT_DEVICE_OPTION_MAX); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = EFI_ABORTED; goto FREE_DEVICE_PATH; } OptionalData = (UINT8*)CmdLine; OptionalDataSize = AsciiStrSize (CmdLine); } } else { // We keep the former OptionalData OptionalData = BootOption->OptionalData; OptionalDataSize = BootOption->OptionalDataSize; } } Print(L"Description for this new Entry: "); StrnCpy (BootDescription, BootOption->Description, BOOT_DEVICE_DESCRIPTION_MAX); Status = EditHIInputStr (BootDescription, BOOT_DEVICE_DESCRIPTION_MAX); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = EFI_ABORTED; goto FREE_DEVICE_PATH; } // Update the entry Status = BootOptionUpdate (BootOption, BootOption->Attributes, BootDescription, DevicePath, BootType, OptionalData, OptionalDataSize); FREE_DEVICE_PATH: FreePool (DevicePath); EXIT: if (Status == EFI_ABORTED) { Print(L"\n"); } return Status; } EFI_STATUS UpdateFdtPath ( IN LIST_ENTRY *BootOptionsList ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN FdtDevicePathSize; BDS_SUPPORTED_DEVICE *SupportedBootDevice; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *FdtDevicePathNodes; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *FdtDevicePath; Status = SelectBootDevice (&SupportedBootDevice); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = EFI_ABORTED; goto EXIT; } // Create the specific device path node Status = SupportedBootDevice->Support->CreateDevicePathNode (L"FDT blob", &FdtDevicePathNodes, NULL); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = EFI_ABORTED; goto EXIT; } if (FdtDevicePathNodes != NULL) { // Append the Device Path node to the select device path FdtDevicePath = AppendDevicePath (SupportedBootDevice->DevicePathProtocol, FdtDevicePathNodes); FdtDevicePathSize = GetDevicePathSize (FdtDevicePath); Status = gRT->SetVariable ( (CHAR16*)L"Fdt", &gArmGlobalVariableGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE | EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS, FdtDevicePathSize, FdtDevicePath ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); } else { gRT->SetVariable ( (CHAR16*)L"Fdt", &gArmGlobalVariableGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE | EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS, 0, NULL ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); } EXIT: if (Status == EFI_ABORTED) { Print(L"\n"); } FreePool(SupportedBootDevice); return Status; } struct BOOT_MANAGER_ENTRY { CONST CHAR16* Description; EFI_STATUS (*Callback) (IN LIST_ENTRY *BootOptionsList); } BootManagerEntries[] = { { L"Add Boot Device Entry", BootMenuAddBootOption }, { L"Update Boot Device Entry", BootMenuUpdateBootOption }, { L"Remove Boot Device Entry", BootMenuRemoveBootOption }, { L"Update FDT path", UpdateFdtPath }, }; EFI_STATUS BootMenuManager ( IN LIST_ENTRY *BootOptionsList ) { UINTN Index; UINTN OptionSelected; UINTN BootManagerEntryCount; EFI_STATUS Status; BootManagerEntryCount = sizeof(BootManagerEntries) / sizeof(struct BOOT_MANAGER_ENTRY); while (TRUE) { // Display Boot Manager menu for (Index = 0; Index < BootManagerEntryCount; Index++) { Print(L"[%d] %s\n",Index+1,BootManagerEntries[Index]); } Print(L"[%d] Return to main menu\n",Index+1); // Select which entry to call Print(L"Choice: "); Status = GetHIInputInteger (&OptionSelected); if (EFI_ERROR(Status) || (OptionSelected == (BootManagerEntryCount+1))) { if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Print(L"\n"); } return EFI_SUCCESS; } else if ((OptionSelected > 0) && (OptionSelected <= BootManagerEntryCount)) { BootManagerEntries[OptionSelected-1].Callback (BootOptionsList); } } // Should never go here } EFI_STATUS BootShell ( IN LIST_ENTRY *BootOptionsList ) { EFI_STATUS Status; // Start EFI Shell Status = BdsLoadApplication (mImageHandle, L"Shell", 0, NULL); if (Status == EFI_NOT_FOUND) { Print (L"Error: EFI Application not found.\n"); } else if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Print (L"Error: Status Code: 0x%X\n",(UINT32)Status); } return Status; } struct BOOT_MAIN_ENTRY { CONST CHAR16* Description; EFI_STATUS (*Callback) (IN LIST_ENTRY *BootOptionsList); } BootMainEntries[] = { { L"Shell", BootShell }, { L"Boot Manager", BootMenuManager }, }; EFI_STATUS BootMenuMain ( VOID ) { LIST_ENTRY BootOptionsList; UINTN OptionCount; UINTN BootOptionCount; EFI_STATUS Status; LIST_ENTRY* Entry; BDS_LOAD_OPTION* BootOption; UINTN BootOptionSelected; UINTN Index; UINTN BootMainEntryCount; BOOLEAN IsUnicode; BootOption = NULL; BootMainEntryCount = sizeof(BootMainEntries) / sizeof(struct BOOT_MAIN_ENTRY); while (TRUE) { // Get Boot#### list BootOptionList (&BootOptionsList); OptionCount = 1; // Display the Boot options for (Entry = GetFirstNode (&BootOptionsList); !IsNull (&BootOptionsList,Entry); Entry = GetNextNode (&BootOptionsList,Entry) ) { BootOption = LOAD_OPTION_FROM_LINK(Entry); Print(L"[%d] %s\n", OptionCount, BootOption->Description); DEBUG_CODE_BEGIN(); CHAR16* DevicePathTxt; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_TO_TEXT_PROTOCOL* DevicePathToTextProtocol; ARM_BDS_LOADER_OPTIONAL_DATA* OptionalData; UINTN CmdLineSize; ARM_BDS_LOADER_TYPE LoaderType; Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiDevicePathToTextProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **)&DevicePathToTextProtocol); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { // You must provide an implementation of DevicePathToTextProtocol in your firmware (eg: DevicePathDxe) DEBUG((EFI_D_ERROR,"Error: Bds requires DevicePathToTextProtocol\n")); return Status; } DevicePathTxt = DevicePathToTextProtocol->ConvertDevicePathToText (BootOption->FilePathList, TRUE, TRUE); Print(L"\t- %s\n",DevicePathTxt); // If it is a supported BootEntry then print its details if (IS_ARM_BDS_BOOTENTRY (BootOption)) { OptionalData = BootOption->OptionalData; LoaderType = (ARM_BDS_LOADER_TYPE)ReadUnaligned32 ((CONST UINT32*)&OptionalData->Header.LoaderType); if ((LoaderType == BDS_LOADER_KERNEL_LINUX_ATAG) || (LoaderType == BDS_LOADER_KERNEL_LINUX_FDT)) { if (ReadUnaligned16 (&OptionalData->Arguments.LinuxArguments.InitrdSize) > 0) { CmdLineSize = ReadUnaligned16 (&OptionalData->Arguments.LinuxArguments.CmdLineSize); DevicePathTxt = DevicePathToTextProtocol->ConvertDevicePathToText ( GetAlignedDevicePath ((EFI_DEVICE_PATH*)((UINTN)(&OptionalData->Arguments.LinuxArguments + 1) + CmdLineSize)), TRUE, TRUE); Print(L"\t- Initrd: %s\n", DevicePathTxt); } Print(L"\t- Arguments: %a\n", (&OptionalData->Arguments.LinuxArguments + 1)); } switch (LoaderType) { case BDS_LOADER_EFI_APPLICATION: Print(L"\t- LoaderType: EFI Application\n"); break; case BDS_LOADER_KERNEL_LINUX_ATAG: Print(L"\t- LoaderType: Linux kernel with ATAG support\n"); break; case BDS_LOADER_KERNEL_LINUX_FDT: Print(L"\t- LoaderType: Linux kernel with FDT support\n"); break; default: Print(L"\t- LoaderType: Not recognized (%d)\n", LoaderType); } } else if (BootOption->OptionalData != NULL) { if (IsPrintableString (BootOption->OptionalData, &IsUnicode)) { if (IsUnicode) { Print (L"\t- Arguments: %s\n", BootOption->OptionalData); } else { AsciiPrint ("\t- Arguments: %a\n", BootOption->OptionalData); } } } FreePool(DevicePathTxt); DEBUG_CODE_END(); OptionCount++; } BootOptionCount = OptionCount-1; // Display the hardcoded Boot entries for (Index = 0; Index < BootMainEntryCount; Index++) { Print(L"[%d] %s\n",OptionCount,BootMainEntries[Index]); OptionCount++; } // Request the boot entry from the user BootOptionSelected = 0; while (BootOptionSelected == 0) { Print(L"Start: "); Status = GetHIInputInteger (&BootOptionSelected); if (EFI_ERROR(Status) || (BootOptionSelected == 0) || (BootOptionSelected > OptionCount)) { Print(L"Invalid input (max %d)\n",(OptionCount-1)); BootOptionSelected = 0; } } // Start the selected entry if (BootOptionSelected > BootOptionCount) { // Start the hardcoded entry Status = BootMainEntries[BootOptionSelected - BootOptionCount - 1].Callback (&BootOptionsList); } else { // Find the selected entry from the Boot#### list Index = 1; for (Entry = GetFirstNode (&BootOptionsList); !IsNull (&BootOptionsList,Entry); Entry = GetNextNode (&BootOptionsList,Entry) ) { if (Index == BootOptionSelected) { BootOption = LOAD_OPTION_FROM_LINK(Entry); break; } Index++; } Status = BootOptionStart (BootOption); } } // Should never go here }