/** @file Copyright (c) 2011, ARM Ltd. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "LcdGraphicsOutputDxe.h" extern BOOLEAN mDisplayInitialized; // // Function Definitions // STATIC EFI_STATUS VideoCopyNoHorizontalOverlap ( IN UINTN BitsPerPixel, IN volatile VOID *FrameBufferBase, IN UINT32 HorizontalResolution, IN UINTN SourceX, IN UINTN SourceY, IN UINTN DestinationX, IN UINTN DestinationY, IN UINTN Width, IN UINTN Height ) { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; UINTN SourceLine; UINTN DestinationLine; UINTN WidthInBytes; UINTN LineCount; INTN Step; VOID *SourceAddr; VOID *DestinationAddr; if( DestinationY <= SourceY ) { // scrolling up (or horizontally but without overlap) SourceLine = SourceY; DestinationLine = DestinationY; Step = 1; } else { // scrolling down SourceLine = SourceY + Height; DestinationLine = DestinationY + Height; Step = -1; } switch (BitsPerPixel) { case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_24: WidthInBytes = Width * 4; for( LineCount = 0; LineCount < Height; LineCount++ ) { // Update the start addresses of source & destination using 32bit pointer arithmetic SourceAddr = (VOID *)((UINT32 *)FrameBufferBase + SourceLine * HorizontalResolution + SourceX ); DestinationAddr = (VOID *)((UINT32 *)FrameBufferBase + DestinationLine * HorizontalResolution + DestinationX); // Copy the entire line Y from video ram to the temp buffer CopyMem( DestinationAddr, SourceAddr, WidthInBytes); // Update the line numbers SourceLine += Step; DestinationLine += Step; } break; case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_16_555: case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_16_565: case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_12_444: WidthInBytes = Width * 2; for( LineCount = 0; LineCount < Height; LineCount++ ) { // Update the start addresses of source & destination using 16bit pointer arithmetic SourceAddr = (VOID *)((UINT16 *)FrameBufferBase + SourceLine * HorizontalResolution + SourceX ); DestinationAddr = (VOID *)((UINT16 *)FrameBufferBase + DestinationLine * HorizontalResolution + DestinationX); // Copy the entire line Y from video ram to the temp buffer CopyMem( DestinationAddr, SourceAddr, WidthInBytes); // Update the line numbers SourceLine += Step; DestinationLine += Step; } break; case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_8: case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_4: case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_2: case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_1: default: // Can't handle this case DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "ArmVeGraphics_Blt: EfiBltVideoToVideo: INVALID Number of Bits Per Pixel: %d\n", BitsPerPixel)); Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto EXIT; // break; } EXIT: return Status; } STATIC EFI_STATUS VideoCopyHorizontalOverlap ( IN UINTN BitsPerPixel, IN volatile VOID *FrameBufferBase, UINT32 HorizontalResolution, IN UINTN SourceX, IN UINTN SourceY, IN UINTN DestinationX, IN UINTN DestinationY, IN UINTN Width, IN UINTN Height ) { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; UINT32 *PixelBuffer32bit; UINT32 *SourcePixel32bit; UINT32 *DestinationPixel32bit; UINT16 *PixelBuffer16bit; UINT16 *SourcePixel16bit; UINT16 *DestinationPixel16bit; UINT32 SourcePixelY; UINT32 DestinationPixelY; UINTN SizeIn32Bits; UINTN SizeIn16Bits; switch (BitsPerPixel) { case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_24: // Allocate a temporary buffer PixelBuffer32bit = (UINT32 *) AllocatePool((Height * Width) * sizeof(UINT32)); if (PixelBuffer32bit == NULL) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto EXIT; } SizeIn32Bits = Width * 4; // Copy from the video ram (source region) to a temp buffer for (SourcePixelY = SourceY, DestinationPixel32bit = PixelBuffer32bit; SourcePixelY < SourceY + Height; SourcePixelY++, DestinationPixel32bit += Width) { // Update the start address of line Y (source) SourcePixel32bit = (UINT32 *)FrameBufferBase + SourcePixelY * HorizontalResolution + SourceX; // Copy the entire line Y from video ram to the temp buffer CopyMem( (VOID *)DestinationPixel32bit, (CONST VOID *)SourcePixel32bit, SizeIn32Bits); } // Copy from the temp buffer to the video ram (destination region) for (DestinationPixelY = DestinationY, SourcePixel32bit = PixelBuffer32bit; DestinationPixelY < DestinationY + Height; DestinationPixelY++, SourcePixel32bit += Width) { // Update the start address of line Y (target) DestinationPixel32bit = (UINT32 *)FrameBufferBase + DestinationPixelY * HorizontalResolution + DestinationX; // Copy the entire line Y from the temp buffer to video ram CopyMem( (VOID *)DestinationPixel32bit, (CONST VOID *)SourcePixel32bit, SizeIn32Bits); } // Free up the allocated memory FreePool((VOID *) PixelBuffer32bit); break; case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_16_555: case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_16_565: case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_12_444: // Allocate a temporary buffer PixelBuffer16bit = (UINT16 *) AllocatePool((Height * Width) * sizeof(UINT16)); if (PixelBuffer16bit == NULL) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto EXIT; } // Access each pixel inside the source area of the Video Memory and copy it to the temp buffer SizeIn16Bits = Width * 2; for (SourcePixelY = SourceY, DestinationPixel16bit = PixelBuffer16bit; SourcePixelY < SourceY + Height; SourcePixelY++, DestinationPixel16bit += Width) { // Calculate the source address: SourcePixel16bit = (UINT16 *)FrameBufferBase + SourcePixelY * HorizontalResolution + SourceX; // Copy the entire line Y from Video to the temp buffer CopyMem( (VOID *)DestinationPixel16bit, (CONST VOID *)SourcePixel16bit, SizeIn16Bits); } // Copy from the temp buffer into the destination area of the Video Memory for (DestinationPixelY = DestinationY, SourcePixel16bit = PixelBuffer16bit; DestinationPixelY < DestinationY + Height; DestinationPixelY++, SourcePixel16bit += Width) { // Calculate the target address: DestinationPixel16bit = (UINT16 *)FrameBufferBase + (DestinationPixelY * HorizontalResolution + DestinationX); // Copy the entire line Y from the temp buffer to Video CopyMem( (VOID *)DestinationPixel16bit, (CONST VOID *)SourcePixel16bit, SizeIn16Bits); } // Free the allocated memory FreePool((VOID *) PixelBuffer16bit); break; case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_8: case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_4: case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_2: case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_1: default: // Can't handle this case DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "ArmVeGraphics_Blt: EfiBltVideoToVideo: INVALID Number of Bits Per Pixel: %d\n", BitsPerPixel)); Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto EXIT; // break; } EXIT: return Status; } STATIC EFI_STATUS BltVideoFill ( IN EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *This, IN OUT EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL *EfiSourcePixel, OPTIONAL IN UINTN SourceX, IN UINTN SourceY, IN UINTN DestinationX, IN UINTN DestinationY, IN UINTN Width, IN UINTN Height, IN UINTN Delta OPTIONAL // Number of BYTES in a row of the BltBuffer ) { EFI_PIXEL_BITMASK* PixelInformation; EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 HorizontalResolution; LCD_BPP BitsPerPixel; VOID *FrameBufferBase; VOID *DestinationAddr; UINT16 *DestinationPixel16bit; UINT16 Pixel16bit; UINT32 DestinationPixelX; UINT32 DestinationLine; UINTN WidthInBytes; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; PixelInformation = &This->Mode->Info->PixelInformation; FrameBufferBase = (UINTN *)((UINTN)(This->Mode->FrameBufferBase)); HorizontalResolution = This->Mode->Info->HorizontalResolution; LcdPlatformGetBpp (This->Mode->Mode,&BitsPerPixel); switch (BitsPerPixel) { case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_24: WidthInBytes = Width * 4; // Copy the SourcePixel into every pixel inside the target rectangle for (DestinationLine = DestinationY; DestinationLine < DestinationY + Height; DestinationLine++) { // Calculate the target address using 32bit pointer arithmetic: DestinationAddr = (VOID *)((UINT32 *)FrameBufferBase + DestinationLine * HorizontalResolution + DestinationX); // Fill the entire line SetMemN( DestinationAddr, WidthInBytes, *((UINTN *)EfiSourcePixel)); } break; case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_16_555: // Convert the EFI pixel at the start of the BltBuffer(0,0) into a video display pixel Pixel16bit = (UINT16) ( ( (EfiSourcePixel->Red << 7) & PixelInformation->RedMask ) | ( (EfiSourcePixel->Green << 2) & PixelInformation->GreenMask ) | ( (EfiSourcePixel->Blue >> 3) & PixelInformation->BlueMask ) // | ( 0 & PixelInformation->ReservedMask ) ); // Copy the SourcePixel into every pixel inside the target rectangle for (DestinationLine = DestinationY; DestinationLine < DestinationY + Height; DestinationLine++) { for (DestinationPixelX = DestinationX; DestinationPixelX < DestinationX + Width; DestinationPixelX++) { // Calculate the target address: DestinationPixel16bit = (UINT16 *)FrameBufferBase + DestinationLine * HorizontalResolution + DestinationPixelX; // Copy the pixel into the new target *DestinationPixel16bit = Pixel16bit; } } break; case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_16_565: // Convert the EFI pixel at the start of the BltBuffer(0,0) into a video display pixel Pixel16bit = (UINT16) ( ( (EfiSourcePixel->Red << 8) & PixelInformation->RedMask ) | ( (EfiSourcePixel->Green << 3) & PixelInformation->GreenMask ) | ( (EfiSourcePixel->Blue >> 3) & PixelInformation->BlueMask ) ); // Copy the SourcePixel into every pixel inside the target rectangle for (DestinationLine = DestinationY; DestinationLine < DestinationY + Height; DestinationLine++) { for (DestinationPixelX = DestinationX; DestinationPixelX < DestinationX + Width; DestinationPixelX++) { // Calculate the target address: DestinationPixel16bit = (UINT16 *)FrameBufferBase + DestinationLine * HorizontalResolution + DestinationPixelX; // Copy the pixel into the new target *DestinationPixel16bit = Pixel16bit; } } break; case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_12_444: // Convert the EFI pixel at the start of the BltBuffer(0,0) into a video display pixel Pixel16bit = (UINT16) ( ( (EfiSourcePixel->Red >> 4) & PixelInformation->RedMask ) | ( (EfiSourcePixel->Green ) & PixelInformation->GreenMask ) | ( (EfiSourcePixel->Blue << 4) & PixelInformation->BlueMask ) ); // Copy the SourcePixel into every pixel inside the target rectangle for (DestinationLine = DestinationY; DestinationLine < DestinationY + Height; DestinationLine++) { for (DestinationPixelX = DestinationX; DestinationPixelX < DestinationX + Width; DestinationPixelX++) { // Calculate the target address: DestinationPixel16bit = (UINT16 *)FrameBufferBase + DestinationLine * HorizontalResolution + DestinationPixelX; // Copy the pixel into the new target *DestinationPixel16bit = Pixel16bit; } } break; case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_8: case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_4: case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_2: case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_1: default: // Can't handle this case DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "LcdGraphicsBlt: EfiBltVideoFill: INVALID Number of Bits Per Pixel: %d\n", BitsPerPixel)); Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } return Status; } STATIC EFI_STATUS BltVideoToBltBuffer ( IN EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *This, IN OUT EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL *BltBuffer, OPTIONAL IN UINTN SourceX, IN UINTN SourceY, IN UINTN DestinationX, IN UINTN DestinationY, IN UINTN Width, IN UINTN Height, IN UINTN Delta OPTIONAL // Number of BYTES in a row of the BltBuffer ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 HorizontalResolution; LCD_BPP BitsPerPixel; EFI_PIXEL_BITMASK *PixelInformation; EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL *EfiDestinationPixel; VOID *FrameBufferBase; VOID *SourceAddr; VOID *DestinationAddr; UINT16 *SourcePixel16bit; UINT16 Pixel16bit; UINT32 SourcePixelX; UINT32 SourceLine; UINT32 DestinationPixelX; UINT32 DestinationLine; UINT32 BltBufferHorizontalResolution; UINTN WidthInBytes; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; PixelInformation = &This->Mode->Info->PixelInformation; HorizontalResolution = This->Mode->Info->HorizontalResolution; FrameBufferBase = (UINTN *)((UINTN)(This->Mode->FrameBufferBase)); if(( Delta != 0 ) && ( Delta != Width * sizeof(EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL))) { // Delta is not zero and it is different from the width. // Divide it by the size of a pixel to find out the buffer's horizontal resolution. BltBufferHorizontalResolution = (UINT32) (Delta / sizeof(EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL)); } else { BltBufferHorizontalResolution = Width; } LcdPlatformGetBpp (This->Mode->Mode,&BitsPerPixel); switch (BitsPerPixel) { case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_24: WidthInBytes = Width * 4; // Access each line inside the Video Memory for (SourceLine = SourceY, DestinationLine = DestinationY; SourceLine < SourceY + Height; SourceLine++, DestinationLine++) { // Calculate the source and target addresses using 32bit pointer arithmetic: SourceAddr = (VOID *)((UINT32 *)FrameBufferBase + SourceLine * HorizontalResolution + SourceX ); DestinationAddr = (VOID *)((UINT32 *)BltBuffer + DestinationLine * BltBufferHorizontalResolution + DestinationX); // Copy the entire line CopyMem( DestinationAddr, SourceAddr, WidthInBytes); } break; case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_16_555: // Access each pixel inside the Video Memory for (SourceLine = SourceY, DestinationLine = DestinationY; SourceLine < SourceY + Height; SourceLine++, DestinationLine++) { for (SourcePixelX = SourceX, DestinationPixelX = DestinationX; SourcePixelX < SourceX + Width; SourcePixelX++, DestinationPixelX++) { // Calculate the source and target addresses: SourcePixel16bit = (UINT16 *)FrameBufferBase + SourceLine * HorizontalResolution + SourcePixelX; EfiDestinationPixel = BltBuffer + DestinationLine * BltBufferHorizontalResolution + DestinationPixelX; // Snapshot the pixel from the video buffer once, to speed up the operation. // If we were dereferencing the pointer, as it is volatile, we would perform 3 memory read operations. Pixel16bit = *SourcePixel16bit; // Copy the pixel into the new target EfiDestinationPixel->Red = (UINT8) ( (Pixel16bit & PixelInformation->RedMask ) >> 7 ); EfiDestinationPixel->Green = (UINT8) ( (Pixel16bit & PixelInformation->GreenMask ) >> 2); EfiDestinationPixel->Blue = (UINT8) ( (Pixel16bit & PixelInformation->BlueMask ) << 3 ); // EfiDestinationPixel->Reserved = (UINT8) 0; } } break; case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_16_565: // Access each pixel inside the Video Memory for (SourceLine = SourceY, DestinationLine = DestinationY; SourceLine < SourceY + Height; SourceLine++, DestinationLine++) { for (SourcePixelX = SourceX, DestinationPixelX = DestinationX; SourcePixelX < SourceX + Width; SourcePixelX++, DestinationPixelX++) { // Calculate the source and target addresses: SourcePixel16bit = (UINT16 *)FrameBufferBase + SourceLine * HorizontalResolution + SourcePixelX; EfiDestinationPixel = BltBuffer + DestinationLine * BltBufferHorizontalResolution + DestinationPixelX; // Snapshot the pixel from the video buffer once, to speed up the operation. // If we were dereferencing the pointer, as it is volatile, we would perform 3 memory read operations. Pixel16bit = *SourcePixel16bit; // Copy the pixel into the new target // There is no info for the Reserved byte, so we set it to zero EfiDestinationPixel->Red = (UINT8) ( (Pixel16bit & PixelInformation->RedMask ) >> 8 ); EfiDestinationPixel->Green = (UINT8) ( (Pixel16bit & PixelInformation->GreenMask ) >> 3); EfiDestinationPixel->Blue = (UINT8) ( (Pixel16bit & PixelInformation->BlueMask ) << 3 ); // EfiDestinationPixel->Reserved = (UINT8) 0; } } break; case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_12_444: // Access each pixel inside the Video Memory for (SourceLine = SourceY, DestinationLine = DestinationY; SourceLine < SourceY + Height; SourceLine++, DestinationLine++) { for (SourcePixelX = SourceX, DestinationPixelX = DestinationX; SourcePixelX < SourceX + Width; SourcePixelX++, DestinationPixelX++) { // Calculate the source and target addresses: SourcePixel16bit = (UINT16 *)FrameBufferBase + SourceLine * HorizontalResolution + SourcePixelX; EfiDestinationPixel = BltBuffer + DestinationLine * BltBufferHorizontalResolution + DestinationPixelX; // Snapshot the pixel from the video buffer once, to speed up the operation. // If we were dereferencing the pointer, as it is volatile, we would perform 3 memory read operations. Pixel16bit = *SourcePixel16bit; // Copy the pixel into the new target EfiDestinationPixel->Red = (UINT8) ( (Pixel16bit & PixelInformation->RedMask ) >> 4 ); EfiDestinationPixel->Green = (UINT8) ( (Pixel16bit & PixelInformation->GreenMask ) ); EfiDestinationPixel->Blue = (UINT8) ( (Pixel16bit & PixelInformation->BlueMask ) << 4 ); // EfiDestinationPixel->Reserved = (UINT8) 0; } } break; case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_8: case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_4: case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_2: case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_1: default: // Can't handle this case DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "LcdGraphicsBlt: EfiBltVideoToBltBuffer: INVALID Number of Bits Per Pixel: %d\n", BitsPerPixel)); Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } return Status; } STATIC EFI_STATUS BltBufferToVideo ( IN EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *This, IN OUT EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL *BltBuffer, OPTIONAL IN UINTN SourceX, IN UINTN SourceY, IN UINTN DestinationX, IN UINTN DestinationY, IN UINTN Width, IN UINTN Height, IN UINTN Delta OPTIONAL // Number of BYTES in a row of the BltBuffer ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 HorizontalResolution; LCD_BPP BitsPerPixel; EFI_PIXEL_BITMASK *PixelInformation; EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL *EfiSourcePixel; VOID *FrameBufferBase; VOID *SourceAddr; VOID *DestinationAddr; UINT16 *DestinationPixel16bit; UINT32 SourcePixelX; UINT32 SourceLine; UINT32 DestinationPixelX; UINT32 DestinationLine; UINT32 BltBufferHorizontalResolution; UINTN WidthInBytes; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; PixelInformation = &This->Mode->Info->PixelInformation; HorizontalResolution = This->Mode->Info->HorizontalResolution; FrameBufferBase = (UINTN *)((UINTN)(This->Mode->FrameBufferBase)); if(( Delta != 0 ) && ( Delta != Width * sizeof(EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL))) { // Delta is not zero and it is different from the width. // Divide it by the size of a pixel to find out the buffer's horizontal resolution. BltBufferHorizontalResolution = (UINT32) (Delta / sizeof(EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL)); } else { BltBufferHorizontalResolution = Width; } LcdPlatformGetBpp (This->Mode->Mode,&BitsPerPixel); switch (BitsPerPixel) { case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_24: WidthInBytes = Width * 4; // Access each pixel inside the BltBuffer Memory for (SourceLine = SourceY, DestinationLine = DestinationY; SourceLine < SourceY + Height; SourceLine++, DestinationLine++) { // Calculate the source and target addresses using 32bit pointer arithmetic: SourceAddr = (VOID *)((UINT32 *)BltBuffer + SourceLine * BltBufferHorizontalResolution + SourceX ); DestinationAddr = (VOID *)((UINT32 *)FrameBufferBase + DestinationLine * HorizontalResolution + DestinationX); // Copy the entire row Y CopyMem( DestinationAddr, SourceAddr, WidthInBytes); } break; case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_16_555: // Access each pixel inside the BltBuffer Memory for (SourceLine = SourceY, DestinationLine = DestinationY; SourceLine < SourceY + Height; SourceLine++, DestinationLine++) { for (SourcePixelX = SourceX, DestinationPixelX = DestinationX; SourcePixelX < SourceX + Width; SourcePixelX++, DestinationPixelX++) { // Calculate the source and target addresses: EfiSourcePixel = BltBuffer + SourceLine * BltBufferHorizontalResolution + SourcePixelX; DestinationPixel16bit = (UINT16 *)FrameBufferBase + DestinationLine * HorizontalResolution + DestinationPixelX; // Copy the pixel into the new target // Only the most significant bits will be copied across: // To convert from 8 bits to 5 bits per pixel we throw away the 3 least significant bits *DestinationPixel16bit = (UINT16) ( ( (EfiSourcePixel->Red << 7) & PixelInformation->RedMask ) | ( (EfiSourcePixel->Green << 2) & PixelInformation->GreenMask ) | ( (EfiSourcePixel->Blue >> 3) & PixelInformation->BlueMask ) // | ( 0 & PixelInformation->ReservedMask ) ); } } break; case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_16_565: // Access each pixel inside the BltBuffer Memory for (SourceLine = SourceY, DestinationLine = DestinationY; SourceLine < SourceY + Height; SourceLine++, DestinationLine++) { for (SourcePixelX = SourceX, DestinationPixelX = DestinationX; SourcePixelX < SourceX + Width; SourcePixelX++, DestinationPixelX++) { // Calculate the source and target addresses: EfiSourcePixel = BltBuffer + SourceLine * BltBufferHorizontalResolution + SourcePixelX; DestinationPixel16bit = (UINT16 *)FrameBufferBase + DestinationLine * HorizontalResolution + DestinationPixelX; // Copy the pixel into the new target // Only the most significant bits will be copied across: // To convert from 8 bits to 5 or 6 bits per pixel we throw away the 3 or 2 least significant bits // There is no room for the Reserved byte so we ignore that completely *DestinationPixel16bit = (UINT16) ( ( (EfiSourcePixel->Red << 8) & PixelInformation->RedMask ) | ( (EfiSourcePixel->Green << 3) & PixelInformation->GreenMask ) | ( (EfiSourcePixel->Blue >> 3) & PixelInformation->BlueMask ) ); } } break; case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_12_444: // Access each pixel inside the BltBuffer Memory for (SourceLine = SourceY, DestinationLine = DestinationY; SourceLine < SourceY + Height; SourceLine++, DestinationLine++) { for (SourcePixelX = SourceX, DestinationPixelX = DestinationX; SourcePixelX < SourceX + Width; SourcePixelX++, DestinationPixelX++) { // Calculate the source and target addresses: EfiSourcePixel = BltBuffer + SourceLine * BltBufferHorizontalResolution + SourcePixelX; DestinationPixel16bit = (UINT16 *)FrameBufferBase + DestinationLine * HorizontalResolution + DestinationPixelX; // Copy the pixel into the new target // Only the most significant bits will be copied across: // To convert from 8 bits to 5 bits per pixel we throw away the 3 least significant bits *DestinationPixel16bit = (UINT16) ( ( (EfiSourcePixel->Red << 4) & PixelInformation->RedMask ) | ( (EfiSourcePixel->Green ) & PixelInformation->GreenMask ) | ( (EfiSourcePixel->Blue >> 4) & PixelInformation->BlueMask ) // | ( 0 & PixelInformation->ReservedMask ) ); } } break; case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_8: case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_4: case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_2: case LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_1: default: // Can't handle this case DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "LcdGraphicsBlt: EfiBltBufferToVideo: INVALID Number of Bits Per Pixel: %d\n", BitsPerPixel)); Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } return Status; } STATIC EFI_STATUS BltVideoToVideo ( IN EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *This, IN OUT EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL *BltBuffer, OPTIONAL IN UINTN SourceX, IN UINTN SourceY, IN UINTN DestinationX, IN UINTN DestinationY, IN UINTN Width, IN UINTN Height, IN UINTN Delta OPTIONAL // Number of BYTES in a row of the BltBuffer ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 HorizontalResolution; LCD_BPP BitsPerPixel; VOID *FrameBufferBase; HorizontalResolution = This->Mode->Info->HorizontalResolution; FrameBufferBase = (UINTN *)((UINTN)(This->Mode->FrameBufferBase)); // // BltVideo to BltVideo: // // Source is the Video Memory, // Destination is the Video Memory LcdPlatformGetBpp (This->Mode->Mode,&BitsPerPixel); FrameBufferBase = (UINTN *)((UINTN)(This->Mode->FrameBufferBase)); // The UEFI spec currently states: // "There is no limitation on the overlapping of the source and destination rectangles" // Therefore, we must be careful to avoid overwriting the source data if( SourceY == DestinationY ) { // Copying within the same height, e.g. horizontal shift if( SourceX == DestinationX ) { // Nothing to do Status = EFI_SUCCESS; } else if( ((SourceX>DestinationX)?(SourceX - DestinationX):(DestinationX - SourceX)) < Width ) { // There is overlap Status = VideoCopyHorizontalOverlap (BitsPerPixel, FrameBufferBase, HorizontalResolution, SourceX, SourceY, DestinationX, DestinationY, Width, Height ); } else { // No overlap Status = VideoCopyNoHorizontalOverlap (BitsPerPixel, FrameBufferBase, HorizontalResolution, SourceX, SourceY, DestinationX, DestinationY, Width, Height ); } } else { // Copying from different heights Status = VideoCopyNoHorizontalOverlap (BitsPerPixel, FrameBufferBase, HorizontalResolution, SourceX, SourceY, DestinationX, DestinationY, Width, Height ); } return Status; } /*************************************** * GraphicsOutput Protocol function, mapping to * EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL.Blt * * PRESUMES: 1 pixel = 4 bytes (32bits) * ***************************************/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI LcdGraphicsBlt ( IN EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *This, IN OUT EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL *BltBuffer, OPTIONAL IN EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_OPERATION BltOperation, IN UINTN SourceX, IN UINTN SourceY, IN UINTN DestinationX, IN UINTN DestinationY, IN UINTN Width, IN UINTN Height, IN UINTN Delta OPTIONAL // Number of BYTES in a row of the BltBuffer ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 HorizontalResolution; UINT32 VerticalResolution; LCD_INSTANCE* Instance; Instance = LCD_INSTANCE_FROM_GOP_THIS(This); // Setup the hardware if not already done if (!mDisplayInitialized) { Status = InitializeDisplay (Instance); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { goto EXIT; } } HorizontalResolution = This->Mode->Info->HorizontalResolution; VerticalResolution = This->Mode->Info->VerticalResolution; DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "LcdGraphicsBlt (BltOperation:%d,DestX:%d,DestY:%d,Width:%d,Height:%d) res(%d,%d)\n", BltOperation,DestinationX,DestinationY,Width,Height,HorizontalResolution,VerticalResolution)); // Check we have reasonable parameters if (Width == 0 || Height == 0) { DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "LcdGraphicsBlt: ERROR - Invalid dimension: Zero size area.\n" )); Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto EXIT; } if ((BltOperation == EfiBltVideoFill) || (BltOperation == EfiBltBufferToVideo) || (BltOperation == EfiBltVideoToBltBuffer)) { ASSERT( BltBuffer != NULL); } /*if ((DestinationX >= HorizontalResolution) || (DestinationY >= VerticalResolution)) { DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "LcdGraphicsBlt: ERROR - Invalid destination.\n" )); Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto EXIT; }*/ // If we are reading data out of the video buffer, check that the source area is within the display limits if ((BltOperation == EfiBltVideoToBltBuffer) || (BltOperation == EfiBltVideoToVideo)) { if ((SourceY + Height > VerticalResolution) || (SourceX + Width > HorizontalResolution)) { DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "LcdGraphicsBlt: ERROR - Invalid source resolution.\n" )); DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, " - SourceY=%d + Height=%d > VerticalResolution=%d.\n", SourceY, Height, VerticalResolution )); DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, " - SourceX=%d + Width=%d > HorizontalResolution=%d.\n", SourceX, Width, HorizontalResolution )); Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto EXIT; } } // If we are writing data into the video buffer, that the destination area is within the display limits if ((BltOperation == EfiBltVideoFill) || (BltOperation == EfiBltBufferToVideo) || (BltOperation == EfiBltVideoToVideo)) { if ((DestinationY + Height > VerticalResolution) || (DestinationX + Width > HorizontalResolution)) { DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "LcdGraphicsBlt: ERROR - Invalid destination resolution.\n" )); DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, " - DestinationY=%d + Height=%d > VerticalResolution=%d.\n", DestinationY, Height, VerticalResolution )); DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, " - DestinationX=%d + Width=%d > HorizontalResolution=%d.\n", DestinationX, Width, HorizontalResolution )); Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto EXIT; } } // // Perform the Block Transfer Operation // switch (BltOperation) { case EfiBltVideoFill: Status = BltVideoFill (This, BltBuffer, SourceX, SourceY, DestinationX, DestinationY, Width, Height, Delta); break; case EfiBltVideoToBltBuffer: Status = BltVideoToBltBuffer (This, BltBuffer, SourceX, SourceY, DestinationX, DestinationY, Width, Height, Delta); break; case EfiBltBufferToVideo: Status = BltBufferToVideo (This, BltBuffer, SourceX, SourceY, DestinationX, DestinationY, Width, Height, Delta); break; case EfiBltVideoToVideo: Status = BltVideoToVideo (This, BltBuffer, SourceX, SourceY, DestinationX, DestinationY, Width, Height, Delta); break; case EfiGraphicsOutputBltOperationMax: default: DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "LcdGraphicsBlt: Invalid Operation\n")); Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } EXIT: return Status; }