// // Copyright (c) 2011, ARM Limited. All rights reserved. // # This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # # #include <AsmMacroIoLib.h> #include <Base.h> #include <AutoGen.h> #start of the code section .text .align 5 # IMPORT GCC_ASM_IMPORT(PeiCommonExceptionEntry) # EXPORT GCC_ASM_EXPORT(PeiVectorTable) //============================================================ //Default Exception Handlers //============================================================ ASM_PFX(PeiVectorTable): b _DefaultResetHandler b _DefaultUndefined b _DefaultSWI b _DefaultPrefetchAbort b _DefaultDataAbort b _DefaultReserved b _DefaultIrq b _DefaultFiq // // Default Exception handlers: There is no plan to return from any of these exceptions. // No context saving at all. // _DefaultResetHandler: mov r1, lr # Switch to SVC for common stack cps #0x13 mov r0, #0 blx ASM_PFX(PeiCommonExceptionEntry) _DefaultUndefined: sub r1, LR, #4 # Switch to SVC for common stack cps #0x13 mov r0, #1 blx ASM_PFX(PeiCommonExceptionEntry) _DefaultSWI: sub r1, LR, #4 # Switch to SVC for common stack cps #0x13 mov r0, #2 blx ASM_PFX(PeiCommonExceptionEntry) _DefaultPrefetchAbort: sub r1, LR, #4 # Switch to SVC for common stack cps #0x13 mov r0, #3 blx ASM_PFX(PeiCommonExceptionEntry) _DefaultDataAbort: sub r1, LR, #8 # Switch to SVC for common stack cps #0x13 mov r0, #4 blx ASM_PFX(PeiCommonExceptionEntry) _DefaultReserved: mov r1, lr # Switch to SVC for common stack cps #0x13 mov r0, #5 blx ASM_PFX(PeiCommonExceptionEntry) _DefaultIrq: sub r1, LR, #4 # Switch to SVC for common stack cps #0x13 mov r0, #6 blx ASM_PFX(PeiCommonExceptionEntry) _DefaultFiq: sub r1, LR, #4 # Switch to SVC for common stack cps #0x13 mov r0, #7 blx ASM_PFX(PeiCommonExceptionEntry)