# # Copyright (c) 2011-2012, ARM Limited. All rights reserved. # # This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # from arm_ds.debugger_v1 import Debugger from arm_ds.debugger_v1 import DebugException import re, sys, getopt import edk2_debugger # Reload external classes reload(edk2_debugger) def usage(): print "-a,--all: Load all symbols" print "-l,--report=: Filename for the EDK2 report log" print "-m,--sysmem=(base,size): System Memory region" print "-f,--fv=(base,size): Firmware region" print "-r,--rom=(base,size): ROM region" load_all = False report_file = None regions = [] opts,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "har:vm:vr:vf:v", ["help","all","report=","sysmem=","rom=","fv="]) if (opts is None) or (not opts): report_file = '../../../report.log' else: region_reg = re.compile("\((.*),(.*)\)") base_reg = re.compile("(.*)") for o,a in opts: region_type = None regex = None m = None if o in ("-h","--help"): usage() sys.exit() elif o in ("-a","--all"): load_all = True elif o in ("-l","--report"): report_file = a elif o in ("-m","--sysmem"): region_type = edk2_debugger.ArmPlatformDebugger.REGION_TYPE_SYSMEM regex = region_reg elif o in ("-f","--fv"): region_type = edk2_debugger.ArmPlatformDebugger.REGION_TYPE_FV regex = region_reg elif o in ("-r","--rom"): region_type = edk2_debugger.ArmPlatformDebugger.REGION_TYPE_ROM regex = region_reg else: assert False, "Unhandled option" if region_type: m = regex.match(a) if m: if regex.groups == 1: regions.append((region_type,int(m.group(1),0),0)) else: regions.append((region_type,int(m.group(1),0),int(m.group(2),0))) else: if regex.groups == 1: raise Exception('cmd_load_symbols', "Expect a base address") else: raise Exception('cmd_load_symbols', "Expect a region format as (base,size)") # Debugger object for accessing the debugger debugger = Debugger() # Initialisation commands ec = debugger.getExecutionContext(0) ec.getExecutionService().stop() ec.getExecutionService().waitForStop() # in case the execution context reference is out of date ec = debugger.getExecutionContext(0) armplatform_debugger = edk2_debugger.ArmPlatformDebugger(ec, report_file, regions) try: armplatform_debugger = edk2_debugger.ArmPlatformDebugger(ec, report_file, regions) if load_all: armplatform_debugger.load_all_symbols() else: armplatform_debugger.load_current_symbols() except IOError, (ErrorNumber, ErrorMessage): print "Error: %s" % ErrorMessage except Exception, (ErrorClass, ErrorMessage): print "Error(%s): %s" % (ErrorClass, ErrorMessage) except DebugException, de: print "DebugError: %s" % (de.getMessage())