## @file # This file lists all of the tool files that must be present in the Bin trees. # # This file is used by the EDK II Build Server that automatically builds the # BaseTools Win32 binaries. # When new tools are create, the tool executable must be listed in the [Bin.Win32] # section. # If a tool requires additional files, the developer must list those files in the # [ExtraFiles.Win32] section. # The [CxFreeze.Win32] section is maintained by the owner of the Build Server who # must ensure that files that are required by the cx_freeze frozen binaries are # present in the Bin\Win32 directory. # # Copyright (c) 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> # # This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under # the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. # The full text of the license may be found at: # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # ## [Bin.Win32] build.exe BPDG.exe BootSectImage.exe Common.PyUtility.pyd EfiCompressor.pyd EfiLdrImage.exe EfiRom.exe Eot.EfiCompressor.pyd Eot.LzmaCompressor.pyd GenBootSector.exe GenCrc32.exe GenDepex.exe GenFds.exe GenFfs.exe GenFv.exe GenFw.exe GenPage.exe GenPatchPcdTable.exe GenSec.exe GenVtf.exe ImportTool.bat LzmaCompress.exe LzmaF86Compress.bat PatchPcdValue.exe Rsa2048Sha256GenerateKeys.exe Rsa2048Sha256Sign.exe Split.exe TargetTool.exe TianoCompress.exe Trim.exe UPT.exe VfrCompile.exe VolInfo.exe [ExtraFiles.Win32] TestSigningPrivateKey.pem [CxFreeze.Win32] _ctypes.pyd _hashlib.pyd _socket.pyd _sqlite3.pyd _ssl.pyd pyexpat.pyd python27.dll select.pyd sqlite3.dll msvcr71.dll