/** @file Copyright (c) 2004 - 2008, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: MemoryFile.c Abstract: This contains some useful functions for accessing files. **/ #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "CommonLib.h" #include "MemoryFile.h" // // Local (static) function prototypes // STATIC VOID CheckMemoryFileState ( IN EFI_HANDLE InputMemoryFile ); // // Function implementations // EFI_STATUS GetMemoryFile ( IN CHAR8 *InputFileName, OUT EFI_HANDLE *OutputMemoryFile ) /*++ Routine Description: This opens a file, reads it into memory and returns a memory file object. Arguments: InputFile Memory file image. OutputMemoryFile Handle to memory file Returns: EFI_STATUS OutputMemoryFile is valid if !EFI_ERROR --*/ { EFI_STATUS Status; CHAR8 *InputFileImage; UINT32 BytesRead; MEMORY_FILE *NewMemoryFile; Status = GetFileImage (InputFileName, &InputFileImage, &BytesRead); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } NewMemoryFile = malloc (sizeof (*NewMemoryFile)); if (NewMemoryFile == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } NewMemoryFile->FileImage = InputFileImage; NewMemoryFile->CurrentFilePointer = InputFileImage; NewMemoryFile->Eof = InputFileImage + BytesRead; *OutputMemoryFile = (EFI_HANDLE)NewMemoryFile; CheckMemoryFileState (*OutputMemoryFile); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS FreeMemoryFile ( IN EFI_HANDLE InputMemoryFile ) /*++ Routine Description: Frees all memory associated with the input memory file. Arguments: InputMemoryFile Handle to memory file Returns: EFI_STATUS --*/ { MEMORY_FILE *MemoryFile; CheckMemoryFileState (InputMemoryFile); MemoryFile = (MEMORY_FILE*)InputMemoryFile; free (MemoryFile->FileImage); // // Invalidate state of MEMORY_FILE structure to catch invalid usage. // memset (MemoryFile, 0xcc, sizeof (*MemoryFile)); MemoryFile->Eof -= 1; free (MemoryFile); return EFI_SUCCESS; } CHAR8 * ReadMemoryFileLine ( IN EFI_HANDLE InputMemoryFile ) /*++ Routine Description: This function reads a line from the memory file. The newline characters are stripped and a null terminated string is returned. If the string pointer returned is non-NULL, then the caller must free the memory associated with this string. Arguments: InputMemoryFile Handle to memory file Returns: NULL if error or EOF NULL character termincated string otherwise (MUST BE FREED BY CALLER) --*/ { CHAR8 *EndOfLine; UINTN CharsToCopy; MEMORY_FILE *InputFile; UINTN BytesToEof; CHAR8 *OutputString; // // Verify input parameters are not null // CheckMemoryFileState (InputMemoryFile); InputFile = (MEMORY_FILE*)InputMemoryFile; // // Check for end of file condition // if (InputFile->CurrentFilePointer >= InputFile->Eof) { return NULL; } // // Determine the number of bytes remaining until the EOF // BytesToEof = InputFile->Eof - InputFile->CurrentFilePointer; // // Find the next newline char // EndOfLine = memchr (InputFile->CurrentFilePointer, '\n', BytesToEof); // // Determine the number of characters to copy. // if (EndOfLine == 0) { // // If no newline found, copy to the end of the file. // CharsToCopy = InputFile->Eof - InputFile->CurrentFilePointer; } else { // // Newline found in the file. // CharsToCopy = EndOfLine - InputFile->CurrentFilePointer; } OutputString = malloc (CharsToCopy); if (OutputString == NULL) { return NULL; } // // Copy the line. // memcpy (OutputString, InputFile->CurrentFilePointer, CharsToCopy); // // Add the null termination over the 0x0D // if (OutputString[CharsToCopy - 1] == '\r') { OutputString[CharsToCopy - 1] = '\0'; } else { OutputString[CharsToCopy] = '\0'; } // // Increment the current file pointer (include the 0x0A) // InputFile->CurrentFilePointer += CharsToCopy + 1; CheckMemoryFileState (InputMemoryFile); // // Return the string // return OutputString; } STATIC VOID CheckMemoryFileState ( IN EFI_HANDLE InputMemoryFile ) { MEMORY_FILE *MemoryFile; assert (InputMemoryFile != NULL); MemoryFile = (MEMORY_FILE*)InputMemoryFile; assert (MemoryFile->FileImage != NULL); assert (MemoryFile->CurrentFilePointer != NULL); assert (MemoryFile->Eof != NULL); assert (MemoryFile->Eof >= MemoryFile->FileImage); assert (MemoryFile->CurrentFilePointer >= MemoryFile->FileImage); assert (MemoryFile->CurrentFilePointer <= MemoryFile->Eof); }