/** Copyright (c) 2007 - 2008, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: StringFuncs.h Abstract: String routines implementation. **/ #ifndef _EFI_STRING_FUNCS_H #define _EFI_STRING_FUNCS_H #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <Common/UefiBaseTypes.h> // // Common data structures // typedef struct { UINTN Count; // // Actually this array can be 0 or more items (based on Count) // CHAR8* Strings[1]; } STRING_LIST; // // Functions declarations // CHAR8* CloneString ( IN CHAR8 *String ) ; /** Routine Description: Allocates a new string and copies 'String' to clone it Arguments: String The string to clone Returns: CHAR8* - NULL if there are not enough resources **/ EFI_STATUS StripInfDscStringInPlace ( IN CHAR8 *String ) ; /** Routine Description: Remove all comments, leading and trailing whitespace from the string. Arguments: Strin The string to 'strip' Returns: EFI_STATUS **/ STRING_LIST* SplitStringByWhitespace ( IN CHAR8 *String ) ; /** Routine Description: Creates and returns a 'split' STRING_LIST by splitting the string on whitespace boundaries. Arguments: String The string to 'split' Returns: EFI_STATUS **/ STRING_LIST* NewStringList ( ) ; /** Routine Description: Creates a new STRING_LIST with 0 strings. Returns: STRING_LIST* - Null if there is not enough resources to create the object. **/ EFI_STATUS AppendCopyOfStringToList ( IN OUT STRING_LIST **StringList, IN CHAR8 *String ) ; /** Routine Description: Adds String to StringList. A new copy of String is made before it is added to StringList. Returns: EFI_STATUS **/ EFI_STATUS RemoveLastStringFromList ( IN STRING_LIST *StringList ) ; /** Routine Description: Removes the last string from StringList and frees the memory associated with it. Arguments: StringList The string list to remove the string from Returns: EFI_STATUS **/ STRING_LIST* AllocateStringListStruct ( IN UINTN StringCount ) ; /** Routine Description: Allocates a STRING_LIST structure that can store StringCount strings. Arguments: StringCount The number of strings that need to be stored Returns: EFI_STATUS **/ VOID FreeStringList ( IN STRING_LIST *StringList ) ; /** Routine Description: Frees all memory associated with StringList. Arguments: StringList The string list to free Returns: EFI_STATUS **/ CHAR8* StringListToString ( IN STRING_LIST *StringList ) ; /** Routine Description: Generates a string that represents the STRING_LIST Arguments: StringList The string list to convert to a string Returns: CHAR8* - The string list represented with a single string. The returned string must be freed by the caller. **/ VOID PrintStringList ( IN STRING_LIST *StringList ) ; /** Routine Description: Prints out the string list Arguments: StringList The string list to print **/ #endif