## @file # Parser a Inf file and Get specify section data. # # Copyright (c) 2007 - 2012, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> # This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # ## Import Modules # import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger from Common.BuildToolError import * from Common.DataType import * class InfSectionParser(): def __init__(self, FilePath): self._FilePath = FilePath self._FileSectionDataList = [] self._ParserInf() def _ParserInf(self): Filename = self._FilePath FileLinesList = [] UserExtFind = False FindEnd = True FileLastLine = False SectionLine = '' SectionData = [] try: FileLinesList = open(Filename, "r", 0).readlines() except BaseException: EdkLogger.error("build", AUTOGEN_ERROR, 'File %s is opened failed.' % Filename) for Index in range(0, len(FileLinesList)): line = str(FileLinesList[Index]).strip() if Index + 1 == len(FileLinesList): FileLastLine = True NextLine = '' else: NextLine = str(FileLinesList[Index + 1]).strip() if UserExtFind and FindEnd == False: if line: SectionData.append(line) if line.lower().startswith(TAB_SECTION_START) and line.lower().endswith(TAB_SECTION_END): SectionLine = line UserExtFind = True FindEnd = False if (NextLine != '' and NextLine[0] == TAB_SECTION_START and \ NextLine[-1] == TAB_SECTION_END) or FileLastLine: UserExtFind = False FindEnd = True self._FileSectionDataList.append({SectionLine: SectionData[:]}) SectionData = [] SectionLine = '' # Get depex expresion # # @return: a list include some dictionary that key is section and value is a list contain all data. def GetDepexExpresionList(self): DepexExpresionList = [] if not self._FileSectionDataList: return DepexExpresionList for SectionDataDict in self._FileSectionDataList: for key in SectionDataDict.keys(): if key.lower() == "[depex]" or key.lower().startswith("[depex."): SectionLine = key.lstrip(TAB_SECTION_START).rstrip(TAB_SECTION_END) SubSectionList = [SectionLine] if str(SectionLine).find(TAB_COMMA_SPLIT) > -1: SubSectionList = str(SectionLine).split(TAB_COMMA_SPLIT) for SubSection in SubSectionList: SectionList = SubSection.split(TAB_SPLIT) SubKey = () if len(SectionList) == 1: SubKey = (TAB_ARCH_COMMON, TAB_ARCH_COMMON) elif len(SectionList) == 2: SubKey = (SectionList[1], TAB_ARCH_COMMON) elif len(SectionList) == 3: SubKey = (SectionList[1], SectionList[2]) else: EdkLogger.error("build", AUTOGEN_ERROR, 'Section %s is invalid.' % key) DepexExpresionList.append({SubKey: SectionDataDict[key]}) return DepexExpresionList