## @file # This file is used to define each component of INF file # # Copyright (c) 2007 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # ## # Import Modules # import os import re import EdkLogger from CommonDataClass.ModuleClass import * from CommonDataClass import CommonClass from String import * from DataType import * from BuildToolError import * from Misc import sdict from Misc import GetFiles from Parsing import * # Global variable Section = {TAB_UNKNOWN.upper() : MODEL_UNKNOWN, TAB_INF_DEFINES.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER, TAB_BUILD_OPTIONS.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_BUILD_OPTION, TAB_INCLUDES.upper() : MODEL_EFI_INCLUDE, TAB_LIBRARIES.upper() : MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_INSTANCE, TAB_LIBRARY_CLASSES.upper() : MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS, TAB_PACKAGES.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_PACKAGE, TAB_NMAKE.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_NMAKE, TAB_INF_FIXED_PCD.upper() : MODEL_PCD_FIXED_AT_BUILD, TAB_INF_PATCH_PCD.upper() : MODEL_PCD_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE, TAB_INF_FEATURE_PCD.upper() : MODEL_PCD_FEATURE_FLAG, TAB_INF_PCD_EX.upper() : MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX, TAB_INF_PCD.upper() : MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC, TAB_SOURCES.upper() : MODEL_EFI_SOURCE_FILE, TAB_GUIDS.upper() : MODEL_EFI_GUID, TAB_PROTOCOLS.upper() : MODEL_EFI_PROTOCOL, TAB_PPIS.upper() : MODEL_EFI_PPI, TAB_DEPEX.upper() : MODEL_EFI_DEPEX, TAB_BINARIES.upper() : MODEL_EFI_BINARY_FILE, TAB_USER_EXTENSIONS.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_USER_EXTENSION } gComponentType2ModuleType = { "LIBRARY" : "BASE", "SECURITY_CORE" : "SEC", "PEI_CORE" : "PEI_CORE", "COMBINED_PEIM_DRIVER" : "PEIM", "PIC_PEIM" : "PEIM", "RELOCATABLE_PEIM" : "PEIM", "PE32_PEIM" : "PEIM", "BS_DRIVER" : "DXE_DRIVER", "RT_DRIVER" : "DXE_RUNTIME_DRIVER", "SAL_RT_DRIVER" : "DXE_SAL_DRIVER", "APPLICATION" : "UEFI_APPLICATION", "LOGO" : "BASE", } class InfHeader(ModuleHeaderClass): _Mapping_ = { # Required Fields TAB_INF_DEFINES_BASE_NAME : "Name", TAB_INF_DEFINES_FILE_GUID : "Guid", TAB_INF_DEFINES_MODULE_TYPE : "ModuleType", TAB_INF_DEFINES_EFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION : "UefiSpecificationVersion", TAB_INF_DEFINES_UEFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION : "UefiSpecificationVersion", TAB_INF_DEFINES_EDK_RELEASE_VERSION : "EdkReleaseVersion", # Optional Fields TAB_INF_DEFINES_INF_VERSION : "InfVersion", TAB_INF_DEFINES_BINARY_MODULE : "BinaryModule", TAB_INF_DEFINES_COMPONENT_TYPE : "ComponentType", TAB_INF_DEFINES_MAKEFILE_NAME : "MakefileName", TAB_INF_DEFINES_BUILD_NUMBER : "BuildNumber", TAB_INF_DEFINES_BUILD_TYPE : "BuildType", TAB_INF_DEFINES_FFS_EXT : "FfsExt", TAB_INF_DEFINES_FV_EXT : "FvExt", TAB_INF_DEFINES_SOURCE_FV : "SourceFv", TAB_INF_DEFINES_VERSION_NUMBER : "VersionNumber", TAB_INF_DEFINES_VERSION_STRING : "VersionString", TAB_INF_DEFINES_VERSION : "Version", TAB_INF_DEFINES_PCD_IS_DRIVER : "PcdIsDriver", TAB_INF_DEFINES_TIANO_EDK_FLASHMAP_H : "TianoEdkFlashMap_h", TAB_INF_DEFINES_SHADOW : "Shadow", } def __init__(self): ModuleHeaderClass.__init__(self) self.VersionNumber = '' self.VersionString = '' #print self.__dict__ def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.__dict__[self._Mapping_[key]] = value def __getitem__(self, key): return self.__dict__[self._Mapping_[key]] ## "in" test support def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._Mapping_ ## InfObject # # This class defined basic Inf object which is used by inheriting # # @param object: Inherited from object class # class InfObject(object): def __init__(self): object.__init__() ## Inf # # This class defined the structure used in Inf object # # @param InfObject: Inherited from InfObject class # @param Ffilename: Input value for Ffilename of Inf file, default is None # @param IsMergeAllArches: Input value for IsMergeAllArches # True is to merge all arches # Fales is not to merge all arches # default is False # @param IsToModule: Input value for IsToModule # True is to transfer to ModuleObject automatically # False is not to transfer to ModuleObject automatically # default is False # @param WorkspaceDir: Input value for current workspace directory, default is None # # @var Identification: To store value for Identification, it is a structure as Identification # @var UserExtensions: To store value for UserExtensions # @var Module: To store value for Module, it is a structure as ModuleClass # @var WorkspaceDir: To store value for WorkspaceDir # @var KeyList: To store value for KeyList, a list for all Keys used in Inf # class Inf(InfObject): def __init__(self, Filename=None, IsToModule=False, WorkspaceDir=None, PackageDir=None, SupArchList=DataType.ARCH_LIST): self.Identification = IdentificationClass() self.Module = ModuleClass() self.WorkspaceDir = WorkspaceDir self.PackageDir = PackageDir self.SupArchList = SupArchList self.KeyList = [ TAB_SOURCES, TAB_BUILD_OPTIONS, TAB_BINARIES, TAB_INCLUDES, TAB_GUIDS, TAB_PROTOCOLS, TAB_PPIS, TAB_LIBRARY_CLASSES, TAB_PACKAGES, TAB_INF_FIXED_PCD, TAB_INF_PATCH_PCD, TAB_INF_FEATURE_PCD, TAB_INF_PCD, TAB_INF_PCD_EX, TAB_DEPEX, TAB_INF_DEFINES ] # Upper all KEYs to ignore case sensitive when parsing self.KeyList = map(lambda c: c.upper(), self.KeyList) # Init RecordSet self.RecordSet = {} for Key in self.KeyList: self.RecordSet[Section[Key]] = [] # Init Comment self.SectionHeaderCommentDict = {} # Load Inf file if filename is not None if Filename != None: self.LoadInfFile(Filename) # Transfer to Module Object if IsToModule is True if IsToModule: self.InfToModule() ## Module Object to INF file def ModuleToInf(self, Module): Inf = '' InfList = sdict() SectionHeaderCommentDict = {} if Module == None: return Inf ModuleHeader = Module.ModuleHeader TmpList = [] # Common define items if ModuleHeader.Name: TmpList.append(TAB_INF_DEFINES_BASE_NAME + ' = ' + ModuleHeader.Name) if ModuleHeader.Guid: TmpList.append(TAB_INF_DEFINES_FILE_GUID + ' = ' + ModuleHeader.Guid) if ModuleHeader.Version: TmpList.append(TAB_INF_DEFINES_VERSION_STRING + ' = ' + ModuleHeader.Version) if ModuleHeader.ModuleType: TmpList.append(TAB_INF_DEFINES_MODULE_TYPE + ' = ' + ModuleHeader.ModuleType) if ModuleHeader.PcdIsDriver: TmpList.append(TAB_INF_DEFINES_PCD_IS_DRIVER + ' = ' + ModuleHeader.PcdIsDriver) # Externs for Item in Module.Externs: if Item.EntryPoint: TmpList.append(TAB_INF_DEFINES_ENTRY_POINT + ' = ' + Item.EntryPoint) if Item.UnloadImage: TmpList.append(TAB_INF_DEFINES_UNLOAD_IMAGE + ' = ' + Item.UnloadImage) if Item.Constructor: TmpList.append(TAB_INF_DEFINES_CONSTRUCTOR + ' = ' + Item.Constructor) if Item.Destructor: TmpList.append(TAB_INF_DEFINES_DESTRUCTOR + ' = ' + Item.Destructor) # Other define items if Module.UserExtensions != None: for Item in Module.UserExtensions.Defines: TmpList.append(Item) InfList['Defines'] = TmpList if ModuleHeader.Description != '': SectionHeaderCommentDict['Defines'] = ModuleHeader.Description if Module.UserExtensions != None: InfList['BuildOptions'] = Module.UserExtensions.BuildOptions for Item in Module.Includes: Key = 'Includes.' + GetStringOfList(Item.SupArchList) Value = GetHelpTextList(Item.HelpTextList) Value.append(Item.FilePath) GenMetaDatSectionItem(Key, Value, InfList) for Item in Module.LibraryClasses: Key = 'LibraryClasses.' + GetStringOfList(Item.SupArchList) Value = GetHelpTextList(Item.HelpTextList) NewValue = Item.LibraryClass if Item.RecommendedInstance: NewValue = NewValue + '|' + Item.RecommendedInstance if Item.FeatureFlag: NewValue = NewValue + '|' + Item.FeatureFlag Value.append(NewValue) GenMetaDatSectionItem(Key, Value, InfList) for Item in Module.PackageDependencies: Key = 'Packages.' + GetStringOfList(Item.SupArchList) Value = GetHelpTextList(Item.HelpTextList) Value.append(Item.FilePath) GenMetaDatSectionItem(Key, Value, InfList) for Item in Module.PcdCodes: Key = 'Pcds' + Item.ItemType + '.' + GetStringOfList(Item.SupArchList) Value = GetHelpTextList(Item.HelpTextList) NewValue = Item.TokenSpaceGuidCName + '.' + Item.CName if Item.DefaultValue != '': NewValue = NewValue + '|' + Item.DefaultValue Value.append(NewValue) GenMetaDatSectionItem(Key, Value, InfList) for Item in Module.Sources: Key = 'Sources.' + GetStringOfList(Item.SupArchList) Value = GetHelpTextList(Item.HelpTextList) NewValue = Item.SourceFile if Item.ToolChainFamily != '': NewValue = NewValue + '|' + Item.ToolChainFamily if Item.TagName != '': NewValue = NewValue + '|' + Item.TagName if Item.ToolCode != '': NewValue = NewValue + '|' + Item.ToolCode if Item.FeatureFlag != '': NewValue = NewValue + '|' + Item.FeatureFlag Value.append(NewValue) if Item.HelpText != '': SectionHeaderCommentDict[Key] = Item.HelpText GenMetaDatSectionItem(Key, Value, InfList) for Item in Module.Guids: Key = 'Guids.' + GetStringOfList(Item.SupArchList) Value = GetHelpTextList(Item.HelpTextList) Value.append(Item.CName) GenMetaDatSectionItem(Key, Value, InfList) for Item in Module.Protocols: Key = 'Protocols.' + GetStringOfList(Item.SupArchList) Value = GetHelpTextList(Item.HelpTextList) Value.append(Item.CName) GenMetaDatSectionItem(Key, Value, InfList) for Item in Module.Ppis: Key = 'Ppis.' + GetStringOfList(Item.SupArchList) Value = GetHelpTextList(Item.HelpTextList) Value.append(Item.CName) GenMetaDatSectionItem(Key, Value, InfList) if Module.PeiDepex: Key = 'Depex' Value = Module.PeiDepex.Depex GenMetaDatSectionItem(Key, Value, InfList) if Module.DxeDepex: Key = 'Depex' Value = Module.DxeDepex.Depex GenMetaDatSectionItem(Key, Value, InfList) if Module.SmmDepex: Key = 'Depex' Value = Module.SmmDepex.Depex GenMetaDatSectionItem(Key, Value, InfList) for Item in Module.Binaries: Key = 'Binaries.' + GetStringOfList(Item.SupArchList) Value = GetHelpTextList(Item.HelpTextList) NewValue = Item.FileType + '|' + Item.BinaryFile + '|' + Item.Target if Item.FeatureFlag != '': NewValue = NewValue + '|' + Item.FeatureFlag Value.append(NewValue) GenMetaDatSectionItem(Key, Value, InfList) # Transfer Module to Inf for Key in InfList: if Key in SectionHeaderCommentDict: List = SectionHeaderCommentDict[Key].split('\r') for Item in List: Inf = Inf + Item + '\n' Inf = Inf + '[' + Key + ']' + '\n' for Value in InfList[Key]: if type(Value) == type([]): for SubValue in Value: Inf = Inf + ' ' + SubValue + '\n' else: Inf = Inf + ' ' + Value + '\n' Inf = Inf + '\n' return Inf ## Transfer to Module Object # # Transfer all contents of an Inf file to a standard Module Object # def InfToModule(self): # Init global information for the file ContainerFile = self.Identification.FullPath # Generate Module Header self.GenModuleHeader(ContainerFile) # Generate BuildOptions self.GenBuildOptions(ContainerFile) # Generate Includes self.GenIncludes(ContainerFile) # Generate LibraryClasses self.GenLibraryClasses(ContainerFile) # Generate Packages self.GenPackages(ContainerFile) # Generate Pcds self.GenPcds(ContainerFile) # Generate Sources self.GenSources(ContainerFile) # Generate Guids self.GenGuidProtocolPpis(DataType.TAB_GUIDS, ContainerFile) # Generate Protocols self.GenGuidProtocolPpis(DataType.TAB_PROTOCOLS, ContainerFile) # Generate Ppis self.GenGuidProtocolPpis(DataType.TAB_PPIS, ContainerFile) # Generate Depexes self.GenDepexes(ContainerFile) # Generate Binaries self.GenBinaries(ContainerFile) # Init MiscFiles self.GenMiscFiles(ContainerFile) ## GenMiscFiles # def GenMiscFiles(self, ContainerFile): MiscFiles = MiscFileClass() MiscFiles.Name = 'ModuleFiles' for Item in GetFiles(os.path.dirname(ContainerFile), ['CVS', '.svn'], False): File = CommonClass.FileClass() File.Filename = Item MiscFiles.Files.append(File) self.Module.MiscFiles = MiscFiles ## Load Inf file # # Load the file if it exists # # @param Filename: Input value for filename of Inf file # def LoadInfFile(self, Filename): # Insert a record for file Filename = NormPath(Filename) self.Identification.FullPath = Filename (self.Identification.RelaPath, self.Identification.FileName) = os.path.split(Filename) if self.Identification.FullPath.find(self.WorkspaceDir) > -1: self.Identification.ModulePath = os.path.dirname(self.Identification.FullPath[len(self.WorkspaceDir) + 1:]) if self.PackageDir: self.Identification.PackagePath = self.PackageDir if self.Identification.ModulePath.find(self.PackageDir) == 0: self.Identification.ModulePath = self.Identification.ModulePath[len(self.PackageDir) + 1:] # Init common datas IfDefList, SectionItemList, CurrentSection, ArchList, ThirdList, IncludeFiles = \ [], [], TAB_UNKNOWN, [], [], [] LineNo = 0 # Parse file content IsFindBlockComment = False ReservedLine = '' Comment = '' for Line in open(Filename, 'r'): LineNo = LineNo + 1 # Remove comment block if Line.find(TAB_COMMENT_EDK_START) > -1: ReservedLine = GetSplitList(Line, TAB_COMMENT_EDK_START, 1)[0] if ReservedLine.strip().startswith(TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT): Comment = Comment + Line.strip() + '\n' ReservedLine = '' else: Comment = Comment + Line[len(ReservedLine):] + '\n' IsFindBlockComment = True if not ReservedLine: continue if Line.find(TAB_COMMENT_EDK_END) > -1: Comment = Comment + Line[:Line.find(TAB_COMMENT_EDK_END) + len(TAB_COMMENT_EDK_END)] + '\n' Line = ReservedLine + GetSplitList(Line, TAB_COMMENT_EDK_END, 1)[1] ReservedLine = '' IsFindBlockComment = False if IsFindBlockComment: Comment = Comment + Line.strip() + '\n' continue # Remove comments at tail and remove spaces again if Line.strip().startswith(TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT) or Line.strip().startswith('--/'): Comment = Comment + Line.strip() + '\n' Line = CleanString(Line) if Line == '': continue ## Find a new section tab # First insert previous section items # And then parse the content of the new section if Line.startswith(TAB_SECTION_START) and Line.endswith(TAB_SECTION_END): if Line[1:3] == "--": continue Model = Section[CurrentSection.upper()] # Insert items data of previous section InsertSectionItems(Model, CurrentSection, SectionItemList, ArchList, ThirdList, self.RecordSet) # Parse the new section SectionItemList = [] ArchList = [] ThirdList = [] CurrentSection = '' LineList = GetSplitValueList(Line[len(TAB_SECTION_START):len(Line) - len(TAB_SECTION_END)], TAB_COMMA_SPLIT) for Item in LineList: ItemList = GetSplitValueList(Item, TAB_SPLIT) if CurrentSection == '': CurrentSection = ItemList[0] else: if CurrentSection != ItemList[0]: EdkLogger.error("Parser", PARSER_ERROR, "Different section names '%s' and '%s' are found in one section definition, this is not allowed." % (CurrentSection, ItemList[0]), File=Filename, Line=LineNo, RaiseError=EdkLogger.IsRaiseError) if CurrentSection.upper() not in self.KeyList: RaiseParserError(Line, CurrentSection, Filename, '', LineNo) ItemList.append('') ItemList.append('') if len(ItemList) > 5: RaiseParserError(Line, CurrentSection, Filename, '', LineNo) else: if ItemList[1] != '' and ItemList[1].upper() not in ARCH_LIST_FULL: EdkLogger.error("Parser", PARSER_ERROR, "Invalid Arch definition '%s' found" % ItemList[1], File=Filename, Line=LineNo, RaiseError=EdkLogger.IsRaiseError) ArchList.append(ItemList[1].upper()) ThirdList.append(ItemList[2]) if Comment: if Comment.endswith('\n'): Comment = Comment[:len(Comment) - len('\n')] self.SectionHeaderCommentDict[Section[CurrentSection.upper()]] = Comment Comment = '' continue # Not in any defined section if CurrentSection == TAB_UNKNOWN: ErrorMsg = "%s is not in any defined section" % Line EdkLogger.error("Parser", PARSER_ERROR, ErrorMsg, File=Filename, Line=LineNo, RaiseError=EdkLogger.IsRaiseError) # Add a section item SectionItemList.append([Line, LineNo, Comment]) Comment = '' # End of parse #End of For # Insert items data of last section Model = Section[CurrentSection.upper()] InsertSectionItems(Model, CurrentSection, SectionItemList, ArchList, ThirdList, self.RecordSet) if Comment != '': self.SectionHeaderCommentDict[Model] = Comment Comment = '' ## Show detailed information of Module # # Print all members and their values of Module class # def ShowModule(self): M = self.Module print 'Filename =', M.ModuleHeader.FileName print 'FullPath =', M.ModuleHeader.FullPath print 'RelaPath =', M.ModuleHeader.RelaPath print 'PackagePath =', M.ModuleHeader.PackagePath print 'ModulePath =', M.ModuleHeader.ModulePath print 'CombinePath =', M.ModuleHeader.CombinePath print 'BaseName =', M.ModuleHeader.Name print 'Guid =', M.ModuleHeader.Guid print 'Version =', M.ModuleHeader.Version print '\nIncludes =' for Item in M.Includes: print Item.FilePath, Item.SupArchList print '\nLibraryClasses =' for Item in M.LibraryClasses: print Item.LibraryClass, Item.RecommendedInstance, Item.RecommendedInstanceGuid, Item.RecommendedInstanceVersion, Item.FeatureFlag, Item.SupModuleList, Item.SupArchList, Item.Define print '\nPackageDependencies =' for Item in M.PackageDependencies: print Item.FilePath, Item.SupArchList, Item.FeatureFlag print '\nPcds =' for Item in M.PcdCodes: print '\tCName=', Item.CName, 'TokenSpaceGuidCName=', Item.TokenSpaceGuidCName, 'DefaultValue=', Item.DefaultValue, 'ItemType=', Item.ItemType, Item.SupArchList print '\nSources =' for Source in M.Sources: print Source.SourceFile, 'Fam=', Source.ToolChainFamily, 'Pcd=', Source.FeatureFlag, 'Tag=', Source.TagName, 'ToolCode=', Source.ToolCode, Source.SupArchList print '\nGuids =' for Item in M.Guids: print Item.CName, Item.SupArchList, Item.FeatureFlag print '\nProtocols =' for Item in M.Protocols: print Item.CName, Item.SupArchList, Item.FeatureFlag print '\nPpis =' for Item in M.Ppis: print Item.CName, Item.SupArchList, Item.FeatureFlag print '\nDepex =' for Item in M.Depex: print Item.Depex, Item.SupArchList, Item.Define print '\nBinaries =' for Binary in M.Binaries: print 'Type=', Binary.FileType, 'Target=', Binary.Target, 'Name=', Binary.BinaryFile, 'FeatureFlag=', Binary.FeatureFlag, 'SupArchList=', Binary.SupArchList print '\n*** FileList ***' for Item in M.MiscFiles.Files: print Item.Filename print '****************\n' ## Convert [Defines] section content to ModuleHeaderClass # # Convert [Defines] section content to ModuleHeaderClass # # @param Defines The content under [Defines] section # @param ModuleHeader An object of ModuleHeaderClass # @param Arch The supported ARCH # def GenModuleHeader(self, ContainerFile): EdkLogger.debug(2, "Generate ModuleHeader ...") # Update all defines item in database RecordSet = self.RecordSet[MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER] ModuleHeader = ModuleHeaderClass() ModuleExtern = ModuleExternClass() OtherDefines = [] for Record in RecordSet: ValueList = GetSplitValueList(Record[0], TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT) if len(ValueList) != 2: OtherDefines.append(Record[0]) else: Name = ValueList[0] Value = ValueList[1] if Name == TAB_INF_DEFINES_BASE_NAME: ModuleHeader.Name = Value ModuleHeader.BaseName = Value elif Name == TAB_INF_DEFINES_FILE_GUID: ModuleHeader.Guid = Value elif Name == TAB_INF_DEFINES_VERSION_STRING: ModuleHeader.Version = Value elif Name == TAB_INF_DEFINES_PCD_IS_DRIVER: ModuleHeader.PcdIsDriver = Value elif Name == TAB_INF_DEFINES_MODULE_TYPE: ModuleHeader.ModuleType = Value elif Name in (TAB_INF_DEFINES_UEFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION, TAB_INF_DEFINES_UEFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION): ModuleHeader.UefiSpecificationVersion = Value elif Name == TAB_INF_DEFINES_PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION: ModuleHeader.PiSpecificationVersion = Value elif Name == TAB_INF_DEFINES_ENTRY_POINT: ModuleExtern.EntryPoint = Value elif Name == TAB_INF_DEFINES_UNLOAD_IMAGE: ModuleExtern.UnloadImage = Value elif Name == TAB_INF_DEFINES_CONSTRUCTOR: ModuleExtern.Constructor = Value elif Name == TAB_INF_DEFINES_DESTRUCTOR: ModuleExtern.Destructor = Value else: OtherDefines.append(Record[0]) ModuleHeader.FileName = self.Identification.FileName ModuleHeader.FullPath = self.Identification.FullPath ModuleHeader.RelaPath = self.Identification.RelaPath ModuleHeader.PackagePath = self.Identification.PackagePath ModuleHeader.ModulePath = self.Identification.ModulePath ModuleHeader.CombinePath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(ModuleHeader.PackagePath, ModuleHeader.ModulePath, ModuleHeader.FileName)) if MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER in self.SectionHeaderCommentDict: ModuleHeader.Description = self.SectionHeaderCommentDict[MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER] self.Module.ModuleHeader = ModuleHeader self.Module.Externs.append(ModuleExtern) UE = self.Module.UserExtensions if UE == None: UE = UserExtensionsClass() UE.Defines = OtherDefines self.Module.UserExtensions = UE ## GenBuildOptions # # Gen BuildOptions of Inf # [:]=Flag # # @param ContainerFile: The Inf file full path # def GenBuildOptions(self, ContainerFile): EdkLogger.debug(2, "Generate %s ..." % TAB_BUILD_OPTIONS) BuildOptions = {} # Get all BuildOptions RecordSet = self.RecordSet[MODEL_META_DATA_BUILD_OPTION] UE = self.Module.UserExtensions if UE == None: UE = UserExtensionsClass() for Record in RecordSet: UE.BuildOptions.append(Record[0]) self.Module.UserExtensions = UE ## GenIncludes # # Gen Includes of Inf # # @param ContainerFile: The Inf file full path # def GenIncludes(self, ContainerFile): EdkLogger.debug(2, "Generate %s ..." % TAB_INCLUDES) Includes = sdict() # Get all Includes RecordSet = self.RecordSet[MODEL_EFI_INCLUDE] for Record in RecordSet: Include = IncludeClass() Include.FilePath = Record[0] Include.SupArchList = Record[1] if GenerateHelpText(Record[5], ''): Include.HelpTextList.append(GenerateHelpText(Record[5], '')) self.Module.Includes.append(Include) #self.Module.FileList.extend(GetFiles(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.Identification.FileRelativePath, Include.FilePath)), ['CVS', '.svn'])) ## GenLibraryClasses # # Get LibraryClass of Inf # | # # @param ContainerFile: The Inf file full path # def GenLibraryClasses(self, ContainerFile): EdkLogger.debug(2, "Generate %s ..." % TAB_LIBRARY_CLASSES) LibraryClasses = {} # Get all LibraryClasses RecordSet = self.RecordSet[MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS] for Record in RecordSet: (LibClassName, LibClassIns, Pcd, SupModelList) = GetLibraryClassOfInf([Record[0], Record[4]], ContainerFile, self.WorkspaceDir, Record[2]) LibraryClass = CommonClass.LibraryClassClass() LibraryClass.LibraryClass = LibClassName LibraryClass.RecommendedInstance = LibClassIns LibraryClass.FeatureFlag = Pcd LibraryClass.SupArchList = Record[1] LibraryClass.SupModuleList = Record[4] if GenerateHelpText(Record[5], ''): LibraryClass.HelpTextList.append(GenerateHelpText(Record[5], '')) self.Module.LibraryClasses.append(LibraryClass) ## GenPackages # # Gen Packages of Inf # # @param ContainerFile: The Inf file full path # def GenPackages(self, ContainerFile): EdkLogger.debug(2, "Generate %s ..." % TAB_PACKAGES) Packages = {} # Get all Packages RecordSet = self.RecordSet[MODEL_META_DATA_PACKAGE] for Record in RecordSet: (PackagePath, Pcd) = GetPackage(Record[0], ContainerFile, self.WorkspaceDir, Record[2]) Package = ModulePackageDependencyClass() Package.FilePath = NormPath(PackagePath) Package.SupArchList = Record[1] Package.FeatureFlag = Pcd if GenerateHelpText(Record[5], ''): Package.HelpTextList.append(GenerateHelpText(Record[5], '')) self.Module.PackageDependencies.append(Package) def AddPcd(self, CName, TokenSpaceGuidCName, DefaultValue, ItemType, Arch, HelpTextList): Pcd = PcdClass() Pcd.CName = CName Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName = TokenSpaceGuidCName Pcd.DefaultValue = DefaultValue Pcd.ItemType = ItemType Pcd.SupArchList = Arch if GenerateHelpText(HelpTextList, ''): Pcd.HelpTextList.append(GenerateHelpText(HelpTextList, '')) self.Module.PcdCodes.append(Pcd) ## GenPcds # # Gen Pcds of Inf # .[|] # # @param ContainerFile: The Dec file full path # def GenPcds(self, ContainerFile): EdkLogger.debug(2, "Generate %s ..." % TAB_PCDS) Pcds = {} PcdToken = {} # Get all Pcds RecordSet1 = self.RecordSet[MODEL_PCD_FIXED_AT_BUILD] RecordSet2 = self.RecordSet[MODEL_PCD_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE] RecordSet3 = self.RecordSet[MODEL_PCD_FEATURE_FLAG] RecordSet4 = self.RecordSet[MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX] RecordSet5 = self.RecordSet[MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC] # Go through each arch for Record in RecordSet1: (TokenSpaceGuidCName, TokenName, Value, Type) = GetPcdOfInf(Record[0], TAB_PCDS_FIXED_AT_BUILD, ContainerFile, Record[2]) self.AddPcd(TokenName, TokenSpaceGuidCName, Value, Type, Record[1], Record[5]) for Record in RecordSet2: (TokenSpaceGuidCName, TokenName, Value, Type) = GetPcdOfInf(Record[0], TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE, ContainerFile, Record[2]) self.AddPcd(TokenName, TokenSpaceGuidCName, Value, Type, Record[1], Record[5]) for Record in RecordSet3: (TokenSpaceGuidCName, TokenName, Value, Type) = GetPcdOfInf(Record[0], TAB_PCDS_FEATURE_FLAG, ContainerFile, Record[2]) self.AddPcd(TokenName, TokenSpaceGuidCName, Value, Type, Record[1], Record[5]) for Record in RecordSet4: (TokenSpaceGuidCName, TokenName, Value, Type) = GetPcdOfInf(Record[0], TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX, ContainerFile, Record[2]) self.AddPcd(TokenName, TokenSpaceGuidCName, Value, Type, Record[1], Record[5]) for Record in RecordSet5: (TokenSpaceGuidCName, TokenName, Value, Type) = GetPcdOfInf(Record[0], '', ContainerFile, Record[2]) self.AddPcd(TokenName, TokenSpaceGuidCName, Value, Type, Record[1], Record[5]) ## GenSources # # Gen Sources of Inf # [|[|[|[|]]]] # # @param ContainerFile: The Dec file full path # def GenSources(self, ContainerFile): EdkLogger.debug(2, "Generate %s ..." % TAB_SOURCES) Sources = {} # Get all Sources RecordSet = self.RecordSet[MODEL_EFI_SOURCE_FILE] for Record in RecordSet: (Filename, Family, TagName, ToolCode, Pcd) = GetSource(Record[0], ContainerFile, self.Identification.RelaPath, Record[2]) Source = ModuleSourceFileClass(Filename, TagName, ToolCode, Family, Pcd, Record[1]) if GenerateHelpText(Record[5], ''): Source.HelpTextList.append(GenerateHelpText(Record[5], '')) if MODEL_EFI_SOURCE_FILE in self.SectionHeaderCommentDict: Source.HelpText = self.SectionHeaderCommentDict[MODEL_EFI_SOURCE_FILE] self.Module.Sources.append(Source) #self.Module.FileList.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.Identification.RelaPath, Filename))) ## GenDepexes # # Gen Depex of Inf # # @param ContainerFile: The Inf file full path # def GenDepexes(self, ContainerFile): EdkLogger.debug(2, "Generate %s ..." % TAB_DEPEX) Depex = {} # Get all Depexes RecordSet = self.RecordSet[MODEL_EFI_DEPEX] DepexString = '' for Record in RecordSet: DepexString = DepexString + Record[0] + '\n' Dep = ModuleDepexClass() if DepexString.endswith('\n'): DepexString = DepexString[:len(DepexString) - len('\n')] Dep.Depex = DepexString if self.Module.ModuleHeader.ModuleType in ['DXE_SMM_DRIVER']: self.Module.SmmDepex = Dep elif self.Module.ModuleHeader.ModuleType in ['PEI_CORE', 'PEIM']: self.Module.PeiDepex = Dep else: self.Module.DxeDepex = Dep # for Record in RecordSet: # # Dep = ModuleDepexClass() # Dep.Depex = Record[0] # Dep.SupArchList = Record[1] # if GenerateHelpText(Record[5], ''): # Dep.HelpTextList.append(GenerateHelpText(Record[5], '')) # DepexString = DepexString + Dep # List.append(Dep) # self.Module.Depex = List # if self.Module.ModuleHeader.ModuleType in ['DXE_SMM_DRIVER']: # self.Module.SmmDepex = List # elif self.Module.ModuleHeader.ModuleType in ['PEI_CORE', 'PEIM']: # self.Module.PeiDepex = List # else: # self.Module.DxeDepex = List ## GenBinaries # # Gen Binary of Inf # ||[|.] # # @param ContainerFile: The Dec file full path # def GenBinaries(self, ContainerFile): EdkLogger.debug(2, "Generate %s ..." % TAB_BINARIES) Binaries = {} # Get all Guids RecordSet = self.RecordSet[MODEL_EFI_BINARY_FILE] for Record in RecordSet: (FileType, Filename, Target, Pcd) = GetBinary(Record[0], ContainerFile, self.Identification.RelaPath, Record[2]) Binary = ModuleBinaryFileClass(Filename, FileType, Target, Pcd, Record[1]) if GenerateHelpText(Record[5], ''): Binary.HelpTextList.append(GenerateHelpText(Record[5], '')) self.Module.Binaries.append(Binary) #self.Module.FileList.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.Identification.RelaPath, Filename))) ## GenGuids # # Gen Guids of Inf # = # # @param ContainerFile: The Inf file full path # def GenGuidProtocolPpis(self, Type, ContainerFile): EdkLogger.debug(2, "Generate %s ..." % Type) Lists = {} # Get all Items if Type == TAB_GUIDS: ListMember = self.Module.Guids elif Type == TAB_PROTOCOLS: ListMember = self.Module.Protocols elif Type == TAB_PPIS: ListMember = self.Module.Ppis RecordSet = self.RecordSet[Section[Type.upper()]] for Record in RecordSet: (Name, Value) = GetGuidsProtocolsPpisOfInf(Record[0], Type, ContainerFile, Record[2]) ListClass = GuidProtocolPpiCommonClass() ListClass.CName = Name ListClass.SupArchList = Record[1] ListClass.FeatureFlag = Value if GenerateHelpText(Record[5], ''): ListClass.HelpTextList.append(GenerateHelpText(Record[5], '')) ListMember.append(ListClass) ## # # This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed into another # script. # if __name__ == '__main__': EdkLogger.Initialize() EdkLogger.SetLevel(EdkLogger.QUIET) W = os.getenv('WORKSPACE') F = os.path.join(W, 'MdeModulePkg/Application/HelloWorld/HelloWorld.inf') P = Inf(os.path.normpath(F), True, W, 'MdeModulePkg') P.ShowModule() print P.ModuleToInf(P.Module)