## @file # This file is used to create report for Eot tool # # Copyright (c) 2008 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> # This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # ## # Import Modules # import os import EotGlobalData ## Report() class # # This class defined Report # # @param object: Inherited from object class # class Report(object): ## The constructor # # @param self: The object pointer # @param ReportName: name of the report # @param FvObj: FV object after parsing FV images # def __init__(self, ReportName = 'Report.html', FvObj = None, DispatchName=None): self.ReportName = ReportName self.Op = open(ReportName, 'w+') self.DispatchList = None if DispatchName: self.DispatchList = open(DispatchName, 'w+') self.FvObj = FvObj self.FfsIndex = 0 self.PpiIndex = 0 self.ProtocolIndex = 0 if EotGlobalData.gMACRO['EFI_SOURCE'] == '': EotGlobalData.gMACRO['EFI_SOURCE'] = EotGlobalData.gMACRO['EDK_SOURCE'] ## WriteLn() method # # Write a line in the report # # @param self: The object pointer # @param Line: The lint to be written into # def WriteLn(self, Line): self.Op.write('%s\n' % Line) ## GenerateReport() method # # A caller to generate report # # @param self: The object pointer # def GenerateReport(self): self.GenerateHeader() self.GenerateFv() self.GenerateTail() self.Op.close() self.GenerateUnDispatchedList() ## GenerateUnDispatchedList() method # # Create a list for not dispatched items # # @param self: The object pointer # def GenerateUnDispatchedList(self): FvObj = self.FvObj EotGlobalData.gOP_UN_DISPATCHED.write('%s\n' % FvObj.Name) for Item in FvObj.UnDispatchedFfsDict: EotGlobalData.gOP_UN_DISPATCHED.write('%s\n' % FvObj.UnDispatchedFfsDict[Item]) ## GenerateFv() method # # Generate FV information # # @param self: The object pointer # def GenerateFv(self): FvObj = self.FvObj Content = """ <tr> <td width="20%%"><strong>Name</strong></td> <td width="60%%"><strong>Guid</strong></td> <td width="20%%"><strong>Size</strong></td> </tr>""" self.WriteLn(Content) for Info in FvObj.BasicInfo: FvName = Info[0] FvGuid = Info[1] FvSize = Info[2] Content = """ <tr> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> </tr>""" % (FvName, FvGuid, FvSize) self.WriteLn(Content) Content = """ <td colspan="3"><table width="100%%" border="1"> <tr>""" self.WriteLn(Content) EotGlobalData.gOP_DISPATCH_ORDER.write('Dispatched:\n') for FfsId in FvObj.OrderedFfsDict: self.GenerateFfs(FvObj.OrderedFfsDict[FfsId]) Content = """ </table></td> </tr>""" self.WriteLn(Content) # For UnDispatched Content = """ <td colspan="3"><table width="100%%" border="1"> <tr> <tr><strong>UnDispatched</strong></tr>""" self.WriteLn(Content) EotGlobalData.gOP_DISPATCH_ORDER.write('\nUnDispatched:\n') for FfsId in FvObj.UnDispatchedFfsDict: self.GenerateFfs(FvObj.UnDispatchedFfsDict[FfsId]) Content = """ </table></td> </tr>""" self.WriteLn(Content) ## GenerateDepex() method # # Generate Depex information # # @param self: The object pointer # @param DepexString: A DEPEX string needed to be parsed # def GenerateDepex(self, DepexString): NonGuidList = ['AND', 'OR', 'NOT', 'BEFORE', 'AFTER', 'TRUE', 'FALSE'] ItemList = DepexString.split(' ') DepexString = '' for Item in ItemList: if Item not in NonGuidList: SqlCommand = """select DISTINCT GuidName from Report where GuidValue like '%s' and ItemMode = 'Produced' group by GuidName""" % (Item) RecordSet = EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Exec(SqlCommand) if RecordSet != []: Item = RecordSet[0][0] DepexString = DepexString + Item + ' ' Content = """ <tr> <td width="5%%"></td> <td width="95%%">%s</td> </tr>""" % (DepexString) self.WriteLn(Content) ## GeneratePpi() method # # Generate PPI information # # @param self: The object pointer # @param Name: CName of a GUID # @param Guid: Value of a GUID # @param Type: Type of a GUID # def GeneratePpi(self, Name, Guid, Type): self.GeneratePpiProtocol('Ppi', Name, Guid, Type, self.PpiIndex) ## GenerateProtocol() method # # Generate PROTOCOL information # # @param self: The object pointer # @param Name: CName of a GUID # @param Guid: Value of a GUID # @param Type: Type of a GUID # def GenerateProtocol(self, Name, Guid, Type): self.GeneratePpiProtocol('Protocol', Name, Guid, Type, self.ProtocolIndex) ## GeneratePpiProtocol() method # # Generate PPI/PROTOCOL information # # @param self: The object pointer # @param Model: Model of a GUID, PPI or PROTOCOL # @param Name: Name of a GUID # @param Guid: Value of a GUID # @param Type: Type of a GUID # @param CName: CName(Index) of a GUID # def GeneratePpiProtocol(self, Model, Name, Guid, Type, CName): Content = """ <tr> <td width="5%%"></td> <td width="10%%">%s</td> <td width="85%%" colspan="3">%s</td> <!-- %s --> </tr>""" % (Model, Name, Guid) self.WriteLn(Content) if Type == 'Produced': SqlCommand = """select DISTINCT SourceFileFullPath, BelongsToFunction from Report where GuidName like '%s' and ItemMode = 'Callback'""" % Name RecordSet = EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Exec(SqlCommand) for Record in RecordSet: SqlCommand = """select FullPath from File where ID = ( select DISTINCT BelongsToFile from Inf where Value1 like '%s')""" % Record[0] ModuleSet = EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Exec(SqlCommand) Inf = ModuleSet[0][0].replace(EotGlobalData.gMACRO['WORKSPACE'], '.') Function = Record[1] Address = '' for Item in EotGlobalData.gMap: if Function in EotGlobalData.gMap[Item]: Address = EotGlobalData.gMap[Item][Function] break if '_' + Function in EotGlobalData.gMap[Item]: Address = EotGlobalData.gMap[Item]['_' + Function] break Content = """ <tr> <td width="5%%"></td> <td width="10%%">%s</td> <td width="40%%">%s</td> <td width="35%%">%s</td> <td width="10%%">%s</td> </tr>""" % ('Callback', Inf, Function, Address) self.WriteLn(Content) ## GenerateFfs() method # # Generate FFS information # # @param self: The object pointer # @param FfsObj: FFS object after FV image is parsed # def GenerateFfs(self, FfsObj): self.FfsIndex = self.FfsIndex + 1 if FfsObj != None and FfsObj.Type in [0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0xA]: FfsGuid = FfsObj.Guid FfsOffset = FfsObj._OFF_ FfsName = 'Unknown-Module' FfsPath = FfsGuid FfsType = FfsObj._TypeName[FfsObj.Type] # Hard code for Binary INF if FfsGuid.upper() == '7BB28B99-61BB-11D5-9A5D-0090273FC14D': FfsName = 'Logo' if FfsGuid.upper() == '7E374E25-8E01-4FEE-87F2-390C23C606CD': FfsName = 'AcpiTables' if FfsGuid.upper() == '961578FE-B6B7-44C3-AF35-6BC705CD2B1F': FfsName = 'Fat' # Find FFS Path and Name SqlCommand = """select Value2 from Inf where BelongsToFile = (select BelongsToFile from Inf where Value1 = 'FILE_GUID' and lower(Value2) = lower('%s') and Model = %s) and Model = %s and Value1='BASE_NAME'""" % (FfsGuid, 5001, 5001) RecordSet = EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Exec(SqlCommand) if RecordSet != []: FfsName = RecordSet[0][0] SqlCommand = """select FullPath from File where ID = (select BelongsToFile from Inf where Value1 = 'FILE_GUID' and lower(Value2) = lower('%s') and Model = %s) and Model = %s""" % (FfsGuid, 5001, 1011) RecordSet = EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Exec(SqlCommand) if RecordSet != []: FfsPath = RecordSet[0][0] Content = """ <tr> <tr class='styleFfs' id='FfsHeader%s'> <td width="55%%"><span onclick="Display('FfsHeader%s', 'Ffs%s')" onMouseOver="funOnMouseOver()" onMouseOut="funOnMouseOut()">%s</span></td> <td width="15%%">%s</td> <!--<td width="20%%">%s</td>--> <!--<td width="20%%">%s</td>--> <td width="10%%">%s</td> </tr> <tr id='Ffs%s' style='display:none;'> <td colspan="4"><table width="100%%" border="1">""" % (self.FfsIndex, self.FfsIndex, self.FfsIndex, FfsPath, FfsName, FfsGuid, FfsOffset, FfsType, self.FfsIndex) if self.DispatchList: if FfsObj.Type in [0x04, 0x06]: self.DispatchList.write("%s %s %s %s\n" % (FfsGuid, "P", FfsName, FfsPath)) if FfsObj.Type in [0x05, 0x07, 0x08, 0x0A]: self.DispatchList.write("%s %s %s %s\n" % (FfsGuid, "D", FfsName, FfsPath)) self.WriteLn(Content) EotGlobalData.gOP_DISPATCH_ORDER.write('%s\n' %FfsName) if FfsObj.Depex != '': Content = """ <tr> <td><span id='DepexHeader%s' class="styleDepex" onclick="Display('DepexHeader%s', 'Depex%s')" onMouseOver="funOnMouseOver()" onMouseOut="funOnMouseOut()">  DEPEX expression</span></td> </tr> <tr id='Depex%s' style='display:none;'> <td><table width="100%%" border="1">""" % (self.FfsIndex, self.FfsIndex, self.FfsIndex, self.FfsIndex) self.WriteLn(Content) self.GenerateDepex(FfsObj.Depex) Content = """ </table></td> </tr>""" self.WriteLn(Content) # End of DEPEX # Find Consumed Ppi/Protocol SqlCommand = """select ModuleName, ItemType, GuidName, GuidValue, GuidMacro from Report where SourceFileFullPath in (select Value1 from Inf where BelongsToFile = (select BelongsToFile from Inf where Value1 = 'FILE_GUID' and Value2 like '%s' and Model = %s) and Model = %s) and ItemMode = 'Consumed' group by GuidName order by ItemType""" \ % (FfsGuid, 5001, 3007) RecordSet = EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Exec(SqlCommand) if RecordSet != []: Count = len(RecordSet) Content = """ <tr> <td><span id='ConsumedHeader%s' class="styleConsumed" onclick="Display('ConsumedHeader%s', 'Consumed%s')" onMouseOver="funOnMouseOver()" onMouseOut="funOnMouseOut()">  Consumed Ppis/Protocols List (%s)</span></td> </tr> <tr id='Consumed%s' style='display:none;'> <td><table width="100%%" border="1">""" % (self.FfsIndex, self.FfsIndex, self.FfsIndex, Count, self.FfsIndex) self.WriteLn(Content) self.ProtocolIndex = 0 for Record in RecordSet: self.ProtocolIndex = self.ProtocolIndex + 1 Name = Record[2] CName = Record[4] Guid = Record[3] Type = Record[1] self.GeneratePpiProtocol(Type, Name, Guid, 'Consumed', CName) Content = """ </table></td> </tr>""" self.WriteLn(Content) #End of Consumed Ppi/Portocol # Find Produced Ppi/Protocol SqlCommand = """select ModuleName, ItemType, GuidName, GuidValue, GuidMacro from Report where SourceFileFullPath in (select Value1 from Inf where BelongsToFile = (select BelongsToFile from Inf where Value1 = 'FILE_GUID' and Value2 like '%s' and Model = %s) and Model = %s) and ItemMode = 'Produced' group by GuidName order by ItemType""" \ % (FfsGuid, 5001, 3007) RecordSet = EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Exec(SqlCommand) if RecordSet != []: Count = len(RecordSet) Content = """ <tr> <td><span id='ProducedHeader%s' class="styleProduced" onclick="Display('ProducedHeader%s', 'Produced%s')" onMouseOver="funOnMouseOver()" onMouseOut="funOnMouseOut()">  Produced Ppis/Protocols List (%s)</span></td> </tr> <tr id='Produced%s' style='display:none;'> <td><table width="100%%" border="1">""" % (self.FfsIndex, self.FfsIndex, self.FfsIndex, Count, self.FfsIndex) self.WriteLn(Content) self.PpiIndex = 0 for Record in RecordSet: self.PpiIndex = self.PpiIndex + 1 Name = Record[2] CName = Record[4] Guid = Record[3] Type = Record[1] self.GeneratePpiProtocol(Type, Name, Guid, 'Produced', CName) Content = """ </table></td> </tr>""" self.WriteLn(Content) RecordSet = None # End of Produced Ppi/Protocol Content = """ </table></td> </tr>""" self.WriteLn(Content) ## GenerateTail() method # # Generate end tags of HTML report # # @param self: The object pointer # def GenerateTail(self): Tail = """</table> </body> </html>""" self.WriteLn(Tail) ## GenerateHeader() method # # Generate start tags of HTML report # # @param self: The object pointer # def GenerateHeader(self): Header = """<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Execution Order Tool Report</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html"> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .styleFfs { color: #006600; font-weight: bold; } .styleDepex { color: #FF0066; font-weight: bold; } .styleProduced { color: #0000FF; font-weight: bold; } .styleConsumed { color: #FF00FF; font-weight: bold; } --> </style> <Script type="text/javascript"> function Display(ParentID, SubID) { SubItem = document.getElementById(SubID); ParentItem = document.getElementById(ParentID); if (SubItem.style.display == 'none') { SubItem.style.display = '' ParentItem.style.fontWeight = 'normal' } else { SubItem.style.display = 'none' ParentItem.style.fontWeight = 'bold' } } function funOnMouseOver() { document.body.style.cursor = "hand"; } function funOnMouseOut() { document.body.style.cursor = ""; } </Script> </head> <body> <table width="100%%" border="1">""" self.WriteLn(Header) ## # # This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed into another # script. # if __name__ == '__main__': # Initialize log system FilePath = 'FVRECOVERYFLOPPY.fv' if FilePath.lower().endswith(".fv"): fd = open(FilePath, 'rb') buf = array('B') try: buf.fromfile(fd, os.path.getsize(FilePath)) except EOFError: pass fv = FirmwareVolume("FVRECOVERY", buf, 0) report = Report('Report.html', fv) report.GenerateReport()