## @file
# process FFS generation from INF statement
#  Copyright (c) 2007 - 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
#  Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.<BR>
#  This program and the accompanying materials
#  are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
#  which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at
#  http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php

# Import Modules
import Rule
import Common.LongFilePathOs as os
import StringIO
from struct import *
from GenFdsGlobalVariable import GenFdsGlobalVariable
import Ffs
import subprocess
import sys
import Section
import RuleSimpleFile
import RuleComplexFile
from CommonDataClass.FdfClass import FfsInfStatementClassObject
from Common.MultipleWorkspace import MultipleWorkspace as mws
from Common.String import *
from Common.Misc import PathClass
from Common.Misc import GuidStructureByteArrayToGuidString
from Common.Misc import ProcessDuplicatedInf
from Common.Misc import GetVariableOffset
from Common import EdkLogger
from Common.BuildToolError import *
from GuidSection import GuidSection
from FvImageSection import FvImageSection
from Common.Misc import PeImageClass
from AutoGen.GenDepex import DependencyExpression
from PatchPcdValue.PatchPcdValue import PatchBinaryFile
from Common.LongFilePathSupport import CopyLongFilePath
from Common.LongFilePathSupport import OpenLongFilePath as open
import Common.GlobalData as GlobalData

## generate FFS from INF
class FfsInfStatement(FfsInfStatementClassObject):
    ## The mapping dictionary from datum type to its maximum number.
    ## The constructor
    #   @param  self        The object pointer
    def __init__(self):
        self.TargetOverrideList = []
        self.ShadowFromInfFile = None
        self.KeepRelocFromRule = None
        self.InDsc = True
        self.OptRomDefs = {}
        self.PiSpecVersion = '0x00000000'
        self.InfModule = None
        self.FinalTargetSuffixMap = {}
        self.CurrentLineNum = None
        self.CurrentLineContent = None
        self.FileName = None
        self.InfFileName = None
        self.OverrideGuid = None
        self.PatchedBinFile = ''
        self.MacroDict = {}

    ## GetFinalTargetSuffixMap() method
    #    Get final build target list
    def GetFinalTargetSuffixMap(self):
        if not self.InfModule or not self.CurrentArch:
            return []
        if not self.FinalTargetSuffixMap:
            FinalBuildTargetList = GenFdsGlobalVariable.GetModuleCodaTargetList(self.InfModule, self.CurrentArch)
            for File in FinalBuildTargetList:
                self.FinalTargetSuffixMap.setdefault(os.path.splitext(File)[1], []).append(File)

            # Check if current INF module has DEPEX
            if '.depex' not in self.FinalTargetSuffixMap and self.InfModule.ModuleType != "USER_DEFINED" \
                and not self.InfModule.DxsFile and not self.InfModule.LibraryClass:
                ModuleType = self.InfModule.ModuleType
                PlatformDataBase = GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpace.BuildObject[GenFdsGlobalVariable.ActivePlatform, self.CurrentArch, GenFdsGlobalVariable.TargetName, GenFdsGlobalVariable.ToolChainTag]

                if ModuleType != DataType.SUP_MODULE_USER_DEFINED:
                    for LibraryClass in PlatformDataBase.LibraryClasses.GetKeys():
                        if LibraryClass.startswith("NULL") and PlatformDataBase.LibraryClasses[LibraryClass, ModuleType]:
                            self.InfModule.LibraryClasses[LibraryClass] = PlatformDataBase.LibraryClasses[LibraryClass, ModuleType]

                StrModule = str(self.InfModule)
                PlatformModule = None
                if StrModule in PlatformDataBase.Modules:
                    PlatformModule = PlatformDataBase.Modules[StrModule]
                    for LibraryClass in PlatformModule.LibraryClasses:
                        if LibraryClass.startswith("NULL"):
                            self.InfModule.LibraryClasses[LibraryClass] = PlatformModule.LibraryClasses[LibraryClass]

                DependencyList = [self.InfModule]
                LibraryInstance = {}
                DepexList = []
                while len(DependencyList) > 0:
                    Module = DependencyList.pop(0)
                    if not Module:
                    for Dep in Module.Depex[self.CurrentArch, ModuleType]:
                        if DepexList != []:
                        if DepexList[-1] == 'END':  # no need of a END at this time
                    if 'BEFORE' in DepexList or 'AFTER' in DepexList:
                    for LibName in Module.LibraryClasses:
                        if LibName in LibraryInstance:
                        if PlatformModule and LibName in PlatformModule.LibraryClasses:
                            LibraryPath = PlatformModule.LibraryClasses[LibName]
                            LibraryPath = PlatformDataBase.LibraryClasses[LibName, ModuleType]
                        if not LibraryPath:
                            LibraryPath = Module.LibraryClasses[LibName]
                        if not LibraryPath:
                        LibraryModule = GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpace.BuildObject[LibraryPath, self.CurrentArch, GenFdsGlobalVariable.TargetName, GenFdsGlobalVariable.ToolChainTag]
                        LibraryInstance[LibName] = LibraryModule
                if DepexList:
                    Dpx = DependencyExpression(DepexList, ModuleType, True)
                    if len(Dpx.PostfixNotation) != 0:
                        # It means this module has DEPEX
                        self.FinalTargetSuffixMap['.depex'] = [os.path.join(self.EfiOutputPath, self.BaseName) + '.depex']
        return self.FinalTargetSuffixMap

    ## __InfParse() method
    #   Parse inf file to get module information
    #   @param  self        The object pointer
    #   @param  Dict        dictionary contains macro and value pair
    def __InfParse__(self, Dict = {}):

        GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger( " Begine parsing INf file : %s" %self.InfFileName)

        self.InfFileName = self.InfFileName.replace('$(WORKSPACE)', '')
        if len(self.InfFileName) > 1 and self.InfFileName[0] == '\\' and self.InfFileName[1] == '\\':
        elif self.InfFileName[0] == '\\' or self.InfFileName[0] == '/' :
            self.InfFileName = self.InfFileName[1:]

        if self.InfFileName.find('$') == -1:
            InfPath = NormPath(self.InfFileName)
            if not os.path.exists(InfPath):
                InfPath = GenFdsGlobalVariable.ReplaceWorkspaceMacro(InfPath)
                if not os.path.exists(InfPath):
                    EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, "Non-existant Module %s !" % (self.InfFileName))

        self.CurrentArch = self.GetCurrentArch()
        # Get the InfClass object

        PathClassObj = PathClass(self.InfFileName, GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpaceDir)
        ErrorCode, ErrorInfo = PathClassObj.Validate(".inf")
        if ErrorCode != 0:
            EdkLogger.error("GenFds", ErrorCode, ExtraData=ErrorInfo)

        # Cache lower case version of INF path before processing FILE_GUID override
        InfLowerPath = str(PathClassObj).lower()
        if self.OverrideGuid:
            PathClassObj = ProcessDuplicatedInf(PathClassObj, self.OverrideGuid, GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpaceDir)
        if self.CurrentArch != None:

            Inf = GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpace.BuildObject[PathClassObj, self.CurrentArch, GenFdsGlobalVariable.TargetName, GenFdsGlobalVariable.ToolChainTag]
            # Set Ffs BaseName, MdouleGuid, ModuleType, Version, OutputPath
            self.BaseName = Inf.BaseName
            self.ModuleGuid = Inf.Guid
            self.ModuleType = Inf.ModuleType
            if Inf.Specification != None and 'PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION' in Inf.Specification:
                self.PiSpecVersion = Inf.Specification['PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION']
            if Inf.AutoGenVersion < 0x00010005:
                self.ModuleType = Inf.ComponentType
            self.VersionString = Inf.Version
            self.BinFileList = Inf.Binaries
            self.SourceFileList = Inf.Sources
            if self.KeepReloc == None and Inf.Shadow:
                self.ShadowFromInfFile = Inf.Shadow

            Inf = GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpace.BuildObject[PathClassObj, 'COMMON', GenFdsGlobalVariable.TargetName, GenFdsGlobalVariable.ToolChainTag]
            self.BaseName = Inf.BaseName
            self.ModuleGuid = Inf.Guid
            self.ModuleType = Inf.ModuleType
            if Inf.Specification != None and 'PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION' in Inf.Specification:
                self.PiSpecVersion = Inf.Specification['PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION']
            self.VersionString = Inf.Version
            self.BinFileList = Inf.Binaries
            self.SourceFileList = Inf.Sources
            if self.BinFileList == []:
                EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR,
                                "INF %s specified in FDF could not be found in build ARCH %s!" \
                                % (self.InfFileName, GenFdsGlobalVariable.ArchList))

        if self.OverrideGuid:
            self.ModuleGuid = self.OverrideGuid

        if len(self.SourceFileList) != 0 and not self.InDsc:
            EdkLogger.warn("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, "Module %s NOT found in DSC file; Is it really a binary module?" % (self.InfFileName))

        if self.ModuleType == 'SMM_CORE' and int(self.PiSpecVersion, 16) < 0x0001000A:
            EdkLogger.error("GenFds", FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED, "SMM_CORE module type can't be used in the module with PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION less than 0x0001000A", File=self.InfFileName)      

        if Inf._Defs != None and len(Inf._Defs) > 0:

        self.PatchPcds = []
        InfPcds = Inf.Pcds
        Platform = GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpace.BuildObject[GenFdsGlobalVariable.ActivePlatform, self.CurrentArch, GenFdsGlobalVariable.TargetName, GenFdsGlobalVariable.ToolChainTag]
        FdfPcdDict = GenFdsGlobalVariable.FdfParser.Profile.PcdDict

        # Workaround here: both build and GenFds tool convert the workspace path to lower case
        # But INF file path in FDF and DSC file may have real case characters.
        # Try to convert the path to lower case to see if PCDs value are override by DSC.
        DscModules = {}
        for DscModule in Platform.Modules:
            DscModules[str(DscModule).lower()] = Platform.Modules[DscModule]
        for PcdKey in InfPcds:
            Pcd = InfPcds[PcdKey]
            if not hasattr(Pcd, 'Offset'):
            if Pcd.Type != 'PatchableInModule':
            # Override Patchable PCD value by the value from DSC
            PatchPcd = None
            if InfLowerPath in DscModules and PcdKey in DscModules[InfLowerPath].Pcds:
                PatchPcd = DscModules[InfLowerPath].Pcds[PcdKey]
            elif PcdKey in Platform.Pcds:
                PatchPcd = Platform.Pcds[PcdKey]
            DscOverride = False
            if PatchPcd and Pcd.Type == PatchPcd.Type:
                DefaultValue = PatchPcd.DefaultValue
                DscOverride = True

            # Override Patchable PCD value by the value from FDF
            FdfOverride = False
            if PcdKey in FdfPcdDict:
                DefaultValue = FdfPcdDict[PcdKey]
                FdfOverride = True

            # Override Patchable PCD value by the value from Build Option
            BuildOptionOverride = False
            if GlobalData.BuildOptionPcd:
                for pcd in GlobalData.BuildOptionPcd:
                    if PcdKey == (pcd[1], pcd[0]):
                        DefaultValue = pcd[2]
                        BuildOptionOverride = True

            if not DscOverride and not FdfOverride and not BuildOptionOverride:
            # Check value, if value are equal, no need to patch
            if Pcd.DatumType == "VOID*":
                if Pcd.DefaultValue == DefaultValue or DefaultValue in [None, '']:
                # Get the string size from FDF or DSC
                if DefaultValue[0] == 'L':
                    # Remove L"", but the '\0' must be appended
                    MaxDatumSize = str((len(DefaultValue) - 2) * 2)
                elif DefaultValue[0] == '{':
                    MaxDatumSize = str(len(DefaultValue.split(',')))
                    MaxDatumSize = str(len(DefaultValue) - 1)
                if DscOverride:
                    Pcd.MaxDatumSize = PatchPcd.MaxDatumSize
                # If no defined the maximum size in DSC, try to get current size from INF
                if Pcd.MaxDatumSize in ['', None]:
                    Pcd.MaxDatumSize = str(len(Pcd.DefaultValue.split(',')))
                Base1 = Base2 = 10
                if Pcd.DefaultValue.upper().startswith('0X'):
                    Base1 = 16
                if DefaultValue.upper().startswith('0X'):
                    Base2 = 16
                    PcdValueInImg = int(Pcd.DefaultValue, Base1)
                    PcdValueInDscOrFdf = int(DefaultValue, Base2)
                    if PcdValueInImg == PcdValueInDscOrFdf:
            # Check the Pcd size and data type
            if Pcd.DatumType == "VOID*":
                if int(MaxDatumSize) > int(Pcd.MaxDatumSize):
                    EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, "The size of VOID* type PCD '%s.%s' exceeds its maximum size %d bytes." \
                                    % (Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Pcd.TokenCName, int(MaxDatumSize) - int(Pcd.MaxDatumSize)))
                if PcdValueInDscOrFdf > FfsInfStatement._MAX_SIZE_TYPE[Pcd.DatumType] \
                    or PcdValueInImg > FfsInfStatement._MAX_SIZE_TYPE[Pcd.DatumType]:
                    EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, "The size of %s type PCD '%s.%s' doesn't match its data type." \
                                    % (Pcd.DatumType, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Pcd.TokenCName))
            self.PatchPcds.append((Pcd, DefaultValue))

        self.InfModule = Inf
        self.PcdIsDriver = Inf.PcdIsDriver
        self.IsBinaryModule = Inf.IsBinaryModule
        GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger("BaseName : %s" % self.BaseName)
        GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger("ModuleGuid : %s" % self.ModuleGuid)
        GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger("ModuleType : %s" % self.ModuleType)
        GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger("VersionString : %s" % self.VersionString)
        GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger("InfFileName :%s" % self.InfFileName)

        # Set OutputPath = ${WorkSpace}\Build\Fv\Ffs\${ModuleGuid}+ ${MdouleName}\

        self.OutputPath = os.path.join(GenFdsGlobalVariable.FfsDir, \
                                       self.ModuleGuid + self.BaseName)
        if not os.path.exists(self.OutputPath) :

        self.EfiOutputPath = self.__GetEFIOutPutPath__()
        GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger( "ModuelEFIPath: " + self.EfiOutputPath)

    ## PatchEfiFile
    #  Patch EFI file with patch PCD
    #  @param EfiFile: EFI file needs to be patched.
    #  @retval: Full path of patched EFI file: self.OutputPath + EfiFile base name
    #           If passed in file does not end with efi, return as is
    def PatchEfiFile(self, EfiFile, FileType):
        # If the module does not have any patches, then return path to input file
        if not self.PatchPcds:
            return EfiFile

        # Only patch file if FileType is PE32 or ModuleType is USER_DEFINED
        if FileType != 'PE32' and self.ModuleType != "USER_DEFINED":
            return EfiFile

        # Generate path to patched output file
        Basename = os.path.basename(EfiFile)
        Output = os.path.normpath (os.path.join(self.OutputPath, Basename))

        # If this file has already been patched, then return the path to the patched file
        if self.PatchedBinFile == Output:
          return Output

        # If a different file from the same module has already been patched, then generate an error
        if self.PatchedBinFile:
            EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR,
                            'Only one binary file can be patched:\n'
                            '  a binary file has been patched: %s\n'
                            '  current file: %s' % (self.PatchedBinFile, EfiFile),

        # Copy unpatched file contents to output file location to perform patching
        CopyLongFilePath(EfiFile, Output)

        # Apply patches to patched output file
        for Pcd, Value in self.PatchPcds:
            RetVal, RetStr = PatchBinaryFile(Output, int(Pcd.Offset, 0), Pcd.DatumType, Value, Pcd.MaxDatumSize)
            if RetVal:
                EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, RetStr, File=self.InfFileName)

        # Save the path of the patched output file
        self.PatchedBinFile = Output

        # Return path to patched output file
        return Output

    ## GenFfs() method
    #   Generate FFS
    #   @param  self         The object pointer
    #   @param  Dict         dictionary contains macro and value pair
    #   @param  FvChildAddr  Array of the inside FvImage base address
    #   @param  FvParentAddr Parent Fv base address
    #   @retval string       Generated FFS file name
    def GenFfs(self, Dict = {}, FvChildAddr = [], FvParentAddr=None):
        # Parse Inf file get Module related information

        SrcFile = mws.join( GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpaceDir , self.InfFileName);
        DestFile = os.path.join( self.OutputPath, self.ModuleGuid + '.ffs')
        SrcFileDir = "."
        SrcPath = os.path.dirname(SrcFile)
        SrcFileName = os.path.basename(SrcFile)
        SrcFileBase, SrcFileExt = os.path.splitext(SrcFileName)   
        DestPath = os.path.dirname(DestFile)
        DestFileName = os.path.basename(DestFile)
        DestFileBase, DestFileExt = os.path.splitext(DestFileName)   
        self.MacroDict = {
            # source file
            "${src}"      :   SrcFile,
            "${s_path}"   :   SrcPath,
            "${s_dir}"    :   SrcFileDir,
            "${s_name}"   :   SrcFileName,
            "${s_base}"   :   SrcFileBase,
            "${s_ext}"    :   SrcFileExt,
            # destination file
            "${dst}"      :   DestFile,
            "${d_path}"   :   DestPath,
            "${d_name}"   :   DestFileName,
            "${d_base}"   :   DestFileBase,
            "${d_ext}"    :   DestFileExt
        # Allow binary type module not specify override rule in FDF file.
        if len(self.BinFileList) > 0:
            if self.Rule == None or self.Rule == "":
                self.Rule = "BINARY"
        # Get the rule of how to generate Ffs file
        Rule = self.__GetRule__()
        GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger( "Packing binaries from inf file : %s" %self.InfFileName)
        # Convert Fv File Type for PI1.1 SMM driver.
        if self.ModuleType == 'DXE_SMM_DRIVER' and int(self.PiSpecVersion, 16) >= 0x0001000A:
            if Rule.FvFileType == 'DRIVER':
                Rule.FvFileType = 'SMM'
        # Framework SMM Driver has no SMM FV file type
        if self.ModuleType == 'DXE_SMM_DRIVER' and int(self.PiSpecVersion, 16) < 0x0001000A:
            if Rule.FvFileType == 'SMM' or Rule.FvFileType == 'SMM_CORE':
                EdkLogger.error("GenFds", FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Framework SMM module doesn't support SMM or SMM_CORE FV file type", File=self.InfFileName)
        # For the rule only has simpleFile
        if isinstance (Rule, RuleSimpleFile.RuleSimpleFile) :
            SectionOutputList = self.__GenSimpleFileSection__(Rule)
            FfsOutput = self.__GenSimpleFileFfs__(Rule, SectionOutputList)
            return FfsOutput
        # For Rule has ComplexFile
        elif isinstance(Rule, RuleComplexFile.RuleComplexFile):
            InputSectList, InputSectAlignments = self.__GenComplexFileSection__(Rule, FvChildAddr, FvParentAddr)
            FfsOutput = self.__GenComplexFileFfs__(Rule, InputSectList, InputSectAlignments)

            return FfsOutput

    ## __ExtendMacro__() method
    #   Replace macro with its value
    #   @param  self        The object pointer
    #   @param  String      The string to be replaced
    #   @retval string      Macro replaced string
    def __ExtendMacro__ (self, String):
        MacroDict = {
            '$(INF_OUTPUT)'  : self.EfiOutputPath,
            '$(MODULE_NAME)' : self.BaseName,
            '$(BUILD_NUMBER)': self.BuildNum,
            '$(INF_VERSION)' : self.VersionString,
            '$(NAMED_GUID)'  : self.ModuleGuid
        String = GenFdsGlobalVariable.MacroExtend(String, MacroDict)
        String = GenFdsGlobalVariable.MacroExtend(String, self.MacroDict)        
        return String

    ## __GetRule__() method
    #   Get correct rule for generating FFS for this INF
    #   @param  self        The object pointer
    #   @retval Rule        Rule object
    def __GetRule__ (self) :
        CurrentArchList = []
        if self.CurrentArch == None:
            CurrentArchList = ['common']

        for CurrentArch in CurrentArchList:
            RuleName = 'RULE'              + \
                       '.'                 + \
                       CurrentArch.upper() + \
                       '.'                 + \
            if self.Rule != None:
                RuleName = RuleName + \
                           '.'      + \

            Rule = GenFdsGlobalVariable.FdfParser.Profile.RuleDict.get(RuleName)
            if Rule != None:
                GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger ("Want To Find Rule Name is : " + RuleName)
                return Rule

        RuleName = 'RULE'      + \
                   '.'         + \
                   'COMMON'    + \
                   '.'         + \

        if self.Rule != None:
            RuleName = RuleName + \
                       '.'      + \

        GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger ('Trying to apply common rule %s for INF %s' % (RuleName, self.InfFileName))

        Rule = GenFdsGlobalVariable.FdfParser.Profile.RuleDict.get(RuleName)
        if Rule != None:
            GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger ("Want To Find Rule Name is : " + RuleName)
            return Rule

        if Rule == None :
            EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, 'Don\'t Find common rule %s for INF %s' \
                            % (RuleName, self.InfFileName))

    ## __GetPlatformArchList__() method
    #   Get Arch list this INF built under
    #   @param  self        The object pointer
    #   @retval list        Arch list
    def __GetPlatformArchList__(self):

        InfFileKey = os.path.normpath(mws.join(GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpaceDir, self.InfFileName))
        DscArchList = []
        for Arch in GenFdsGlobalVariable.ArchList :
            PlatformDataBase = GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpace.BuildObject[GenFdsGlobalVariable.ActivePlatform, Arch, GenFdsGlobalVariable.TargetName, GenFdsGlobalVariable.ToolChainTag]
            if  PlatformDataBase != None:
                if InfFileKey in PlatformDataBase.Modules:
                    DscArchList.append (Arch)
                    # BaseTools support build same module more than once, the module path with FILE_GUID overridden has
                    # the file name FILE_GUIDmodule.inf, then PlatformDataBase.Modules use FILE_GUIDmodule.inf as key,
                    # but the path (self.MetaFile.Path) is the real path
                    for key in PlatformDataBase.Modules.keys():
                        if InfFileKey == str((PlatformDataBase.Modules[key]).MetaFile.Path):
                            DscArchList.append (Arch)

        return DscArchList

    ## GetCurrentArch() method
    #   Get Arch list of the module from this INF is to be placed into flash
    #   @param  self        The object pointer
    #   @retval list        Arch list
    def GetCurrentArch(self) :

        TargetArchList = GenFdsGlobalVariable.ArchList

        PlatformArchList = self.__GetPlatformArchList__()

        CurArchList = TargetArchList
        if PlatformArchList != []:
            CurArchList = list(set (TargetArchList) & set (PlatformArchList))
        GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger ("Valid target architecture(s) is : " + " ".join(CurArchList))

        ArchList = []
        if self.KeyStringList != []:
            for Key in self.KeyStringList:
                Key = GenFdsGlobalVariable.MacroExtend(Key)
                Target, Tag, Arch = Key.split('_')
                if Arch in CurArchList:
                if Target not in self.TargetOverrideList:
            ArchList = CurArchList

        UseArchList = TargetArchList
        if self.UseArch != None:
            UseArchList = []
            ArchList = list(set (UseArchList) & set (ArchList))

        self.InfFileName = NormPath(self.InfFileName)
        if len(PlatformArchList) == 0:
            self.InDsc = False
            PathClassObj = PathClass(self.InfFileName, GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpaceDir)
            ErrorCode, ErrorInfo = PathClassObj.Validate(".inf")
            if ErrorCode != 0:
                EdkLogger.error("GenFds", ErrorCode, ExtraData=ErrorInfo)
        if len(ArchList) == 1:
            Arch = ArchList[0]
            return Arch
        elif len(ArchList) > 1:
            if len(PlatformArchList) == 0:
                EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, "GenFds command line option has multiple ARCHs %s. Not able to determine which ARCH is valid for Module %s !" % (str(ArchList), self.InfFileName))
                EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, "Module built under multiple ARCHs %s. Not able to determine which output to put into flash for Module %s !" % (str(ArchList), self.InfFileName))
            EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, "Module %s appears under ARCH %s in platform %s, but current deduced ARCH is %s, so NO build output could be put into flash." \
                            % (self.InfFileName, str(PlatformArchList), GenFdsGlobalVariable.ActivePlatform, str(set (UseArchList) & set (TargetArchList))))

    ## __GetEFIOutPutPath__() method
    #   Get the output path for generated files
    #   @param  self        The object pointer
    #   @retval string      Path that output files from this INF go to
    def __GetEFIOutPutPath__(self):
        Arch = ''
        OutputPath = ''
        (ModulePath, FileName) = os.path.split(self.InfFileName)
        Index = FileName.rfind('.')
        FileName = FileName[0:Index]
        if self.OverrideGuid:
            FileName = self.OverrideGuid
        Arch = "NoneArch"
        if self.CurrentArch != None:
            Arch = self.CurrentArch

        OutputPath = os.path.join(GenFdsGlobalVariable.OutputDirDict[Arch],
                                  Arch ,
        OutputPath = os.path.realpath(OutputPath)
        return OutputPath

    ## __GenSimpleFileSection__() method
    #   Generate section by specified file name or a list of files with file extension
    #   @param  self        The object pointer
    #   @param  Rule        The rule object used to generate section
    #   @retval string      File name of the generated section file
    def __GenSimpleFileSection__(self, Rule):
        # Prepare the parameter of GenSection
        FileList = []
        OutputFileList = []
        GenSecInputFile = None
        if Rule.FileName != None:
            GenSecInputFile = self.__ExtendMacro__(Rule.FileName)
            if os.path.isabs(GenSecInputFile):
                GenSecInputFile = os.path.normpath(GenSecInputFile)
                GenSecInputFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.EfiOutputPath, GenSecInputFile))
            FileList, IsSect = Section.Section.GetFileList(self, '', Rule.FileExtension)

        Index = 1
        SectionType = Rule.SectionType
        # Convert Fv Section Type for PI1.1 SMM driver.
        if self.ModuleType == 'DXE_SMM_DRIVER' and int(self.PiSpecVersion, 16) >= 0x0001000A:
            if SectionType == 'DXE_DEPEX':
                SectionType = 'SMM_DEPEX'
        # Framework SMM Driver has no SMM_DEPEX section type
        if self.ModuleType == 'DXE_SMM_DRIVER' and int(self.PiSpecVersion, 16) < 0x0001000A:
            if SectionType == 'SMM_DEPEX':
                EdkLogger.error("GenFds", FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Framework SMM module doesn't support SMM_DEPEX section type", File=self.InfFileName)
        NoStrip = True
        if self.ModuleType in ('SEC', 'PEI_CORE', 'PEIM'):
            if self.KeepReloc != None:
                NoStrip = self.KeepReloc
            elif Rule.KeepReloc != None:
                NoStrip = Rule.KeepReloc
            elif self.ShadowFromInfFile != None:
                NoStrip = self.ShadowFromInfFile

        if FileList != [] :
            for File in FileList:

                SecNum = '%d' %Index
                GenSecOutputFile= self.__ExtendMacro__(Rule.NameGuid) + \
                              Ffs.Ffs.SectionSuffix[SectionType] + 'SEC' + SecNum
                Index = Index + 1
                OutputFile = os.path.join(self.OutputPath, GenSecOutputFile)
                File = GenFdsGlobalVariable.MacroExtend(File, Dict, self.CurrentArch)

                #Get PE Section alignment when align is set to AUTO
                if self.Alignment == 'Auto' and (SectionType == 'PE32' or SectionType == 'TE'):
                    ImageObj = PeImageClass (File)
                    if ImageObj.SectionAlignment < 0x400:
                        self.Alignment = str (ImageObj.SectionAlignment)
                        self.Alignment = str (ImageObj.SectionAlignment / 0x400) + 'K'

                if not NoStrip:
                    FileBeforeStrip = os.path.join(self.OutputPath, ModuleName + '.reloc')
                    if not os.path.exists(FileBeforeStrip) or \
                           (os.path.getmtime(File) > os.path.getmtime(FileBeforeStrip)):
                        CopyLongFilePath(File, FileBeforeStrip)
                    StrippedFile = os.path.join(self.OutputPath, ModuleName + '.stipped')
                    File = StrippedFile

                if SectionType == 'TE':
                    TeFile = os.path.join( self.OutputPath, self.ModuleGuid + 'Te.raw')
                    File = TeFile

                GenFdsGlobalVariable.GenerateSection(OutputFile, [File], Section.Section.SectionType[SectionType])
            SecNum = '%d' %Index
            GenSecOutputFile= self.__ExtendMacro__(Rule.NameGuid) + \
                              Ffs.Ffs.SectionSuffix[SectionType] + 'SEC' + SecNum
            OutputFile = os.path.join(self.OutputPath, GenSecOutputFile)
            GenSecInputFile = GenFdsGlobalVariable.MacroExtend(GenSecInputFile, Dict, self.CurrentArch)

            #Get PE Section alignment when align is set to AUTO
            if self.Alignment == 'Auto' and (SectionType == 'PE32' or SectionType == 'TE'):
                ImageObj = PeImageClass (GenSecInputFile)
                if ImageObj.SectionAlignment < 0x400:
                    self.Alignment = str (ImageObj.SectionAlignment)
                    self.Alignment = str (ImageObj.SectionAlignment / 0x400) + 'K'

            if not NoStrip:
                FileBeforeStrip = os.path.join(self.OutputPath, ModuleName + '.reloc')
                if not os.path.exists(FileBeforeStrip) or \
                       (os.path.getmtime(GenSecInputFile) > os.path.getmtime(FileBeforeStrip)):
                    CopyLongFilePath(GenSecInputFile, FileBeforeStrip)

                StrippedFile = os.path.join(self.OutputPath, ModuleName + '.stipped')
                GenSecInputFile = StrippedFile

            if SectionType == 'TE':
                TeFile = os.path.join( self.OutputPath, self.ModuleGuid + 'Te.raw')
                GenSecInputFile = TeFile

            GenFdsGlobalVariable.GenerateSection(OutputFile, [GenSecInputFile], Section.Section.SectionType[SectionType])

        return OutputFileList

    ## __GenSimpleFileFfs__() method
    #   Generate FFS
    #   @param  self        The object pointer
    #   @param  Rule        The rule object used to generate section
    #   @param  InputFileList        The output file list from GenSection
    #   @retval string      Generated FFS file name
    def __GenSimpleFileFfs__(self, Rule, InputFileList):
        FfsOutput = self.OutputPath                     + \
                    os.sep                              + \
                    self.__ExtendMacro__(Rule.NameGuid) + \

        InputSection = []
        SectionAlignments = []
        for InputFile in InputFileList:

        if Rule.NameGuid != None and Rule.NameGuid.startswith('PCD('):
            PcdValue = GenFdsGlobalVariable.GetPcdValue(Rule.NameGuid)
            if len(PcdValue) == 0:
                EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, '%s NOT defined.' \
                            % (Rule.NameGuid))
            if PcdValue.startswith('{'):
                PcdValue = GuidStructureByteArrayToGuidString(PcdValue)
            RegistryGuidStr = PcdValue
            if len(RegistryGuidStr) == 0:
                EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, 'GUID value for %s in wrong format.' \
                            % (Rule.NameGuid))
            self.ModuleGuid = RegistryGuidStr

        GenFdsGlobalVariable.GenerateFfs(FfsOutput, InputSection,
                                         self.ModuleGuid, Fixed=Rule.Fixed,
                                         CheckSum=Rule.CheckSum, Align=Rule.Alignment,
        return FfsOutput

    ## __GenComplexFileSection__() method
    #   Generate section by sections in Rule
    #   @param  self         The object pointer
    #   @param  Rule         The rule object used to generate section
    #   @param  FvChildAddr  Array of the inside FvImage base address
    #   @param  FvParentAddr Parent Fv base address
    #   @retval string       File name of the generated section file
    def __GenComplexFileSection__(self, Rule, FvChildAddr, FvParentAddr):
        if self.ModuleType in ('SEC', 'PEI_CORE', 'PEIM'):
            if Rule.KeepReloc != None:
                self.KeepRelocFromRule = Rule.KeepReloc
        SectFiles = []
        SectAlignments = []
        Index = 1
        HasGneratedFlag = False
        if self.PcdIsDriver == 'PEI_PCD_DRIVER':
            if self.IsBinaryModule:
                PcdExDbFileName = os.path.join(GenFdsGlobalVariable.FvDir, "PEIPcdDataBase.raw")
                PcdExDbFileName = os.path.join(self.EfiOutputPath, "PEIPcdDataBase.raw")
            PcdExDbSecName = os.path.join(self.OutputPath, "PEIPcdDataBaseSec.raw")
        elif self.PcdIsDriver == 'DXE_PCD_DRIVER':
            if self.IsBinaryModule:
                PcdExDbFileName = os.path.join(GenFdsGlobalVariable.FvDir, "DXEPcdDataBase.raw")
                PcdExDbFileName = os.path.join(self.EfiOutputPath, "DXEPcdDataBase.raw")
            PcdExDbSecName = os.path.join(self.OutputPath, "DXEPcdDataBaseSec.raw")
        for Sect in Rule.SectionList:
            SecIndex = '%d' %Index
            SectList  = []
            # Convert Fv Section Type for PI1.1 SMM driver.
            if self.ModuleType == 'DXE_SMM_DRIVER' and int(self.PiSpecVersion, 16) >= 0x0001000A:
                if Sect.SectionType == 'DXE_DEPEX':
                    Sect.SectionType = 'SMM_DEPEX'
            # Framework SMM Driver has no SMM_DEPEX section type
            if self.ModuleType == 'DXE_SMM_DRIVER' and int(self.PiSpecVersion, 16) < 0x0001000A:
                if Sect.SectionType == 'SMM_DEPEX':
                    EdkLogger.error("GenFds", FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Framework SMM module doesn't support SMM_DEPEX section type", File=self.InfFileName)
            # process the inside FvImage from FvSection or GuidSection
            if FvChildAddr != []:
                if isinstance(Sect, FvImageSection):
                    Sect.FvAddr = FvChildAddr.pop(0)
                elif isinstance(Sect, GuidSection):
                    Sect.FvAddr = FvChildAddr
            if FvParentAddr != None and isinstance(Sect, GuidSection):
                Sect.FvParentAddr = FvParentAddr
            if Rule.KeyStringList != []:
                SectList, Align = Sect.GenSection(self.OutputPath , self.ModuleGuid, SecIndex, Rule.KeyStringList, self)
            else :
                SectList, Align = Sect.GenSection(self.OutputPath , self.ModuleGuid, SecIndex, self.KeyStringList, self)
            if not HasGneratedFlag:
                UniVfrOffsetFileSection = ""    
                ModuleFileName = mws.join(GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpaceDir, self.InfFileName)
                InfData = GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpace.BuildObject[PathClass(ModuleFileName), self.CurrentArch]
                # Search the source list in InfData to find if there are .vfr file exist.
                VfrUniBaseName = {}
                VfrUniOffsetList = []
                for SourceFile in InfData.Sources:
                    if SourceFile.Type.upper() == ".VFR" :
                        # search the .map file to find the offset of vfr binary in the PE32+/TE file. 
                        VfrUniBaseName[SourceFile.BaseName] = (SourceFile.BaseName + "Bin")
                    if SourceFile.Type.upper() == ".UNI" :
                        # search the .map file to find the offset of Uni strings binary in the PE32+/TE file. 
                        VfrUniBaseName["UniOffsetName"] = (self.BaseName + "Strings")
                if len(VfrUniBaseName) > 0:
                    VfrUniOffsetList = self.__GetBuildOutputMapFileVfrUniInfo(VfrUniBaseName)
                    # Generate the Raw data of raw section
                    os.path.join( self.OutputPath, self.BaseName + '.offset')
                    UniVfrOffsetFileName    =  os.path.join( self.OutputPath, self.BaseName + '.offset')
                    UniVfrOffsetFileSection =  os.path.join( self.OutputPath, self.BaseName + 'Offset' + '.raw')
                    self.__GenUniVfrOffsetFile (VfrUniOffsetList, UniVfrOffsetFileName)
                    UniVfrOffsetFileNameList = []
                    """Call GenSection"""
                    HasGneratedFlag = True
            for SecName in  SectList :
            Index = Index + 1
        return SectFiles, SectAlignments

    ## __GenComplexFileFfs__() method
    #   Generate FFS
    #   @param  self        The object pointer
    #   @param  Rule        The rule object used to generate section
    #   @param  InputFileList        The output file list from GenSection
    #   @retval string      Generated FFS file name
    def __GenComplexFileFfs__(self, Rule, InputFile, Alignments):

        if Rule.NameGuid != None and Rule.NameGuid.startswith('PCD('):
            PcdValue = GenFdsGlobalVariable.GetPcdValue(Rule.NameGuid)
            if len(PcdValue) == 0:
                EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, '%s NOT defined.' \
                            % (Rule.NameGuid))
            if PcdValue.startswith('{'):
                PcdValue = GuidStructureByteArrayToGuidString(PcdValue)
            RegistryGuidStr = PcdValue
            if len(RegistryGuidStr) == 0:
                EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, 'GUID value for %s in wrong format.' \
                            % (Rule.NameGuid))
            self.ModuleGuid = RegistryGuidStr

        FfsOutput = os.path.join( self.OutputPath, self.ModuleGuid + '.ffs')
        GenFdsGlobalVariable.GenerateFfs(FfsOutput, InputFile,
                                         self.ModuleGuid, Fixed=Rule.Fixed,
                                         CheckSum=Rule.CheckSum, Align=Rule.Alignment,
        return FfsOutput

    ## __GetGenFfsCmdParameter__() method
    #   Create parameter string for GenFfs
    #   @param  self        The object pointer
    #   @param  Rule        The rule object used to generate section
    #   @retval tuple       (FileType, Fixed, CheckSum, Alignment)
    def __GetGenFfsCmdParameter__(self, Rule):
        result = tuple()
        result += ('-t', Ffs.Ffs.FdfFvFileTypeToFileType[Rule.FvFileType])
        if Rule.Fixed != False:
            result += ('-x',)
        if Rule.CheckSum != False:
            result += ('-s',)

        if Rule.Alignment != None and Rule.Alignment != '':
            result += ('-a', Rule.Alignment)

        return result
    ## __GetBuildOutputMapFileVfrUniInfo() method
    #   Find the offset of UNI/INF object offset in the EFI image file.
    #   @param  self                  The object pointer
    #   @param  VfrUniBaseName        A name list contain the UNI/INF object name.
    #   @retval RetValue              A list contain offset of UNI/INF object.
    def __GetBuildOutputMapFileVfrUniInfo(self, VfrUniBaseName):
        MapFileName = os.path.join(self.EfiOutputPath, self.BaseName + ".map")
        EfiFileName = os.path.join(self.EfiOutputPath, self.BaseName + ".efi")
        return GetVariableOffset(MapFileName, EfiFileName, VfrUniBaseName.values())
    ## __GenUniVfrOffsetFile() method
    #   Generate the offset file for the module which contain VFR or UNI file.
    #   @param  self                    The object pointer
    #   @param  VfrUniOffsetList        A list contain the VFR/UNI offsets in the EFI image file.
    #   @param  UniVfrOffsetFileName    The output offset file name.
    def __GenUniVfrOffsetFile(self, VfrUniOffsetList, UniVfrOffsetFileName):
            fInputfile = open(UniVfrOffsetFileName, "wb+", 0)
            EdkLogger.error("GenFds", FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, "File open failed for %s" %UniVfrOffsetFileName,None)
        # Use a instance of StringIO to cache data
        fStringIO = StringIO.StringIO('')  
        for Item in VfrUniOffsetList:
            if (Item[0].find("Strings") != -1):
                # UNI offset in image.
                # GUID + Offset
                # { 0x8913c5e0, 0x33f6, 0x4d86, { 0x9b, 0xf1, 0x43, 0xef, 0x89, 0xfc, 0x6, 0x66 } }
                UniGuid = [0xe0, 0xc5, 0x13, 0x89, 0xf6, 0x33, 0x86, 0x4d, 0x9b, 0xf1, 0x43, 0xef, 0x89, 0xfc, 0x6, 0x66]
                UniGuid = [chr(ItemGuid) for ItemGuid in UniGuid]
                UniValue = pack ('Q', int (Item[1], 16))
                fStringIO.write (UniValue)
                # VFR binary offset in image.
                # GUID + Offset
                # { 0xd0bc7cb4, 0x6a47, 0x495f, { 0xaa, 0x11, 0x71, 0x7, 0x46, 0xda, 0x6, 0xa2 } };
                VfrGuid = [0xb4, 0x7c, 0xbc, 0xd0, 0x47, 0x6a, 0x5f, 0x49, 0xaa, 0x11, 0x71, 0x7, 0x46, 0xda, 0x6, 0xa2]
                VfrGuid = [chr(ItemGuid) for ItemGuid in VfrGuid]
                type (Item[1]) 
                VfrValue = pack ('Q', int (Item[1], 16))
                fStringIO.write (VfrValue)
        # write data into file.
        try :  
            fInputfile.write (fStringIO.getvalue())
            EdkLogger.error("GenFds", FILE_WRITE_FAILURE, "Write data to file %s failed, please check whether the file been locked or using by other applications." %UniVfrOffsetFileName,None)
        fStringIO.close ()
        fInputfile.close ()