## @file # This file is used to define a class object to describe a distribution package # # Copyright (c) 2011 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> # # This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available # under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this # distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. ''' DistributionPackageClass ''' ## # Import Modules # import os.path from Library.Misc import Sdict from Library.Misc import GetNonMetaDataFiles from PomAdapter.InfPomAlignment import InfPomAlignment from PomAdapter.DecPomAlignment import DecPomAlignment import Logger.Log as Logger from Logger import StringTable as ST from Logger.ToolError import OPTION_VALUE_INVALID from Logger.ToolError import FatalError from Logger.ToolError import EDK1_INF_ERROR from Object.POM.CommonObject import IdentificationObject from Object.POM.CommonObject import CommonHeaderObject from Object.POM.CommonObject import MiscFileObject from Common.MultipleWorkspace import MultipleWorkspace as mws ## DistributionPackageHeaderClass # # @param IdentificationObject: Identification Object # @param CommonHeaderObject: Common Header Object # class DistributionPackageHeaderObject(IdentificationObject, \ CommonHeaderObject): def __init__(self): IdentificationObject.__init__(self) CommonHeaderObject.__init__(self) self.ReadOnly = '' self.RePackage = '' self.Vendor = '' self.Date = '' self.Signature = 'Md5Sum' self.XmlSpecification = '' def GetReadOnly(self): return self.ReadOnly def SetReadOnly(self, ReadOnly): self.ReadOnly = ReadOnly def GetRePackage(self): return self.RePackage def SetRePackage(self, RePackage): self.RePackage = RePackage def GetVendor(self): return self.Vendor def SetDate(self, Date): self.Date = Date def GetDate(self): return self.Date def SetSignature(self, Signature): self.Signature = Signature def GetSignature(self): return self.Signature def SetXmlSpecification(self, XmlSpecification): self.XmlSpecification = XmlSpecification def GetXmlSpecification(self): return self.XmlSpecification ## DistributionPackageClass # # @param object: DistributionPackageClass # class DistributionPackageClass(object): def __init__(self): self.Header = DistributionPackageHeaderObject() # # {(Guid, Version, Path) : PackageObj} # self.PackageSurfaceArea = Sdict() # # {(Guid, Version, Name, Path) : ModuleObj} # self.ModuleSurfaceArea = Sdict() self.Tools = MiscFileObject() self.MiscellaneousFiles = MiscFileObject() self.UserExtensions = [] self.FileList = [] ## Get all included packages and modules for a distribution package # # @param WorkspaceDir: WorkspaceDir # @param PackageList: A list of all packages # @param ModuleList: A list of all modules # def GetDistributionPackage(self, WorkspaceDir, PackageList, ModuleList): # Backup WorkspaceDir Root = WorkspaceDir # # Get Packages # if PackageList: for PackageFile in PackageList: PackageFileFullPath = mws.join(Root, PackageFile) WorkspaceDir = mws.getWs(Root, PackageFile) DecObj = DecPomAlignment(PackageFileFullPath, WorkspaceDir, CheckMulDec=True) PackageObj = DecObj # # Parser inf file one bye one # ModuleInfFileList = PackageObj.GetModuleFileList() for File in ModuleInfFileList: WsRelPath = os.path.join(PackageObj.GetPackagePath(), File) WsRelPath = os.path.normpath(WsRelPath) if ModuleList and WsRelPath in ModuleList: Logger.Error("UPT", OPTION_VALUE_INVALID, ST.ERR_NOT_STANDALONE_MODULE_ERROR%\ (WsRelPath, PackageFile)) Filename = os.path.normpath\ (os.path.join(PackageObj.GetRelaPath(), File)) os.path.splitext(Filename) # # Call INF parser to generate Inf Object. # Actually, this call is not directly call, but wrapped by # Inf class in InfPomAlignment. # try: ModuleObj = InfPomAlignment(Filename, WorkspaceDir, PackageObj.GetPackagePath()) # # Add module to package # ModuleDict = PackageObj.GetModuleDict() ModuleDict[(ModuleObj.GetGuid(), \ ModuleObj.GetVersion(), \ ModuleObj.GetName(), \ ModuleObj.GetCombinePath())] = ModuleObj PackageObj.SetModuleDict(ModuleDict) except FatalError, ErrCode: if ErrCode.message == EDK1_INF_ERROR: Logger.Warn("UPT", ST.WRN_EDK1_INF_FOUND%Filename) else: raise self.PackageSurfaceArea\ [(PackageObj.GetGuid(), PackageObj.GetVersion(), \ PackageObj.GetCombinePath())] = PackageObj # # Get Modules # if ModuleList: for ModuleFile in ModuleList: ModuleFileFullPath = mws.join(Root, ModuleFile) WorkspaceDir = mws.getWs(Root, ModuleFile) try: ModuleObj = InfPomAlignment(ModuleFileFullPath, WorkspaceDir) ModuleKey = (ModuleObj.GetGuid(), ModuleObj.GetVersion(), ModuleObj.GetName(), ModuleObj.GetCombinePath()) self.ModuleSurfaceArea[ModuleKey] = ModuleObj except FatalError, ErrCode: if ErrCode.message == EDK1_INF_ERROR: Logger.Error("UPT", EDK1_INF_ERROR, ST.WRN_EDK1_INF_FOUND%ModuleFileFullPath, ExtraData=ST.ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_SA_MODULE) else: raise # Recover WorkspaceDir WorkspaceDir = Root ## Get all files included for a distribution package, except tool/misc of # distribution level # # @retval DistFileList A list of filepath for NonMetaDataFile, relative to workspace # @retval MetaDataFileList A list of filepath for MetaDataFile, relative to workspace # def GetDistributionFileList(self): MetaDataFileList = [] SkipModulesUniList = [] for Guid, Version, Path in self.PackageSurfaceArea: Package = self.PackageSurfaceArea[Guid, Version, Path] PackagePath = Package.GetPackagePath() FullPath = Package.GetFullPath() MetaDataFileList.append(Path) IncludePathList = Package.GetIncludePathList() for IncludePath in IncludePathList: SearchPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(FullPath), IncludePath)) AddPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(PackagePath, IncludePath)) self.FileList += GetNonMetaDataFiles(SearchPath, ['CVS', '.svn'], False, AddPath) # # Add the miscellaneous files on DEC file # for MiscFileObj in Package.GetMiscFileList(): for FileObj in MiscFileObj.GetFileList(): MiscFileFullPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(PackagePath, FileObj.GetURI())) if MiscFileFullPath not in self.FileList: self.FileList.append(MiscFileFullPath) Module = None ModuleDict = Package.GetModuleDict() for Guid, Version, Name, Path in ModuleDict: Module = ModuleDict[Guid, Version, Name, Path] ModulePath = Module.GetModulePath() FullPath = Module.GetFullPath() PkgRelPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(PackagePath, ModulePath)) MetaDataFileList.append(Path) SkipList = ['CVS', '.svn'] NonMetaDataFileList = [] if Module.UniFileClassObject: for UniFile in Module.UniFileClassObject.IncFileList: OriPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(FullPath)) UniFilePath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(PkgRelPath, UniFile.Path[len(OriPath) + 1:])) if UniFilePath not in SkipModulesUniList: SkipModulesUniList.append(UniFilePath) for IncludeFile in Module.UniFileClassObject.IncludePathList: if IncludeFile not in SkipModulesUniList: SkipModulesUniList.append(IncludeFile) NonMetaDataFileList = GetNonMetaDataFiles(os.path.dirname(FullPath), SkipList, False, PkgRelPath) for NonMetaDataFile in NonMetaDataFileList: if NonMetaDataFile not in self.FileList: self.FileList.append(NonMetaDataFile) for Guid, Version, Name, Path in self.ModuleSurfaceArea: Module = self.ModuleSurfaceArea[Guid, Version, Name, Path] ModulePath = Module.GetModulePath() FullPath = Module.GetFullPath() MetaDataFileList.append(Path) SkipList = ['CVS', '.svn'] NonMetaDataFileList = [] if Module.UniFileClassObject: for UniFile in Module.UniFileClassObject.IncFileList: OriPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(FullPath)) UniFilePath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(ModulePath, UniFile.Path[len(OriPath) + 1:])) if UniFilePath not in SkipModulesUniList: SkipModulesUniList.append(UniFilePath) NonMetaDataFileList = GetNonMetaDataFiles(os.path.dirname(FullPath), SkipList, False, ModulePath) for NonMetaDataFile in NonMetaDataFileList: if NonMetaDataFile not in self.FileList: self.FileList.append(NonMetaDataFile) for SkipModuleUni in SkipModulesUniList: if SkipModuleUni in self.FileList: self.FileList.remove(SkipModuleUni) return self.FileList, MetaDataFileList