## @file GenInfFile.py # # This file contained the logical of transfer package object to INF files. # # Copyright (c) 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> # # This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available # under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this # distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # ''' GenInf ''' from os import getenv from Library.String import GetSplitValueList from Library.Parsing import GenSection from Library.Parsing import GetWorkspacePackage from Library.Parsing import ConvertArchForInstall from Library.Misc import SaveFileOnChange from Library.Misc import IsAllModuleList from Library.Misc import Sdict from Library.Misc import ConvertPath from Library.Misc import ConvertSpec from Library.CommentGenerating import GenHeaderCommentSection from Library.CommentGenerating import GenGenericCommentF from Library.CommentGenerating import _GetHelpStr from Library import GlobalData from Logger import StringTable as ST from Logger import ToolError import Logger.Log as Logger from Library import DataType as DT from GenMetaFile import GenMetaFileMisc ## Transfer Module Object to Inf files # # Transfer all contents of a standard Module Object to an Inf file # @param ModuleObject: A Module Object # def ModuleToInf(ModuleObject): if not GlobalData.gWSPKG_LIST: GlobalData.gWSPKG_LIST = GetWorkspacePackage() # # Init global information for the file # ContainerFile = ModuleObject.GetFullPath() Content = '' # # generate header comment section # Content += GenHeaderCommentSection(ModuleObject.GetAbstract(), ModuleObject.GetDescription(), ModuleObject.GetCopyright(), ModuleObject.GetLicense()) # # Judge whether the INF file is an AsBuild INF. # if ModuleObject.BinaryModule: GlobalData.gIS_BINARY_INF = True else: GlobalData.gIS_BINARY_INF = False # # for each section, maintain a dict, sorted arch will be its key, # statement list will be its data # { 'Arch1 Arch2 Arch3': [statement1, statement2], # 'Arch1' : [statement1, statement3] # } # # # Gen section contents # Content += GenDefines(ModuleObject) Content += GenBuildOptions(ModuleObject) Content += GenLibraryClasses(ModuleObject) Content += GenPackages(ModuleObject) Content += GenPcdSections(ModuleObject) Content += GenSources(ModuleObject) Content += GenProtocolPPiSections(ModuleObject.GetProtocolList(), True) Content += GenProtocolPPiSections(ModuleObject.GetPpiList(), False) Content += GenGuidSections(ModuleObject.GetGuidList()) Content += GenBinaries(ModuleObject) Content += GenDepex(ModuleObject) Content += GenUserExtensions(ModuleObject) if ModuleObject.GetEventList() or ModuleObject.GetBootModeList() or ModuleObject.GetHobList(): Content += '\n\n' # # generate [Event], [BootMode], [Hob] section # Content += GenSpecialSections(ModuleObject.GetEventList(), 'Event') Content += GenSpecialSections(ModuleObject.GetBootModeList(), 'BootMode') Content += GenSpecialSections(ModuleObject.GetHobList(), 'Hob') SaveFileOnChange(ContainerFile, Content, False) return ContainerFile def GenDefines(ModuleObject): # # generate [Defines] section # Content = '' NewSectionDict = {} for UserExtension in ModuleObject.GetUserExtensionList(): DefinesDict = UserExtension.GetDefinesDict() if not DefinesDict: continue for Statement in DefinesDict: SortedArch = DT.TAB_ARCH_COMMON if Statement.strip().startswith(DT.TAB_INF_DEFINES_CUSTOM_MAKEFILE): pos = Statement.find(DT.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT) if pos == -1: pos = Statement.find(DT.TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT) Makefile = ConvertPath(Statement[pos + 1:].strip()) Statement = Statement[:pos + 1] + ' ' + Makefile if SortedArch in NewSectionDict: NewSectionDict[SortedArch] = NewSectionDict[SortedArch] + [Statement] else: NewSectionDict[SortedArch] = [Statement] SpecialStatementList = [] # # Add INF_VERSION statement firstly # Statement = 'INF_VERSION = 0x00010017' SpecialStatementList.append(Statement) BaseName = ModuleObject.GetBaseName() if BaseName.startswith('.') or BaseName.startswith('-'): BaseName = '_' + BaseName Statement = '%s = %s' % (DT.TAB_INF_DEFINES_BASE_NAME, BaseName) SpecialStatementList.append(Statement) Statement = '%s = %s' % (DT.TAB_INF_DEFINES_FILE_GUID, ModuleObject.GetGuid()) SpecialStatementList.append(Statement) Statement = '%s = %s' % (DT.TAB_INF_DEFINES_VERSION_STRING, ModuleObject.GetVersion()) SpecialStatementList.append(Statement) if ModuleObject.GetModuleType(): Statement = '%s = %s' % (DT.TAB_INF_DEFINES_MODULE_TYPE, ModuleObject.GetModuleType()) SpecialStatementList.append(Statement) if ModuleObject.GetPcdIsDriver(): Statement = '%s = %s' % (DT.TAB_INF_DEFINES_PCD_IS_DRIVER, ModuleObject.GetPcdIsDriver()) SpecialStatementList.append(Statement) if ModuleObject.GetUefiSpecificationVersion(): Statement = '%s = %s' % (DT.TAB_INF_DEFINES_UEFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION, \ ModuleObject.GetUefiSpecificationVersion()) SpecialStatementList.append(Statement) if ModuleObject.GetPiSpecificationVersion(): Statement = '%s = %s' % (DT.TAB_INF_DEFINES_PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION, ModuleObject.GetPiSpecificationVersion()) SpecialStatementList.append(Statement) for LibraryClass in ModuleObject.GetLibraryClassList(): if LibraryClass.GetUsage() == DT.USAGE_ITEM_PRODUCES or \ LibraryClass.GetUsage() == DT.USAGE_ITEM_SOMETIMES_PRODUCES: Statement = '%s = %s' % (DT.TAB_INF_DEFINES_LIBRARY_CLASS, LibraryClass.GetLibraryClass()) if LibraryClass.GetSupModuleList(): Statement += '|' + DT.TAB_SPACE_SPLIT.join(l for l in LibraryClass.GetSupModuleList()) SpecialStatementList.append(Statement) for SpecItem in ModuleObject.GetSpecList(): Spec, Version = SpecItem Spec = ConvertSpec(Spec) Statement = '%s %s = %s' % (DT.TAB_INF_DEFINES_SPEC, Spec, Version) SpecialStatementList.append(Statement) ExternList = [] for Extern in ModuleObject.GetExternList(): ArchList = Extern.GetSupArchList() EntryPoint = Extern.GetEntryPoint() UnloadImage = Extern.GetUnloadImage() Constructor = Extern.GetConstructor() Destructor = Extern.GetDestructor() HelpStringList = Extern.GetHelpTextList() FFE = Extern.GetFeatureFlag() ExternList.append([ArchList, EntryPoint, UnloadImage, Constructor, Destructor, FFE, HelpStringList]) # # Add VALID_ARCHITECTURES information # ValidArchStatement = None if ModuleObject.SupArchList: ValidArchStatement = '# ' + '\n' ValidArchStatement += '# The following information is for reference only and not required by the build tools.\n' ValidArchStatement += '# ' + '\n' ValidArchStatement += '# VALID_ARCHITECTURES = %s' % (' '.join(ModuleObject.SupArchList)) + '\n' ValidArchStatement += '# ' + '\n' if DT.TAB_ARCH_COMMON not in NewSectionDict: NewSectionDict[DT.TAB_ARCH_COMMON] = [] NewSectionDict[DT.TAB_ARCH_COMMON] = NewSectionDict[DT.TAB_ARCH_COMMON] + SpecialStatementList GenMetaFileMisc.AddExternToDefineSec(NewSectionDict, DT.TAB_ARCH_COMMON, ExternList) if ValidArchStatement is not None: NewSectionDict[DT.TAB_ARCH_COMMON] = NewSectionDict[DT.TAB_ARCH_COMMON] + [ValidArchStatement] Content += GenSection('Defines', NewSectionDict) return Content def GenLibraryClasses(ModuleObject): # # generate [LibraryClasses] section # Content = '' NewSectionDict = {} if not GlobalData.gIS_BINARY_INF: for LibraryClass in ModuleObject.GetLibraryClassList(): if LibraryClass.GetUsage() == DT.USAGE_ITEM_PRODUCES: continue # # Generate generic comment # HelpTextList = LibraryClass.GetHelpTextList() HelpStr = _GetHelpStr(HelpTextList) CommentStr = GenGenericCommentF(HelpStr) Statement = CommentStr Name = LibraryClass.GetLibraryClass() FFE = LibraryClass.GetFeatureFlag() Statement += Name if FFE: Statement += '|' + FFE ModuleList = LibraryClass.GetSupModuleList() ArchList = LibraryClass.GetSupArchList() for Index in xrange(0, len(ArchList)): ArchList[Index] = ConvertArchForInstall(ArchList[Index]) ArchList.sort() SortedArch = ' '.join(ArchList) KeyList = [] if not ModuleList or IsAllModuleList(ModuleList): KeyList = [SortedArch] else: ModuleString = DT.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT.join(l for l in ModuleList) if not ArchList: SortedArch = DT.TAB_ARCH_COMMON KeyList = [SortedArch + '.' + ModuleString] else: KeyList = [Arch + '.' + ModuleString for Arch in ArchList] for Key in KeyList: if Key in NewSectionDict: NewSectionDict[Key] = NewSectionDict[Key] + [Statement] else: NewSectionDict[Key] = [Statement] Content += GenSection('LibraryClasses', NewSectionDict) else: LibraryClassDict = {} for BinaryFile in ModuleObject.GetBinaryFileList(): if not BinaryFile.AsBuiltList: continue for LibraryItem in BinaryFile.AsBuiltList[0].LibraryInstancesList: Statement = '# Guid: ' + LibraryItem.Guid + ' Version: ' + LibraryItem.Version if len(BinaryFile.SupArchList) == 0: if LibraryClassDict.has_key('COMMON'): LibraryClassDict['COMMON'].append(Statement) else: LibraryClassDict['COMMON'] = ['## @LIB_INSTANCES'] LibraryClassDict['COMMON'].append(Statement) else: for Arch in BinaryFile.SupArchList: if LibraryClassDict.has_key(Arch): LibraryClassDict[Arch].append(Statement) else: LibraryClassDict[Arch] = ['## @LIB_INSTANCES'] LibraryClassDict[Arch].append(Statement) Content += GenSection('LibraryClasses', LibraryClassDict) return Content def GenPackages(ModuleObject): Content = '' # # generate [Packages] section # NewSectionDict = Sdict() WorkspaceDir = getenv('WORKSPACE') for PackageDependency in ModuleObject.GetPackageDependencyList(): # # Generate generic comment # CommentStr = '' HelpText = PackageDependency.GetHelpText() if HelpText: HelpStr = HelpText.GetString() CommentStr = GenGenericCommentF(HelpStr) Statement = CommentStr Guid = PackageDependency.GetGuid() Version = PackageDependency.GetVersion() FFE = PackageDependency.GetFeatureFlag() # # find package path/name # for PkgInfo in GlobalData.gWSPKG_LIST: if Guid == PkgInfo[1]: if (not Version) or (Version == PkgInfo[2]): Path = PkgInfo[3] break # # get relative path # RelaPath = Path[Path.upper().find(WorkspaceDir.upper()) + len(WorkspaceDir) + 1:] Statement += RelaPath.replace('\\', '/') if FFE: Statement += '|' + FFE ArchList = PackageDependency.GetSupArchList() ArchList.sort() SortedArch = ' '.join(ArchList) if SortedArch in NewSectionDict: NewSectionDict[SortedArch] = NewSectionDict[SortedArch] + [Statement] else: NewSectionDict[SortedArch] = [Statement] Content += GenSection('Packages', NewSectionDict) return Content def GenSources(ModuleObject): # # generate [Sources] section # Content = '' NewSectionDict = {} for Source in ModuleObject.GetSourceFileList(): SourceFile = Source.GetSourceFile() Family = Source.GetFamily() FeatureFlag = Source.GetFeatureFlag() SupArchList = Source.GetSupArchList() SupArchList.sort() SortedArch = ' '.join(SupArchList) Statement = GenSourceStatement(ConvertPath(SourceFile), Family, FeatureFlag) if SortedArch in NewSectionDict: NewSectionDict[SortedArch] = NewSectionDict[SortedArch] + [Statement] else: NewSectionDict[SortedArch] = [Statement] Content += GenSection('Sources', NewSectionDict) return Content def GenDepex(ModuleObject): # # generate [Depex] section # NewSectionDict = Sdict() Content = '' for Depex in ModuleObject.GetPeiDepex() + ModuleObject.GetDxeDepex() + ModuleObject.GetSmmDepex(): HelpTextList = Depex.GetHelpTextList() HelpStr = _GetHelpStr(HelpTextList) CommentStr = GenGenericCommentF(HelpStr) SupArchList = Depex.GetSupArchList() SupModList = Depex.GetModuleType() Expression = Depex.GetDepex() Statement = CommentStr + Expression SupArchList.sort() KeyList = [] if not SupArchList: SupArchList.append(DT.TAB_ARCH_COMMON.lower()) if not SupModList: KeyList = SupArchList else: for ModuleType in SupModList: for Arch in SupArchList: KeyList.append(ConvertArchForInstall(Arch) + '.' + ModuleType) for Key in KeyList: if Key in NewSectionDict: NewSectionDict[Key] = NewSectionDict[Key] + [Statement] else: NewSectionDict[Key] = [Statement] Content += GenSection('Depex', NewSectionDict, False) return Content ## GenUserExtensions # # GenUserExtensions # def GenUserExtensions(ModuleObject): NewSectionDict = {} for UserExtension in ModuleObject.GetUserExtensionList(): if UserExtension.GetIdentifier() == 'Depex': continue Statement = UserExtension.GetStatement() if not Statement: continue ArchList = UserExtension.GetSupArchList() for Index in xrange(0, len(ArchList)): ArchList[Index] = ConvertArchForInstall(ArchList[Index]) ArchList.sort() KeyList = [] CommonPreFix = '' if UserExtension.GetUserID(): CommonPreFix = UserExtension.GetUserID() if CommonPreFix.find('.') > -1: CommonPreFix = '"' + CommonPreFix + '"' if UserExtension.GetIdentifier(): CommonPreFix += '.' + '"' + UserExtension.GetIdentifier() + '"' if ArchList: KeyList = [CommonPreFix + '.' + Arch for Arch in ArchList] else: KeyList = [CommonPreFix] for Key in KeyList: if Key in NewSectionDict: NewSectionDict[Key] = NewSectionDict[Key] + [Statement] else: NewSectionDict[Key] = [Statement] Content = GenSection('UserExtensions', NewSectionDict, False) return Content # GenSourceStatement # # @param SourceFile: string of source file path/name # @param Family: string of source file family field # @param FeatureFlag: string of source file FeatureFlag field # @param TagName: string of source file TagName field # @param ToolCode: string of source file ToolCode field # @param HelpStr: string of source file HelpStr field # # @retval Statement: The generated statement for source # def GenSourceStatement(SourceFile, Family, FeatureFlag, TagName=None, ToolCode=None, HelpStr=None): Statement = '' if HelpStr: Statement += GenGenericCommentF(HelpStr) # # format of SourceFile|Family|TagName|ToolCode|FeatureFlag # Statement += SourceFile if TagName == None: TagName = '' if ToolCode == None: ToolCode = '' if HelpStr == None: HelpStr = '' if FeatureFlag: Statement += '|' + Family + '|' + TagName + '|' + ToolCode + '|' + FeatureFlag elif ToolCode: Statement += '|' + Family + '|' + TagName + '|' + ToolCode elif TagName: Statement += '|' + Family + '|' + TagName elif Family: Statement += '|' + Family return Statement # GenBinaryStatement # # @param Key: (FileName, FileType, FFE, SortedArch) # @param Value: (Target, Family, TagName, Comment) # # def GenBinaryStatement(Key, Value): (FileName, FileType, FFE, SortedArch) = Key if SortedArch: pass if Value: (Target, Family, TagName, Comment) = Value else: Target = '' Family = '' TagName = '' Comment = '' if Comment: Statement = GenGenericCommentF(Comment) else: Statement = '' Statement += FileType + '|' + FileName if FileType in DT.BINARY_FILE_TYPE_UI_LIST + DT.BINARY_FILE_TYPE_VER_LIST: if FFE: Statement += '|' + Target + '|' + FFE elif Target: Statement += '|' + Target else: if FFE: Statement += '|' + Target + '|' + Family + '|' + TagName + '|' + FFE elif TagName: Statement += '|' + Target + '|' + Family + '|' + TagName elif Family: Statement += '|' + Target + '|' + Family elif Target: Statement += '|' + Target return Statement ## GenGuidSections # # @param GuidObjList: List of GuidObject # @retVal Content: The generated section contents # def GenGuidSections(GuidObjList): # # generate [Guids] section # Content = '' GuidDict = Sdict() for Guid in GuidObjList: HelpTextList = Guid.GetHelpTextList() HelpStr = _GetHelpStr(HelpTextList) CName = Guid.GetCName() FFE = Guid.GetFeatureFlag() Statement = CName if FFE: Statement += '|' + FFE Usage = Guid.GetUsage() GuidType = Guid.GetGuidTypeList()[0] VariableName = Guid.GetVariableName() # # we need to differentiate the generic comment and usage comment # as multiple generic comment need to be put at first # if Usage == DT.ITEM_UNDEFINED and GuidType == DT.ITEM_UNDEFINED: # generate list of generic comment Comment = GenGenericCommentF(HelpStr) else: # generate list of other comment Comment = HelpStr.replace('\n', ' ') Comment = Comment.strip() if Comment: Comment = ' # ' + Comment else: Comment = '' if Usage != DT.ITEM_UNDEFINED and GuidType == DT.ITEM_UNDEFINED: Comment = '## ' + Usage + Comment elif GuidType == 'Variable': Comment = '## ' + Usage + ' ## ' + GuidType + ':' + VariableName + Comment else: Comment = '## ' + Usage + ' ## ' + GuidType + Comment if Comment: Comment += '\n' # # merge duplicate items # ArchList = Guid.GetSupArchList() ArchList.sort() SortedArch = ' '.join(ArchList) if (Statement, SortedArch) in GuidDict: PreviousComment = GuidDict[Statement, SortedArch] Comment = PreviousComment + Comment GuidDict[Statement, SortedArch] = Comment NewSectionDict = GenMetaFileMisc.TransferDict(GuidDict) # # generate the section contents # if NewSectionDict: Content = GenSection('Guids', NewSectionDict) return Content ## GenProtocolPPiSections # # @param ObjList: List of ProtocolObject or Ppi Object # @retVal Content: The generated section contents # def GenProtocolPPiSections(ObjList, IsProtocol): Content = '' Dict = Sdict() for Object in ObjList: HelpTextList = Object.GetHelpTextList() HelpStr = _GetHelpStr(HelpTextList) CName = Object.GetCName() FFE = Object.GetFeatureFlag() Statement = CName if FFE: Statement += '|' + FFE Usage = Object.GetUsage() Notify = Object.GetNotify() # # we need to differentiate the generic comment and usage comment # as consecutive generic comment need to be put together # if Usage == DT.ITEM_UNDEFINED and Notify == '': # generate list of generic comment Comment = GenGenericCommentF(HelpStr) else: # generate list of other comment Comment = HelpStr.replace('\n', ' ') Comment = Comment.strip() if Comment: Comment = ' # ' + Comment else: Comment = '' if Usage == DT.ITEM_UNDEFINED and not Comment and Notify == '': Comment = '' else: if Notify: Comment = '## ' + Usage + ' ## ' + 'NOTIFY' + Comment else: Comment = '## ' + Usage + Comment if Comment: Comment += '\n' # # merge duplicate items # ArchList = Object.GetSupArchList() ArchList.sort() SortedArch = ' '.join(ArchList) if (Statement, SortedArch) in Dict: PreviousComment = Dict[Statement, SortedArch] Comment = PreviousComment + Comment Dict[Statement, SortedArch] = Comment NewSectionDict = GenMetaFileMisc.TransferDict(Dict) # # generate the section contents # if NewSectionDict: if IsProtocol: Content = GenSection('Protocols', NewSectionDict) else: Content = GenSection('Ppis', NewSectionDict) return Content ## GenPcdSections # # def GenPcdSections(ModuleObject): Content = '' if not GlobalData.gIS_BINARY_INF: # # for each Pcd Itemtype, maintain a dict so the same type will be grouped # together # ItemTypeDict = {} for Pcd in ModuleObject.GetPcdList(): HelpTextList = Pcd.GetHelpTextList() HelpStr = _GetHelpStr(HelpTextList) Statement = '' CName = Pcd.GetCName() TokenSpaceGuidCName = Pcd.GetTokenSpaceGuidCName() DefaultValue = Pcd.GetDefaultValue() ItemType = Pcd.GetItemType() if ItemType in ItemTypeDict: Dict = ItemTypeDict[ItemType] else: Dict = Sdict() ItemTypeDict[ItemType] = Dict FFE = Pcd.GetFeatureFlag() Statement += TokenSpaceGuidCName + '.' + CName if DefaultValue: Statement += '|' + DefaultValue if FFE: Statement += '|' + FFE elif FFE: Statement += '||' + FFE # # Generate comment # Usage = Pcd.GetValidUsage() # # if FeatureFlag Pcd, then assume all Usage is CONSUMES # if ItemType == DT.TAB_INF_FEATURE_PCD: Usage = DT.USAGE_ITEM_CONSUMES if Usage == DT.ITEM_UNDEFINED or (ItemType == DT.TAB_INF_FEATURE_PCD): # generate list of generic comment Comment = GenGenericCommentF(HelpStr) else: # generate list of other comment Comment = HelpStr.replace('\n', ' ') Comment = Comment.strip() if Comment: Comment = ' # ' + Comment else: Comment = '' Comment = '## ' + Usage + Comment if Comment: Comment += '\n' # # Merge duplicate entries # ArchList = Pcd.GetSupArchList() ArchList.sort() SortedArch = ' '.join(ArchList) if (Statement, SortedArch) in Dict: PreviousComment = Dict[Statement, SortedArch] Comment = PreviousComment + Comment Dict[Statement, SortedArch] = Comment for ItemType in ItemTypeDict: # # First we need to transfer the Dict to use SortedArch as key # Dict = ItemTypeDict[ItemType] NewSectionDict = GenMetaFileMisc.TransferDict(Dict) if NewSectionDict: Content += GenSection(ItemType, NewSectionDict) # # For AsBuild INF files # else: Content += GenAsBuiltPacthPcdSections(ModuleObject) Content += GenAsBuiltPcdExSections(ModuleObject) return Content ## GenPcdSections # # def GenAsBuiltPacthPcdSections(ModuleObject): PatchPcdDict = {} for BinaryFile in ModuleObject.GetBinaryFileList(): if not BinaryFile.AsBuiltList: continue for PatchPcd in BinaryFile.AsBuiltList[0].PatchPcdList: TokenSpaceName = '' PcdCName = PatchPcd.CName PcdValue = PatchPcd.DefaultValue PcdOffset = PatchPcd.Offset TokenSpaceGuidValue = PatchPcd.TokenSpaceGuidValue Token = PatchPcd.Token HelpTextList = PatchPcd.HelpTextList HelpString = '' for HelpStringItem in HelpTextList: for HelpLine in GetSplitValueList(HelpStringItem.String, '\n'): HelpString += '# ' + HelpLine + '\n' TokenSpaceName, PcdCName = GenMetaFileMisc.ObtainPcdName(ModuleObject.PackageDependencyList, TokenSpaceGuidValue, Token) if TokenSpaceName == '' or PcdCName == '': Logger.Error("Upt", ToolError.RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE, ST.ERR_INSTALL_FILE_DEC_FILE_ERROR%(TokenSpaceGuidValue, Token), File=ModuleObject.GetFullPath()) Statement = HelpString[:-3] + TokenSpaceName + '.' + PcdCName + ' | ' + PcdValue + ' | ' + PcdOffset if len(BinaryFile.SupArchList) == 0: if PatchPcdDict.has_key('COMMON'): PatchPcdDict['COMMON'].append(Statement) else: PatchPcdDict['COMMON'] = [Statement] else: for Arch in BinaryFile.SupArchList: if PatchPcdDict.has_key(Arch): PatchPcdDict[Arch].append(Statement) else: PatchPcdDict[Arch] = [Statement] return GenSection('PatchPcd', PatchPcdDict) ## GenPcdSections # # def GenAsBuiltPcdExSections(ModuleObject): PcdExDict = {} for BinaryFile in ModuleObject.GetBinaryFileList(): if not BinaryFile.AsBuiltList: continue for PcdExItem in BinaryFile.AsBuiltList[0].PcdExValueList: TokenSpaceName = '' PcdCName = PcdExItem.CName PcdValue = PcdExItem.DefaultValue TokenSpaceGuidValue = PcdExItem.TokenSpaceGuidValue Token = PcdExItem.Token HelpTextList = PcdExItem.HelpTextList HelpString = '' for HelpStringItem in HelpTextList: for HelpLine in GetSplitValueList(HelpStringItem.String, '\n'): HelpString += '# ' + HelpLine + '\n' TokenSpaceName, PcdCName = GenMetaFileMisc.ObtainPcdName(ModuleObject.PackageDependencyList, TokenSpaceGuidValue, Token) if TokenSpaceName == '' or PcdCName == '': Logger.Error("Upt", ToolError.RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE, ST.ERR_INSTALL_FILE_DEC_FILE_ERROR%(TokenSpaceGuidValue, Token), File=ModuleObject.GetFullPath()) Statement = HelpString[:-3] + TokenSpaceName + '.' + PcdCName + ' | ' + PcdValue if len(BinaryFile.SupArchList) == 0: if PcdExDict.has_key('COMMON'): PcdExDict['COMMON'].append(Statement) else: PcdExDict['COMMON'] = [Statement] else: for Arch in BinaryFile.SupArchList: if PcdExDict.has_key(Arch): PcdExDict[Arch].append(Statement) else: PcdExDict[Arch] = [Statement] return GenSection('PcdEx', PcdExDict) ## GenSpecialSections # generate special sections for Event/BootMode/Hob # def GenSpecialSections(ObjectList, SectionName): # # generate section # Content = '' NewSectionDict = {} for Obj in ObjectList: # # Generate comment # CommentStr = '' HelpTextList = Obj.GetHelpTextList() HelpStr = _GetHelpStr(HelpTextList) CommentStr = GenGenericCommentF(HelpStr) if SectionName == 'Hob': Type = Obj.GetHobType() elif SectionName == 'Event': Type = Obj.GetEventType() elif SectionName == 'BootMode': Type = Obj.GetSupportedBootModes() else: assert(SectionName) Usage = Obj.GetUsage() Statement = ' ' + Type + ' ## ' + Usage if CommentStr in ['#\n', '#\n#\n']: CommentStr = '#\n#\n#\n' # # the first head comment line should start with '##\n', # if it starts with '#\n', then add one '#' # else add '##\n' to meet the format defined in INF spec # if CommentStr.startswith('#\n'): CommentStr = '#' + CommentStr elif CommentStr: CommentStr = '##\n' + CommentStr if CommentStr and not CommentStr.endswith('\n#\n'): CommentStr = CommentStr + '#\n' NewStateMent = CommentStr + Statement SupArch = Obj.GetSupArchList() SupArch.sort() SortedArch = ' '.join(SupArch) if SortedArch in NewSectionDict: NewSectionDict[SortedArch] = NewSectionDict[SortedArch] + [NewStateMent] else: NewSectionDict[SortedArch] = [NewStateMent] SectionContent = GenSection(SectionName, NewSectionDict) SectionContent = SectionContent.strip() if SectionContent: Content = '# ' + ('\n' + '# ').join(GetSplitValueList(SectionContent, '\n')) Content = Content.lstrip() # # add two empty line after the generated section content to differentiate # it between other possible sections # if Content: Content += '\n#\n#\n' return Content ## GenBuildOptions # # def GenBuildOptions(ModuleObject): Content = '' if not ModuleObject.BinaryModule: # # generate [BuildOptions] section # NewSectionDict = {} for UserExtension in ModuleObject.GetUserExtensionList(): BuildOptionDict = UserExtension.GetBuildOptionDict() if not BuildOptionDict: continue for Arch in BuildOptionDict: if Arch in NewSectionDict: NewSectionDict[Arch] = NewSectionDict[Arch] + [BuildOptionDict[Arch]] else: NewSectionDict[Arch] = [BuildOptionDict[Arch]] Content = GenSection('BuildOptions', NewSectionDict) else: BuildOptionDict = {} for BinaryFile in ModuleObject.GetBinaryFileList(): if not BinaryFile.AsBuiltList: continue for BuilOptionItem in BinaryFile.AsBuiltList[0].BinaryBuildFlagList: Statement = '#' + BuilOptionItem.AsBuiltOptionFlags if len(BinaryFile.SupArchList) == 0: if BuildOptionDict.has_key('COMMON'): if Statement not in BuildOptionDict['COMMON']: BuildOptionDict['COMMON'].append(Statement) else: BuildOptionDict['COMMON'] = ['## @AsBuilt'] BuildOptionDict['COMMON'].append(Statement) else: for Arch in BinaryFile.SupArchList: if BuildOptionDict.has_key(Arch): if Statement not in BuildOptionDict[Arch]: BuildOptionDict[Arch].append(Statement) else: BuildOptionDict[Arch] = ['## @AsBuilt'] BuildOptionDict[Arch].append(Statement) Content = GenSection('BuildOptions', BuildOptionDict) return Content ## GenBinaries # # def GenBinaries(ModuleObject): NewSectionDict = {} BinariesDict = [] for UserExtension in ModuleObject.GetUserExtensionList(): BinariesDict = UserExtension.GetBinariesDict() if BinariesDict: break for BinaryFile in ModuleObject.GetBinaryFileList(): FileNameObjList = BinaryFile.GetFileNameList() for FileNameObj in FileNameObjList: FileName = ConvertPath(FileNameObj.GetFilename()) FileType = FileNameObj.GetFileType() FFE = FileNameObj.GetFeatureFlag() ArchList = FileNameObj.GetSupArchList() ArchList.sort() SortedArch = ' '.join(ArchList) Key = (FileName, FileType, FFE, SortedArch) if Key in BinariesDict: ValueList = BinariesDict[Key] for ValueItem in ValueList: Statement = GenBinaryStatement(Key, ValueItem) if SortedArch in NewSectionDict: NewSectionDict[SortedArch] = NewSectionDict[SortedArch] + [Statement] else: NewSectionDict[SortedArch] = [Statement] # # as we already generated statement for this DictKey # here set the Valuelist to be empty to avoid generate duplicate entries # as the DictKey may have multiple entries # BinariesDict[Key] = [] else: Statement = GenBinaryStatement(Key, None) if SortedArch in NewSectionDict: NewSectionDict[SortedArch] = NewSectionDict[SortedArch] + [Statement] else: NewSectionDict[SortedArch] = [Statement] return GenSection('Binaries', NewSectionDict)