## @file # This file is used to check PCD logical expression # # Copyright (c) 2011 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> # # This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available # under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this # distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. ''' ExpressionValidate ''' ## # Import Modules # import re from Logger import StringTable as ST ## IsValidBareCString # # Check if String is comprised by whitespace(0x20), !(0x21), 0x23 - 0x7E # or '\n', '\t', '\f', '\r', '\b', '\0', '\\' # # @param String: string to be checked # def IsValidBareCString(String): EscapeList = ['n', 't', 'f', 'r', 'b', '0', '\\', '"'] PreChar = '' LastChar = '' for Char in String: LastChar = Char if PreChar == '\\': if Char not in EscapeList: return False if Char == '\\': PreChar = '' continue else: IntChar = ord(Char) if IntChar != 0x20 and IntChar != 0x09 and IntChar != 0x21 \ and (IntChar < 0x23 or IntChar > 0x7e): return False PreChar = Char # Last char cannot be \ if PreChar is not \ if LastChar == '\\' and PreChar == LastChar: return False return True def _ValidateToken(Token): Token = Token.strip() Index = Token.find("\"") if Index != -1: return IsValidBareCString(Token[Index+1:-1]) return True ## _ExprError # # @param Exception: Exception # class _ExprError(Exception): def __init__(self, Error = ''): Exception.__init__(self) self.Error = Error ## _ExprBase # class _ExprBase: HEX_PATTERN = '[\t\s]*0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+' INT_PATTERN = '[\t\s]*[0-9]+' MACRO_PATTERN = '[\t\s]*\$\(([A-Z][_A-Z0-9]*)\)' PCD_PATTERN = \ '[\t\s]*[_a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*[\t\s]*\.[\t\s]*[_a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*' QUOTED_PATTERN = '[\t\s]*L?"[^"]*"' BOOL_PATTERN = '[\t\s]*(true|True|TRUE|false|False|FALSE)' def __init__(self, Token): self.Token = Token self.Index = 0 self.Len = len(Token) ## SkipWhitespace # def SkipWhitespace(self): for Char in self.Token[self.Index:]: if Char not in ' \t': break self.Index += 1 ## IsCurrentOp # # @param OpList: option list # def IsCurrentOp(self, OpList): self.SkipWhitespace() LetterOp = ["EQ", "NE", "GE", "LE", "GT", "LT", "NOT", "and", "AND", "or", "OR", "XOR"] OpMap = { '|' : '|', '&' : '&', '!' : '=', '>' : '=', '<' : '=' } for Operator in OpList: if not self.Token[self.Index:].startswith(Operator): continue self.Index += len(Operator) Char = self.Token[self.Index : self.Index + 1] if (Operator in LetterOp and (Char == '_' or Char.isalnum())) \ or (Operator in OpMap and OpMap[Operator] == Char): self.Index -= len(Operator) break return True return False ## _LogicalExpressionParser # # @param _ExprBase: _ExprBase object # class _LogicalExpressionParser(_ExprBase): # # STRINGITEM can only be logical field according to spec # STRINGITEM = -1 # # Evaluate to True or False # LOGICAL = 0 REALLOGICAL = 2 # # Just arithmetic expression # ARITH = 1 def __init__(self, Token): _ExprBase.__init__(self, Token) self.Parens = 0 def _CheckToken(self, MatchList): for Match in MatchList: if Match and Match.start() == 0: if not _ValidateToken( self.Token[self.Index:self.Index+Match.end()] ): return False self.Index += Match.end() if self.Token[self.Index - 1] == '"': return True if self.Token[self.Index:self.Index+1] == '_' or \ self.Token[self.Index:self.Index+1].isalnum(): self.Index -= Match.end() return False Token = self.Token[self.Index - Match.end():self.Index] if Token.strip() in ["EQ", "NE", "GE", "LE", "GT", "LT", "NOT", "and", "AND", "or", "OR", "XOR"]: self.Index -= Match.end() return False return True return False def IsAtomicNumVal(self): # # Hex number # Match1 = re.compile(self.HEX_PATTERN).match(self.Token[self.Index:]) # # Number # Match2 = re.compile(self.INT_PATTERN).match(self.Token[self.Index:]) # # Macro # Match3 = re.compile(self.MACRO_PATTERN).match(self.Token[self.Index:]) # # PcdName # Match4 = re.compile(self.PCD_PATTERN).match(self.Token[self.Index:]) return self._CheckToken([Match1, Match2, Match3, Match4]) def IsAtomicItem(self): # # Macro # Match1 = re.compile(self.MACRO_PATTERN).match(self.Token[self.Index:]) # # PcdName # Match2 = re.compile(self.PCD_PATTERN).match(self.Token[self.Index:]) # # Quoted string # Match3 = re.compile(self.QUOTED_PATTERN).\ match(self.Token[self.Index:].replace('\\\\', '//').\ replace('\\\"', '\\\'')) return self._CheckToken([Match1, Match2, Match3]) ## A || B # def LogicalExpression(self): Ret = self.SpecNot() while self.IsCurrentOp(['||', 'OR', 'or', '&&', 'AND', 'and', 'XOR', 'xor', '^']): if self.Token[self.Index-1] == '|' and self.Parens <= 0: raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_OR % self.Token) if Ret not in [self.ARITH, self.LOGICAL, self.REALLOGICAL, self.STRINGITEM]: raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_LOGICAL % self.Token) Ret = self.SpecNot() if Ret not in [self.ARITH, self.LOGICAL, self.REALLOGICAL, self.STRINGITEM]: raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_LOGICAL % self.Token) Ret = self.REALLOGICAL return Ret def SpecNot(self): if self.IsCurrentOp(["NOT", "!", "not"]): return self.SpecNot() return self.Rel() ## A < B, A > B, A <= B, A >= B # def Rel(self): Ret = self.Expr() if self.IsCurrentOp(["<=", ">=", ">", "<", "GT", "LT", "GE", "LE", "==", "EQ", "!=", "NE"]): if Ret == self.STRINGITEM: raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_LOGICAL % self.Token) Ret = self.Expr() if Ret == self.REALLOGICAL: raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_LOGICAL % self.Token) Ret = self.REALLOGICAL return Ret ## A + B, A - B # def Expr(self): Ret = self.Factor() while self.IsCurrentOp(["+", "-", "&", "|", "^", "XOR", "xor"]): if self.Token[self.Index-1] == '|' and self.Parens <= 0: raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_OR) if Ret == self.STRINGITEM or Ret == self.REALLOGICAL: raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_LOGICAL % self.Token) Ret = self.Factor() if Ret == self.STRINGITEM or Ret == self.REALLOGICAL: raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_LOGICAL % self.Token) Ret = self.ARITH return Ret ## Factor # def Factor(self): if self.IsCurrentOp(["("]): self.Parens += 1 Ret = self.LogicalExpression() if not self.IsCurrentOp([")"]): raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_RIGHT_PAREN % \ (self.Token, self.Token[self.Index:])) self.Parens -= 1 return Ret if self.IsAtomicItem(): if self.Token[self.Index - 1] == '"': return self.STRINGITEM return self.LOGICAL elif self.IsAtomicNumVal(): return self.ARITH else: raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_FACTOR % \ (self.Token[self.Index:], self.Token)) ## IsValidLogicalExpression # def IsValidLogicalExpression(self): if self.Len == 0: return False, ST.ERR_EXPRESS_EMPTY try: if self.LogicalExpression() not in [self.ARITH, self.LOGICAL, self.REALLOGICAL, self.STRINGITEM]: return False, ST.ERR_EXPR_LOGICAL % self.Token except _ExprError, XExcept: return False, XExcept.Error self.SkipWhitespace() if self.Index != self.Len: return False, (ST.ERR_EXPR_BOOLEAN % \ (self.Token[self.Index:], self.Token)) return True, '' ## _ValidRangeExpressionParser # class _ValidRangeExpressionParser(_ExprBase): INT_RANGE_PATTERN = '[\t\s]*[0-9]+[\t\s]*-[\t\s]*[0-9]+' HEX_RANGE_PATTERN = \ '[\t\s]*0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+[\t\s]*-[\t\s]*0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+' def __init__(self, Token): _ExprBase.__init__(self, Token) self.Parens = 0 self.HEX = 1 self.INT = 2 self.IsParenHappen = False self.IsLogicalOpHappen = False ## IsValidRangeExpression # def IsValidRangeExpression(self): if self.Len == 0: return False, ST.ERR_EXPR_RANGE_EMPTY try: if self.RangeExpression() not in [self.HEX, self.INT]: return False, ST.ERR_EXPR_RANGE % self.Token except _ExprError, XExcept: return False, XExcept.Error self.SkipWhitespace() if self.Index != self.Len: return False, (ST.ERR_EXPR_RANGE % self.Token) return True, '' ## RangeExpression # def RangeExpression(self): Ret = self.Unary() while self.IsCurrentOp(['OR', 'AND', 'and', 'or']): self.IsLogicalOpHappen = True if not self.IsParenHappen: raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_PAREN_NOT_USED % self.Token) self.IsParenHappen = False Ret = self.Unary() if self.IsCurrentOp(['XOR']): Ret = self.Unary() return Ret ## Unary # def Unary(self): if self.IsCurrentOp(["NOT"]): return self.Unary() return self.ValidRange() ## ValidRange # def ValidRange(self): Ret = -1 if self.IsCurrentOp(["("]): self.IsLogicalOpHappen = False self.IsParenHappen = True self.Parens += 1 if self.Parens > 1: raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_RANGE_DOUBLE_PAREN_NESTED % self.Token) Ret = self.RangeExpression() if not self.IsCurrentOp([")"]): raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_RIGHT_PAREN % self.Token) self.Parens -= 1 return Ret if self.IsLogicalOpHappen: raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_PAREN_NOT_USED % self.Token) if self.IsCurrentOp(["LT", "GT", "LE", "GE", "EQ", "XOR"]): IntMatch = \ re.compile(self.INT_PATTERN).match(self.Token[self.Index:]) HexMatch = \ re.compile(self.HEX_PATTERN).match(self.Token[self.Index:]) if HexMatch and HexMatch.start() == 0: self.Index += HexMatch.end() Ret = self.HEX elif IntMatch and IntMatch.start() == 0: self.Index += IntMatch.end() Ret = self.INT else: raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_RANGE_FACTOR % (self.Token[self.Index:], self.Token)) else: IntRangeMatch = re.compile( self.INT_RANGE_PATTERN).match(self.Token[self.Index:] ) HexRangeMatch = re.compile( self.HEX_RANGE_PATTERN).match(self.Token[self.Index:] ) if HexRangeMatch and HexRangeMatch.start() == 0: self.Index += HexRangeMatch.end() Ret = self.HEX elif IntRangeMatch and IntRangeMatch.start() == 0: self.Index += IntRangeMatch.end() Ret = self.INT else: raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_RANGE % self.Token) return Ret ## _ValidListExpressionParser # class _ValidListExpressionParser(_ExprBase): VALID_LIST_PATTERN = '(0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+|[0-9]+)([\t\s]*,[\t\s]*(0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+|[0-9]+))*' def __init__(self, Token): _ExprBase.__init__(self, Token) self.NUM = 1 def IsValidListExpression(self): if self.Len == 0: return False, ST.ERR_EXPR_LIST_EMPTY try: if self.ListExpression() not in [self.NUM]: return False, ST.ERR_EXPR_LIST % self.Token except _ExprError, XExcept: return False, XExcept.Error self.SkipWhitespace() if self.Index != self.Len: return False, (ST.ERR_EXPR_LIST % self.Token) return True, '' def ListExpression(self): Ret = -1 self.SkipWhitespace() ListMatch = re.compile(self.VALID_LIST_PATTERN).match(self.Token[self.Index:]) if ListMatch and ListMatch.start() == 0: self.Index += ListMatch.end() Ret = self.NUM else: raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_LIST % self.Token) return Ret ## _StringTestParser # class _StringTestParser(_ExprBase): def __init__(self, Token): _ExprBase.__init__(self, Token) ## IsValidStringTest # def IsValidStringTest(self): if self.Len == 0: return False, ST.ERR_EXPR_EMPTY try: self.StringTest() except _ExprError, XExcept: return False, XExcept.Error return True, '' ## StringItem # def StringItem(self): Match1 = re.compile(self.QUOTED_PATTERN)\ .match(self.Token[self.Index:].replace('\\\\', '//')\ .replace('\\\"', '\\\'')) Match2 = re.compile(self.MACRO_PATTERN).match(self.Token[self.Index:]) Match3 = re.compile(self.PCD_PATTERN).match(self.Token[self.Index:]) MatchList = [Match1, Match2, Match3] for Match in MatchList: if Match and Match.start() == 0: if not _ValidateToken( self.Token[self.Index:self.Index+Match.end()] ): raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_STRING_ITEM % \ (self.Token, self.Token[self.Index:])) self.Index += Match.end() Token = self.Token[self.Index - Match.end():self.Index] if Token.strip() in ["EQ", "NE"]: raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_STRING_ITEM % \ (self.Token, self.Token[self.Index:])) return else: raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_STRING_ITEM % \ (self.Token, self.Token[self.Index:])) ## StringTest # def StringTest(self): self.StringItem() if not self.IsCurrentOp(["==", "EQ", "!=", "NE"]): raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_EQUALITY % \ (self.Token[self.Index:], self.Token)) self.StringItem() if self.Index != self.Len: raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_BOOLEAN % \ (self.Token[self.Index:], self.Token)) ## # Check syntax of string test # # @param Token: string test token # def IsValidStringTest(Token, Flag=False): # # Not do the check right now, keep the implementation for future enhancement. # if not Flag: return True, "" return _StringTestParser(Token).IsValidStringTest() ## # Check syntax of logical expression # # @param Token: expression token # def IsValidLogicalExpr(Token, Flag=False): # # Not do the check right now, keep the implementation for future enhancement. # if not Flag: return True, "" return _LogicalExpressionParser(Token).IsValidLogicalExpression() ## # Check syntax of range expression # # @param Token: range expression token # def IsValidRangeExpr(Token): return _ValidRangeExpressionParser(Token).IsValidRangeExpression() ## # Check syntax of value list expression token # # @param Token: value list expression token # def IsValidListExpr(Token): return _ValidListExpressionParser(Token).IsValidListExpression() ## # Check whether the feature flag expression is valid or not # # @param Token: feature flag expression # def IsValidFeatureFlagExp(Token, Flag=False): # # Not do the check right now, keep the implementation for future enhancement. # if not Flag: return True, "", Token else: if Token in ['TRUE', 'FALSE', 'true', 'false', 'True', 'False', '0x1', '0x01', '0x0', '0x00']: return True, "" Valid, Cause = IsValidStringTest(Token, Flag) if not Valid: Valid, Cause = IsValidLogicalExpr(Token, Flag) if not Valid: return False, Cause return True, "" if __name__ == '__main__': # print IsValidRangeExpr('LT 9') print _LogicalExpressionParser('gCrownBayTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciDevice1BridgeAddressLE0').IsValidLogicalExpression()