## @file # This file implements the log mechanism for Python tools. # # Copyright (c) 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> # # This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available # under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this # distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # ''' Logger ''' ## Import modules from sys import argv from sys import stdout from sys import stderr import os.path from os import remove from logging import getLogger from logging import Formatter from logging import StreamHandler from logging import FileHandler from traceback import extract_stack from Logger.ToolError import FatalError from Logger.ToolError import WARNING_AS_ERROR from Logger.ToolError import gERROR_MESSAGE from Logger.ToolError import UNKNOWN_ERROR from Library import GlobalData # # Log level constants # DEBUG_0 = 1 DEBUG_1 = 2 DEBUG_2 = 3 DEBUG_3 = 4 DEBUG_4 = 5 DEBUG_5 = 6 DEBUG_6 = 7 DEBUG_7 = 8 DEBUG_8 = 9 DEBUG_9 = 10 VERBOSE = 15 INFO = 20 WARN = 30 QUIET = 40 QUIET_1 = 41 ERROR = 50 SILENT = 60 IS_RAISE_ERROR = True SUPRESS_ERROR = False # # Tool name # _TOOL_NAME = os.path.basename(argv[0]) # # For validation purpose # _LOG_LEVELS = [DEBUG_0, DEBUG_1, DEBUG_2, DEBUG_3, DEBUG_4, DEBUG_5, DEBUG_6, \ DEBUG_7, DEBUG_8, DEBUG_9, VERBOSE, WARN, INFO, ERROR, QUIET, \ QUIET_1, SILENT] # # For DEBUG level (All DEBUG_0~9 are applicable) # _DEBUG_LOGGER = getLogger("tool_debug") _DEBUG_FORMATTER = Formatter("[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)d]: %(message)s", \ datefmt="%H:%M:%S") # # For VERBOSE, INFO, WARN level # _INFO_LOGGER = getLogger("tool_info") _INFO_FORMATTER = Formatter("%(message)s") # # For ERROR level # _ERROR_LOGGER = getLogger("tool_error") _ERROR_FORMATTER = Formatter("%(message)s") # # String templates for ERROR/WARN/DEBUG log message # _ERROR_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = \ ('\n\n%(tool)s...\n%(file)s(%(line)s): error %(errorcode)04X: %(msg)s\n\t%(extra)s') __ERROR_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE_WITHOUT_FILE = \ '\n\n%(tool)s...\n : error %(errorcode)04X: %(msg)s\n\t%(extra)s' _WARNING_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = '%(tool)s...\n%(file)s(%(line)s): warning: %(msg)s' _WARNING_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE_WITHOUT_FILE = '%(tool)s: : warning: %(msg)s' _DEBUG_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = '%(file)s(%(line)s): debug: \n %(msg)s' # # Log INFO message # #Info = _INFO_LOGGER.info def Info(msg, *args, **kwargs): _INFO_LOGGER.info(msg, *args, **kwargs) # # Log information which should be always put out # def Quiet(msg, *args, **kwargs): _ERROR_LOGGER.error(msg, *args, **kwargs) ## Log debug message # # @param Level DEBUG level (DEBUG0~9) # @param Message Debug information # @param ExtraData More information associated with "Message" # def Debug(Level, Message, ExtraData=None): if _DEBUG_LOGGER.level > Level: return if Level > DEBUG_9: return # # Find out the caller method information # CallerStack = extract_stack()[-2] TemplateDict = { "file" : CallerStack[0], "line" : CallerStack[1], "msg" : Message, } if ExtraData != None: LogText = _DEBUG_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE % TemplateDict + "\n %s" % ExtraData else: LogText = _DEBUG_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE % TemplateDict _DEBUG_LOGGER.log(Level, LogText) ## Log verbose message # # @param Message Verbose information # def Verbose(Message): return _INFO_LOGGER.log(VERBOSE, Message) ## Log warning message # # Warning messages are those which might be wrong but won't fail the tool. # # @param ToolName The name of the tool. If not given, the name of caller # method will be used. # @param Message Warning information # @param File The name of file which caused the warning. # @param Line The line number in the "File" which caused the warning. # @param ExtraData More information associated with "Message" # def Warn(ToolName, Message, File=None, Line=None, ExtraData=None): if _INFO_LOGGER.level > WARN: return # # if no tool name given, use caller's source file name as tool name # if ToolName == None or ToolName == "": ToolName = os.path.basename(extract_stack()[-2][0]) if Line == None: Line = "..." else: Line = "%d" % Line TemplateDict = { "tool" : ToolName, "file" : File, "line" : Line, "msg" : Message, } if File != None: LogText = _WARNING_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE % TemplateDict else: LogText = _WARNING_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE_WITHOUT_FILE % TemplateDict if ExtraData != None: LogText += "\n %s" % ExtraData _INFO_LOGGER.log(WARN, LogText) # # Raise an execption if indicated # if GlobalData.gWARNING_AS_ERROR == True: raise FatalError(WARNING_AS_ERROR) ## Log ERROR message # # Once an error messages is logged, the tool's execution will be broken by # raising an execption. If you don't want to break the execution later, you # can give "RaiseError" with "False" value. # # @param ToolName The name of the tool. If not given, the name of caller # method will be used. # @param ErrorCode The error code # @param Message Warning information # @param File The name of file which caused the error. # @param Line The line number in the "File" which caused the warning. # @param ExtraData More information associated with "Message" # @param RaiseError Raise an exception to break the tool's executuion if # it's True. This is the default behavior. # def Error(ToolName, ErrorCode, Message=None, File=None, Line=None, \ ExtraData=None, RaiseError=IS_RAISE_ERROR): if ToolName: pass if Line == None: Line = "..." else: Line = "%d" % Line if Message == None: if ErrorCode in gERROR_MESSAGE: Message = gERROR_MESSAGE[ErrorCode] else: Message = gERROR_MESSAGE[UNKNOWN_ERROR] if ExtraData == None: ExtraData = "" TemplateDict = { "tool" : _TOOL_NAME, "file" : File, "line" : Line, "errorcode" : ErrorCode, "msg" : Message, "extra" : ExtraData } if File != None: LogText = _ERROR_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE % TemplateDict else: LogText = __ERROR_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE_WITHOUT_FILE % TemplateDict if not SUPRESS_ERROR: _ERROR_LOGGER.log(ERROR, LogText) if RaiseError: raise FatalError(ErrorCode) ## Initialize log system # def Initialize(): # # Since we use different format to log different levels of message into # different place (stdout or stderr), we have to use different "Logger" # objects to do this. # # For DEBUG level (All DEBUG_0~9 are applicable) _DEBUG_LOGGER.setLevel(INFO) _DebugChannel = StreamHandler(stdout) _DebugChannel.setFormatter(_DEBUG_FORMATTER) _DEBUG_LOGGER.addHandler(_DebugChannel) # # For VERBOSE, INFO, WARN level # _INFO_LOGGER.setLevel(INFO) _InfoChannel = StreamHandler(stdout) _InfoChannel.setFormatter(_INFO_FORMATTER) _INFO_LOGGER.addHandler(_InfoChannel) # # For ERROR level # _ERROR_LOGGER.setLevel(INFO) _ErrorCh = StreamHandler(stderr) _ErrorCh.setFormatter(_ERROR_FORMATTER) _ERROR_LOGGER.addHandler(_ErrorCh) ## Set log level # # @param Level One of log level in _LogLevel # def SetLevel(Level): if Level not in _LOG_LEVELS: Info("Not supported log level (%d). Use default level instead." % \ Level) Level = INFO _DEBUG_LOGGER.setLevel(Level) _INFO_LOGGER.setLevel(Level) _ERROR_LOGGER.setLevel(Level) ## Get current log level # def GetLevel(): return _INFO_LOGGER.getEffectiveLevel() ## Raise up warning as error # def SetWarningAsError(): GlobalData.gWARNING_AS_ERROR = True ## Specify a file to store the log message as well as put on console # # @param LogFile The file path used to store the log message # def SetLogFile(LogFile): if os.path.exists(LogFile): remove(LogFile) _Ch = FileHandler(LogFile) _Ch.setFormatter(_DEBUG_FORMATTER) _DEBUG_LOGGER.addHandler(_Ch) _Ch = FileHandler(LogFile) _Ch.setFormatter(_INFO_FORMATTER) _INFO_LOGGER.addHandler(_Ch) _Ch = FileHandler(LogFile) _Ch.setFormatter(_ERROR_FORMATTER) _ERROR_LOGGER.addHandler(_Ch)