## @file # This file is used to define class objects of INF file [Guids] section. # It will consumed by InfParser. # # Copyright (c) 2011 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> # # This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available # under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this # distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. ''' InfGuidObject ''' from Library.ParserValidate import IsValidCVariableName from Library.CommentParsing import ParseComment from Library.ExpressionValidate import IsValidFeatureFlagExp from Library.Misc import Sdict from Library import DataType as DT import Logger.Log as Logger from Logger import ToolError from Logger import StringTable as ST class InfGuidItemCommentContent(): def __init__(self): # # ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES ## Variable:L"MemoryTypeInformation" # TailString. # # # SOMETIMES_CONSUMES # self.UsageItem = '' # # Variable # self.GuidTypeItem = '' # # MemoryTypeInformation # self.VariableNameItem = '' # # TailString # self.HelpStringItem = '' def SetUsageItem(self, UsageItem): self.UsageItem = UsageItem def GetUsageItem(self): return self.UsageItem def SetGuidTypeItem(self, GuidTypeItem): self.GuidTypeItem = GuidTypeItem def GetGuidTypeItem(self): return self.GuidTypeItem def SetVariableNameItem(self, VariableNameItem): self.VariableNameItem = VariableNameItem def GetVariableNameItem(self): return self.VariableNameItem def SetHelpStringItem(self, HelpStringItem): self.HelpStringItem = HelpStringItem def GetHelpStringItem(self): return self.HelpStringItem class InfGuidItem(): def __init__(self): self.Name = '' self.FeatureFlagExp = '' # # A list contain instance of InfGuidItemCommentContent # self.CommentList = [] self.SupArchList = [] def SetName(self, Name): self.Name = Name def GetName(self): return self.Name def SetFeatureFlagExp(self, FeatureFlagExp): self.FeatureFlagExp = FeatureFlagExp def GetFeatureFlagExp(self): return self.FeatureFlagExp def SetCommentList(self, CommentList): self.CommentList = CommentList def GetCommentList(self): return self.CommentList def SetSupArchList(self, SupArchList): self.SupArchList = SupArchList def GetSupArchList(self): return self.SupArchList ## ParseComment # # ParseComment # def ParseGuidComment(CommentsList, InfGuidItemObj): # # Get/Set Usage and HelpString # if CommentsList != None and len(CommentsList) != 0 : CommentInsList = [] PreUsage = None PreGuidType = None PreHelpText = '' BlockFlag = -1 Count = 0 for CommentItem in CommentsList: Count = Count + 1 CommentItemUsage, \ CommentItemGuidType, \ CommentItemVarString, \ CommentItemHelpText = \ ParseComment(CommentItem, DT.ALL_USAGE_TOKENS, DT.GUID_TYPE_TOKENS, [], True) if CommentItemHelpText == None: CommentItemHelpText = '' if Count == len(CommentsList) and CommentItemUsage == CommentItemGuidType == DT.ITEM_UNDEFINED: CommentItemHelpText = DT.END_OF_LINE if Count == len(CommentsList): if BlockFlag == 1 or BlockFlag == 2: if CommentItemUsage == CommentItemGuidType == DT.ITEM_UNDEFINED: BlockFlag = 4 else: BlockFlag = 3 if BlockFlag == -1: BlockFlag = 4 if BlockFlag == -1 or BlockFlag == 1 or BlockFlag == 2: if CommentItemUsage == CommentItemGuidType == DT.ITEM_UNDEFINED: if BlockFlag == -1: BlockFlag = 1 elif BlockFlag == 1: BlockFlag = 2 else: if BlockFlag == 1 or BlockFlag == 2: BlockFlag = 3 elif BlockFlag == -1: BlockFlag = 4 # # Combine two comment line if they are generic comment # if CommentItemUsage == CommentItemGuidType == PreUsage == PreGuidType == DT.ITEM_UNDEFINED: CommentItemHelpText = PreHelpText + DT.END_OF_LINE + CommentItemHelpText PreHelpText = CommentItemHelpText if BlockFlag == 4: CommentItemIns = InfGuidItemCommentContent() CommentItemIns.SetUsageItem(CommentItemUsage) CommentItemIns.SetGuidTypeItem(CommentItemGuidType) CommentItemIns.SetVariableNameItem(CommentItemVarString) if CommentItemHelpText == '' or CommentItemHelpText.endswith(DT.END_OF_LINE): CommentItemHelpText = CommentItemHelpText.strip(DT.END_OF_LINE) CommentItemIns.SetHelpStringItem(CommentItemHelpText) CommentInsList.append(CommentItemIns) BlockFlag = -1 PreUsage = None PreGuidType = None PreHelpText = '' elif BlockFlag == 3: # # Add previous help string # CommentItemIns = InfGuidItemCommentContent() CommentItemIns.SetUsageItem(DT.ITEM_UNDEFINED) CommentItemIns.SetGuidTypeItem(DT.ITEM_UNDEFINED) if PreHelpText == '' or PreHelpText.endswith(DT.END_OF_LINE): PreHelpText = PreHelpText.strip(DT.END_OF_LINE) CommentItemIns.SetHelpStringItem(PreHelpText) CommentInsList.append(CommentItemIns) # # Add Current help string # CommentItemIns = InfGuidItemCommentContent() CommentItemIns.SetUsageItem(CommentItemUsage) CommentItemIns.SetGuidTypeItem(CommentItemGuidType) CommentItemIns.SetVariableNameItem(CommentItemVarString) if CommentItemHelpText == '' or CommentItemHelpText.endswith(DT.END_OF_LINE): CommentItemHelpText = CommentItemHelpText.strip(DT.END_OF_LINE) CommentItemIns.SetHelpStringItem(CommentItemHelpText) CommentInsList.append(CommentItemIns) BlockFlag = -1 PreUsage = None PreGuidType = None PreHelpText = '' else: PreUsage = CommentItemUsage PreGuidType = CommentItemGuidType PreHelpText = CommentItemHelpText InfGuidItemObj.SetCommentList(CommentInsList) else: # # Still need to set the USAGE/GUIDTYPE to undefined. # CommentItemIns = InfGuidItemCommentContent() CommentItemIns.SetUsageItem(DT.ITEM_UNDEFINED) CommentItemIns.SetGuidTypeItem(DT.ITEM_UNDEFINED) InfGuidItemObj.SetCommentList([CommentItemIns]) return InfGuidItemObj ## InfGuidObject # # InfGuidObject # class InfGuidObject(): def __init__(self): self.Guids = Sdict() # # Macro defined in this section should be only used in this section. # self.Macros = {} def SetGuid(self, GuidList, Arch = None): __SupportArchList = [] for ArchItem in Arch: # # Validate Arch # if (ArchItem == '' or ArchItem == None): ArchItem = 'COMMON' __SupportArchList.append(ArchItem) for Item in GuidList: # # Get Comment content of this protocol # CommentsList = None if len(Item) == 3: CommentsList = Item[1] CurrentLineOfItem = Item[2] Item = Item[0] InfGuidItemObj = InfGuidItem() if len(Item) >= 1 and len(Item) <= 2: # # Only GuildName contained # if not IsValidCVariableName(Item[0]): Logger.Error("InfParser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_INVALID_CNAME%(Item[0]), File=CurrentLineOfItem[2], Line=CurrentLineOfItem[1], ExtraData=CurrentLineOfItem[0]) if (Item[0] != ''): InfGuidItemObj.SetName(Item[0]) else: Logger.Error("InfParser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_CNAME_MISSING, File=CurrentLineOfItem[2], Line=CurrentLineOfItem[1], ExtraData=CurrentLineOfItem[0]) if len(Item) == 2: # # Contained CName and Feature Flag Express # <statements> ::= <CName> ["|" <FeatureFlagExpress>] # For GUID entry. # if Item[1].strip() == '': Logger.Error("InfParser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_FEATURE_FLAG_EXP_MISSING, File=CurrentLineOfItem[2], Line=CurrentLineOfItem[1], ExtraData=CurrentLineOfItem[0]) # # Validate Feature Flag Express # FeatureFlagRtv = IsValidFeatureFlagExp(Item[1].strip()) if not FeatureFlagRtv[0]: Logger.Error("InfParser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_FEATURE_FLAG_EXP_SYNTAX_INVLID%(FeatureFlagRtv[1]), File=CurrentLineOfItem[2], Line=CurrentLineOfItem[1], ExtraData=CurrentLineOfItem[0]) InfGuidItemObj.SetFeatureFlagExp(Item[1]) if len(Item) != 1 and len(Item) != 2: # # Invalid format of GUID statement # Logger.Error("InfParser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_GUID_PPI_PROTOCOL_SECTION_CONTENT_ERROR, File=CurrentLineOfItem[2], Line=CurrentLineOfItem[1], ExtraData=CurrentLineOfItem[0]) InfGuidItemObj = ParseGuidComment(CommentsList, InfGuidItemObj) InfGuidItemObj.SetSupArchList(__SupportArchList) # # Determine GUID name duplicate. Follow below rule: # # A GUID must not be duplicated within a [Guids] section. # A GUID may appear in multiple architectural [Guids] # sections. A GUID listed in an architectural [Guids] # section must not be listed in the common architectural # [Guids] section. # # NOTE: This check will not report error now. # for Item in self.Guids: if Item.GetName() == InfGuidItemObj.GetName(): ItemSupArchList = Item.GetSupArchList() for ItemArch in ItemSupArchList: for GuidItemObjArch in __SupportArchList: if ItemArch == GuidItemObjArch: # # ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_ITEM_DUPLICATE # pass if ItemArch.upper() == 'COMMON' or GuidItemObjArch.upper() == 'COMMON': # # ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_ITEM_DUPLICATE_COMMON # pass if self.Guids.has_key((InfGuidItemObj)): GuidList = self.Guids[InfGuidItemObj] GuidList.append(InfGuidItemObj) self.Guids[InfGuidItemObj] = GuidList else: GuidList = [] GuidList.append(InfGuidItemObj) self.Guids[InfGuidItemObj] = GuidList return True def GetGuid(self): return self.Guids