## @file # This file is used to define class objects of INF file [Sources] section. # It will consumed by InfParser. # # Copyright (c) 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> # # This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available # under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this # distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. ''' InfSourcesObject ''' import os from Logger import StringTable as ST from Logger import ToolError import Logger.Log as Logger from Library import GlobalData from Library.Misc import Sdict from Library.ExpressionValidate import IsValidFeatureFlagExp from Object.Parser.InfCommonObject import InfSectionCommonDef from Library.Misc import ValidFile from Library.ParserValidate import IsValidFamily from Library.ParserValidate import IsValidPath ## __GenSourceInstance # # def GenSourceInstance(Item, CurrentLineOfItem, ItemObj): IsValidFileFlag = False if len(Item) < 6 and len(Item) >= 1: # # File | Family | TagName | ToolCode | FeatureFlagExpr # if len(Item) == 5: # # Validate Feature Flag Express # if Item[4].strip() == '': Logger.Error("InfParser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_FEATURE_FLAG_EXP_MISSING, File=CurrentLineOfItem[2], Line=CurrentLineOfItem[1], ExtraData=CurrentLineOfItem[0]) # # Validate FFE # FeatureFlagRtv = IsValidFeatureFlagExp(Item[4].strip()) if not FeatureFlagRtv[0]: Logger.Error("InfParser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_FEATURE_FLAG_EXP_SYNTAX_INVLID%(FeatureFlagRtv[1]), File=CurrentLineOfItem[2], Line=CurrentLineOfItem[1], ExtraData=CurrentLineOfItem[0]) ItemObj.SetFeatureFlagExp(Item[4]) if len(Item) >= 4: if Item[3].strip() == '': ItemObj.SetToolCode(Item[3]) else: Logger.Error("InfParser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_TOOLCODE_NOT_PERMITTED%(Item[2]), File=CurrentLineOfItem[2], Line=CurrentLineOfItem[1], ExtraData=CurrentLineOfItem[0]) if len(Item) >= 3: if Item[2].strip() == '': ItemObj.SetTagName(Item[2]) else: Logger.Error("InfParser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_TAGNAME_NOT_PERMITTED%(Item[2]), File=CurrentLineOfItem[2], Line=CurrentLineOfItem[1], ExtraData=CurrentLineOfItem[0]) if len(Item) >= 2: if IsValidFamily(Item[1].strip()): # # To align with UDP specification. "*" is not permitted in UDP specification # if Item[1].strip() == "*": Item[1] = "" ItemObj.SetFamily(Item[1]) else: Logger.Error("InfParser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_SOURCE_SECTION_FAMILY_INVALID%(Item[1]), File=CurrentLineOfItem[2], Line=CurrentLineOfItem[1], ExtraData=CurrentLineOfItem[0]) if len(Item) >= 1: # # Validate file name exist. # FullFileName = os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(GlobalData.gINF_MODULE_DIR, Item[0]))) if not (ValidFile(FullFileName) or ValidFile(Item[0])): Logger.Error("InfParser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_FILELIST_EXIST%(Item[0]), File=CurrentLineOfItem[2], Line=CurrentLineOfItem[1], ExtraData=CurrentLineOfItem[0]) # # Validate file exist/format. # if IsValidPath(Item[0], GlobalData.gINF_MODULE_DIR): IsValidFileFlag = True else: Logger.Error("InfParser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_FILE_NOT_EXIST_OR_NAME_INVALID%(Item[0]), File=CurrentLineOfItem[2], Line=CurrentLineOfItem[1], ExtraData=CurrentLineOfItem[0]) return False if IsValidFileFlag: ItemObj.SetSourceFileName(Item[0]) else: Logger.Error("InfParser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_SOURCES_SECTION_CONTENT_ERROR, File=CurrentLineOfItem[2], Line=CurrentLineOfItem[1], ExtraData=CurrentLineOfItem[0]) return ItemObj ## InfSourcesItemObject() # # class InfSourcesItemObject(): def __init__(self, \ SourceFileName = '', \ Family = '', \ TagName = '', \ ToolCode = '', \ FeatureFlagExp = ''): self.SourceFileName = SourceFileName self.Family = Family self.TagName = TagName self.ToolCode = ToolCode self.FeatureFlagExp = FeatureFlagExp self.HeaderString = '' self.TailString = '' self.SupArchList = [] def SetSourceFileName(self, SourceFilename): self.SourceFileName = SourceFilename def GetSourceFileName(self): return self.SourceFileName def SetFamily(self, Family): self.Family = Family def GetFamily(self): return self.Family def SetTagName(self, TagName): self.TagName = TagName def GetTagName(self): return self.TagName def SetToolCode(self, ToolCode): self.ToolCode = ToolCode def GetToolCode(self): return self.ToolCode def SetFeatureFlagExp(self, FeatureFlagExp): self.FeatureFlagExp = FeatureFlagExp def GetFeatureFlagExp(self): return self.FeatureFlagExp def SetHeaderString(self, HeaderString): self.HeaderString = HeaderString def GetHeaderString(self): return self.HeaderString def SetTailString(self, TailString): self.TailString = TailString def GetTailString(self): return self.TailString def SetSupArchList(self, SupArchList): self.SupArchList = SupArchList def GetSupArchList(self): return self.SupArchList ## # # # class InfSourcesObject(InfSectionCommonDef): def __init__(self): self.Sources = Sdict() InfSectionCommonDef.__init__(self) def SetSources(self, SourceList, Arch = None): __SupArchList = [] for ArchItem in Arch: # # Validate Arch # if (ArchItem == '' or ArchItem == None): ArchItem = 'COMMON' __SupArchList.append(ArchItem) for Item in SourceList: ItemObj = InfSourcesItemObject() CurrentLineOfItem = Item[2] Item = Item[0] ItemObj = GenSourceInstance(Item, CurrentLineOfItem, ItemObj) ItemObj.SetSupArchList(__SupArchList) if self.Sources.has_key((ItemObj)): SourceContent = self.Sources[ItemObj] SourceContent.append(ItemObj) self.Sources[ItemObj] = SourceContent else: SourceContent = [] SourceContent.append(ItemObj) self.Sources[ItemObj] = SourceContent return True def GetSources(self): return self.Sources