## @file # This file is used to parse DEC file. It will consumed by DecParser # # Copyright (c) 2011 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> # # This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available # under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this # distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. ''' DecParser ''' ## Import modules # import Logger.Log as Logger from Logger.ToolError import FILE_PARSE_FAILURE from Logger.ToolError import FILE_OPEN_FAILURE from Logger import StringTable as ST from Logger.ToolError import FORMAT_INVALID import Library.DataType as DT from Library.ParserValidate import IsValidToken from Library.ParserValidate import IsValidPath from Library.ParserValidate import IsValidCFormatGuid from Library.ParserValidate import IsValidIdString from Library.ParserValidate import IsValidUserId from Library.ParserValidate import IsValidArch from Library.ParserValidate import IsValidWord from Library.ParserValidate import IsValidDecVersionVal from Parser.DecParserMisc import TOOL_NAME from Parser.DecParserMisc import CleanString from Parser.DecParserMisc import IsValidPcdDatum from Parser.DecParserMisc import ParserHelper from Parser.DecParserMisc import StripRoot from Parser.DecParserMisc import VERSION_PATTERN from Parser.DecParserMisc import CVAR_PATTERN from Parser.DecParserMisc import PCD_TOKEN_PATTERN from Parser.DecParserMisc import MACRO_PATTERN from Parser.DecParserMisc import FileContent from Object.Parser.DecObject import _DecComments from Object.Parser.DecObject import DecDefineObject from Object.Parser.DecObject import DecDefineItemObject from Object.Parser.DecObject import DecIncludeObject from Object.Parser.DecObject import DecIncludeItemObject from Object.Parser.DecObject import DecLibraryclassObject from Object.Parser.DecObject import DecLibraryclassItemObject from Object.Parser.DecObject import DecGuidObject from Object.Parser.DecObject import DecPpiObject from Object.Parser.DecObject import DecProtocolObject from Object.Parser.DecObject import DecGuidItemObject from Object.Parser.DecObject import DecUserExtensionObject from Object.Parser.DecObject import DecUserExtensionItemObject from Object.Parser.DecObject import DecPcdObject from Object.Parser.DecObject import DecPcdItemObject from Library.Misc import GuidStructureStringToGuidString from Library.Misc import CheckGuidRegFormat from Library.String import ReplaceMacro from Library.String import GetSplitValueList from Library.String import gMACRO_PATTERN from Library.String import ConvertSpecialChar from Library.CommentParsing import ParsePcdErrorCode ## # _DecBase class for parsing # class _DecBase: def __init__(self, RawData): self._RawData = RawData self._ItemDict = {} self._LocalMacro = {} # # Data parsed by 'self' are saved to this object # self.ItemObject = None def GetDataObject(self): return self.ItemObject def GetLocalMacro(self): return self._LocalMacro ## BlockStart # # Called if a new section starts # def BlockStart(self): self._LocalMacro = {} ## _CheckReDefine # # @param Key: to be checked if multi-defined # @param Scope: Format: [[SectionName, Arch], ...]. # If scope is none, use global scope # def _CheckReDefine(self, Key, Scope = None): if not Scope: Scope = self._RawData.CurrentScope return SecArch = [] # # Copy scope to SecArch, avoid Scope be changed outside # SecArch[0:1] = Scope[:] if Key not in self._ItemDict: self._ItemDict[Key] = [[SecArch, self._RawData.LineIndex]] return for Value in self._ItemDict[Key]: for SubValue in Scope: # # If current is common section # if SubValue[-1] == 'COMMON': for Other in Value[0]: # Key in common cannot be redefined in other arches # [:-1] means stripping arch info if Other[:-1] == SubValue[:-1]: self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_REDEFINE % (Key, Value[1])) return continue CommonScope = [] CommonScope[0:1] = SubValue CommonScope[-1] = 'COMMON' # # Cannot be redefined if this key already defined in COMMON Or defined in same arch # if SubValue in Value[0] or CommonScope in Value[0]: self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_REDEFINE % (Key, Value[1])) return self._ItemDict[Key].append([SecArch, self._RawData.LineIndex]) ## CheckRequiredFields # Some sections need to check if some fields exist, define section for example # Derived class can re-implement, top parser will call this function after all parsing done # def CheckRequiredFields(self): if self._RawData: pass return True ## IsItemRequired # In DEC spec, sections must have at least one statement except user # extension. # For example: "[guids" [<attribs>] "]" <EOL> <statements>+ # sub class can override this method to indicate if statement is a must. # def _IsStatementRequired(self): if self._RawData: pass return False def _LoggerError(self, ErrorString): Logger.Error(TOOL_NAME, FILE_PARSE_FAILURE, File=self._RawData.Filename, Line = self._RawData.LineIndex, ExtraData=ErrorString + ST.ERR_DECPARSE_LINE % self._RawData.CurrentLine) def _ReplaceMacro(self, String): if gMACRO_PATTERN.findall(String): String = ReplaceMacro(String, self._LocalMacro, False, FileName = self._RawData.Filename, Line = ['', self._RawData.LineIndex]) String = ReplaceMacro(String, self._RawData.Macros, False, FileName = self._RawData.Filename, Line = ['', self._RawData.LineIndex]) MacroUsed = gMACRO_PATTERN.findall(String) if MacroUsed: Logger.Error(TOOL_NAME, FILE_PARSE_FAILURE, File=self._RawData.Filename, Line = self._RawData.LineIndex, ExtraData = ST.ERR_DECPARSE_MACRO_RESOLVE % (str(MacroUsed), String)) return String def _MacroParser(self, String): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(String, ' ', 1) if len(TokenList) < 2 or TokenList[1] == '': self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_MACRO_PAIR) TokenList = GetSplitValueList(TokenList[1], DT.TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1) if TokenList[0] == '': self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_MACRO_NAME) elif not IsValidToken(MACRO_PATTERN, TokenList[0]): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_MACRO_NAME_UPPER % TokenList[0]) if len(TokenList) == 1: self._LocalMacro[TokenList[0]] = '' else: self._LocalMacro[TokenList[0]] = self._ReplaceMacro(TokenList[1]) ## _ParseItem # # Parse specified item, this function must be derived by subclass # def _ParseItem(self): if self._RawData: pass # # Should never be called # return None ## _TailCommentStrategy # # This function can be derived to parse tail comment # default is it will not consume any lines # # @param Comment: Comment of current line # def _TailCommentStrategy(self, Comment): if Comment: pass if self._RawData: pass return False ## _StopCurrentParsing # # Called in Parse if current parsing should be stopped when encounter some # keyword # Default is section start and end # # @param Line: Current line # def _StopCurrentParsing(self, Line): if self._RawData: pass return Line[0] == DT.TAB_SECTION_START and Line[-1] == DT.TAB_SECTION_END ## _TryBackSlash # # Split comment and DEC content, concatenate lines if end of char is '\' # # @param ProcessedLine: ProcessedLine line # @param ProcessedComments: ProcessedComments line # def _TryBackSlash(self, ProcessedLine, ProcessedComments): CatLine = '' Comment = '' Line = ProcessedLine CommentList = ProcessedComments while not self._RawData.IsEndOfFile(): if Line == '': self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_BACKSLASH_EMPTY) break if Comment: CommentList.append((Comment, self._RawData.LineIndex)) if Line[-1] != DT.TAB_SLASH: CatLine += Line break elif len(Line) < 2 or Line[-2] != ' ': self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_BACKSLASH) else: CatLine += Line[:-1] Line, Comment = CleanString(self._RawData.GetNextLine()) # # Reach end of content # if self._RawData.IsEndOfFile(): if not CatLine: if ProcessedLine[-1] == DT.TAB_SLASH: self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_BACKSLASH_EMPTY) CatLine = ProcessedLine else: if not Line or Line[-1] == DT.TAB_SLASH: self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_BACKSLASH_EMPTY) CatLine += Line self._RawData.CurrentLine = self._ReplaceMacro(CatLine) return CatLine, CommentList ## Parse # This is a template method in which other member functions which might # override by sub class are called. It is responsible for reading file # line by line, and call other member functions to parse. This function # should not be re-implement by sub class. # def Parse(self): HeadComments = [] TailComments = [] #====================================================================== # CurComments may pointer to HeadComments or TailComments #====================================================================== CurComments = HeadComments CurObj = None ItemNum = 0 FromBuf = False #====================================================================== # Used to report error information if empty section found #====================================================================== Index = self._RawData.LineIndex LineStr = self._RawData.CurrentLine while not self._RawData.IsEndOfFile() or self._RawData.NextLine: if self._RawData.NextLine: #============================================================== # Have processed line in buffer #============================================================== Line = self._RawData.NextLine HeadComments.extend(self._RawData.HeadComment) TailComments.extend(self._RawData.TailComment) self._RawData.ResetNext() Comment = '' FromBuf = True else: #============================================================== # No line in buffer, read next line #============================================================== Line, Comment = CleanString(self._RawData.GetNextLine()) FromBuf = False if Line: if not FromBuf and CurObj and TailComments: #========================================================== # Set tail comments to previous statement if not empty. #========================================================== CurObj.SetTailComment(CurObj.GetTailComment()+TailComments) if not FromBuf: del TailComments[:] CurComments = TailComments Comments = [] if Comment: Comments = [(Comment, self._RawData.LineIndex)] #============================================================== # Try if last char of line has backslash #============================================================== Line, Comments = self._TryBackSlash(Line, Comments) CurComments.extend(Comments) #============================================================== # Macro found #============================================================== if Line.startswith('DEFINE '): self._MacroParser(Line) del HeadComments[:] del TailComments[:] CurComments = HeadComments continue if self._StopCurrentParsing(Line): #========================================================== # This line does not belong to this parse, # Save it, can be used by next parse #========================================================== self._RawData.SetNext(Line, HeadComments, TailComments) break Obj = self._ParseItem() ItemNum += 1 if Obj: Obj.SetHeadComment(Obj.GetHeadComment()+HeadComments) Obj.SetTailComment(Obj.GetTailComment()+TailComments) del HeadComments[:] del TailComments[:] CurObj = Obj else: CurObj = None else: if id(CurComments) == id(TailComments): #========================================================== # Check if this comment belongs to tail comment #========================================================== if not self._TailCommentStrategy(Comment): CurComments = HeadComments if Comment: CurComments.append(((Comment, self._RawData.LineIndex))) else: del CurComments[:] if self._IsStatementRequired() and ItemNum == 0: Logger.Error( TOOL_NAME, FILE_PARSE_FAILURE, File=self._RawData.Filename, Line=Index, ExtraData=ST.ERR_DECPARSE_STATEMENT_EMPTY % LineStr ) ## _DecDefine # Parse define section # class _DecDefine(_DecBase): def __init__(self, RawData): _DecBase.__init__(self, RawData) self.ItemObject = DecDefineObject(RawData.Filename) self._LocalMacro = self._RawData.Macros self._DefSecNum = 0 # # Each field has a function to validate # self.DefineValidation = { DT.TAB_DEC_DEFINES_DEC_SPECIFICATION : self._SetDecSpecification, DT.TAB_DEC_DEFINES_PACKAGE_NAME : self._SetPackageName, DT.TAB_DEC_DEFINES_PACKAGE_GUID : self._SetPackageGuid, DT.TAB_DEC_DEFINES_PACKAGE_VERSION : self._SetPackageVersion, DT.TAB_DEC_DEFINES_PKG_UNI_FILE : self._SetPackageUni, } def BlockStart(self): self._DefSecNum += 1 if self._DefSecNum > 1: self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_DEFINE_MULTISEC) ## CheckRequiredFields # # Check required fields: DEC_SPECIFICATION, PACKAGE_NAME # PACKAGE_GUID, PACKAGE_VERSION # def CheckRequiredFields(self): Ret = False if self.ItemObject.GetPackageSpecification() == '': Logger.Error(TOOL_NAME, FILE_PARSE_FAILURE, File=self._RawData.Filename, ExtraData=ST.ERR_DECPARSE_DEFINE_REQUIRED % DT.TAB_DEC_DEFINES_DEC_SPECIFICATION) elif self.ItemObject.GetPackageName() == '': Logger.Error(TOOL_NAME, FILE_PARSE_FAILURE, File=self._RawData.Filename, ExtraData=ST.ERR_DECPARSE_DEFINE_REQUIRED % DT.TAB_DEC_DEFINES_PACKAGE_NAME) elif self.ItemObject.GetPackageGuid() == '': Logger.Error(TOOL_NAME, FILE_PARSE_FAILURE, File=self._RawData.Filename, ExtraData=ST.ERR_DECPARSE_DEFINE_REQUIRED % DT.TAB_DEC_DEFINES_PACKAGE_GUID) elif self.ItemObject.GetPackageVersion() == '': Logger.Error(TOOL_NAME, FILE_PARSE_FAILURE, File=self._RawData.Filename, ExtraData=ST.ERR_DECPARSE_DEFINE_REQUIRED % DT.TAB_DEC_DEFINES_PACKAGE_VERSION) else: Ret = True return Ret def _ParseItem(self): Line = self._RawData.CurrentLine TokenList = GetSplitValueList(Line, DT.TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1) if TokenList[0] == DT.TAB_DEC_DEFINES_PKG_UNI_FILE: self.DefineValidation[TokenList[0]](TokenList[1]) elif len(TokenList) < 2: self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_DEFINE_FORMAT) elif TokenList[0] not in self.DefineValidation: self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_DEFINE_UNKNOWKEY % TokenList[0]) else: self.DefineValidation[TokenList[0]](TokenList[1]) DefineItem = DecDefineItemObject() DefineItem.Key = TokenList[0] DefineItem.Value = TokenList[1] self.ItemObject.AddItem(DefineItem, self._RawData.CurrentScope) return DefineItem def _SetDecSpecification(self, Token): if self.ItemObject.GetPackageSpecification(): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_DEFINE_DEFINED % DT.TAB_DEC_DEFINES_DEC_SPECIFICATION) if not IsValidToken('0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]{8}', Token): if not IsValidDecVersionVal(Token): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_DEFINE_SPEC) self.ItemObject.SetPackageSpecification(Token) def _SetPackageName(self, Token): if self.ItemObject.GetPackageName(): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_DEFINE_DEFINED % DT.TAB_DEC_DEFINES_PACKAGE_NAME) if not IsValidWord(Token): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_DEFINE_PKGNAME) self.ItemObject.SetPackageName(Token) def _SetPackageGuid(self, Token): if self.ItemObject.GetPackageGuid(): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_DEFINE_DEFINED % DT.TAB_DEC_DEFINES_PACKAGE_GUID) if not CheckGuidRegFormat(Token): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_DEFINE_PKGGUID) self.ItemObject.SetPackageGuid(Token) def _SetPackageVersion(self, Token): if self.ItemObject.GetPackageVersion(): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_DEFINE_DEFINED % DT.TAB_DEC_DEFINES_PACKAGE_VERSION) if not IsValidToken(VERSION_PATTERN, Token): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_DEFINE_PKGVERSION) else: if not DT.TAB_SPLIT in Token: Token = Token + '.0' self.ItemObject.SetPackageVersion(Token) def _SetPackageUni(self, Token): if self.ItemObject.GetPackageUniFile(): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_DEFINE_DEFINED % DT.TAB_DEC_DEFINES_PKG_UNI_FILE) self.ItemObject.SetPackageUniFile(Token) ## _DecInclude # # Parse include section # class _DecInclude(_DecBase): def __init__(self, RawData): _DecBase.__init__(self, RawData) self.ItemObject = DecIncludeObject(RawData.Filename) def _ParseItem(self): Line = self._RawData.CurrentLine if not IsValidPath(Line, self._RawData.PackagePath): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_INCLUDE % Line) Item = DecIncludeItemObject(StripRoot(self._RawData.PackagePath, Line), self._RawData.PackagePath) self.ItemObject.AddItem(Item, self._RawData.CurrentScope) return Item ## _DecLibraryclass # # Parse library class section # class _DecLibraryclass(_DecBase): def __init__(self, RawData): _DecBase.__init__(self, RawData) self.ItemObject = DecLibraryclassObject(RawData.Filename) def _ParseItem(self): Line = self._RawData.CurrentLine TokenList = GetSplitValueList(Line, DT.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT) if len(TokenList) != 2: self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_LIBCLASS_SPLIT) if TokenList[0] == '' or TokenList[1] == '': self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_LIBCLASS_EMPTY) if not IsValidToken('[A-Z][0-9A-Za-z]*', TokenList[0]): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_LIBCLASS_LIB) self._CheckReDefine(TokenList[0]) Value = TokenList[1] # # Must end with .h # if not Value.endswith('.h'): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_LIBCLASS_PATH_EXT) # # Path must be existed # if not IsValidPath(Value, self._RawData.PackagePath): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_INCLUDE % Value) Item = DecLibraryclassItemObject(TokenList[0], StripRoot(self._RawData.PackagePath, Value), self._RawData.PackagePath) self.ItemObject.AddItem(Item, self._RawData.CurrentScope) return Item ## _DecPcd # # Parse PCD section # class _DecPcd(_DecBase): def __init__(self, RawData): _DecBase.__init__(self, RawData) self.ItemObject = DecPcdObject(RawData.Filename) # # Used to check duplicate token # Key is token space and token number (integer), value is C name # self.TokenMap = {} def _ParseItem(self): Line = self._RawData.CurrentLine TokenList = Line.split(DT.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT) if len(TokenList) < 4: self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_PCD_SPLIT) # # Token space guid C name # PcdName = GetSplitValueList(TokenList[0], DT.TAB_SPLIT) if len(PcdName) != 2 or PcdName[0] == '' or PcdName[1] == '': self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_PCD_NAME) Guid = PcdName[0] if not IsValidToken(CVAR_PATTERN, Guid): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_PCD_CVAR_GUID) # # PCD C name # CName = PcdName[1] if not IsValidToken(CVAR_PATTERN, CName): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_PCD_CVAR_PCDCNAME) self._CheckReDefine(Guid + DT.TAB_SPLIT + CName) # # Default value, may be C array, string or number # Data = DT.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT.join(TokenList[1:-2]).strip() # # PCD data type # DataType = TokenList[-2].strip() Valid, Cause = IsValidPcdDatum(DataType, Data) if not Valid: self._LoggerError(Cause) PcdType = self._RawData.CurrentScope[0][0] if PcdType == DT.TAB_PCDS_FEATURE_FLAG_NULL.upper() and DataType != 'BOOLEAN': self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_PCD_FEATUREFLAG) # # Token value is the last element in list. # Token = TokenList[-1].strip() if not IsValidToken(PCD_TOKEN_PATTERN, Token): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_PCD_TOKEN % Token) elif not Token.startswith('0x') and not Token.startswith('0X'): if long(Token) > 4294967295: self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_PCD_TOKEN_INT % Token) Token = hex(long(Token))[:-1] IntToken = long(Token, 0) if (Guid, IntToken) in self.TokenMap: if self.TokenMap[Guid, IntToken] != CName: self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_PCD_TOKEN_UNIQUE%(Token)) else: self.TokenMap[Guid, IntToken] = CName Item = DecPcdItemObject(Guid, CName, Data, DataType, Token) self.ItemObject.AddItem(Item, self._RawData.CurrentScope) return Item ## _DecGuid # # Parse GUID, PPI, Protocol section # class _DecGuid(_DecBase): def __init__(self, RawData): _DecBase.__init__(self, RawData) self.GuidObj = DecGuidObject(RawData.Filename) self.PpiObj = DecPpiObject(RawData.Filename) self.ProtocolObj = DecProtocolObject(RawData.Filename) self.ObjectDict = \ { DT.TAB_GUIDS.upper() : self.GuidObj, DT.TAB_PPIS.upper() : self.PpiObj, DT.TAB_PROTOCOLS.upper() : self.ProtocolObj } def GetDataObject(self): if self._RawData.CurrentScope: return self.ObjectDict[self._RawData.CurrentScope[0][0]] return None def GetGuidObject(self): return self.GuidObj def GetPpiObject(self): return self.PpiObj def GetProtocolObject(self): return self.ProtocolObj def _ParseItem(self): Line = self._RawData.CurrentLine TokenList = GetSplitValueList(Line, DT.TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1) if len(TokenList) < 2: self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_CGUID) if TokenList[0] == '': self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_CGUID_NAME) if TokenList[1] == '': self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_CGUID_GUID) if not IsValidToken(CVAR_PATTERN, TokenList[0]): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_PCD_CVAR_GUID) self._CheckReDefine(TokenList[0]) if TokenList[1][0] != '{': if not CheckGuidRegFormat(TokenList[1]): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_DEFINE_PKGGUID) GuidString = TokenList[1] else: # # Convert C format GUID to GUID string and Simple error check # GuidString = GuidStructureStringToGuidString(TokenList[1]) if TokenList[1][0] != '{' or TokenList[1][-1] != '}' or GuidString == '': self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_CGUID_GUIDFORMAT) # # Check C format GUID # if not IsValidCFormatGuid(TokenList[1]): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_CGUID_GUIDFORMAT) Item = DecGuidItemObject(TokenList[0], TokenList[1], GuidString) ItemObject = self.ObjectDict[self._RawData.CurrentScope[0][0]] ItemObject.AddItem(Item, self._RawData.CurrentScope) return Item ## _DecUserExtension # # Parse user extention section # class _DecUserExtension(_DecBase): def __init__(self, RawData): _DecBase.__init__(self, RawData) self.ItemObject = DecUserExtensionObject(RawData.Filename) self._Headers = [] self._CurItems = [] def BlockStart(self): self._CurItems = [] for Header in self._RawData.CurrentScope: if Header in self._Headers: self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_UE_DUPLICATE) else: self._Headers.append(Header) for Item in self._CurItems: if Item.UserId == Header[1] and Item.IdString == Header[2]: Item.ArchAndModuleType.append(Header[3]) break else: Item = DecUserExtensionItemObject() Item.UserId = Header[1] Item.IdString = Header[2] Item.ArchAndModuleType.append(Header[3]) self._CurItems.append(Item) self.ItemObject.AddItem(Item, None) self._LocalMacro = {} def _ParseItem(self): Line = self._RawData.CurrentLine Item = None for Item in self._CurItems: if Item.UserString: Item.UserString = '\n'.join([Item.UserString, Line]) else: Item.UserString = Line return Item ## Dec # # Top dec parser # class Dec(_DecBase, _DecComments): def __init__(self, DecFile, Parse = True): try: Content = ConvertSpecialChar(open(DecFile, 'rb').readlines()) except BaseException: Logger.Error(TOOL_NAME, FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, File=DecFile, ExtraData=ST.ERR_DECPARSE_FILEOPEN % DecFile) RawData = FileContent(DecFile, Content) _DecComments.__init__(self) _DecBase.__init__(self, RawData) self.BinaryHeadComment = [] self.PcdErrorCommentDict = {} self._Define = _DecDefine(RawData) self._Include = _DecInclude(RawData) self._Guid = _DecGuid(RawData) self._LibClass = _DecLibraryclass(RawData) self._Pcd = _DecPcd(RawData) self._UserEx = _DecUserExtension(RawData) # # DEC file supported data types (one type per section) # self._SectionParser = { DT.TAB_DEC_DEFINES.upper() : self._Define, DT.TAB_INCLUDES.upper() : self._Include, DT.TAB_LIBRARY_CLASSES.upper() : self._LibClass, DT.TAB_GUIDS.upper() : self._Guid, DT.TAB_PPIS.upper() : self._Guid, DT.TAB_PROTOCOLS.upper() : self._Guid, DT.TAB_PCDS_FIXED_AT_BUILD_NULL.upper() : self._Pcd, DT.TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE_NULL.upper() : self._Pcd, DT.TAB_PCDS_FEATURE_FLAG_NULL.upper() : self._Pcd, DT.TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_NULL.upper() : self._Pcd, DT.TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX_NULL.upper() : self._Pcd, DT.TAB_USER_EXTENSIONS.upper() : self._UserEx } if Parse: self.ParseDecComment() self.Parse() # # Parsing done, check required fields # self.CheckRequiredFields() def CheckRequiredFields(self): for SectionParser in self._SectionParser.values(): if not SectionParser.CheckRequiredFields(): return False return True ## # Parse DEC file # def ParseDecComment(self): IsFileHeader = False IsBinaryHeader = False FileHeaderLineIndex = -1 BinaryHeaderLineIndex = -1 TokenSpaceGuidCName = '' # # Parse PCD error comment section # while not self._RawData.IsEndOfFile(): self._RawData.CurrentLine = self._RawData.GetNextLine() if self._RawData.CurrentLine.startswith(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT) and \ DT.TAB_SECTION_START in self._RawData.CurrentLine and \ DT.TAB_SECTION_END in self._RawData.CurrentLine: self._RawData.CurrentLine = self._RawData.CurrentLine.replace(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT, '').strip() if self._RawData.CurrentLine[0] == DT.TAB_SECTION_START and \ self._RawData.CurrentLine[-1] == DT.TAB_SECTION_END: RawSection = self._RawData.CurrentLine[1:-1].strip() if RawSection.upper().startswith(DT.TAB_PCD_ERROR.upper()+'.'): TokenSpaceGuidCName = RawSection.split(DT.TAB_PCD_ERROR+'.')[1].strip() continue if TokenSpaceGuidCName and self._RawData.CurrentLine.startswith(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT): self._RawData.CurrentLine = self._RawData.CurrentLine.replace(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT, '').strip() if self._RawData.CurrentLine != '': if DT.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT not in self._RawData.CurrentLine: self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_PCDERRORMSG_MISS_VALUE_SPLIT) PcdErrorNumber, PcdErrorMsg = GetSplitValueList(self._RawData.CurrentLine, DT.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT, 1) PcdErrorNumber = ParsePcdErrorCode(PcdErrorNumber, self._RawData.Filename, self._RawData.LineIndex) if not PcdErrorMsg.strip(): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_PCD_MISS_ERRORMSG) self.PcdErrorCommentDict[(TokenSpaceGuidCName, PcdErrorNumber)] = PcdErrorMsg.strip() else: TokenSpaceGuidCName = '' self._RawData.LineIndex = 0 self._RawData.CurrentLine = '' self._RawData.NextLine = '' while not self._RawData.IsEndOfFile(): Line, Comment = CleanString(self._RawData.GetNextLine()) # # Header must be pure comment # if Line != '': self._RawData.UndoNextLine() break if Comment and Comment.startswith(DT.TAB_SPECIAL_COMMENT) and Comment.find(DT.TAB_HEADER_COMMENT) > 0 \ and not Comment[2:Comment.find(DT.TAB_HEADER_COMMENT)].strip(): IsFileHeader = True IsBinaryHeader = False FileHeaderLineIndex = self._RawData.LineIndex # # Get license information before '@file' # if not IsFileHeader and not IsBinaryHeader and Comment and Comment.startswith(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT) and \ DT.TAB_BINARY_HEADER_COMMENT not in Comment: self._HeadComment.append((Comment, self._RawData.LineIndex)) if Comment and IsFileHeader and \ not(Comment.startswith(DT.TAB_SPECIAL_COMMENT) \ and Comment.find(DT.TAB_BINARY_HEADER_COMMENT) > 0): self._HeadComment.append((Comment, self._RawData.LineIndex)) # # Double '#' indicates end of header comments # if (not Comment or Comment == DT.TAB_SPECIAL_COMMENT) and IsFileHeader: IsFileHeader = False continue if Comment and Comment.startswith(DT.TAB_SPECIAL_COMMENT) \ and Comment.find(DT.TAB_BINARY_HEADER_COMMENT) > 0: IsBinaryHeader = True IsFileHeader = False BinaryHeaderLineIndex = self._RawData.LineIndex if Comment and IsBinaryHeader: self.BinaryHeadComment.append((Comment, self._RawData.LineIndex)) # # Double '#' indicates end of header comments # if (not Comment or Comment == DT.TAB_SPECIAL_COMMENT) and IsBinaryHeader: IsBinaryHeader = False break if FileHeaderLineIndex > -1 and not IsFileHeader and not IsBinaryHeader: break if FileHeaderLineIndex > BinaryHeaderLineIndex and FileHeaderLineIndex > -1 and BinaryHeaderLineIndex > -1: self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_BINARY_HEADER_ORDER) if FileHeaderLineIndex == -1: # self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_NO_SOURCE_HEADER) Logger.Error(TOOL_NAME, FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_NO_SOURCE_HEADER, File=self._RawData.Filename) return def _StopCurrentParsing(self, Line): return False def _ParseItem(self): self._SectionHeaderParser() if len(self._RawData.CurrentScope) == 0: self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_SECTION_EMPTY) SectionObj = self._SectionParser[self._RawData.CurrentScope[0][0]] SectionObj.BlockStart() SectionObj.Parse() return SectionObj.GetDataObject() def _UserExtentionSectionParser(self): self._RawData.CurrentScope = [] ArchList = set() Section = self._RawData.CurrentLine[1:-1] Par = ParserHelper(Section, self._RawData.Filename) while not Par.End(): # # User extention # Token = Par.GetToken() if Token.upper() != DT.TAB_USER_EXTENSIONS.upper(): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_SECTION_UE) UserExtension = Token.upper() Par.AssertChar(DT.TAB_SPLIT, ST.ERR_DECPARSE_SECTION_UE, self._RawData.LineIndex) # # UserID # Token = Par.GetToken() if not IsValidUserId(Token): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_SECTION_UE_USERID) UserId = Token Par.AssertChar(DT.TAB_SPLIT, ST.ERR_DECPARSE_SECTION_UE, self._RawData.LineIndex) # # IdString # Token = Par.GetToken() if not IsValidIdString(Token): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_SECTION_UE_IDSTRING) IdString = Token Arch = 'COMMON' if Par.Expect(DT.TAB_SPLIT): Token = Par.GetToken() Arch = Token.upper() if not IsValidArch(Arch): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_ARCH) ArchList.add(Arch) if [UserExtension, UserId, IdString, Arch] not in \ self._RawData.CurrentScope: self._RawData.CurrentScope.append( [UserExtension, UserId, IdString, Arch] ) if not Par.Expect(DT.TAB_COMMA_SPLIT): break elif Par.End(): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_SECTION_COMMA) Par.AssertEnd(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_SECTION_UE, self._RawData.LineIndex) if 'COMMON' in ArchList and len(ArchList) > 1: self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_SECTION_COMMON) ## Section header parser # # The section header is always in following format: # # [section_name.arch<.platform|module_type>] # def _SectionHeaderParser(self): if self._RawData.CurrentLine[0] != DT.TAB_SECTION_START or self._RawData.CurrentLine[-1] != DT.TAB_SECTION_END: self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_SECTION_IDENTIFY) RawSection = self._RawData.CurrentLine[1:-1].strip().upper() # # Check defines section which is only allowed to occur once and # no arch can be followed # if RawSection.startswith(DT.TAB_DEC_DEFINES.upper()): if RawSection != DT.TAB_DEC_DEFINES.upper(): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_DEFINE_SECNAME) # # Check user extension section # if RawSection.startswith(DT.TAB_USER_EXTENSIONS.upper()): return self._UserExtentionSectionParser() self._RawData.CurrentScope = [] SectionNames = [] ArchList = set() for Item in GetSplitValueList(RawSection, DT.TAB_COMMA_SPLIT): if Item == '': self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_SECTION_SUBEMPTY % self._RawData.CurrentLine) ItemList = GetSplitValueList(Item, DT.TAB_SPLIT) # # different types of PCD are permissible in one section # SectionName = ItemList[0] if SectionName not in self._SectionParser: self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_SECTION_UNKNOW % SectionName) if SectionName not in SectionNames: SectionNames.append(SectionName) # # In DEC specification, all section headers have at most two part: # SectionName.Arch except UserExtention # if len(ItemList) > 2: self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_SECTION_SUBTOOMANY % Item) if DT.TAB_PCDS_FEATURE_FLAG_NULL.upper() in SectionNames and len(SectionNames) > 1: self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_SECTION_FEATUREFLAG % DT.TAB_PCDS_FEATURE_FLAG_NULL) # # S1 is always Arch # if len(ItemList) > 1: Str1 = ItemList[1] if not IsValidArch(Str1): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_ARCH) else: Str1 = 'COMMON' ArchList.add(Str1) if [SectionName, Str1] not in self._RawData.CurrentScope: self._RawData.CurrentScope.append([SectionName, Str1]) # # 'COMMON' must not be used with specific ARCHs at the same section # if 'COMMON' in ArchList and len(ArchList) > 1: self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_SECTION_COMMON) if len(SectionNames) == 0: self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_SECTION_SUBEMPTY % self._RawData.CurrentLine) if len(SectionNames) != 1: for Sec in SectionNames: if not Sec.startswith(DT.TAB_PCDS.upper()): self._LoggerError(ST.ERR_DECPARSE_SECTION_NAME % str(SectionNames)) def GetDefineSectionMacro(self): return self._Define.GetLocalMacro() def GetDefineSectionObject(self): return self._Define.GetDataObject() def GetIncludeSectionObject(self): return self._Include.GetDataObject() def GetGuidSectionObject(self): return self._Guid.GetGuidObject() def GetProtocolSectionObject(self): return self._Guid.GetProtocolObject() def GetPpiSectionObject(self): return self._Guid.GetPpiObject() def GetLibraryClassSectionObject(self): return self._LibClass.GetDataObject() def GetPcdSectionObject(self): return self._Pcd.GetDataObject() def GetUserExtensionSectionObject(self): return self._UserEx.GetDataObject() def GetPackageSpecification(self): return self._Define.GetDataObject().GetPackageSpecification() def GetPackageName(self): return self._Define.GetDataObject().GetPackageName() def GetPackageGuid(self): return self._Define.GetDataObject().GetPackageGuid() def GetPackageVersion(self): return self._Define.GetDataObject().GetPackageVersion() def GetPackageUniFile(self): return self._Define.GetDataObject().GetPackageUniFile()