## @file # This file contained the parser for [Libraries] sections in INF file # # Copyright (c) 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# # This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available # under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this # distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # ''' InfLibrarySectionParser ''' ## # Import Modules # import Logger.Log as Logger from Logger import StringTable as ST from Logger.ToolError import FORMAT_INVALID from Parser.InfParserMisc import InfExpandMacro from Library import DataType as DT from Library.Parsing import MacroParser from Library.Misc import GetSplitValueList from Object.Parser.InfCommonObject import InfLineCommentObject from Library import GlobalData from Parser.InfParserMisc import IsLibInstanceInfo from Parser.InfAsBuiltProcess import GetLibInstanceInfo from Parser.InfParserMisc import InfParserSectionRoot class InfLibrarySectionParser(InfParserSectionRoot): ## InfLibraryParser # # def InfLibraryParser(self, SectionString, InfSectionObject, FileName): # # For Common INF file # if not GlobalData.gIS_BINARY_INF: # # Macro defined in this section # SectionMacros = {} ValueList = [] LibraryList = [] LibStillCommentFalg = False LibHeaderComments = [] LibLineComment = None # # Parse section content # for Line in SectionString: LibLineContent = Line[0] LibLineNo = Line[1] if LibLineContent.strip() == '': continue # # Found Header Comments # if LibLineContent.strip().startswith(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT): # # Last line is comments, and this line go on. # if LibStillCommentFalg: LibHeaderComments.append(Line) continue # # First time encounter comment # else: # # Clear original data # LibHeaderComments = [] LibHeaderComments.append(Line) LibStillCommentFalg = True continue else: LibStillCommentFalg = False if len(LibHeaderComments) >= 1: LibLineComment = InfLineCommentObject() LineCommentContent = '' for Item in LibHeaderComments: LineCommentContent += Item[0] + DT.END_OF_LINE LibLineComment.SetHeaderComments(LineCommentContent) # # Find Tail comment. # if LibLineContent.find(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT) > -1: LibTailComments = LibLineContent[LibLineContent.find(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT):] LibLineContent = LibLineContent[:LibLineContent.find(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT)] if LibLineComment == None: LibLineComment = InfLineCommentObject() LibLineComment.SetTailComments(LibTailComments) # # Find Macro # Name, Value = MacroParser((LibLineContent, LibLineNo), FileName, DT.MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS, self.FileLocalMacros) if Name != None: SectionMacros[Name] = Value LibLineComment = None LibHeaderComments = [] continue TokenList = GetSplitValueList(LibLineContent, DT.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT, 1) ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList # # Replace with Local section Macro and [Defines] section Macro. # ValueList = [InfExpandMacro(Value, (FileName, LibLineContent, LibLineNo), self.FileLocalMacros, SectionMacros, True) for Value in ValueList] LibraryList.append((ValueList, LibLineComment, (LibLineContent, LibLineNo, FileName))) ValueList = [] LibLineComment = None LibTailComments = '' LibHeaderComments = [] continue # # Current section archs # KeyList = [] for Item in self.LastSectionHeaderContent: if (Item[1], Item[2]) not in KeyList: KeyList.append((Item[1], Item[2])) if not InfSectionObject.SetLibraryClasses(LibraryList, KeyList = KeyList): Logger.Error('InfParser', FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_MODULE_SECTION_TYPE_ERROR % ("[Library]"), File=FileName, Line=Item[3]) # # For Binary INF # else: self.InfAsBuiltLibraryParser(SectionString, InfSectionObject, FileName) def InfAsBuiltLibraryParser(self, SectionString, InfSectionObject, FileName): LibraryList = [] LibInsFlag = False for Line in SectionString: LineContent = Line[0] LineNo = Line[1] if LineContent.strip() == '': LibInsFlag = False continue if not LineContent.strip().startswith("#"): Logger.Error('InfParser', FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_LIB_CONTATIN_ASBUILD_AND_COMMON, File=FileName, Line=LineNo, ExtraData=LineContent) if IsLibInstanceInfo(LineContent): LibInsFlag = True continue if LibInsFlag: LibGuid, LibVer = GetLibInstanceInfo(LineContent, GlobalData.gWORKSPACE, LineNo, FileName) # # If the VERSION_STRING is missing from the INF file, tool should default to "0". # if LibVer == '': LibVer = '0' if LibGuid != '': if (LibGuid, LibVer) not in LibraryList: LibraryList.append((LibGuid, LibVer)) else: Logger.Error('InfParser', FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_LIB_INSTANCE_MISS_GUID, File=FileName, Line=LineNo, ExtraData=LineContent) # # Current section archs # KeyList = [] Item = ['', '', ''] for Item in self.LastSectionHeaderContent: if (Item[1], Item[2]) not in KeyList: KeyList.append((Item[1], Item[2])) if not InfSectionObject.SetLibraryClasses(LibraryList, KeyList = KeyList): Logger.Error('InfParser', FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_MODULE_SECTION_TYPE_ERROR % ("[Library]"), File=FileName, Line=Item[3])