## @file # Install distribution package. # # Copyright (c) 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> # # This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available # under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this # distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # ''' RmPkg ''' ## # Import Modules # import os.path from stat import S_IWUSR from traceback import format_exc from platform import python_version import md5 from sys import stdin from sys import platform from Core.DependencyRules import DependencyRules from Library.Misc import CheckEnvVariable from Library import GlobalData from Logger import StringTable as ST import Logger.Log as Logger from Logger.ToolError import OPTION_MISSING from Logger.ToolError import UNKNOWN_ERROR from Logger.ToolError import ABORT_ERROR from Logger.ToolError import CODE_ERROR from Logger.ToolError import FatalError ## CheckDpDepex # # Check if the Depex is satisfied # @param Dep: Dep # @param Guid: Guid of Dp # @param Version: Version of Dp # @param WorkspaceDir: Workspace Dir # def CheckDpDepex(Dep, Guid, Version, WorkspaceDir): (Removable, DependModuleList) = Dep.CheckDpDepexForRemove(Guid, Version) if not Removable: Logger.Info(ST.MSG_CONFIRM_REMOVE) Logger.Info(ST.MSG_USER_DELETE_OP) Input = stdin.readline() Input = Input.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '') if Input.upper() != 'Y': Logger.Error("RmPkg", UNKNOWN_ERROR, ST.ERR_USER_INTERRUPT) return 1 else: # # report list of modules that are not valid due to force # remove, # also generate a log file for reference # Logger.Info(ST.MSG_INVALID_MODULE_INTRODUCED) LogFilePath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WorkspaceDir, GlobalData.gINVALID_MODULE_FILE)) Logger.Info(ST.MSG_CHECK_LOG_FILE % LogFilePath) try: LogFile = open(LogFilePath, 'w') try: for ModulePath in DependModuleList: LogFile.write("%s\n"%ModulePath) Logger.Info(ModulePath) except IOError: Logger.Warn("\nRmPkg", ST.ERR_FILE_WRITE_FAILURE, File=LogFilePath) except IOError: Logger.Warn("\nRmPkg", ST.ERR_FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, File=LogFilePath) finally: LogFile.close() ## Remove Path # # removing readonly file on windows will get "Access is denied" # error, so before removing, change the mode to be writeable # # @param Path: The Path to be removed # def RemovePath(Path): Logger.Info(ST.MSG_REMOVE_FILE % Path) if not os.access(Path, os.W_OK): os.chmod(Path, S_IWUSR) os.remove(Path) try: os.removedirs(os.path.split(Path)[0]) except OSError: pass ## GetCurrentFileList # # @param DataBase: DataBase of UPT # @param Guid: Guid of Dp # @param Version: Version of Dp # @param WorkspaceDir: Workspace Dir # def GetCurrentFileList(DataBase, Guid, Version, WorkspaceDir): NewFileList = [] for Dir in DataBase.GetDpInstallDirList(Guid, Version): RootDir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WorkspaceDir, Dir)) for Root, Dirs, Files in os.walk(RootDir): Logger.Debug(0, Dirs) for File in Files: FilePath = os.path.join(Root, File) if FilePath not in NewFileList: NewFileList.append(FilePath) return NewFileList ## Tool entrance method # # This method mainly dispatch specific methods per the command line options. # If no error found, return zero value so the caller of this tool can know # if it's executed successfully or not. # # @param Options: command option # def Main(Options = None): try: DataBase = GlobalData.gDB if not Options.DistributionFile: Logger.Error("RmPkg", OPTION_MISSING, ExtraData=ST.ERR_SPECIFY_PACKAGE) CheckEnvVariable() WorkspaceDir = GlobalData.gWORKSPACE # # Prepare check dependency # Dep = DependencyRules(DataBase) if Options.DistributionFile: (Guid, Version, NewDpFileName) = \ DataBase.GetDpByName(os.path.split(Options.DistributionFile)[1]) if not Guid: Logger.Error("RmPkg", UNKNOWN_ERROR, ST.ERR_PACKAGE_NOT_INSTALLED % Options.DistributionFile) else: Guid = Options.PackageGuid Version = Options.PackageVersion # # Check Dp existing # if not Dep.CheckDpExists(Guid, Version): Logger.Error("RmPkg", UNKNOWN_ERROR, ST.ERR_DISTRIBUTION_NOT_INSTALLED) # # Check for Distribution files existence in /conf/upt, if not exist, # Warn user and go on. # StoredDistFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WorkspaceDir, GlobalData.gUPT_DIR, NewDpFileName)) if not os.path.isfile(StoredDistFile): Logger.Warn("RmPkg", ST.WRN_DIST_NOT_FOUND%StoredDistFile) StoredDistFile = None # # Check Dp depex # CheckDpDepex(Dep, Guid, Version, WorkspaceDir) # # Get Current File List # NewFileList = GetCurrentFileList(DataBase, Guid, Version, WorkspaceDir) # # Remove all files # MissingFileList = [] for (Path, Md5Sum) in DataBase.GetDpFileList(Guid, Version): if os.path.isfile(Path): if Path in NewFileList: NewFileList.remove(Path) if not Options.Yes: # # check whether modified by users # Md5Sigature = md5.new(open(str(Path), 'rb').read()) if Md5Sum != Md5Sigature.hexdigest(): Logger.Info(ST.MSG_CONFIRM_REMOVE2 % Path) Input = stdin.readline() Input = Input.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '') if Input.upper() != 'Y': continue RemovePath(Path) else: MissingFileList.append(Path) for Path in NewFileList: if os.path.isfile(Path): if (not Options.Yes) and (not os.path.split(Path)[1].startswith('.')): Logger.Info(ST.MSG_CONFIRM_REMOVE3 % Path) Input = stdin.readline() Input = Input.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '') if Input.upper() != 'Y': continue RemovePath(Path) # # Remove distribution files in /Conf/.upt # if StoredDistFile is not None: os.remove(StoredDistFile) # # update database # Logger.Quiet(ST.MSG_UPDATE_PACKAGE_DATABASE) DataBase.RemoveDpObj(Guid, Version) Logger.Quiet(ST.MSG_FINISH) ReturnCode = 0 except FatalError, XExcept: ReturnCode = XExcept.args[0] if Logger.GetLevel() <= Logger.DEBUG_9: Logger.Quiet(ST.MSG_PYTHON_ON % (python_version(), platform) + \ format_exc()) except KeyboardInterrupt: ReturnCode = ABORT_ERROR if Logger.GetLevel() <= Logger.DEBUG_9: Logger.Quiet(ST.MSG_PYTHON_ON % (python_version(), platform) + \ format_exc()) except: Logger.Error( "\nRmPkg", CODE_ERROR, ST.ERR_UNKNOWN_FATAL_REMOVING_ERR, ExtraData=ST.MSG_SEARCH_FOR_HELP, RaiseError=False ) Logger.Quiet(ST.MSG_PYTHON_ON % (python_version(), platform) + \ format_exc()) ReturnCode = CODE_ERROR return ReturnCode