## @file # This file contain unit test for CommentParsing # # Copyright (c) 2011 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> # # This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available # under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this # distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. import os import unittest import Logger.Log as Logger from GenMetaFile.GenInfFile import GenGuidSections from GenMetaFile.GenInfFile import GenProtocolPPiSections from GenMetaFile.GenInfFile import GenPcdSections from GenMetaFile.GenInfFile import GenSpecialSections from Library.CommentGenerating import GenGenericCommentF from Library.CommentGenerating import _GetHelpStr from Object.POM.CommonObject import TextObject from Object.POM.CommonObject import GuidObject from Object.POM.CommonObject import ProtocolObject from Object.POM.CommonObject import PpiObject from Object.POM.CommonObject import PcdObject from Object.POM.ModuleObject import HobObject from Library.String import GetSplitValueList from Library.DataType import TAB_SPACE_SPLIT from Library.DataType import TAB_LANGUAGE_EN_US from Library.DataType import TAB_LANGUAGE_ENG from Library.DataType import ITEM_UNDEFINED from Library.DataType import TAB_INF_FEATURE_PCD from Library import GlobalData from Library.Misc import CreateDirectory # # Test _GetHelpStr # class _GetHelpStrTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass # # Normal case1: have one help text object with Lang = 'en-US' # def testNormalCase1(self): HelpStr = 'Hello world' HelpTextObj = TextObject() HelpTextObj.SetLang(TAB_LANGUAGE_EN_US) HelpTextObj.SetString(HelpStr) HelpTextList = [HelpTextObj] Result = _GetHelpStr(HelpTextList) self.assertEqual(Result, HelpStr) # # Normal case2: have two help text object with Lang = 'en-US' and other # def testNormalCase2(self): HelpStr = 'Hello world' HelpTextObj = TextObject() HelpTextObj.SetLang(TAB_LANGUAGE_ENG) HelpTextObj.SetString(HelpStr) HelpTextList = [HelpTextObj] ExpectedStr = 'Hello world1' HelpTextObj = TextObject() HelpTextObj.SetLang(TAB_LANGUAGE_EN_US) HelpTextObj.SetString(ExpectedStr) HelpTextList.append(HelpTextObj) Result = _GetHelpStr(HelpTextList) self.assertEqual(Result, ExpectedStr) # # Normal case3: have two help text object with Lang = '' and 'eng' # def testNormalCase3(self): HelpStr = 'Hello world' HelpTextObj = TextObject() HelpTextObj.SetLang('') HelpTextObj.SetString(HelpStr) HelpTextList = [HelpTextObj] ExpectedStr = 'Hello world1' HelpTextObj = TextObject() HelpTextObj.SetLang(TAB_LANGUAGE_ENG) HelpTextObj.SetString(ExpectedStr) HelpTextList.append(HelpTextObj) Result = _GetHelpStr(HelpTextList) self.assertEqual(Result, ExpectedStr) # # Normal case4: have two help text object with Lang = '' and '' # def testNormalCase4(self): ExpectedStr = 'Hello world1' HelpTextObj = TextObject() HelpTextObj.SetLang(TAB_LANGUAGE_ENG) HelpTextObj.SetString(ExpectedStr) HelpTextList = [HelpTextObj] HelpStr = 'Hello world' HelpTextObj = TextObject() HelpTextObj.SetLang('') HelpTextObj.SetString(HelpStr) HelpTextList.append(HelpTextObj) Result = _GetHelpStr(HelpTextList) self.assertEqual(Result, ExpectedStr) # # Normal case: have three help text object with Lang = '','en', 'en-US' # def testNormalCase5(self): ExpectedStr = 'Hello world1' HelpTextObj = TextObject() HelpTextObj.SetLang(TAB_LANGUAGE_EN_US) HelpTextObj.SetString(ExpectedStr) HelpTextList = [HelpTextObj] HelpStr = 'Hello unknown world' HelpTextObj = TextObject() HelpTextObj.SetLang('') HelpTextObj.SetString(HelpStr) HelpTextList.append(HelpTextObj) HelpStr = 'Hello mysterious world' HelpTextObj = TextObject() HelpTextObj.SetLang('') HelpTextObj.SetString(HelpStr) HelpTextList.append(HelpTextObj) Result = _GetHelpStr(HelpTextList) self.assertEqual(Result, ExpectedStr) HelpTextList.sort() self.assertEqual(Result, ExpectedStr) HelpTextList.sort(reverse=True) self.assertEqual(Result, ExpectedStr) # # Test GenGuidSections # class GenGuidSectionsTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass # # This is the API to generate Guid Object to help UnitTest # def GuidFactory(self, CName, FFE, Usage, GuidType, VariableName, HelpStr): Guid = GuidObject() Guid.SetCName(CName) Guid.SetFeatureFlag(FFE) Guid.SetGuidTypeList([GuidType]) Guid.SetUsage(Usage) Guid.SetVariableName(VariableName) HelpTextObj = TextObject() HelpTextObj.SetLang('') HelpTextObj.SetString(HelpStr) Guid.SetHelpTextList([HelpTextObj]) return Guid # # Normal case: have two GuidObject # def testNormalCase1(self): GuidList = [] CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'PRODUCES' GuidType = 'Event' VariableName = '' HelpStr = 'Usage comment line 1' Guid1 = self.GuidFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, GuidType, VariableName, HelpStr) GuidList.append(Guid1) CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'CONSUMES' GuidType = 'Variable' VariableName = '' HelpStr = 'Usage comment line 2' Guid1 = self.GuidFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, GuidType, VariableName, HelpStr) GuidList.append(Guid1) Result = GenGuidSections(GuidList) Expected = '''[Guids] ## PRODUCES ## Event # Usage comment line 1 ## CONSUMES ## Variable: # Usage comment line 2 Guid1|FFE1''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected) # # Normal case: have two GuidObject # def testNormalCase2(self): GuidList = [] CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'PRODUCES' GuidType = 'Event' VariableName = '' HelpStr = 'Usage comment line 1' Guid1 = self.GuidFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, GuidType, VariableName, HelpStr) GuidList.append(Guid1) CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' GuidType = 'UNDEFINED' VariableName = '' HelpStr = 'Generic comment line 1\n Generic comment line 2' Guid1 = self.GuidFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, GuidType, VariableName, HelpStr) GuidList.append(Guid1) Result = GenGuidSections(GuidList) Expected = '''[Guids] ## PRODUCES ## Event # Usage comment line 1 # Generic comment line 1 # Generic comment line 2 Guid1|FFE1''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected) # # Normal case: have two GuidObject, one help goes to generic help, # the other go into usage comment # def testNormalCase3(self): GuidList = [] CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' GuidType = 'UNDEFINED' VariableName = '' HelpStr = 'Generic comment' Guid1 = self.GuidFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, GuidType, VariableName, HelpStr) GuidList.append(Guid1) CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'PRODUCES' GuidType = 'Event' VariableName = '' HelpStr = 'Usage comment line 1' Guid1 = self.GuidFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, GuidType, VariableName, HelpStr) GuidList.append(Guid1) Result = GenGuidSections(GuidList) Expected = '''[Guids] # Generic comment ## PRODUCES ## Event # Usage comment line 1 Guid1|FFE1''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected) # # Normal case: have one GuidObject, generic comment multiple lines # def testNormalCase5(self): GuidList = [] CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' GuidType = 'UNDEFINED' VariableName = '' HelpStr = 'Generic comment line1 \n generic comment line 2' Guid1 = self.GuidFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, GuidType, VariableName, HelpStr) GuidList.append(Guid1) Result = GenGuidSections(GuidList) Expected = '''[Guids] # Generic comment line1 # generic comment line 2 Guid1|FFE1''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected) # # Normal case: have one GuidObject, usage comment multiple lines # def testNormalCase6(self): GuidList = [] CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'PRODUCES' GuidType = 'Event' VariableName = '' HelpStr = 'Usage comment line 1\n Usage comment line 2' Guid1 = self.GuidFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, GuidType, VariableName, HelpStr) GuidList.append(Guid1) Result = GenGuidSections(GuidList) Expected = '''[Guids] Guid1|FFE1 ## PRODUCES ## Event # Usage comment line 1 Usage comment line 2 ''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected.strip()) # # Normal case: have one GuidObject, usage comment one line # def testNormalCase7(self): GuidList = [] CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' GuidType = 'UNDEFINED' VariableName = '' HelpStr = 'Usage comment line 1' Guid1 = self.GuidFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, GuidType, VariableName, HelpStr) GuidList.append(Guid1) Result = GenGuidSections(GuidList) Expected = '''[Guids] Guid1|FFE1 # Usage comment line 1 ''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected.strip()) # # Normal case: have two GuidObject # def testNormalCase8(self): GuidList = [] CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'PRODUCES' GuidType = 'Event' VariableName = '' HelpStr = 'Usage comment line 1\n Usage comment line 2' Guid1 = self.GuidFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, GuidType, VariableName, HelpStr) GuidList.append(Guid1) CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'PRODUCES' GuidType = 'Event' VariableName = '' HelpStr = 'Usage comment line 3' Guid1 = self.GuidFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, GuidType, VariableName, HelpStr) GuidList.append(Guid1) Result = GenGuidSections(GuidList) Expected = '''[Guids] ## PRODUCES ## Event # Usage comment line 1 Usage comment line 2 ## PRODUCES ## Event # Usage comment line 3 Guid1|FFE1 ''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected.strip()) # # Normal case: have no GuidObject # def testNormalCase9(self): GuidList = [] Result = GenGuidSections(GuidList) Expected = '' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected.strip()) # # Normal case: have one GuidObject with no comment generated # def testNormalCase10(self): GuidList = [] CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' GuidType = 'UNDEFINED' VariableName = '' HelpStr = '' Guid1 = self.GuidFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, GuidType, VariableName, HelpStr) GuidList.append(Guid1) Result = GenGuidSections(GuidList) Expected = '''[Guids] Guid1|FFE1 ''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected.strip()) # # Normal case: have three GuidObject # def testNormalCase11(self): GuidList = [] CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' GuidType = 'UNDEFINED' VariableName = '' HelpStr = 'general comment line 1' Guid1 = self.GuidFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, GuidType, VariableName, HelpStr) GuidList.append(Guid1) CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'PRODUCES' GuidType = 'Event' VariableName = '' HelpStr = 'Usage comment line 3' Guid1 = self.GuidFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, GuidType, VariableName, HelpStr) GuidList.append(Guid1) CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' GuidType = 'UNDEFINED' VariableName = '' HelpStr = 'general comment line 2' Guid1 = self.GuidFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, GuidType, VariableName, HelpStr) GuidList.append(Guid1) Result = GenGuidSections(GuidList) Expected = '''[Guids] # general comment line 1 ## PRODUCES ## Event # Usage comment line 3 # general comment line 2 Guid1|FFE1 ''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected.strip()) # # Normal case: have three GuidObject, with Usage/Type and no help # def testNormalCase12(self): GuidList = [] CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'PRODUCES' GuidType = 'GUID' VariableName = '' HelpStr = '' Guid1 = self.GuidFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, GuidType, VariableName, HelpStr) GuidList.append(Guid1) CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'PRODUCES' GuidType = 'Event' VariableName = '' HelpStr = '' Guid1 = self.GuidFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, GuidType, VariableName, HelpStr) GuidList.append(Guid1) CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'CONSUMES' GuidType = 'Event' VariableName = '' HelpStr = '' Guid1 = self.GuidFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, GuidType, VariableName, HelpStr) GuidList.append(Guid1) Result = GenGuidSections(GuidList) Expected = '''[Guids] ## PRODUCES ## GUID ## PRODUCES ## Event ## CONSUMES ## Event Guid1|FFE1 ''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected.strip()) # # Test GenProtocolPPiSections # class GenProtocolPPiSectionsTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass # # This is the API to generate Protocol/Ppi Object to help UnitTest # def ObjectFactory(self, CName, FFE, Usage, Notify, HelpStr, IsProtocol): if IsProtocol: Object = ProtocolObject() else: Object = PpiObject() Object.SetCName(CName) Object.SetFeatureFlag(FFE) Object.SetUsage(Usage) Object.SetNotify(Notify) HelpTextObj = TextObject() HelpTextObj.SetLang('') HelpTextObj.SetString(HelpStr) Object.SetHelpTextList([HelpTextObj]) return Object # Usage Notify Help INF Comment #1 UNDEFINED true Present ## UNDEFINED ## NOTIFY # Help #2 UNDEFINED true Not Present ## UNDEFINED ## NOTIFY #3 UNDEFINED false Present ## UNDEFINED # Help #4 UNDEFINED false Not Present ## UNDEFINED #5 UNDEFINED Not Present Present # Help #6 UNDEFINED Not Present Not Present <empty> #7 Other true Present ## Other ## NOTIFY # Help #8 Other true Not Present ## Other ## NOTIFY #9 Other false Present ## Other # Help #A Other false Not Present ## Other #B Other Not Present Present ## Other # Help #C Other Not Present Not Present ## Other def testNormalCase1(self): ObjectList = [] CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' Notify = True HelpStr = 'Help' IsProtocol = True Object = self.ObjectFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, Notify, HelpStr, IsProtocol) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenProtocolPPiSections(ObjectList, IsProtocol) Expected = '''[Protocols] Guid1|FFE1 ## UNDEFINED ## NOTIFY # Help''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected) IsProtocol = False ObjectList = [] Object = self.ObjectFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, Notify, HelpStr, IsProtocol) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenProtocolPPiSections(ObjectList, IsProtocol) Expected = '''[Ppis] Guid1|FFE1 ## UNDEFINED ## NOTIFY # Help''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected) def testNormalCase2(self): ObjectList = [] CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' Notify = True HelpStr = '' IsProtocol = True Object = self.ObjectFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, Notify, HelpStr, IsProtocol) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenProtocolPPiSections(ObjectList, IsProtocol) Expected = '''[Protocols] Guid1|FFE1 ## UNDEFINED ## NOTIFY''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected) def testNormalCase3(self): ObjectList = [] CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' Notify = False HelpStr = 'Help' IsProtocol = True Object = self.ObjectFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, Notify, HelpStr, IsProtocol) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenProtocolPPiSections(ObjectList, IsProtocol) Expected = '''[Protocols] Guid1|FFE1 ## UNDEFINED # Help''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected) def testNormalCase4(self): ObjectList = [] CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' Notify = False HelpStr = '' IsProtocol = True Object = self.ObjectFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, Notify, HelpStr, IsProtocol) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenProtocolPPiSections(ObjectList, IsProtocol) Expected = '''[Protocols] Guid1|FFE1 ## UNDEFINED''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected) def testNormalCase5(self): ObjectList = [] CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' Notify = '' HelpStr = 'Help' IsProtocol = True Object = self.ObjectFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, Notify, HelpStr, IsProtocol) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenProtocolPPiSections(ObjectList, IsProtocol) Expected = '''[Protocols] Guid1|FFE1 # Help''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected) def testNormalCase6(self): ObjectList = [] CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' Notify = '' HelpStr = '' IsProtocol = True Object = self.ObjectFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, Notify, HelpStr, IsProtocol) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenProtocolPPiSections(ObjectList, IsProtocol) Expected = '''[Protocols] Guid1|FFE1''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected) def testNormalCase7(self): ObjectList = [] CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'PRODUCES' Notify = True HelpStr = 'Help' IsProtocol = True Object = self.ObjectFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, Notify, HelpStr, IsProtocol) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenProtocolPPiSections(ObjectList, IsProtocol) Expected = '''[Protocols] Guid1|FFE1 ## PRODUCES ## NOTIFY # Help''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected) def testNormalCase8(self): ObjectList = [] CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'PRODUCES' Notify = True HelpStr = '' IsProtocol = True Object = self.ObjectFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, Notify, HelpStr, IsProtocol) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenProtocolPPiSections(ObjectList, IsProtocol) Expected = '''[Protocols] Guid1|FFE1 ## PRODUCES ## NOTIFY''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected) def testNormalCase9(self): ObjectList = [] CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'PRODUCES' Notify = False HelpStr = 'Help' IsProtocol = True Object = self.ObjectFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, Notify, HelpStr, IsProtocol) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenProtocolPPiSections(ObjectList, IsProtocol) Expected = '''[Protocols] Guid1|FFE1 ## PRODUCES # Help''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected) def testNormalCaseA(self): ObjectList = [] CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'PRODUCES' Notify = False HelpStr = '' IsProtocol = True Object = self.ObjectFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, Notify, HelpStr, IsProtocol) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenProtocolPPiSections(ObjectList, IsProtocol) Expected = '''[Protocols] Guid1|FFE1 ## PRODUCES''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected) def testNormalCaseB(self): ObjectList = [] CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'PRODUCES' Notify = '' HelpStr = 'Help' IsProtocol = True Object = self.ObjectFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, Notify, HelpStr, IsProtocol) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenProtocolPPiSections(ObjectList, IsProtocol) Expected = '''[Protocols] Guid1|FFE1 ## PRODUCES # Help''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected) def testNormalCaseC(self): ObjectList = [] CName = 'Guid1' FFE = 'FFE1' Usage = 'PRODUCES' Notify = '' HelpStr = '' IsProtocol = True Object = self.ObjectFactory(CName, FFE, Usage, Notify, HelpStr, IsProtocol) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenProtocolPPiSections(ObjectList, IsProtocol) Expected = '''[Protocols] Guid1|FFE1 ## PRODUCES''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected) # # Test GenPcdSections # class GenPcdSectionsTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass # # This is the API to generate Pcd Object to help UnitTest # def ObjectFactory(self, ItemType, TSCName, CName, DValue, FFE, Usage, Str): Object = PcdObject() HelpStr = Str Object.SetItemType(ItemType) Object.SetTokenSpaceGuidCName(TSCName) Object.SetCName(CName) Object.SetDefaultValue(DValue) Object.SetFeatureFlag(FFE) Object.SetValidUsage(Usage) HelpTextObj = TextObject() HelpTextObj.SetLang('') HelpTextObj.SetString(HelpStr) Object.SetHelpTextList([HelpTextObj]) return Object # Usage Help INF Comment #1 UNDEFINED Present # Help #2 UNDEFINED Not Present <empty> #3 Other Present ## Other # Help #4 Other Not Present ## Other def testNormalCase1(self): ObjectList = [] ItemType = 'Pcd' TSCName = 'TSCName' CName = 'CName' DValue = 'DValue' FFE = 'FFE' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' Str = 'Help' Object = self.ObjectFactory(ItemType, TSCName, CName, DValue, FFE, Usage, Str) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenPcdSections(ObjectList) Expected = \ '[Pcd]\n' + \ 'TSCName.CName|DValue|FFE # Help' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected) def testNormalCase2(self): ObjectList = [] ItemType = 'Pcd' TSCName = 'TSCName' CName = 'CName' DValue = 'DValue' FFE = 'FFE' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' Str = '' Object = self.ObjectFactory(ItemType, TSCName, CName, DValue, FFE, Usage, Str) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenPcdSections(ObjectList) Expected = '[Pcd]\nTSCName.CName|DValue|FFE' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected) def testNormalCase3(self): ObjectList = [] ItemType = 'Pcd' TSCName = 'TSCName' CName = 'CName' DValue = 'DValue' FFE = 'FFE' Usage = 'CONSUMES' Str = 'Help' Object = self.ObjectFactory(ItemType, TSCName, CName, DValue, FFE, Usage, Str) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenPcdSections(ObjectList) Expected = '[Pcd]\nTSCName.CName|DValue|FFE ## CONSUMES # Help' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected) def testNormalCase4(self): ObjectList = [] ItemType = 'Pcd' TSCName = 'TSCName' CName = 'CName' DValue = 'DValue' FFE = 'FFE' Usage = 'CONSUMES' Str = '' Object = self.ObjectFactory(ItemType, TSCName, CName, DValue, FFE, Usage, Str) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenPcdSections(ObjectList) Expected = '[Pcd]\nTSCName.CName|DValue|FFE ## CONSUMES' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected) # # multiple lines for normal usage # def testNormalCase5(self): ObjectList = [] ItemType = 'Pcd' TSCName = 'TSCName' CName = 'CName' DValue = 'DValue' FFE = 'FFE' Usage = 'CONSUMES' Str = 'commment line 1\ncomment line 2' Object = self.ObjectFactory(ItemType, TSCName, CName, DValue, FFE, Usage, Str) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenPcdSections(ObjectList) Expected = '''[Pcd] TSCName.CName|DValue|FFE ## CONSUMES # commment line 1 comment line 2''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected) # # multiple lines for UNDEFINED usage # def testNormalCase6(self): ObjectList = [] ItemType = 'Pcd' TSCName = 'TSCName' CName = 'CName' DValue = 'DValue' FFE = 'FFE' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' Str = 'commment line 1\ncomment line 2' Object = self.ObjectFactory(ItemType, TSCName, CName, DValue, FFE, Usage, Str) ObjectList.append(Object) Usage = 'UNDEFINED' Str = 'commment line 3' Object = self.ObjectFactory(ItemType, TSCName, CName, DValue, FFE, Usage, Str) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenPcdSections(ObjectList) Expected = '''[Pcd] # commment line 1 # comment line 2 # commment line 3 TSCName.CName|DValue|FFE''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected) # # multiple lines for UNDEFINED and normal usage # def testNormalCase7(self): ObjectList = [] ItemType = 'Pcd' TSCName = 'TSCName' CName = 'CName' DValue = 'DValue' FFE = 'FFE' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' Str = 'commment line 1\ncomment line 2' Object = self.ObjectFactory(ItemType, TSCName, CName, DValue, FFE, Usage, Str) ObjectList.append(Object) Usage = 'CONSUMES' Str = 'Foo' Object = self.ObjectFactory(ItemType, TSCName, CName, DValue, FFE, Usage, Str) ObjectList.append(Object) Usage = 'UNDEFINED' Str = 'commment line 3' Object = self.ObjectFactory(ItemType, TSCName, CName, DValue, FFE, Usage, Str) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenPcdSections(ObjectList) Expected = '''[Pcd] # commment line 1 # comment line 2 ## CONSUMES # Foo # commment line 3 TSCName.CName|DValue|FFE''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected) # Usage Help INF Comment # CONSUMES Present # Help (keep <EOL> and insert '#' at beginning of each new line) # CONSUMES Not Present <empty> # # TAB_INF_FEATURE_PCD # def testNormalCase8(self): ObjectList = [] ItemType = TAB_INF_FEATURE_PCD TSCName = 'TSCName' CName = 'CName' DValue = 'DValue' FFE = 'FFE' Usage = 'CONSUMES' Str = 'commment line 1\ncomment line 2' Object = self.ObjectFactory(ItemType, TSCName, CName, DValue, FFE, Usage, Str) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenPcdSections(ObjectList) Expected = '''[FeaturePcd] # commment line 1 # comment line 2 TSCName.CName|DValue|FFE''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected) # # TAB_INF_FEATURE_PCD # def testNormalCase9(self): ObjectList = [] ItemType = TAB_INF_FEATURE_PCD TSCName = 'TSCName' CName = 'CName' DValue = 'DValue' FFE = 'FFE' Usage = 'CONSUMES' Str = '' Object = self.ObjectFactory(ItemType, TSCName, CName, DValue, FFE, Usage, Str) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenPcdSections(ObjectList) Expected = '''[FeaturePcd] TSCName.CName|DValue|FFE''' self.assertEqual(Result.strip(), Expected) # # TAB_INF_FEATURE_PCD # def testNormalCase10(self): ObjectList = [] ItemType = TAB_INF_FEATURE_PCD TSCName = 'TSCName' CName = 'CName' DValue = 'DValue' FFE = 'FFE' Usage = 'PRODUCES' Str = 'commment line 1\ncomment line 2' Object = self.ObjectFactory(ItemType, TSCName, CName, DValue, FFE, Usage, Str) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenPcdSections(ObjectList) Expected = ''' [FeaturePcd] # commment line 1 # comment line 2 TSCName.CName|DValue|FFE ''' self.assertEqual(Result, Expected) # # Test GenSpecialSections of Hob # class GenHobSectionsTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass # # This is the API to generate Event Object to help UnitTest # def ObjectFactory(self, SupArchList, Type, Usage, Str): Object = HobObject() HelpStr = Str Object.SetHobType(Type) Object.SetUsage(Usage) Object.SetSupArchList(SupArchList) HelpTextObj = TextObject() HelpTextObj.SetLang('') HelpTextObj.SetString(HelpStr) Object.SetHelpTextList([HelpTextObj]) return Object def testNormalCase1(self): ObjectList = [] SupArchList = ['X64'] Type = 'Foo' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' Str = 'Help' Object = self.ObjectFactory(SupArchList, Type, Usage, Str) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenSpecialSections(ObjectList, 'Hob') Expected = '''# [Hob.X64] # ## # # Help # # # Foo ## UNDEFINED # # ''' self.assertEqual(Result, Expected) def testNormalCase2(self): ObjectList = [] SupArchList = [] Type = 'Foo' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' Str = 'Help' Object = self.ObjectFactory(SupArchList, Type, Usage, Str) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenSpecialSections(ObjectList, 'Hob') Expected = '''# [Hob] # ## # # Help # # # Foo ## UNDEFINED # # ''' self.assertEqual(Result, Expected) def testNormalCase3(self): ObjectList = [] SupArchList = ['X64'] Type = 'Foo' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' Str = '\nComment Line 1\n\n' Object = self.ObjectFactory(SupArchList, Type, Usage, Str) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenSpecialSections(ObjectList, 'Hob') Expected = '''# [Hob.X64] # ## # # Comment Line 1 # # # Foo ## UNDEFINED # # ''' self.assertEqual(Result, Expected) def testNormalCase4(self): ObjectList = [] SupArchList = ['X64'] Type = 'Foo' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' Str = '\nComment Line 1\n' Object = self.ObjectFactory(SupArchList, Type, Usage, Str) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenSpecialSections(ObjectList, 'Hob') Expected = '''# [Hob.X64] # ## # # Comment Line 1 # # # Foo ## UNDEFINED # # ''' self.assertEqual(Result, Expected) def testNormalCase5(self): ObjectList = [] SupArchList = ['X64'] Type = 'Foo' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' Str = 'Comment Line 1\n\n' Object = self.ObjectFactory(SupArchList, Type, Usage, Str) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenSpecialSections(ObjectList, 'Hob') Expected = '''# [Hob.X64] # ## # # Comment Line 1 # # # Foo ## UNDEFINED # # ''' self.assertEqual(Result, Expected) def testNormalCase6(self): ObjectList = [] SupArchList = ['X64'] Type = 'Foo' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' Str = '' Object = self.ObjectFactory(SupArchList, Type, Usage, Str) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenSpecialSections(ObjectList, 'Hob') Expected = '''# [Hob.X64] # Foo ## UNDEFINED # # ''' self.assertEqual(Result, Expected) def testNormalCase7(self): ObjectList = [] SupArchList = ['X64'] Type = 'Foo' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' Str = '\nNew Stack HoB' Object = self.ObjectFactory(SupArchList, Type, Usage, Str) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenSpecialSections(ObjectList, 'Hob') Expected = '''# [Hob.X64] # ## # # New Stack HoB # # # Foo ## UNDEFINED # # ''' self.assertEqual(Result, Expected) def testNormalCase8(self): ObjectList = [] SupArchList = ['X64'] Type = 'Foo' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' Str = '\nNew Stack HoB\n\nTail Comment' Object = self.ObjectFactory(SupArchList, Type, Usage, Str) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenSpecialSections(ObjectList, 'Hob') Expected = '''# [Hob.X64] # ## # # New Stack HoB # # # # Tail Comment # # # Foo ## UNDEFINED # # ''' self.assertEqual(Result, Expected) def testNormalCase9(self): ObjectList = [] SupArchList = ['X64'] Type = 'Foo' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' Str = '\n\n' Object = self.ObjectFactory(SupArchList, Type, Usage, Str) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenSpecialSections(ObjectList, 'Hob') Expected = '''# [Hob.X64] # ## # # # # # Foo ## UNDEFINED # # ''' self.assertEqual(Result, Expected) def testNormalCase10(self): ObjectList = [] SupArchList = ['X64'] Type = 'Foo' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' Str = '\n' Object = self.ObjectFactory(SupArchList, Type, Usage, Str) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenSpecialSections(ObjectList, 'Hob') Expected = '''# [Hob.X64] # ## # # # # # Foo ## UNDEFINED # # ''' self.assertEqual(Result, Expected) def testNormalCase11(self): ObjectList = [] SupArchList = ['X64'] Type = 'Foo' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' Str = '\n\n\n' Object = self.ObjectFactory(SupArchList, Type, Usage, Str) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenSpecialSections(ObjectList, 'Hob') Expected = '''# [Hob.X64] # ## # # # # # Foo ## UNDEFINED # # ''' self.assertEqual(Result, Expected) def testNormalCase12(self): ObjectList = [] SupArchList = ['X64'] Type = 'Foo' Usage = 'UNDEFINED' Str = '\n\n\n\n' Object = self.ObjectFactory(SupArchList, Type, Usage, Str) ObjectList.append(Object) Result = GenSpecialSections(ObjectList, 'Hob') Expected = '''# [Hob.X64] # ## # # # # # # # Foo ## UNDEFINED # # ''' self.assertEqual(Result, Expected) # # Test GenGenericCommentF # class GenGenericCommentFTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass def testNormalCase1(self): CommentLines = 'Comment Line 1' Result = GenGenericCommentF(CommentLines) Expected = '# Comment Line 1\n' self.assertEqual(Result, Expected) def testNormalCase2(self): CommentLines = '\n' Result = GenGenericCommentF(CommentLines) Expected = '#\n' self.assertEqual(Result, Expected) def testNormalCase3(self): CommentLines = '\n\n\n' Result = GenGenericCommentF(CommentLines) Expected = '#\n#\n#\n' self.assertEqual(Result, Expected) def testNormalCase4(self): CommentLines = 'coment line 1\n' Result = GenGenericCommentF(CommentLines) Expected = '# coment line 1\n' self.assertEqual(Result, Expected) def testNormalCase5(self): CommentLines = 'coment line 1\n coment line 2\n' Result = GenGenericCommentF(CommentLines) Expected = '# coment line 1\n# coment line 2\n' self.assertEqual(Result, Expected) if __name__ == '__main__': Logger.Initialize() unittest.main()