/** @file Defines data structure that is the volume header found. These data is intent to decouple FVB driver with FV header. Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include #include "FvbService.h" #define FVB_MEDIA_BLOCK_SIZE PcdGet32(PcdFlashMinEraseSize) typedef struct { EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS BaseAddress; EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER FvbInfo; // //EFI_FV_BLOCK_MAP_ENTRY ExtraBlockMap[n];//n=0 // EFI_FV_BLOCK_MAP_ENTRY End[1]; } EFI_FVB2_MEDIA_INFO; // // This data structure contains a template of all correct FV headers, which is used to restore // Fv header if it's corrupted. // EFI_FVB2_MEDIA_INFO mPlatformFvbMediaInfo[] = { // // Main BIOS FVB // { 0, { {0,}, //ZeroVector[16] EFI_FIRMWARE_FILE_SYSTEM2_GUID, 0, EFI_FVH_SIGNATURE, 0x0004feff, // check MdePkg/Include/Pi/PiFirmwareVolume.h for details on EFI_FVB_ATTRIBUTES_2 sizeof (EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER) + sizeof (EFI_FV_BLOCK_MAP_ENTRY), 0, //CheckSum, check the FD for the value. 0, //ExtHeaderOffset {0,}, //Reserved[1] 2, //Revision { { 0, 0, } } }, { { 0, 0 } } }, // // Systen NvStorage FVB // { 0, { {0,}, //ZeroVector[16] EFI_SYSTEM_NV_DATA_FV_GUID, 0, EFI_FVH_SIGNATURE, 0x0004feff, // check MdePkg/Include/Pi/PiFirmwareVolume.h for details on EFI_FVB_ATTRIBUTES_2 sizeof (EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER) + sizeof (EFI_FV_BLOCK_MAP_ENTRY), 0, //CheckSum which will be calucated dynamically. 0, //ExtHeaderOffset {0,}, //Reserved[1] 2, //Revision { { 0, 0, } } }, { { 0, 0 } } }, // // Recovery BIOS FVB // { 0, { {0,}, //ZeroVector[16] EFI_FIRMWARE_FILE_SYSTEM2_GUID, 0, EFI_FVH_SIGNATURE, 0x0004feff, // check MdePkg/Include/Pi/PiFirmwareVolume.h for details on EFI_FVB_ATTRIBUTES_2 sizeof (EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER) + sizeof (EFI_FV_BLOCK_MAP_ENTRY), 0, //CheckSum which will be calucated dynamically. 0, //ExtHeaderOffset {0,}, //Reserved[1] 2, //Revision { { 0, 0, } } }, { { 0, 0 } } }, // // Recovery 2 BIOS FVB // { 0, { {0,}, //ZeroVector[16] EFI_FIRMWARE_FILE_SYSTEM2_GUID, 0, EFI_FVH_SIGNATURE, 0x0004feff, // check MdePkg/Include/Pi/PiFirmwareVolume.h for details on EFI_FVB_ATTRIBUTES_2 sizeof (EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER) + sizeof (EFI_FV_BLOCK_MAP_ENTRY), 0, //CheckSum which will be calucated dynamically. 0, //ExtHeaderOffset {0,}, //Reserved[1] 2, //Revision { { 0, 0, } } }, { { 0, 0 } } }, // // Payload FVB // { 0, { {0,}, //ZeroVector[16] EFI_FIRMWARE_FILE_SYSTEM2_GUID, 0, EFI_FVH_SIGNATURE, 0x0004feff, // check MdePkg/Include/Pi/PiFirmwareVolume.h for details on EFI_FVB_ATTRIBUTES_2 sizeof (EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER) + sizeof (EFI_FV_BLOCK_MAP_ENTRY), 0, //CheckSum which will be calucated dynamically. 0x60, //ExtHeaderOffset {0,}, //Reserved[1] 2, //Revision { { 0, 0, } } }, { { 0, 0 } } } }; // // FTW working space and FTW spare space don't have FV header. // We need create one for them and use it for FVB protocol. // EFI_FVB2_MEDIA_INFO mPlatformFtwFvbInfo[] = { // // System variable FTW working FVB // { 0, { {0,}, //ZeroVector[16] EFI_SYSTEM_NV_DATA_FV_GUID, 0, EFI_FVH_SIGNATURE, 0x0004feff, // check MdePkg/Include/Pi/PiFirmwareVolume.h for details on EFI_FVB_ATTRIBUTES_2 sizeof (EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER) + sizeof (EFI_FV_BLOCK_MAP_ENTRY), 0, //CheckSum which will be calucated dynamically. 0, //ExtHeaderOffset {0,}, //Reserved[1] 2, //Revision { { 0, 0, } } }, { { 0, 0 } } }, // // Systen NV variable FTW spare FVB // { 0, { {0,}, //ZeroVector[16] EFI_SYSTEM_NV_DATA_FV_GUID, 0, EFI_FVH_SIGNATURE, 0x0004feff, // check MdePkg/Include/Pi/PiFirmwareVolume.h for details on EFI_FVB_ATTRIBUTES_2 sizeof (EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER) + sizeof (EFI_FV_BLOCK_MAP_ENTRY), 0, //CheckSum which will be calucated dynamically. 0, //ExtHeaderOffset {0,}, //Reserved[1] 2, //Revision { { 0, 0, } } }, { { 0, 0 } } } }; EFI_STATUS GetFtwFvbInfo ( IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS FvBaseAddress, OUT EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER **FvbInfo ) { UINTN Index; EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER *FvHeader; // // Init Fvb data // mPlatformFtwFvbInfo[0].BaseAddress = PcdGet32 (PcdFlashNvStorageFtwWorkingBase); mPlatformFtwFvbInfo[0].FvbInfo.FvLength = PcdGet32 (PcdFlashNvStorageFtwWorkingSize); mPlatformFtwFvbInfo[0].FvbInfo.BlockMap[0].NumBlocks = PcdGet32 (PcdFlashNvStorageFtwWorkingSize) / FVB_MEDIA_BLOCK_SIZE; mPlatformFtwFvbInfo[0].FvbInfo.BlockMap[0].Length = FVB_MEDIA_BLOCK_SIZE; ASSERT ((PcdGet32 (PcdFlashNvStorageFtwWorkingSize) % FVB_MEDIA_BLOCK_SIZE) == 0); mPlatformFtwFvbInfo[1].BaseAddress = PcdGet32 (PcdFlashNvStorageFtwSpareBase); mPlatformFtwFvbInfo[1].FvbInfo.FvLength = PcdGet32 (PcdFlashNvStorageFtwSpareSize); mPlatformFtwFvbInfo[1].FvbInfo.BlockMap[0].NumBlocks = PcdGet32 (PcdFlashNvStorageFtwSpareSize) / FVB_MEDIA_BLOCK_SIZE; mPlatformFtwFvbInfo[1].FvbInfo.BlockMap[0].Length = FVB_MEDIA_BLOCK_SIZE; ASSERT ((PcdGet32 (PcdFlashNvStorageFtwSpareSize) % FVB_MEDIA_BLOCK_SIZE) == 0); for (Index=0; Index < sizeof (mPlatformFtwFvbInfo)/sizeof (mPlatformFtwFvbInfo[0]); Index += 1) { if (mPlatformFtwFvbInfo[Index].BaseAddress == FvBaseAddress) { FvHeader = &mPlatformFtwFvbInfo[Index].FvbInfo; // // Update the checksum value of FV header. // FvHeader->Checksum = CalculateCheckSum16 ((UINT16 *) FvHeader, FvHeader->HeaderLength / sizeof (UINT16)); *FvbInfo = FvHeader; DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "\nFTW BaseAddr: 0x%lx \n", FvBaseAddress)); DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "FvLength: 0x%lx \n", (*FvbInfo)->FvLength)); DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "HeaderLength: 0x%x \n", (*FvbInfo)->HeaderLength)); DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "FvBlockMap[0].NumBlocks: 0x%x \n", (*FvbInfo)->BlockMap[0].NumBlocks)); DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "FvBlockMap[0].BlockLength: 0x%x \n", (*FvbInfo)->BlockMap[0].Length)); DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "FvBlockMap[1].NumBlocks: 0x%x \n", (*FvbInfo)->BlockMap[1].NumBlocks)); DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "FvBlockMap[1].BlockLength: 0x%x \n\n", (*FvbInfo)->BlockMap[1].Length)); return EFI_SUCCESS; } } return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } EFI_STATUS GetFvbInfo ( IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS FvBaseAddress, OUT EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER **FvbInfo ) { UINTN Index; EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER *FvHeader; // // Init Fvb data // mPlatformFvbMediaInfo[0].BaseAddress = PcdGet32 (PcdFlashFvMainBase); mPlatformFvbMediaInfo[0].FvbInfo.FvLength = PcdGet32 (PcdFlashFvMainSize); mPlatformFvbMediaInfo[0].FvbInfo.BlockMap[0].NumBlocks = PcdGet32 (PcdFlashFvMainSize) / FVB_MEDIA_BLOCK_SIZE; mPlatformFvbMediaInfo[0].FvbInfo.BlockMap[0].Length = FVB_MEDIA_BLOCK_SIZE; ASSERT ((PcdGet32 (PcdFlashFvMainSize) % FVB_MEDIA_BLOCK_SIZE) == 0); mPlatformFvbMediaInfo[1].BaseAddress = PcdGet32 (PcdFlashNvStorageVariableBase); mPlatformFvbMediaInfo[1].FvbInfo.FvLength = PcdGet32 (PcdFlashNvStorageVariableSize); mPlatformFvbMediaInfo[1].FvbInfo.BlockMap[0].NumBlocks = PcdGet32 (PcdFlashNvStorageVariableSize) / FVB_MEDIA_BLOCK_SIZE; mPlatformFvbMediaInfo[1].FvbInfo.BlockMap[0].Length = FVB_MEDIA_BLOCK_SIZE; ASSERT ((PcdGet32 (PcdFlashNvStorageVariableSize) % FVB_MEDIA_BLOCK_SIZE) == 0); mPlatformFvbMediaInfo[2].BaseAddress = PcdGet32 (PcdFlashFvRecoveryBase); mPlatformFvbMediaInfo[2].FvbInfo.FvLength = PcdGet32 (PcdFlashFvRecoverySize); mPlatformFvbMediaInfo[2].FvbInfo.BlockMap[0].NumBlocks = PcdGet32 (PcdFlashFvRecoverySize) / FVB_MEDIA_BLOCK_SIZE; mPlatformFvbMediaInfo[2].FvbInfo.BlockMap[0].Length = FVB_MEDIA_BLOCK_SIZE; ASSERT ((PcdGet32 (PcdFlashFvRecoverySize) % FVB_MEDIA_BLOCK_SIZE) == 0); mPlatformFvbMediaInfo[3].BaseAddress = PcdGet32 (PcdFlashFvRecovery2Base); mPlatformFvbMediaInfo[3].FvbInfo.FvLength = PcdGet32 (PcdFlashFvRecovery2Size); mPlatformFvbMediaInfo[3].FvbInfo.BlockMap[0].NumBlocks = PcdGet32 (PcdFlashFvRecovery2Size) / FVB_MEDIA_BLOCK_SIZE; mPlatformFvbMediaInfo[3].FvbInfo.BlockMap[0].Length = FVB_MEDIA_BLOCK_SIZE; ASSERT ((PcdGet32 (PcdFlashFvRecovery2Size) % FVB_MEDIA_BLOCK_SIZE) == 0); mPlatformFvbMediaInfo[4].BaseAddress = PcdGet32 (PcdFlashPayloadBase); mPlatformFvbMediaInfo[4].FvbInfo.FvLength = PcdGet32 (PcdFlashPayloadSize); mPlatformFvbMediaInfo[4].FvbInfo.BlockMap[0].NumBlocks = PcdGet32 (PcdFlashPayloadSize) / FVB_MEDIA_BLOCK_SIZE; mPlatformFvbMediaInfo[4].FvbInfo.BlockMap[0].Length = FVB_MEDIA_BLOCK_SIZE; ASSERT ((PcdGet32 (PcdFlashPayloadSize) % FVB_MEDIA_BLOCK_SIZE) == 0); for (Index=0; Index < sizeof (mPlatformFvbMediaInfo)/sizeof (mPlatformFvbMediaInfo[0]); Index += 1) { if (mPlatformFvbMediaInfo[Index].BaseAddress == FvBaseAddress) { FvHeader = &mPlatformFvbMediaInfo[Index].FvbInfo; // // Update the checksum value of FV header. // FvHeader->Checksum = CalculateCheckSum16 ((UINT16 *) FvHeader, FvHeader->HeaderLength / sizeof (UINT16)); *FvbInfo = FvHeader; DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "\nBaseAddr: 0x%lx \n", FvBaseAddress)); DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "FvLength: 0x%lx \n", (*FvbInfo)->FvLength)); DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "HeaderLength: 0x%x \n", (*FvbInfo)->HeaderLength)); DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "FvBlockMap[0].NumBlocks: 0x%x \n", (*FvbInfo)->BlockMap[0].NumBlocks)); DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "FvBlockMap[0].BlockLength: 0x%x \n", (*FvbInfo)->BlockMap[0].Length)); DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "FvBlockMap[1].NumBlocks: 0x%x \n", (*FvbInfo)->BlockMap[1].NumBlocks)); DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "FvBlockMap[1].BlockLength: 0x%x \n\n", (*FvbInfo)->BlockMap[1].Length)); return EFI_SUCCESS; } } return EFI_NOT_FOUND; }