@echo off echo %date% %time% echo. setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion EnableExtensions set exitCode=0 set BuildFlags= set thisscript=%0 :: Optional arguments :OptLoop if /i "%~1"=="" goto Usage if /i "%~1"=="/?" goto Usage set BuildOption=%~1 if "!BuildOption:~0,1!"=="/" ( set BuildFlags=%BuildFlags% %BuildOption% shift goto OptLoop ) :: Required argument(s) :: Require 2 input parameters , first parameter without a "/" is Platform Name if "%~2"=="" goto Usage :: Assign required arguments set PlatformName=%~1 set BuildTarget=%~2 :OptLoopEnd echo ---- Call Build Script of Broxton ---- if not exist Platform\%PlatformName%PlatformPkg\BuildIFWI.bat ( echo Platform %PlatformName%PlatformPkg does not exist echo. & echo Error - Unsupported Platform name: %1 echo. goto Usage ) echo calling : Platform\%PlatformName%PlatformPkg\BuildIFWI.bat %BuildFlags% /fspw MINN %BuildTarget% call Platform\%PlatformName%PlatformPkg\BuildIFWI.bat %BuildFlags% /fspw MINN %BuildTarget% goto Exit :Usage echo Usage: %thisscript% [options] ^ ^ echo. echo Options: echo. /? Display this help text echo. echo /m Set the build thread count to number of processors echo /vs13 Set Compiler to vs2013 build (default: vs2013) echo /x64 Set Arch to X64 (default: X64) echo /IA32 Set Arch to IA32 (default: X64) echo /A Set FabId to A (default: FAB_B) echo /B Set FabId to B (default: FAB_B) echo /MN MinnowBoard 3(default: MN) echo /MX MinnowBoard 3 Next echo /BG Benson Glacier Board echo PlatformName: Broxton echo BuildTargets: Release, Debug echo Examples: echo %thisscript% /vs13 /B /x64 Broxton Debug set exitCode=1 :Exit exit /b %exitCode%