/*++ Copyright (c) 2006 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: EfiLoader.c Abstract: Revision History: --*/ #include "EfiLdr.h" #include "Support.h" #include "Debug.h" #include "PeLoader.h" #include "LzmaDecompress.h" EFILDR_LOADED_IMAGE DxeCoreImage; EFILDR_LOADED_IMAGE DxeIplImage; VOID SystemHang ( CHAR8 *Message ) { PrintString ( "%s## FATAL ERROR ##: Fail to load DUET images! System hang!\n", Message ); CpuDeadLoop(); } VOID EfiLoader ( UINT32 BiosMemoryMapBaseAddress ) { BIOS_MEMORY_MAP *BiosMemoryMap; EFILDR_IMAGE *EFILDRImage; EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR EfiMemoryDescriptor[EFI_MAX_MEMORY_DESCRIPTORS]; EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN NumberOfMemoryMapEntries; UINT32 DestinationSize; UINT32 ScratchSize; UINTN BfvPageNumber; UINTN BfvBase; EFI_MAIN_ENTRYPOINT EfiMainEntrypoint; EFILDRHANDOFF Handoff; UINTN Index; ClearScreen(); PrintHeader ('A'); PrintString ("Enter DUET Loader...\n"); PrintString ("BiosMemoryMapBaseAddress = %x\n", (UINTN) BiosMemoryMapBaseAddress); // // Add all EfiConventionalMemory descriptors to the table. If there are partial pages, then // round the start address up to the next page, and round the length down to a page boundry. // BiosMemoryMap = (BIOS_MEMORY_MAP *) (UINTN) BiosMemoryMapBaseAddress; NumberOfMemoryMapEntries = 0; GenMemoryMap (&NumberOfMemoryMapEntries, EfiMemoryDescriptor, BiosMemoryMap); PrintString ("Get %d entries of memory map!\n", NumberOfMemoryMapEntries); // // Get information on where the image is in memory // EFILDRImage = (EFILDR_IMAGE *)(UINTN)(EFILDR_HEADER_ADDRESS + sizeof(EFILDR_HEADER)); // // Point to the 4th image (Bfv) // EFILDRImage += 3; // // Decompress the image // PrintString ( "Decompress BFV image, Image Address = %x Offset = %x\n", (UINTN) (EFILDR_HEADER_ADDRESS + EFILDRImage->Offset), (UINTN) EFILDRImage->Offset ); Status = LzmaUefiDecompressGetInfo ( (VOID *)(UINTN)(EFILDR_HEADER_ADDRESS + EFILDRImage->Offset), EFILDRImage->Length, &DestinationSize, &ScratchSize ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { SystemHang ("Failed to get decompress information for BFV!\n"); } PrintString ("BFV decompress: DestinationSize = %x, ScratchSize = %x\n", (UINTN) DestinationSize, (UINTN) ScratchSize); Status = LzmaUefiDecompress ( (VOID *)(UINTN)(EFILDR_HEADER_ADDRESS + EFILDRImage->Offset), EFILDRImage->Length, (VOID *)(UINTN)EFI_DECOMPRESSED_BUFFER_ADDRESS, (VOID *)(UINTN)((EFI_DECOMPRESSED_BUFFER_ADDRESS + DestinationSize + 0x1000) & 0xfffff000) ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { SystemHang ("Failed to decompress BFV!\n"); } BfvPageNumber = EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (DestinationSize); BfvBase = (UINTN) FindSpace (BfvPageNumber, &NumberOfMemoryMapEntries, EfiMemoryDescriptor, EfiRuntimeServicesData, EFI_MEMORY_WB); if (BfvBase == 0) { SystemHang ("Failed to find free space to hold decompressed BFV\n"); } ZeroMem ((VOID *)(UINTN)BfvBase, BfvPageNumber * EFI_PAGE_SIZE); CopyMem ((VOID *)(UINTN)BfvBase, (VOID *)(UINTN)EFI_DECOMPRESSED_BUFFER_ADDRESS, DestinationSize); PrintHeader ('B'); // // Point to the 2nd image (DxeIpl) // EFILDRImage -= 2; // // Decompress the image // PrintString ( "Decompress DxeIpl image, Image Address = %x Offset = %x\n", (UINTN) (EFILDR_HEADER_ADDRESS + EFILDRImage->Offset), (UINTN) EFILDRImage->Offset ); Status = LzmaUefiDecompressGetInfo ( (VOID *)(UINTN)(EFILDR_HEADER_ADDRESS + EFILDRImage->Offset), EFILDRImage->Length, &DestinationSize, &ScratchSize ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { SystemHang ("Failed to get decompress information for DxeIpl!\n"); } Status = LzmaUefiDecompress ( (VOID *)(UINTN)(EFILDR_HEADER_ADDRESS + EFILDRImage->Offset), EFILDRImage->Length, (VOID *)(UINTN)EFI_DECOMPRESSED_BUFFER_ADDRESS, (VOID *)(UINTN)((EFI_DECOMPRESSED_BUFFER_ADDRESS + DestinationSize + 0x1000) & 0xfffff000) ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { SystemHang ("Failed to decompress DxeIpl image\n"); } PrintString ("Start load DxeIpl PE image\n"); // // Load and relocate the EFI PE/COFF Firmware Image // Status = EfiLdrPeCoffLoadPeImage ( (VOID *)(UINTN)(EFI_DECOMPRESSED_BUFFER_ADDRESS), &DxeIplImage, &NumberOfMemoryMapEntries, EfiMemoryDescriptor ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { SystemHang ("Failed to load and relocate DxeIpl PE image!\n"); } PrintString ( "DxeIpl PE image is successed loaded at %lx, entry=%p\n", DxeIplImage.ImageBasePage, DxeIplImage.EntryPoint ); PrintHeader ('C'); // // Point to the 3rd image (DxeMain) // EFILDRImage++; // // Decompress the image // PrintString ( "Decompress DxeMain FV image, Image Address = %x Offset = %x\n", (UINTN)(EFILDR_HEADER_ADDRESS + EFILDRImage->Offset), (UINTN) EFILDRImage->Offset ); Status = LzmaUefiDecompressGetInfo ( (VOID *)(UINTN)(EFILDR_HEADER_ADDRESS + EFILDRImage->Offset), EFILDRImage->Length, &DestinationSize, &ScratchSize ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { SystemHang ("Failed to get decompress information for DxeMain FV image!\n"); } Status = LzmaUefiDecompress ( (VOID *)(UINTN)(EFILDR_HEADER_ADDRESS + EFILDRImage->Offset), EFILDRImage->Length, (VOID *)(UINTN)EFI_DECOMPRESSED_BUFFER_ADDRESS, (VOID *)(UINTN)((EFI_DECOMPRESSED_BUFFER_ADDRESS + DestinationSize + 0x1000) & 0xfffff000) ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { SystemHang ("Failed to decompress DxeMain FV image!\n"); } // // Load and relocate the EFI PE/COFF Firmware Image // Status = EfiLdrPeCoffLoadPeImage ( (VOID *)(UINTN)(EFI_DECOMPRESSED_BUFFER_ADDRESS), &DxeCoreImage, &NumberOfMemoryMapEntries, EfiMemoryDescriptor ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { SystemHang ("Failed to load/relocate DxeMain!\n"); } PrintString ( "DxeCore PE image is successed loaded at %lx, entry=%p\n", DxeCoreImage.ImageBasePage, DxeCoreImage.EntryPoint ); PrintHeader ('E'); // // Display the table of memory descriptors. // PrintString ("\nEFI Memory Descriptors\n"); for (Index = 0; Index < NumberOfMemoryMapEntries; Index++) { PrintString ( "Type = %x Start = %08lx NumberOfPages = %08lx\n", EfiMemoryDescriptor[Index].Type, EfiMemoryDescriptor[Index].PhysicalStart, EfiMemoryDescriptor[Index].NumberOfPages ); } // // Jump to EFI Firmware // if (DxeIplImage.EntryPoint != NULL) { Handoff.MemDescCount = NumberOfMemoryMapEntries; Handoff.MemDesc = EfiMemoryDescriptor; Handoff.BfvBase = (VOID *)(UINTN)BfvBase; Handoff.BfvSize = BfvPageNumber * EFI_PAGE_SIZE; Handoff.DxeIplImageBase = (VOID *)(UINTN)DxeIplImage.ImageBasePage; Handoff.DxeIplImageSize = DxeIplImage.NoPages * EFI_PAGE_SIZE; Handoff.DxeCoreImageBase = (VOID *)(UINTN)DxeCoreImage.ImageBasePage; Handoff.DxeCoreImageSize = DxeCoreImage.NoPages * EFI_PAGE_SIZE; Handoff.DxeCoreEntryPoint = (VOID *)(UINTN)DxeCoreImage.EntryPoint; PrintString ("Transfer to DxeIpl ...EntryPoint = %p\n", DxeIplImage.EntryPoint); EfiMainEntrypoint = (EFI_MAIN_ENTRYPOINT) DxeIplImage.EntryPoint; EfiMainEntrypoint (&Handoff); } PrintHeader ('F'); // // There was a problem loading the image, so HALT the system. // SystemHang ("Failed to jump to DxeIpl!\n"); } EFI_STATUS EFIAPI _ModuleEntryPoint ( UINT32 BiosMemoryMapBaseAddress ) { SerialPortInitialize (); EfiLoader(BiosMemoryMapBaseAddress); return EFI_SUCCESS; }